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A paper by Macagno (3) in this Journal is discussed. The origin of the concept of physical dimensions is traced back to ideas previously used in analytic geometry. Descartes' use of the word “dimension” in the study of physical magnitudes is shown to have properties completely different from Fourier's dimensions, being therefore unimportant to the evolution of dimensional analysis. It is also shown that the principle of homogeneity was used in the derivation of physical equations sixty years prior to the publication of Fourier's work, and that the latter was aware of this paper, that may be considered the earliest publication on dimensional analysis.  相似文献   

耿红梅 《大众科技》2011,(11):3-4,10
目前对一般无约束最优化问题的研究主要是以拟牛顿算法为主,并且随着研究的深入,各种基于修改原始拟牛顿方程的新拟牛顿算法取得了较好的成果。文章主要对几种改进后的算法做个综述。  相似文献   

Three traditional problems in accelerative mechanics are chosen to exemplify the manner of working by the proportionalities method. The formal construction of a proportionality is given and the form of the dimensional matrix of a monomial is discussed. Having chosen the dimensional in which the (n+1) term reduction of the variables of a dimensionally homogeneous set is to be explicitly dimensionally homogeneous, the variables of other dimensions may be systematically combined, as necessary, to leave only terms in the first chosen dimension and one other. The variables of the first dimension, together with the proportionalities formed in terms of the first dimension, can then be arranged to encompass the whole relationship between the variables of the set. This is done in a manner which readily allows formal display of all the choices in the nondimensionalization process of reduction from the (n+1) term equation to the n term nondimensional equation.  相似文献   

通过学习环境保护法,对广西冶金研究院分析测试中心的现行环保行动做了阐述,为化学检测室建设过程中的环境保护要求作出参考。  相似文献   

The usability of many high-throughput lab-on-a-chip devices in point-of-care applications is currently limited by the manual data acquisition and analysis process, which are labor intensive and time consuming. Based on our original design in the biochemical reactions, we proposed here a universal approach to perform automatic, fast, and robust analysis for high-throughput array-based microfluidic immunoassays. Inspired by two-dimensional (2D) barcodes, we incorporated asymmetric function patterns into a microfluidic array. These function patterns provide quantitative information on the characteristic dimensions of the microfluidic array, as well as mark its orientation and origin of coordinates. We used a computer program to perform automatic analysis for a high-throughput antigen/antibody interaction experiment in 10 s, which was more than 500 times faster than conventional manual processing. Our method is broadly applicable to many other microchannel-based immunoassays.  相似文献   

Dimensional analysis has proved to be a most useful engineering tool, and various techniques have been developed since the 19th century. Of these, the matrix method can be considered to be the most systematic approach for obtaining a set of dimensionless parameters from a group of relevant variables. In the present paper, an organized mathematical formulation, not previously reported in the literature, is presented. Other methods of implementation are also described for the sake of completeness. The elegance and efficiency of the matrix method, when the number of variables increases, is demonstrated with the help of a suitable example.  相似文献   

论述了蜜罐的发展历史、发展方向及按不同标准对蜜罐进行了分类,给出了构建应用型蜜罐和研究型蜜罐的基本原则.介绍了一种蜜罐-DTK。  相似文献   

目前中国学者对于新产品开发绩效的影响因素研究较多,但由于各自研究范围的局限性,而使研究结论的普适性不强。本研究通过对中国企业新产品开发绩效进行元分析,将新产品开发绩效划分为二维的市场绩效和项目绩效,分别得到影响新产品开发市场绩效和项目绩效的合格元因子,并且对元因子进行了归类。最后构建了影响新产品开发二维绩效的理论模型,并为以后的研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

由中科院和国际干旱区开发委员会(IDDC)共同主办,主题为“人与自然·和谐共发展”的“第8届国际干旱区开发大会”于2006年2月25—28日在北京举行。根据联合国大会的决议,2006年被定为“联合国荒漠年(DesertYear oftheUN,2006)”,这是继联合国1977年内罗毕荒漠化大会和1994年组织签署“联合国荒漠化公约”以后,再次提醒全球对荒漠和荒漠化问题的重视。本次大会就是作为“联合国荒漠年”的一次重要的活动而举办的。大会得到了中科院、国际干旱区开发委员会、国际干旱区农业研究中心、联合国教科文组织、联合国荒漠化公约处、世界粮农组织…  相似文献   

Compared to the traditional single color plane based image denoising methods, the quaternion valued singular value decomposition (QSVD) exploits the relationship among different color planes. Hence, it has been applied to the color image denoising. On the other hand, compared to the non-overlapping based image denoising methods, the two dimensional real valued singular spectrum analysis (2DSSA) constructs the trajectory matrix with many elements in the matrix being overlapped. Since the 2DSSA exploits the local information within each color plane, it has also been applied to the single color plane based image denoising. However, neither these two image denoising methods can exploit the relationship among the color planes and the local information within each color plane simultaneously. Therefore, this paper proposes a two dimensional quaternion valued singular spectrum analysis (2DQSSA) based method for performing the color image denoising. Our proposed method can enjoy the advantages of both methods. However, the most critical issue for the 2DQSSA is on the selection of these 2DQSSA components. This paper finds that the optimal total number of the 2DQSSA components used for performing the reconstruction is monotonic decreasing with respect to the power of the noise in the image. Therefore, the polynomial fitting approach is proposed to model this relationship. Since the 2DQSSA based denoising method exploits the relationship among the red color plane, the green color plane and the blue color plane, the 2DQSSA based denoising method outperforms the conventional single color plane based denoising methods. Moreover, since the 2DQSSA based denoising method also exploits the local relationship within each color plane, the 2DQSSA based denoising method outperforms the non-overlapping based methods.  相似文献   

韦影  王昀 《科研管理》2015,36(7):154-160
基于创新现象的多层次特点,将企业社会资本划分为企业外部社会资本、团队社会资本和个人社会资本三个层次,将知识转移划分为企业、团队和个体三个层次的知识转移。通过对现有研究中各层次知识转移的影响因素及各层次社会资本与知识转移的相关文献进行梳理,总体把握不同层次社会资本对知识转移的作用,提出今后可从多层次和跨层次的视角推进相关研究。  相似文献   

赵庆  余梅  肖小虹 《科研管理》2020,41(3):256-263
中国经济正在以前所未有的姿态与世界接轨。农业作为中国经济的重要部门,也正经历着重要的历史性转变。近年来,农业创新与发展出现的一些新模式将对中国经济产生重大的影响,有必要对中国农业创新发展模式给予高度的关注。当前学术界对中国农业创新发展模式的研究主要散落于系统、制度、框架、科技、社会和组织等局部性的探讨,而整体性、结构性的研究十分欠缺。学理上,农业创新发展模式可以被看作创新发展的理论图式和解释方案,具有典型的整体性和结构性特征,值得全面总结与梳理。本文依据结构主义对农业创新发展模式进行整体性的分析,认为中国农业创新发展模式主要可以分为两类:一是农业内部创新生成模式;二是产业融合创新发展模式。在新时期,产业融合创新发展模式将成为主流和未来的发展趋向,在演化过程中受外部因素和控制变量影响,逐渐生成中国特有的创新发展模式。  相似文献   

Term classifications and thesauri can be used for many purposes in automatic information retrieval. Normally a thesaurus is generated manually by subject experts: alternatively, the associations between the terms can be obtained automatically by using the occurrence characteristics of the terms across the documents of a collection. A third possibility consists in taking into account user relevance assessments of certain documents with respect to certain queries in order to build term classes designed to retrieve the relevant documents and simultaneously to reject the nonrelevant documents. This last strategy, known as pseudoclassification, produces a user-dependent term classification.A number of pseudoclassification studies are summarized in the present report, and conclusions are reached concerning the effectiveness and feasibility of constructing term classifications based on human relevance assessments.  相似文献   

本文介绍了常见的空气质量预报方法,如回归方法、时间序列模式、决策树法、最近邻居法、模式预报法及数值预报法,通过比较分析,认为回归方法是目前比较理想的空气质量预报方法。  相似文献   

以往研究认为,企业国际化发展是一个渐进的过程,必须经历一个特定的阶段。但最新研究发现,许多企业不再严格遵照阶段模式进行国际化,而是在成立之初就确定了国际化的战略,我们将这类国际化的企业定义为天生国际经营企业。天生国际经营企业是从企业成立最初就采取主动的国际化战略,通过从不同国家获得生产制造资源和销售产品来寻求获得重要的、有竞争性优势的企业。天生国际经营企业形成的主要因素有市场交易内部化、管理决策结构、国外区位优势、独特资源等。  相似文献   

偏高岭土的结构特点及其应用研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐小彬 《大众科技》2012,(6):129-130,119
文章以湛江高岭土为例,分析了高岭土经脱水煅烧为偏高岭土后的结构形貌变化以及结构变化后形成的特色性能,简要介绍了偏高岭土在水泥混凝土工业、固化金属尾矿及制备催化剂、分子筛等中的应用。  相似文献   

针对南宁市武鸣县武鸣河整治工程的地质条件、场地条件等实际情况,如何通过对武鸣河重点河段进行疏浚整治,河势控制和河道清障等,如何采用工程措施与非工程措施相结合,提高河段内河道的防洪治涝能力,使流域内的重点地区洪涝灾害损失在一定设计标准以下能减轻或减免,构建防灾减灾基础设施体系等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to automatic generation of summary templates from given collections of summary articles. We first develop an entity-aspect LDA model to simultaneously cluster both sentences and words into aspects. We then apply frequent subtree pattern mining on the dependency parse trees of the clustered and labeled sentences to discover sentence patterns that well represent the aspects. Finally, we use the generated templates to construct summaries for new entities. Key features of our method include automatic grouping of semantically related sentence patterns and automatic identification of template slots that need to be filled in. Also, we implement a new sentence compression algorithm which use dependency tree instead of parser tree. We apply our method on five Wikipedia entity categories and compare our method with three baseline methods. Both quantitative evaluation based on human judgment and qualitative comparison demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of our method.  相似文献   

In this study, a 3D passivated-electrode, insulator-based dielectrophoresis microchip (3D πDEP) is presented. This technology combines the benefits of electrode-based DEP, insulator-based DEP, and three dimensional insulating features with the goal of improving trapping efficiency of biological species at low applied signals and fostering wide frequency range operation of the microfluidic device. The 3D πDEP chips were fabricated by making 3D structures in silicon using reactive ion etching. The reusable electrodes are deposited on second glass substrate and then aligned to the microfluidic channel to capacitively couple the electric signal through a 100 μm glass slide. The 3D insulating structures generate high electric field gradients, which ultimately increases the DEP force. To demonstrate the capabilities of 3D πDEP, Staphylococcus aureus was trapped from water samples under varied electrical environments. Trapping efficiencies of 100% were obtained at flow rates as high as 350 μl/h and 70% at flow rates as high as 750 μl/h. Additionally, for live bacteria samples, 100% trapping was demonstrated over a wide frequency range from 50 to 400 kHz with an amplitude applied signal of 200 Vpp. 20% trapping of bacteria was observed at applied voltages as low as 50 Vpp. We demonstrate selective trapping of live and dead bacteria at frequencies ranging from 30 to 60 kHz at 400 Vpp with over 90% of the live bacteria trapped while most of the dead bacteria escape.  相似文献   

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