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This paper offers an interpretation of the role of emotions in understanding the transitions that young people make to university. I draw on qualitative research with a group of non‐traditional students, entering elite universities, to argue that youth transitions are emotional as well instrumental affairs. I argue that choice‐making processes incorporate both trust in, and fear of, the transitions infrastructure, and that these emotions infuse more instrumental judgements about the economic benefits of higher education. I also demonstrate that emotional aspects of class – including feelings of entitlement to education and the rejection of normative student identities – constitute the experience of ‘being’ or ‘doing’ a student. A broader understanding of how young people become university students then depends not just on developing a new identity but on the complex interaction between emotion and infrastructure.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There are particular reasons why it is important for children and young people in care to have some say in the decisions that are made about their lives. The aim of this paper is to outline these and to review the developments and the research concerning the participation of children in care in processes and decisions that affect them. METHOD: This paper reviews the research literature from the UK, North America, Australia and New Zealand. It explores the perceptions of children and young people in care concerning the extent to which they have been able to participate in decisions that affect them, the reasons they want to do so, and what is required to make it effective. RESULTS: Children and young people in care clearly wish to have some say in the way decisions are made about their lives and generally do not believe that they have adequate appropriate opportunities to do so. CONCLUSIONS: Genuine and effective participation depends on several conditions: opportunity and choice in ways to participate, access to relevant information, the availability of a trusted advocate, proper resourcing, and supportive policy and legislation. Feedback from children and young people is also required to indicate whether it is happening.  相似文献   

岗位体验教育:高校育人职能空间的拓展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在反思岗位育人空间狭隘、处境尴尬的基础上,寻求“爱”为基点、“助”为手段、“育”为目的的育人原则.拓展心理健康关怀、就业创业体验、思想品德锤炼的育人空间。按照实践育人的要求,以体验教育为基本途径.引领勤工助学岗位体验教育,既是创新大学生德育工作的重要平台,又为进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育提供新的价值早向新时期高校的勤工助学工作,不应只是为了解决贫困学生一时的生活问题.而应把帮助大学生了解社会、增长才干、磨炼意志、培育品格、提高素质作为组织开展勤工助学活动的重要内容.  相似文献   


This study undertakes a comparative analysis of the negative stereotypes of older persons described by young and older adult university students at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. This study is innovative in that it compares three analytical perspectives: the perception of young students (18–27 years); the perception of older adult students (50 years and above) regarding older persons (hetero-stereotypes); and, finally, the perception of older adult students with regard to themselves as part of the group of older adult students (self-stereotypes).

The sample is made up of 460 young students and 148 older adult students who completed the Questionnaire on Negative Ageing Stereotypes (QNAS), comprising three dimensions: health; character and personality; and social relationships and motivation. A statistical analysis was subsequently carried out using the independent samples t-test in the IBM Statistics 19.0 program.

Of note among the principal results is the low level of negative stereotypes reported among the groups studied, as well as the existence of significant differences in their means, which indicate that the negative stereotypes of the groups differed. The most stereotyped of the dimensions analyzed was character and personality. In contrast, the least-stereotyped dimension was that of social relationships and motivation. Finally, the dimension of health occupied an intermediate position. With regard to the three perspectives studied, the older adult group (hetero-stereotypes) was the most stereotyped, followed by the young students and, finally, the older adult students with reference to self-stereotypes.  相似文献   

社会是大学重要的外部利益相关者,是参与大学治理的重要力量;社会参与大学治理有利于大学完善外部治理结构、完成高等教育使命、维护利益相关者的利益;理事会的职能定位与社会参与大学治理机制的要求、社会参与大学治理的内容相契合,理应成为大学治理社会参与的平台与途径;理事会成员承担规定的义务并应当享有合理的权利。  相似文献   

Space has been of growing significance in social theory in recent years, yet, explorations of it in the scholarship of higher education have been limited. This is surprising, given the critical role space has in shaping staff and students' engagement with the university. Taking a practice-based approach and focusing on academic identities, this article analyses the spatial experience of an institution by defamiliarising spaces encountered in everyday work. We identify formative pressures upon institutional space, and how space then shapes experience: university spaces are designed for one purpose but come to be used for many, so that working within them can be a diverse and contradictory experience. The identification of academics with spaces is complex, and there are no simple experiences of belonging; rather, there is a constant project of identity-formation and change within mutable spaces.  相似文献   

In the UK, policies and academic writings about inter-ethnic relations have witnessed many changes in recent decades, with a growing focus on the effects of different forms of racism and anti-racism. Opinions have been diverse on the extent to which both the majority and minority populations should respect and adapt to each other's traditions. Relatively little research has been undertaken on the experiences and perceptions of children. This article reports on findings from three linked studies which highlight the viewpoints of white and minority ethnic children as they made the transition to secondary schools. With a few exceptions, the children felt that their schools respected their religious practices and other customs. Most children of minority backgrounds had mixed friendship groups and the range of achievements, experiences and attitudes in relation to school were largely unrelated to ethnic background. Hardly any young people saw teachers as overtly racist, though small numbers believed teachers discriminated in favour of other groups. Peer racism was endemic and reported to be more frequent in secondary school than primary school. Teacher responses were often seen as inadequate.  相似文献   

Cambodia has in the past 15 years been catching up with the global and regional trends of rapid expansion of higher education, but its specific socio-historical context has engendered particular life course and societal implications. Engaging with the current policy attention to the cause of skills mismatch in Cambodia, this article aims to provide a sociological perspective for understanding young people’s decision-making about university majors. Framing the entrance into university study as a context of risks and uncertainties for the life course, the article draws on in-depth, biographical interviews with 31 university students in the Cambodian capital of Phnom Penh and analyses their decision-making about university majors by focusing on the person–situation interactions the students negotiate. Their approaches to university major selection involve individual agency and practical resources and constraints. They involve personal and interpersonal trust, intuition and emotion, which have implications for how skills mismatch in Cambodian higher education should be tackled.  相似文献   

高校志愿者参与大型节事的动机主要有理想奉献动机、自我提高动机、归属动机、走出常规动机、回报社会动机、社会责任动机、功利利益动机、消磨时光动机。其中,志愿者所处的年级及是否隶属于某个志愿者组织对志愿者参与动机没有影响,专业差别会导致志愿者在理想奉献动机上有显著差异,性别差异导致志愿者在理想奉献动机和自我提高动机上有显著差异,志愿者是否参与过其他志愿活动或是否有过志愿服务经历会导致志愿者在理想奉献动机、自我提高动机、走出常规动机、归属动机、回报社会动机、消磨时间动机上存在显著性差异。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question of the extent to which there were improvements in equity in the patterns of participation of young people in higher education in Australia during the 1980s. Data from theYouth in Transition longitudinal surveys of Australian youth are used to assess the effectiveness of the Labor Government's equity initiatives since 1983 in this area. The conclusion is that participation by young people in higher education in Australia did generally become more equitable under Labor during the 1980s, though differences in higher education participation rates persisted between certain sub-groups of the population.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to explore the level, type and quality of student participation in the governance milieu of twenty public universities in Ethiopia based on secondary data availed at a national level. The findings reveal that despite their demands and aspirations, students' participation in university governance is still at its lowest ebb across most of Ethiopian public universities both in terms of their representation at the available hierarchical structures and the quality of participation in matters of substantial importance to the student body. Given the multitude of advantages the institutions and students can garner from meaningful student participation, it is argued that changes need to be made in terms of improved representation, type and quality of student participation.  相似文献   

This article is written by Heather Murdoch, research consultant for the Seashell Trust, Anne Gough, deputy headteacher at Royal School Manchester/Seashell Trust, Eileen Boothroyd, consultant for the Seashell Trust, and Kate Williams, a creative perfumer for Seven (PZ Cussons). It describes the use of food fragrances with deafblind students who are making lunchtime meal choices. The fragrances were added to picture symbols or objects of reference used to represent different menu options. A multiple case study, mixed methods design was used to evaluate three students' choice‐making before and after the introduction of the fragrances. Case study was chosen because of the complex and diverse needs created by deafblindness and because the project was an exploratory study of a new approach. The methods included semi‐structured interviews with students' 1:1 keyworkers and other staff, direct and videotaped observations of students' choice‐making, and written diary records of students' food choices and responses. The findings are necessarily tentative but support the use of food fragrances to assist students' understanding of mealtime choice‐making and their engagement with the process. The practicalities of using olfaction to support other sensory inputs are discussed, together with priorities for future research and practice in this area.  相似文献   

Julia Bahner 《Sex education》2018,18(6):640-654
This paper analyses sexuality and relationship education (SRE) in a Swedish college programme aimed at young people with mobility impairments. Interviews and focus groups were conducted to explore students’ experiences of the structure, content and usefulness of SRE, and college personnel’s SRE practices. Results show that, although many of the issues covered are pertinent for all young people, being disabled raises additional concerns: for example how to handle de-sexualising attitudes, possible sexual practices, and how reliance on assistance impacts upon privacy. Crip theory is used as an analytical framework to identify, challenge and politicise sexual norms and practices. Students’ experiences of living in a disablist, heteronormative society can be used as resources for developing cripistemologies, which challenge the private/public binary that often de-legitimises learners’ experiences and separates them from teachers’ ‘proper’ knowledge production. Crip SRE would likely hold benefits for non-disabled pupils as well, through its use of more inclusive pedagogy and in work to expand sexual possibilities. Crip SRE has the potential to disrupt taken-for-granted dis/ability and sexuality divides as well as to politicise issues that many young people presently experience as ‘personal shortcomings’.  相似文献   

The last century, in particular the latter half, saw radical shifts in the roles and expectations of women in society. This article investigates the views of 14‐ to 16‐year‐olds in the year 2000 on work and family roles, exploring both their general views on gender roles and their own personal aspirations for the future. In general the young people believed that it was equally important for males and females to get good qualifications at school, to have worthwhile careers and that childcare should be a joint responsibility. They also believed that males and females could do any job they wanted to these days. Their views were tempered, however, by the inequalities that they saw around them in the workplace and in their own families. While young people’s attitudes may have changed, they are still choosing fairly gender‐typical subjects at school and aspiring to different types of occupation. The article concludes that while great strides have been made in changing attitudes towards gender equality, there is still a long way to go before equal opportunities are really achieved.  相似文献   


This article considers the effect of information technology upon teaching, learning and research in the ‘digital university’. In less than a generation the university has become a business like any other. It does so in the determining context of neoliberal globalisation and the computer revolution. The university develops through what we may now see as a disastrous ‘category error’. The article argues that humans are analogue creatures who have constructed analogue worlds that they recognise in large measure, in nature. Digital logic is nowhere recognised in nature, and is ultimately alien to us. The university is the key institution for enabling us to understand who and what we are, yet it is being undermined through the suffusion of the market logic and the digital technologies that drive it from a past we look to less, to a present we dwell in more, and a future we are less able to shape.  相似文献   

There are counter‐narratives of youth as at risk and as buoyant and agentive. The article maps the conceptual terrain concerning resilience, well‐being, buoyancy, enjoyment and happiness and selects factors related to the successful navigation of schooling. It analyses data from a subset of a national data set, from 65 young people considered to be disaffected or disengaged by their school or college. It explores the perceptions of young people that the difficulties they encounter are in part a result of their own behaviour and in part a product of the system. Hirschman's theory of exit, voice, loyalty is used to explore their choices. The article concludes that schools act to maintain homeostasis and that a substantial minority of young people are at long‐term risk due to organisational and national unwillingness to decouple economic benefit from maintenance of the existing system.  相似文献   

The topic of cyberbullying is raising international debate and concern. Through the development and dissemination of a questionnaire 12 student researchers were supported in surveying 325 UK students across Years 7, 8 and 9 to gain further knowledge of this area, in relation to children and young people. Results were analysed and comparisons made between gender and age, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the area of cyberbullying and its many elements. Conclusions acknowledge that bullying has entered a “digital era” and professionals and adults require the knowledge and skills to help young people to further understand the issues involved and to protect themselves in this area.  相似文献   

This paper presents and discusses the key findings from a study that considered significant issues that affect refugees and asylum‐seekers, and explored beneficial counselling approaches relevant to this group. In‐depth narrative interviews were conducted with three counsellors and three specialist children’s support advisors. Data were analysed using the methods of comparative analysis and theme mapping from a grounded theory approach. The key findings reveal that counsellors do not work from a particular approach but adapt a variety of therapeutic methods to the needs of the child. In addition, they focus on the therapeutic relationship; take into account lack of safety and loss of home, traumatic experiences and impacts, and resilience of the child; stress that both short‐term and long‐term therapy is beneficial; and show a concern over lack of specialised training for counsellors and obstacles to accessing counselling. Understanding the needs of young refugees and asylum‐seekers in the United Kingdom and considering counsellors’ experiences and perspectives on approaches has highlighted implications for practice, which include the necessity for more counsellors to be culturally reflexive and open‐minded in working with this group. In addition, this study may influence the way in which higher education professionals can develop research on refugee children and incorporate relevant pastoral care across the curriculum to accommodate refugee children from a wide diversity of backgrounds and experiences.  相似文献   

This paper explores the term ‘social exclusion’ in the context of new social and education policies being constructed in the UK. It examines the links with terms such as ‘poverty’, ‘deprivation’ and ‘equality’ and the implications of policy developments for those identified as socially excluded. Tensions and contradictions appear to be emerging between the UK government's stated policy intentions to address social exclusion, and local knowledge and experience. Issues of power, market power, participation and inclusiveness are explored specifically in the context of education. The paper draws on research being undertaken in a deprived inner-city area with voluntary sector organizations that provide education for marginalized young people.  相似文献   


Higher education in Croatia is confronted with new trends and quality demands mostly connected with Bologna processes. It is assumed that Croatian universities with their existing governance structures, characterised by strong state regulation and weak institutional administration, cannot respond effectively to new demands. Findings of the survey on conceptions of governance at the Croatian universities are presented in the paper, with its main aim to explore academic staff's perception of university governance. The idea of the university as a “learning organisation” with strong leadership and engaged academic staff is taken as the desired model. Mapping the opinions of academic staff on the present governance structures, their role in governance issues, and making an inventory of their perceptions of strengths and weaknesses of governance processes, forms important background for reflections on adequate modifications in academic governance.  相似文献   

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