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近年来,数字资源长期保存领域经历了从基础理论研究、个体实验,到最佳实践的发展过程。继2004年北京、2005年德国、2006年北美成功举办之后,2007年10月11-12日,数字资源长期保存国际会议(iPRES2007)再次回归北京,由国家科技图书文献中心主办,中国科学院国家科学图书馆组织承办。本次会议主题为"数字资源长期保存:项目进展和最佳实践",结合具体项目和实践经验,分别从数字资源长期保存的战略计划与基础设施、相关管理问题、技术研究与实践、认证与评估、教育与培训5个方面进行了介绍,并就面临的问题和下一步发展进行了交流。《现代图书情报技术》杂志作为此次会议协办媒体,组织部分参会论文形成专辑发表,集中反映国内外数字资源长期保存领域重大项目的研究进展以及实施路线,供广大研究人员参考、借鉴。  相似文献   

[2011-08-25]数字保存认知是对数字保存基本问题的看法,对出版界的认知调查包括保存原因、保存威胁、保存费用和保存职责。数字保存实践是对数字保存领域中相关问题的目前解决方法,对出版界的实践调查包括保存内容(出版物、期刊论文、研究型数据)和保存策略(针对期刊论文的和针对研究型数据的)。基于认知调查,提出加强数字保存可持续性研究的思路。基于实践调查,提出加强学术论文与研究型数据之间链接保存的思想。  相似文献   

A new digital distribution infrastructure is being created to parallel the structure in the physical world by which content is stored, distributed, and invoiced. Like in the physical world, book publishing will need fewer points of distribution than it has points of creation: there will be “distributors” handling the digital content of many publishers and some large publishers will handle the digital content of smaller ones. This system is just now taking shape and this paper defines the terms and enumerates some of the emerging players in this role. This paper was first presented during the “Making Information Pay 2007” on May 10, 2007 organized by the Book Industry Study Group (). The research completed will help any publisher with the task of finding a DAD. The research paper version of our work will be made available as a final White Paper, with conclusions and updated information by Klopotek Inc. that can be ordered at Klopotek.com  相似文献   

In the earlier years of the Web, libraries focused on moving services online and building digital collections, but in recent years, libraries have emerged as key players in the world of digital publishing. Librarians possess all of the necessary skills to act as digital publishers; they join the ranks of many others who have discovered the barriers around digital publishing are lower than ever. Library-based digital publishing solutions have matured to a point that the act of digital publishing could—and should—become a new core competency for the library profession. To explore this hypothesis, the researchers offer a working definition of digital publishing and assess the key roles that traditional publishers have historically offered over time. They find that librarians already possess the requisite skills to become digital publishers, and the collaborative culture of the library profession is a strength for this new role. Examples of digital publishing from two libraries at the University of California-Berkeley offer a proof of concept. Services at these libraries include the conceptualization of overall Web site strategies, a content plan that emphasizes distinctive and original material, and special projects that promote digital publishing at the local level, even as they take advantage of campus- or system-level services. Researchers find that offering library-based Web publishing services can reinforce overall information management programs and also advance the status of libraries within their respective host organizations. The comparative ease of digital publishing has opened an opportunity for librarians to follow the user as they use the Web in creative ways.  相似文献   

数字出版产业的崛起在一定程度上撼动了科研图书馆的传统竞争优势。为促进科研图书馆与数字出版商协同发展,中国科学院国家科学图书馆打造了"全产业链"式融合共生策略:在产业链上游,开展面向数字资源长期保存协议与专题特色数字资源库的内容合作;在产业链中游,开展面向参与OA出版与数字出版生产性服务外包的技术合作;在产业链下游,开展面向提供数字出版增值服务的市场合作。以其为范本,我国科研图书馆可通过数字资源共建共享,加快建设统一的数字资源开发与利用规范,建立旨在保障数字版权利益相关者权益的数字资源市场化交易模式,实现科研图书馆与数字出版商的包容联动式发展。  相似文献   

系统介绍第三方数字资源长期保存模式Portico提出的历史背景与发展现状,从机构组织、经费来源、内容保存方式三个方面分析其经营模式,探讨其采取的各种措施,进而分析该项目在保存费用确定及合作机制等方面存在的问题,未我国数字资源长期保存活动的开展提供实践依据。  相似文献   

STM represents 250 publishing companies and learned societies, and recognizes that the advent of digital networks affects authors, publishers, librarians, and readers. Dialogue between publishers and librarians is essential to creating the sense of partnership and open-mindedness needed to meet the future needs of scholarship and research. Publishers and librarians have complementary roles and responsibilities, serving the same needs and facing similar challenges. The interests of publishers and librarians need to be rebalanced in order to seize the benefits of digital information flow. Legislation provides a framework of copyright, privacy, competition, and consumer law that protects against misuse while facilitating the flow of information from author to reader. If laws need to be amended, such changes should be made on the basis of the mutual agreement of all members of the community. There is much to be achieved without legislative change. Neither publishers nor librarians should shy away from the issues that divide them, especially the scope of fair use and the exchange of copyright information between libraries. A more detailed analysis of the impact of copyright exemptions is needed. The development of a predictable licensing environment and the testing of new business models requires co-operation between publishers and librarians, and leads to better mutual understanding. STM seeks dialogue with libraries and with other members of the research and scholarly communities in order to meet the challenges, opportunities, and expectations created by the digital environment.  相似文献   

Textbook vetting and evaluation process intends to ensure that the materials provided are relevant, of the required quality, suitable ad would enhance learning efficiency and effectiveness. The paper investigates the role of publishers and Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) in the textbooks vetting and evaluation process; examines factors used to vet, evaluate and approve primary and secondary school textbooks in Tanzania and proposes Strategies that would enhance the textbook vetting, evaluation and process. The study used a mixed method research design. Respondents were selected educational publishers; MoEVT, Baraza la Kiswahili Tanzania, TIE, and Publishers Association of Tanzania. Questionnaire and semi- structured interview were used to collect data which were analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Major findings of the study were; textbooks vetting and evaluation process is not professionally conducted although standard criteria have been established; there is not well established roles among key players involved in the vetting and evaluation process leading to conflict of interest between TIE and the publishers. The study recommends establishing an independent professional evaluation board and a well-defined timetable and effective communication among various players; enacting a book policy and adopting a limited multiple-textbook publishing system.  相似文献   

National and international publishers have been depositing digital publications at the National Library of the Netherlands (KB) since 2003. Until recently, most of these publications were deposited in the Portable Document Format. New projects, for example the Web archiving project, force the KB to handle more heterogeneous material. Therefore, the KB has developed a quantifiable file format risk assessment method. This method can be used to define digital preservation strategies for specific file formats. The choice for a specific file format at creation time or later in the life cycle of a digital object influences the long-term access to the digital object. The evaluation method contains seven sustainability criteria for file formats that are weighed for importance. There seems to be consensus on the sustainability criteria. However, as the weighing of these criteria is connected to an institution's policy, the KB wonders whether agreement on the relative importance of the criteria can be reached at all. With this paper, the KB hopes to inspire other cultural heritage institutions to define their own quantifiable file format evaluation method.  相似文献   

The Editech 2011 conference identified that publishers need to follow new paths and experiment more rapidly in all the areas of business related to a growing number of new digital publishing activities. Most important they need to rethink all the relationships actually in place with all the other factors in the publishing value chain and then radically reinvent their role in the quickly changing digital and ebook businesses. It is clear that now most of the changes are driven by the big three Google, Amazon, Apple and the publishers are following. However, especially in Europe the publishers have different approaches based on a brief review of selected key papers presented from different countries and sectors of the digital publishing industry.  相似文献   

The responsibility for and the initiative to preserve electronic journal content is neither clear nor easy, and knowing the preservation status of an e-journal is not a basic step within the NASIG Core Competencies for Electronic Resources Librarians life cycle of electronic resources management. Columbia and Cornell University Libraries secured funding for a project to specifically evaluate strategies for expanding e-journal preservation. A wide range of e-journal categories are evaluated within the scope of the project, including: content direct from publishers, small and society publishers, Open Access e-journals, full-text content from third-party content providers, and university generated e-journals. Discussed are techniques for identifying at risk e-journals, integrating preservation into license negotiation with publishers, tracking the preservation status of e-journals, and developing relationships with existing preservation agencies. The quality of future of scholarship and teaching hinges on the preservation of the scholarly record.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how technological change and digitalization in the Spanish publishing sector is challenging existing business models and encouraging publishers to modify their portfolios of products and competencies. A qualitative analysis (case study) of three Spanish publishers is carried out. The practical implications of the research are that digital products and services are still considered secondary to the analog book. On the other hand, the proportion of titles available in digital formats is still small. To all this, the lack of a common dominant design for digital publication is added, which represents an uncertainty for editors, to which must be added the lack of institutional support. For the time being, Spanish publishers are simply selling digital versions of their paper books on digital distribution platforms, trying to minimize risks by betting on positively contrasted works in the traditional paper-based business model.  相似文献   

欧盟数字化长期保存研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从各项目资助经费、项目类型、参与机构、协调机构、目标受众和涉及的学科领域、研究趋势和启示借鉴7个方面调研欧盟委员会在第六和第七框架中资助的数字化长期保存项目的总体概况,分析发现,欧盟资助的数字化长期保存项目数量和经费明显增多,参与国家和机构更为广泛,保存的资源更为复杂,技术方法更为成熟,很多项目呈继承式发展,而且数字化长期保存意识已逐步渗入到更多的学科领域中。  相似文献   

The Internet has been a huge success in the academic world, as it makes it possible for academics to share and find research materials; open access has therefore become a fact of life for academic publishing. But what is the role of publishers in this new environment? The key functions of publishing – organizing peer review, editorial support, graphic design, marketing, and distribution of academic information – do not just disappear; publishers still have a role here, but they need to take a more service‐minded perspective. Academics still need to find ways to ensure the dissemination of their output; it is important that they realize that this will cost money, whether it is brought in‐house or outsourced. The IMISCOE project, on which Amsterdam University Press has recently embarked, offers an entirely new publishing model oriented towards online dissemination of academic research results, as well as in book form.  相似文献   

With the continued development of open access policies, it is important to promote consensus‐building projects with the various stakeholders. This article gives an account of how such collaboration has facilitated the construction of the project Héloïse. This project is a French information service dedicated to describing the policies of French publishers on the self‐archiving of scientific publications. Héloïse represents a real tool of mediation whose development involved much debate between publishers and research stakeholders. This article seeks to demonstrate that the development of trust between the actors involved in the project was a major component of its success.  相似文献   

Forecasts indicate a growing demand for digital content around the world. Converting to digital content can open up countless new revenue possibilities. Adding alternate channels may be worth consideration, but what are the options and what does it take to utilize them effectively? This article explores the opportunities that potentially exist for publishers with content that may be digitized and distributed to global markets. A brief review of the current marketplace is also incorporated, including current players and trends. Finally, an analysis of some of the potential issues, challenges and pitfalls is presented in context of delving into a new international digital content distribution strategy.  相似文献   

Paul Conway 《Archival Science》2011,11(3-4):293-309
Digital archives accept and preserve digital content for long-term use. Increasingly, stakeholders are creating large-scale digital repositories to ingest surrogates of archival resources or digitized books whose intellectual value as surrogates may exceed that of the original sources themselves. Although digital repository developers have expended significant effort to establish the trustworthiness of repository procedures and infrastructures, relatively little attention has been paid to the quality and usefulness of the preserved content itself. In situations where digital content has been created by third-party firms, content quality (or its absence in the form of unacceptable error) may directly influence repository trustworthiness. This article establishes a conceptual foundation for the association of archival quality and information quality research. It outlines a research project that is designed to develop and test measures of quality for digital content preserved in HathiTrust, a large-scale preservation repository. The research establishes methods of measuring error in digitized books at the data, page, and volume level and applies the measures to statistically valid samples of digitized books, adjusting for inter-coder inconsistencies and the effects of sampling strategies. The research findings are then validated with users who conform to one of four use-case scenarios: reading online, printing on demand, data mining, and print collection management. The paper concludes with comments on the implications of assessing archival quality within a digital preservation context.  相似文献   

Now that e-books and digital devices are active in the marketplace, publishers need to incorporate usability and user experience research and practice in their development process. Interaction design and UX research is well established in technology-driven industries; publishers have much to learn from these experts, for the betterment of their digital product and eventually, broader adoption of e-books by their customers. This article highlights the work and opinions of three UX, research and design practitioners as a first step in launching a tidal exchange of knowledge and ideas.  相似文献   

Thanks to the World Wide Web, users now expect to link easily between disparate information services. It is no longer enough to study raw data in one database, search for relevant published articles in another, and look at the full articles in yet another. Users want to move seamlessly between all these sources, in order to follow lines of research efficiently and accurately. What are the problems in building links using data resources which were not designed for this purpose? This article presents examples drawn from recent work in The Dialog Corporation as well as from the European Union‐funded ADLIB project, and examines the key issues of scalability and the interaction between different types of publishers.  相似文献   

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