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近年来,科技政策质量越来越受到关注。本文依据科技政策的特殊性,提出政治与知识结合的ICD3PA模型描述政策过程,探讨政策过程与政策内容的互动关系,讨论了政策质量的五条标准,提出从完善政策过程入手改善政策内容、提高政策质量。  相似文献   

高璐  李正风 《科学学研究》2010,28(5):655-661
英国疯牛病危机动摇了英国既定的以专家为中心的决策制定模式,引发了"统治"范式的危机,也为"治理"范式提供了重要动力。经历了危机的英国政府在新时期试图建立一种"治理"范式下的生物技术政策模式,非政府机构的参与成为了新范式的显著特征。本文分析了从"统治"到"治理"变化的过程中的诸多影响因素,比较分析"统治"与"治理"两种政策范式。并指出,"治理"范式能够更好地捕捉现代社会与技术关系的新特征,因此对于新技术发展过程中相关社会问题研究的重要性逐渐凸显。  相似文献   

通过对我国两起重大科研不端案件的回顾,对传统的多源流政策议程模型和触发机制理论进行了改进,提出了基于行动者能动性的多层流演化的新模型.本文打开了问题流过程的黑箱并指出,政策议程的触发机制在于来源于不同行动者对于复杂问题的收敛能力之间的博弈;而我国科研不端行为处理政策议程的形成是科技管理部门通过对科技体制建设中逐渐暴露出的新问题重新界定的方式,对现有矛盾的一种缓和甚至焦点转移.因此<国家科技计划实施中科研不端行为处理办法(试行)>只是我国科研不端行为处理政策议程的"新的开始".  相似文献   

古代中国是一个发明的国度。中国人首先栽培水稻和茶树等作物,发明了丝绸、瓷器和机械时钟等。中国技术在11世纪前后基本上满足了古代农业社会的需求。19世纪60年代,中国开始技术"换道"发展,即引进和模仿西方技术,兴办近代工业。20世纪30年代前建立了工程科学。20世纪50年代,构建了比较完整的科研体系、工业体系和教育体系。在改革开放时期,通过引进技术来实现产业升级,并努力创新产品。20世纪90年代,将创新视为技术和经济发展的关键。2012年11月,党的十八大决定实施创新驱动发展战略。面对各种挑战,中国应研判本国科技处于什么发展阶段,做好科技布局和改革,有效地增强创新能力。  相似文献   

<正>Dr.Patrick Mountapmbeme Kouotou,Cameroonian Researcher working at the Institute of Engineering Thermophysics(IET),CAS shares his experience as a recipient of the CAS Visiting Professorship for Senior International Sciences.  相似文献   

From eugenics to scientometrics: Galton, Cattell, and men of science   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1906, James McKeen Cattell, editor of Science, published a directory of men of science. American Men of Science was a collection of biographical sketches of thousands of men of science in the USA and was published periodically. It launched, and was used in, the very first systematic quantitative studies on science. Cattell used two concepts for his statistics: productivity, defined as the number of men of science a nation produces, and performance or merit, defined as scientific contributions to research as judged by peers. These are the two dimensions that still define measurement of scientific productivity today: quantity and quality. This paper analyzes the emergence of statistics on science and the very first uses to which they were put. It argues that the measurement of science emerged out of interest in great men, heredity and eugenics, and the contribution of eminent men to civilization. Among these eminent men were men of science, the population of whom was thought to be in decline and insufficiently appreciated and supported. Statistics on men of science thus came to be collected to document the case, and to contribute to the advancement of science and the scientific profession.  相似文献   

知识产权融资给科技型中小企业提供了一种有效的融资方式。各级政府在推进知识产权融资方面的热情很高,但是实际的业务开展却不很理想,参与各方的积极性也并不很高。本文在总结国内外知识产权融资的基本模式前提下,从资金需求方、中介市场、资金供应方三个方面深入分析了影响知识产权融资业务开展的障碍,最后提出有针对性的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文就政策因素对我国加工贸易向中西部转移的影响进行了详细分析,结果发现:东西部政策缺少落差、部门之间政策协调性差和出口加工区政策矛盾等是制约我国加工贸易向中西部转移的最为重要的三个政策因素。据此,文章认为制定并完善有关政策是我国加工贸易转移升级所面临的重要任务。  相似文献   

Keyphrase prediction aims to generate phrases (keyphrases) that highly summarizes a given document. Recently, researchers have conducted in-depth studies on this task from various perspectives. In this paper, we comprehensively summarize representative studies from the perspectives of dominant models, datasets and evaluation metrics. Our work analyzes up to 167 previous works, achieving greater coverage of this task than previous surveys. Particularly, we focus highly on deep learning-based keyphrase prediction, which attracts increasing attention of this task in recent years. Afterwards, we conduct several groups of experiments to carefully compare representative models. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first attempt to compare these models using the identical commonly-used datasets and evaluation metric, facilitating in-depth analyses of their disadvantages and advantages. Finally, we discuss the possible research directions of this task in the future.  相似文献   

自新中国成立以来,我国种子产业经历了五个发展阶段,目前已基本完成了商业化种子改革。种子产业的发展有力地促进了我国农业生产的科技进步。但本文分析也表明,现行的政府研究单位主导商业化育种和种子管理属地化的体制,制约了种子产业现代化的进程,并导致种子产业的一系列问题。为此,本文提出了深化政府育种体系和种子产业改革的政策建议。  相似文献   

信息社会的飞速发展对信息存储、加工、传输能力提出了与日俱增的迫切需求。随着“摩尔定律”逐渐逼近极限,半导体工业急需寻求新的解决方案。二维材料因为原子级厚度的尺寸特点,表面无悬挂键的结构优势加上极大比表面积导致的对电、光等调控手段的敏感性被认为是“后摩尔定律”时代半导体工业新的突破口。松山湖材料实验室引进一批国内外顶级科学家,组建二维材料团队,以基础科研为根基,以工程应用为导向,重点攻关其中关键问题。其目标在于取得有世界级重大影响力的科研成果,布局我国二维材料产业。  相似文献   

建设创新型国家,关键在于推进从“制造”到“创造”的转变.以我国WAPI和TD-SCDMA两项自主标准的制定及国际化过程为个案研究对象,从部门利益、技术专家网络及国际参与层次剖析了我国追求自主标准的战略过程,并提出网络经济形势下有效的自主标准国际化模式,具体分析了国际标准化制度下从“制造”到“创造”的转型之路.研究比较了WAPI和TD-SCDMA两项标准的不同发展路径,WAPI因政府主导下的部门利益冲突导致挫败,而TD-SCD-MA则因充分运用了网络经济外部性及技术专家网络的能力获得成功.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(10):103582
In the light of pressing societal challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity, scholars are increasingly interested in studying policy mixes in the context of sustainability transitions. However, despite numerous conceptual advances and empirical insights, researchers still lack universal criteria or accepted heuristics for delineating policy mixes in these complex policy spaces. We address this gap by conducting an extensive review of the literature, synthesizing best practices, and developing an analytical framework that provides researchers with two archetypical methodological approaches. The top-down approach builds on the idea that the elements of a policy mix originate from an overarching strategic intent. By contrast, the bottom-up approach starts from the definition of a focal impact domain that is affected by a range of policy instruments. For each approach, we outline a systematic analytical procedure, then implement it to scrutinize how policy affects the emerging technological domain of energy storage in California. We find that each approach has particular advantages that render it useful for certain policy mix analyses. Discussing how researchers may choose between the two approaches or leverage their complementarities, we seek to provide the basis for a consistent research program building on the policy mix framework.  相似文献   

罗贵春 《科教文汇》2012,(11):102-103
主动变换角色,让学生成为学习的主人,我变成引导和辅助的地位。课堂主体的变更——课堂教学核心的定位。变"给"为"得",由思而得——教学改革的必由之路。  相似文献   

陈朝晖  谢薇 《科研管理》2012,33(12):110-116
对专利商业化激励,奖励理论认为应加强对发明创造的直接激励,前景理论强调后期商业化激励的持续性,由此形成了两种不同的激励模式。本文以ODA法案及相关政策为研究对象,分析了商业化激励政策的演变,得到如下结论:注重商业化市场保护的"市场权"与注重技术创新保护的"专利权",共同构成了紧密衔接和相互支持的激励框架,较好解决了市场失灵导致的商业化激励不足。同时,要增进专利商业化的激励绩效,还应重视中小企业的作用,实现"推动"与"拉动"之间、专利生产与商业化之间的动态均衡。  相似文献   

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