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The national survey, conducted for all art museums in the United States and Canada, resulted in 252 questionnaires, of which 166 were computer-user museums with acceptable questionnaires. The institutions using computers averaged 2.2 million in budget and had a median membership level of 860. Museums were divided in small, medium, and large budget categories by the budget ranges of2.2 million in budget and had a median membership level of 860. Museums were divided in small, medium, and large budget categories by the budget ranges of 0-210,000, 211-817,000, and211-817,000, and 818,000+.  相似文献   

The Hirsch index and the Egghe index are both numbers that synthesize a researcher's output. The h-index associated with researcher r is the maximum number h such that r has h papers with at least h citations each. The g-index is the maximum number g of papers by r such that the average number of citations of the g papers is at least g. Both indices are characterized in terms of four axioms. One identifies outputs deserving index at most one. A second one establishes a strong monotonicity condition. A third one requires the index to satisfy a property of subadditivity. The last one consists of a monotonicity condition, for the h-index, and an aggregate monotonicity condition, for the g-index.  相似文献   

TheParis Review celebrated its fortieth anniversary in 1993 in Paris, Mississippi. A founding editor, the managing editor, and the editor-at-large discuss the manazine's birth and growth, editorial policies, authors, and interview subjects. James Linville is managing editor of theParis Review. His nonfiction and interviews have been published inEsquire and theParis Review and reprinted inHarper's and thePushcart Prize Anthology. Jeanne McCulloch is editor-at-large for theParis Review. She was managing editor from 1984 to 1989. George Plimpton is a founding editor of theParis Review and the author ofPaper Lion, Shadow Box, X-Factor, and other books. He has edited many works, including theNorton, Anthology of Sports Literature, The Writer's Chapbook, and the ninth volume ofWriters at Work.  相似文献   

This article analyses the review, acceptance and publication dates of a sample of 21,890 articles from 326 Ibero-American scientific journals from all subject areas and countries included in the Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and published between 2018 and 2020 (freely available as an open access dataset). The aim is to discover evaluation and publication times. The evaluation process takes a median of 110 days, the publication process, a median of 82 days, and the whole process, a median of 224 days. Statistical differences are found according to periodicity, subject areas, countries, existence of a printed version and article type (Call for Papers or General articles). From the data we find that the delay in publication is longer than publishers themselves report to the DOAJ. STEM areas present the most similarity in publication patterns, having a higher number of evaluation days (Ed) than publication days (Pd); Arts and Humanities present the opposite pattern, with a higher Pd than Ed. In the case of Social Sciences, the times are similar. General articles and Call for Papers articles differ in terms of Ed, but not Pd, indicating that Call for Papers revisions are faster.  相似文献   

A compressed full-text self-index for a text T, of size u, is a data structure used to search for patterns P, of size m, in T, that requires reduced space, i.e. space that depends on the empirical entropy (H k or H 0) of T, and is, furthermore, able to reproduce any substring of T. In this paper we present a new compressed self-index able to locate the occurrences of P in O((m + occ)log u) time, where occ is the number of occurrences. The fundamental improvement over previous LZ78 based indexes is the reduction of the search time dependency on m from O(m 2) to O(m). To achieve this result we point out the main obstacle to linear time algorithms based on LZ78 data compression and expose and explore the nature of a recurrent structure in LZ-indexes, the suffix tree. We show that our method is very competitive in practice by comparing it against other state of the art compressed indexes.
Arlindo L. OliveiraEmail:

This study examined adolescents’ (n?=?389) perceptions of parent–adolescent communication about sex, including what their parents say about sex, what types of conversations adolescents report as memorable, the degree to which messages are perceived as effective, and how parental messages predict adolescents’ sexual attitudes and behaviors. Six conversation types emerged: underdeveloped, safety, comprehensive talk, warning/threat, wait, and no talk. When adolescents were asked to report how those could have been improved, five types emerged from the analysis of their responses: no change, be more specific/provide guidance, talk to me, appropriateness, and collaborate. Comprehensive talk and safety were perceived as significantly more effective than all other types of conversations. Safety conversations predicted the lowest levels of permissive sexual attitudes and risk-taking.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):102-106
The account sequence is proposed as a mechanism by which parties to initial encounters deal with the discovery of dissimilarity and other conversational “disagreeables.” A classification of offense, reproach, account, and evaluation forms is offered. The recorded conversations of 50 pairs of strangers were examined for the presence of account sequences. Each sequence was coded for type of offense, type of reproach, account strategy, and form of evaluation of the account. Persons were found to be likely to omit accounting when reproached for interaction offenses, work/school offenses, and personal identity offenses, or when the form of the reproach was a direct rebuke or imputation of moral/intellectual superiority of the reproacher. Excuses were most likely to be offered for offenses of taste/attitude/belief, work/school, and personal identity. Reproached individuals refused to account for personal identity and taste/attitude/belief offenses more often than other types; they also refused when the reproach forms direct rebuke, moral/intellectual superiority, and direct request for account were employed. Evaluation behavior was shown to vary only with the immediately preceding account. Honoring was the evaluation form most often associated with the account strategy excuse. Evaluators were significantly likely to retreat if the account‐giver conceded or justified. When the account strategy was doesn't account, justify, or refuse, there was a significant tendency for evaluators to reject/take issue/reinstate the reproach. Finally, when the reproached individual did not account, one evaluation form significantly associated with the omission was drop/switch topic.  相似文献   

We develop efficient dynamic programming algorithms for pattern matching with general gaps and character classes. We consider patterns of the form p 0 g(a 0,b 0)p 1 g(a 1,b 1)…p m−1, where p i ⊂ Σ, Σ is some finite alphabet, and g(a i ,b i ) denotes a gap of length a i b i between symbols p i and p i+1. The text symbol t j matches p i iff t j  ∈ p i . Moreover, we require that if p i matches t j , then p i+1 should match one of the text symbols Either or both of a i and b i can be negative. We also consider transposition invariant matching, i.e., the matching condition becomes t j  ∈ p i τ, for some constant τ determined by the algorithms. We give algorithms that have efficient average and worst case running times. The algorithms have important applications in music information retrieval and computational biology. We give experimental results showing that the algorithms work well in practice.  相似文献   

Review essay     
Esther M.. Harding. Psychic Energy: Its Sources and Transformations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973.

Erich Neumann. The Great Mother: An Analysis of the Archetype. Princeton, NJ. Princeton University Press, 1972.

Michael Murphy. Golf In The Kingdom. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1972.

Robert Masters and Jean Houston. Mind Games: The Guide to Inner Space. New York: Dell Publishing Co., Inc., 1972.  相似文献   

Historical Abstracts (HA) andAmerica: History and Life (AHL) are bibliography serials that cite the appearance of scholarly literature in history and also related fields such as political science, sociology, anthropology, and folklore, as they relate to history. Both titles first appeared as print publications,HA in 1955 andAHL in 1964. After the use of computers was incorporated into the production process, electronic files of the print volumes were made available as online databases,HA from volume 19, andAHL from volume 1. Both publications are now available on CD-ROM, along with other ABC-Clio reference titles:ARTBibliographies Modern, ABC-Pol Sci, theExegy current events database, andBibliography of North American Indians.  相似文献   

This work maps and analyses cross-citations in the areas of Biology, Mathematics, Physics and Medicine in the English version of Wikipedia, which are represented as an undirected complex network where the entries correspond to nodes and the citations among the entries are mapped as edges. We found a high value of clustering coefficient for the areas of Biology and Medicine, and a small value for Mathematics and Physics. The topological organization is also different for each network, including a modular structure for Biology and Medicine, a sparse structure for Mathematics and a dense core for Physics. The networks have degree distributions that can be approximated by a power-law with a cut-off. The assortativity of the isolated networks has also been investigated and the results indicate distinct patterns for each subject. We estimated the betweenness centrality of each node considering the full Wikipedia network, which contains the nodes of the four subjects and the edges between them. In addition, the average shortest path length between the subjects revealed a close relationship between the subjects of Biology and Physics, and also between Medicine and Physics. Our results indicate that the analysis of the full Wikipedia network cannot predict the behavior of the isolated categories since their properties can be very different from those observed in the full network.  相似文献   

Although narratives are often credited with the capacity to change opinions, empirical tests of this prediction have produced mixed results. To provide a more precise test of narrative's effect on beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors, we performed meta-analyses on studies that evaluated narrative's persuasive influence on these outcomes. Results suggested positive relationships between exposure to a narrative and narrative-consistent beliefs (k?=?37; N?=?7,376; r?=?.17), attitudes (k?=?40; N?=?7,132; r?=?.19), intentions (k?=?28; N?=?5,211; r?=?.17), and behaviors (k?=?5; N?=?978; r?=?.23). Moderator analyses on the effect of fictionality yielded mixed results. Neither medium of presentation nor research design influenced the magnitude of the narrative-persuasion relationship. However, results suggested the presence of unidentified moderators.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first meta-analysis of studies that computed correlations between the h index and variants of the h index (such as the g index; in total 37 different variants) that have been proposed and discussed in the literature. A high correlation between the h index and its variants would indicate that the h index variants hardly provide added information to the h index. This meta-analysis included 135 correlation coefficients from 32 studies. The studies were based on a total sample size of N = 9005; on average, each study had a sample size of n = 257. The results of a three-level cross-classified mixed-effects meta-analysis show a high correlation between the h index and its variants: Depending on the model, the mean correlation coefficient varies between .8 and .9. This means that there is redundancy between most of the h index variants and the h index. There is a statistically significant study-to-study variation of the correlation coefficients in the information they yield. The lowest correlation coefficients with the h index are found for the h index variants MII and m index. Hence, these h index variants make a non-redundant contribution to the h index.  相似文献   

This paper reviews a number of studies comparing Thomson Scientific’s Web of Science (WoS) and Elsevier’s Scopus. It collates their journal coverage in an important medical subfield: oncology. It is found that all WoS-covered oncological journals (n = 126) are indexed in Scopus, but that Scopus covers many more journals (an additional n = 106). However, the latter group tends to have much lower impact factors than WoS covered journals. Among the top 25% of sources with the highest impact factors in Scopus, 94% is indexed in the WoS, and for the bottom 25% only 6%. In short, in oncology the WoS is a genuine subset of Scopus, and tends to cover the best journals from it in terms of citation impact per paper. Although Scopus covers 90% more oncological journals compared to WoS, the average Scopus-based impact factor for journals indexed by both databases is only 2.6% higher than that based on WoS data. Results reflect fundamental differences in coverage policies: the WoS based on Eugene Garfield’s concepts of covering a selective set of most frequently used (cited) journals; Scopus with broad coverage, more similar to large disciplinary literature databases. The paper also found that ‘classical’, WoS-based impact factors strongly correlate with a new, Scopus-based metric, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), one of a series of new indicators founded on earlier work by Pinski and Narin [Pinski, G., & Narin F. (1976). Citation influence for journal aggregates of scientific publications: Theory, with application to the literature of physics. Information Processing and Management, 12, 297–312] that weight citations according to the prestige of the citing journal (Spearman’s rho = 0.93). Four lines of future research are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the coverage and history of the American Economic Association's electronic bibliographic databases,EconLit andEconomic Literature Index. The author briefly traces the origins of the discipline of economics and discusses the history and early print bibliographies of the association, which were later expanded into electronic media with the creation of theEconomic Literature Index andEconLit. Tables show the subject and geographic scope, as well as the coverage dates and number of records, for the different document types contained in bothEconLit and theEconomic Literature Index.  相似文献   

This study investigates the extent to which major news websites influence one another's issue agendas and attribute agendas on main posting areas. To contribute to the generalization of intermedia agenda-setting effects to online media in other countries, this study chooses the South Korean major news websites, which are Joins.com, Chosun.com, Donga.com (major online newspapers) and online Yonhap News Agency. A cross-lagged panel design and partial correlations reveal that Chosun.com and Donga.com influence issue agendas of the online wire service. There is no influence over issue agendas between major online newspapers. In terms of attribute agendas, Chosun.com and Donga.com influence Joins.com, and Chosun.com affects the online wire service.  相似文献   

Publication bias promotes papers providing “significant” findings, thus incentivizing researchers to produce such findings. Prior studies suggested that researchers’ focus on “p < .05” yields—intentional or unintentional—p-value misreporting, and excess p-values just below .05. To assess whether similar distortions occur in communication science, we extracted 5,834 test statistics from 693 recent communication science ISI papers, and assessed prevalence of p-values (1) misreported, and (2) just below .05. Results show 8.8% of p-values were misreported (74.5% too low). 1.3% of p-values were critically misreported, stating p < .05 while in fact p > .05 (88.3%) or vice versa (11.7%). Analyzing p-value frequencies just below .05 using a novel method did not unequivocally demonstrate “p-hacking”—excess p-values could be alternatively explained by (severe) publication bias. Results for 19,830 p-values from social psychology were strikingly similar. We conclude that publication bias, publication pressure, and verification bias distort the communication science knowledge base, and suggest solutions to this problem.  相似文献   


GENREFLECTING: A GUIDE TO POPULAR READING INTERESTS. Sixth Edition. [Genreflecting Advisory Series] Diana Tixier Herald and Wayne A. Wiegand (Eds.). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2006, xix, 559 pp., ISBN 1-59158-224-5. Reviewed by Ed Goedeken.

THE ENGAGING MUSEUM: DEVELOPING MUSEUMS FOR VISITOR INVOLVEMENT. Graham Black. London, New York: Routledge, 2005, 308 pp., ISBN 0-415-34557-X. Reviewed by Mary'O'Donnell

PRIVACY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: ISSUES FOR PUBLIC, SCHOOL, AND ACADEMIC LIBRARIES. Helen R. Adams, Robert F. Bocher, Carol A. Gordon, and Elizabeth Barry-Kessler. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2005, xii, 247 pp., ISBN 1-59158-209-1. Reviewed by Steven L. Johns.

INFORMATION LITERACY AND THE SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER. Joie Taylor. Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited, 2006, 148 pp., ISBN 0-313-32020-9. Reviewed by Nancy F. Campbell.

GOTCHA COVERED!: MORE NONFICTION BOOKTALKS TO GET KIDS EXCITED ABOUT READING. Kathleen A. Baxter and Michael Dahl. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2005, 129 pp., ISBN 1-59158-225-3. Reviewed by Melissa Kozel.

DIGITAL LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT: THE VIEW FROM KAN-AZAWA. Deanna B. Marcum and Gerald George (Eds.). Westport, Connecticut: Libraries Unlimited, 2006, 269 pp., ISBN 1-59158-244-X. Reviewed by Glenda Thornton.  相似文献   

none 《文物保护研究》2013,58(3):221-222

Furunori (aged paste) is a conservation material that is used for Japanese painting conservation. Furunori is a smoother and weaker adhesive than fresh paste, and it enables the surfaces to be easily peeled apart, with application of water, in a future conservation. Due to these characteristics, furunori has traditionally been used for attaching the backing paper to paintings in Japan, because it is considered that furunori causes less stress on the paintings than fresh paste. This study aims to clarify the characteristics of furunori based on chemical analysis and examination of the microorganisms involved in the early stage of furunori generation. Based on the results obtained, a polysaccharide similar to furunori was prepared.  相似文献   

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