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在当代社会对自由主义的研究中,英国思想家伯林把"自由"理解为"消极自由",并且这一定义被广为接受.斯金纳教授对这一观点提出了批评,并且通过对思想史的"知识考古"提出了"自由"的另一种定义,只有在共和的政治体制下,我们才能够获得自由和保有自由.这样,斯金纳就打破了人的"自由"与政治体制没有联结的"消极自由"观,希望在"积极自由"和"消极自由"的结合中来保有我们的自由,避免受到强制和奴役.  相似文献   

以女性主义的观点看来 ,《静静的顿河》无疑是一部男性中心主义色彩十分浓重的作品 ,书中的女性形象受到了贬抑、歪曲、物化 ,而男性力量得以张扬。虽然作者也在作品中塑造了许多具有独特个性的女性形象 ,甚至描写了女性对于男性的反抗和女性主体意识的觉醒 ,但这种描写更多地是出于作者的人道主义和平等思想 ,仍是一种男性主体意识的流露。  相似文献   

朱子对自己研阅解读经典的途径和方法,曾作比较全面的探索和总结,其中一以贯之的经验在于"浃洽"二字.即在义理融会畅达的基础上,已熟的经书义理与实践操履相结合,在交融印证中获得对于义理的真切感受,达到身心与义理水乳交融的境界.这既是朱子一生读书问学之大体会,也是我们考察朱子读书整理文献的重要方面.  相似文献   

两千多年来,老子提出的“无为”思想对中国历代统治产生深刻的影响。今天,用现代领导学的观点来审视和考察老子“无为”的思想,就不难看出老子的“无为”思想包含了许多的现代领导学所提倡的领导工作方法,为今天的领导提供了宝贵的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

纵观茨威格的小说创作,我们发现其创作受弗洛伊德学说的影响是事实。但是笔者对茨威格小说“除了运用弗洛伊德的心理学理论外,看不出别的特征”这种观点,却是万万不能苟同的。我们认真阅读和分析茨威格的小说文本,发现并不仅仅是再现和图解弗洛伊德的心理学理论,茨威格的小说创作有其特殊的内容和特征。  相似文献   

通过对我院近几年标枪运动员身体形态与技术风格的对比分析,发现不同身体形态的运动员只有采用适合自身身体形态的技术风格,才能发挥出自身的特点,取得最好的成绩。从多方面较详细研究分析了身体形态与技术风格的关系,并从目前最常见的几种技术风格与标枪运动员的身体形态及其技术特点和取得的成绩入手作进一步的探析,期望为高校标枪教练员的训练工作提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Around the world, multiple-choice tests are widely used as part of high-stakes examinations. To counteract lucky guessing, many of them have instituted a penalty for wrong answers. In this paper, we use administrative data from Turkish college admissions test to study the heterogeneity in gender differences in tendency to leave questions blank across subjects, difficulty levels, and stakes. Exploiting the tracking system and using the resulting variation in the effective guessing penalty across different test sections, we find that female test-takers skip significantly more questions than male test-takers in the quantitative track while we do not find a significant difference in other tracks. Among quantitative track students, the gender gap is larger in Math and when questions are more difficult while it reverses in Literature. We also find that self-assessment is related to skipping behavior and explains part of the gender gap. Male test-takers are more likely than female test-takers to report that they are good at Math, Science, and Social Science after conditioning on their number of correct answers in the corresponding test sections. This gender gap, consistently with the one in skipping behavior, reverses when it comes to Literature. Differently from previous literature, our findings suggest that the magnitude and the sign of the gender gap in answering questions under uncertainty is context dependent.  相似文献   

Let me share with you how honored I am to receive an award named after the late Dr. Jay Millman. In 1983, after completing the first of our research studies that began our continuing work in value-added, our report was sent by officials in the Tennessee Department of Education for review by Dr. Millman. It is no secret that many in the Department at the time were assuming that his anticipated critical review would put an end to such a preposterous idea—that student achievement data could be used as part of teacher evaluation. Days turned into weeks; each time that I would inquire of the Department as to when we would hear from the review, I was always told that they had not received it. One day I called Dr. Millman and explained my frustration of not hearing from the review and inquired as to when it might be available. He immediately interrupted and explained that he had sent the review several weeks previous to that day and that he would be glad to send me a copy of his remarks, obviously very angry that they had not been passed on to me. Upon receiving and reading his review, it became obvious why I had not received a copy from the Department. Even though he raised many important questions, his review was most objective and generally very positive. Later, he asked us to submit chapters to the book on student outcomes assessment models that he edited. In all of my interactions with Jay, I developed the utmost respect for this distinguished scholar, and I am glad that fate let our paths cross.  相似文献   

目前关于朱子“中和之悟”的研究多偏重于考证和“知识论”的一面,而未能把它放在朱子探求为学之方的大背景下来解读,结果是我们自己关注的问题常常游离于朱子思想的内在逻辑之外。朱子对该问题的思考,重在解决个人的道德践履问题,而非单纯地构建理论体系,这是把握朱子基本为学精神的基础。  相似文献   

“江郎才尽”早在宋末齐初江淹35岁前后业已开始,到永明年问彻底“才尽”。要解释为什么江淹壮年即出现“才尽”的现象,固然可以在永明以后去寻找答案,但更重要的应该从永明以前,乃至江淹35岁以前去寻找。文学交游的贫乏是造成他壮年即“才尽”的重要原因。考察江淹“才尽”前后文学交游的贫乏,我们会为“江郎才尽”找到更加深刻的社会文化根源。  相似文献   

Here we refer the native language to Chinese and the second language to English especially college English. According to linguistic study, there are certain native language interferences in secondlanguage acquisition when one is learning the second language,i. e. when a Chinese is learningEnglish, due to the influence of mother tongue which is habitually applied in learning the second language, his pronounciation, his grammar and his vocabulary are quite likely influencedor interfered by his native language or his dialect. Unfortunately, we did find certain first language interferences in our English teaching and learning processes on various items or subjects.  相似文献   

全球地方化是指全球化与地方化的融合。刘重德作为全球地方化理念的成功实践者,以其人生经历诠释了全球化和地方化在中国翻译研究和翻译实践领域不再分离的观点。从全球地方化视角探究不同文化的互相渗透,将帮助我们进一步认清刘重德的生平业绩、道德品质、翻译理论与翻译实践。他的成就可以概述为:(1)重英译汉,亦重汉译英;(2)兼收并蓄,形成自己独特的理论体系;(3)建立中国英汉语比较研究会,为跨文化研究提供载体;(4)重视全球地方化语境下的翻译人才尤其是中译外翻译人才的培养——所有这一切均将有助于中国文化在全球地方化时代永远保持自己独特的文化身份。  相似文献   

土地、劳动人民、流浪等在秦牧散文中出现的高频率意象,以及其作品所蕴涵的浓厚的反思性,使得评论界历来将他定位在颂歌鼓手类.但深入探究其人作品,这非但不能作为他热情颂唱的证明,反而透析了他内心的迷惘与困惑,折射出其生活在精神夹缝中引发的一种变向、曲折的寻根意识.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the Functional Adult Literacy Program (FALP) that we have developed in Turkey. FALP, which is taught by volunteer instructors, focuses on individuals who have had very little or no schooling. The two evaluation studies of the first three cohorts of the program indicate that FALP is significantly more effective than the existing programs in developing word recognition and reading comprehension. However, the longevity of the gains depended on the initial levels of the participants and the extent of literacy use after the course was over. On the basis of the evaluation data and our observations, we discuss the implications for adult literacy programs in general.  相似文献   

《史记》是我国一部杰出的史学著作,作为一部信史,在其身上,很好地体现了我国史学优良的“实录”传统。然纵观《史记》全书,却发现《史记》中存在大量“非实录”的史料,这便与“实录”传统产生了矛盾。本文以时代生死观的角度,探讨《史记》中存在大量“非实录”史料的原因。  相似文献   

文章通过对王向远<比较文学学科新论>专著的辩析,其中对该文以详实的材料、独立的观点提出了自己的看法,尤其是对该文厘清文学史真相,敢于在权威定义面前说"不"的较真表示了敬服.  相似文献   

This paper argues in favour of the beneficial currency of Thomas Carlyle's ‘On Heroes, Hero‐worship and the Heroic in History’ in three ways, each of which finds the basis of its critique in aspects of Foucault's theories of discursive practice, as explored in Foucault's theories of historical discourse; 1) that Carlyle's terminology connects with his discursive practice in an ambiguous manner, as his concept of worship is more akin to study than devotion, if we take the text of his lectures as evidence of his perception; 2) the sources of enlightenment Carlyle offers us, based on these studies of heroic individuals, may provide an exemplar for interdisciplinary scholarship centred around biographies of notable individuals, and finally; 3) we challenge the notion that heroes such as those Carlyle offers us can be manifest in the present and argue that the depth of insight Carlyle demonstrates into his subjects is only possible by means of a lengthy temporal transition: the historicity of these narratives, and the narratives of social codification, cultural development and long‐term impact witnessed and described over generations, is what makes them feasible at all.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alison Jones finds in the writing of her students who take up post-structuralism, a confused humanism, an illegitimate appearance of a prediscursive self. She attributes this to some aspects of my writing and to the students' failure to understand the structuralist base of post-structuralism. Jones argues that I and her students are guilty of humanism when we use active verbs such as 'positioning' or 'forced choice', or when we try to imagine what agency might be in a post-structuralist framework. In this reply I produce a detailed reading of Jones'. In doing so, I attempt to find how she produced her reading of my writing, and at the same time to extend my understanding of what the 'post-structuralist subject' might be. I attend to this in the dual sense of human beings as subjects, and the subject of post-structuralism as we teach it to our students.  相似文献   

读穆旦的诗,人们往往读到的是陌生化的语言,独特的意象,感受到的是诗人隐藏于诗句中的沉雄的力量,近于荒诞而又饱含理智的情感内蕴。然而,当我们以以往的阅读经验来读他的《冬》时,却发掘出一个别样的穆旦,看到一种仿佛洗尽铅华、不再拥有金属质般外表的诗体,这是我们并不十分熟悉的穆旦与他的诗。但是诗中饱含的沉重的历史反思、民族审视却是一以贯之,依然跳动着诗人智慧的良心。其表现的对于"文化大革命"的别样思考是我们在同时代诗人的诗中所难以发现的,也是我们所要关注的"诗心"所在。  相似文献   

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