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This study compared the effects of an integrated reform-based curriculum to a subject-specific curriculum on student learning of 19,526 high school algebra students. Using hierarchical linear modelling to account for variation in student achievement, the impact of the reform-based Core-Plus Mathematics curricular materials on student test scores is compared to the subject-specific curriculum. Findings from this study indicate that students enrolled in integrated mathematics outperformed subject-specific students on an Algebra I exam (highly aligned with content), and performed equally on an Algebra II exam (poorly aligned). High minority students in high-need schools demonstrated higher performance when they were enrolled in integrated mathematics.  相似文献   

Scott Lee  Ron Watt  Jack Frawley 《Compare》2015,45(4):526-544
There is little research in the developing countries of South East Asia on the effectiveness of bilingual education programmes that use first language instruction for ethnic minority children. This study investigated the effectiveness of a bilingual education programme involving ethnic minority children in Cambodia by comparing their performance in mathematics, Khmer literacy and oral Khmer to their ethnic minority peers whose education is in the national language only. The findings show that students in the bilingual schools performed better in mathematics than their peers in the monolingual schools, but the differences in Khmer literacy and oral Khmer test scores were statistically insignificant. The study suggests that bilingual education using first language instruction could benefit academic development among ethnic minority students in Cambodia, at least in terms of mathematics achievement.  相似文献   

民汉合校刍论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,新疆的“民汉合校”改革方兴未艾,其合理性在于能尽快提高学生的语言能力、沟通能力、但也对传统化有所冲击。政府应采积极措施来推动少数民族教育,使民汉之间相得益彰、共谋发展。  相似文献   

Providing an equal education for the 3.5 million children who do not have a sufficient knowledge of the English language and to help them participate fully in mainstream classrooms is a growing challenge for U.S. public schools. Education reform and accountability initiatives in several states are beginning to include limited English proficient (LEP) students in their assessment efforts. Educators recognize the importance of maintaining rigorous standards and high expectations for language minority students. Legal mandates require periodic assessments of LEP students' progress and the allocation of additional resources where needed. Texas leads the country in bringing about academic accountability for LEP students-through evaluating and reporting annually on their progress in English-language literacy and in their learning of school subjects, and by documenting the steady growth in successful performance on state tests by this special population.  相似文献   

汉语水平考试(HSK)是国家级标准化的考试,对少数民族实施水平考试,是测试他们的第二语言能力永平(汉语)。目前从民族中小学非汉语专业的教师汉语能力来看,过级率低,其主要原因调查分析认为一是缺乏学习的自主性和目的性;二是缺乏应试能力;三是缺乏对水平考试的正确认识。通过强化速成培训,要使他们转变观念,不应只是应付HSK考试而学汉语,而要着眼于实际汉语能力的提高。  相似文献   

In 2003, the Japanese Ministry of Education accredited the high school diplomas of most “ethnic high schools,” which are schools by and for specific ethnic minority populations, such as Korean, Brazilian, or Chinese students in Japan. Prior to this policy, diplomas from most ethnic high schools were not recognized by the Japanese government as valid, and if graduates wanted to apply to universities or colleges, specifically national universities, they were required to take a high school equivalency exam. This article examines the policy's evolution toward championing equity for equal treatment, a concept that ensures that individuals with similar levels of schooling have access to similar levels of status. Through heated debate and resistance, the policy furthered equity for some ethnic minority students while maintaining inequitable circumstances for others, specifically students in ethnic high schools that serve North Korean communities. The analysis reveals four important features of the policy's development that furthered equity: (1) protesting by non-governmental actors, (2) taking advantage of a policy window, (3) using strategic value-laden language, and (4) facilitating incremental change. Often, Japanese education policies rightfully are critiqued as assimilative and discriminatory. However, this article reveals some potential to move the conversation beyond these critiques and offers suggestions to promote and iteratively come closer to educational equity for ethnic minority students.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查法,同时辅以访谈法,对少数民族小学教师双语培训学员的汉语学习策略进行调查,在调查分析的基础上,提出相应的教学培训策略,为有的放矢地解决培训中的教与学的问题提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

The enactment of the revised School Places Allocation Systems at the compulsory stage in 2004 had the aim of desegregating Hong Kong's non-Chinese linguistic minority (NCLM) students by including them into ethnic Chinese-dominated mainstream primary and secondary schools. Because of the presumed cause-consequence relationship between “desegregated” school participation and academic achievement, in specific second language Chinese (CSL) acquisition, the challenges that such students face in participating in mainstream education and learning Chinese, no doubt, deserve to be examined. This qualitative study conducted in-depth interviews with 18 secondary students of South Asian/Southeast Asian minority backgrounds enrolled in mainstream schools. Drawing on both cultural and institutional paradigms of explanation for educational achievement, we argue that the reasons inhibiting the minority students' academic involvement are not simply their linguistic challenges but also the institutional constraints in the mainstream education system unique to this population. This study calls for a shift in school desegregation arrangement from one focusing narrowly on physical desegregation to a more comprehensive set of policies that embrace the institutional factors including teacher expectation, resource availability, and bilingual support, crucial to reduce racial differences in achievement.  相似文献   

2001年教育部颁布并试行的《基础教育课程改革纲要》和2004年教育部拟定的草稿《全日制聋校义务教育语文课程标准》这两个聋校语文的指导文件里面郑重提出了自主、探究与合作的崭新学习方式.聋校的语文课程改革是我国基础教育课程改革的一部分,其成败关系着整个新课改的成败.文章试图结合聋校语文教学的实际情况,论述当前聋校语文教学中存在的问题;自主、合作和探究学习实践中需要注意的几个问题;新课改教学示范案例与点评以及转变学习方式的重要性.  相似文献   

Established literature suggests that language problems lead to lower attainment levels in those subjects that are more language dependent. Also, language has been suggested as a main driver of ethnic minority attainment. We use an original dataset of 2020 secondary school students to show that ethnic minority students in Cyprus underperform overall, but they do not perform less well in subjects considered more language dependent. We suggest that the main determinant for their low performance is not linguistic but cultural. This is the first study to investigate the performance of Georgians as an ethnic minority group in a European country. It is also one of the very few studies which were deliberately designed to compare the attainment of ethnic minority students on more and less language-dependent subjects. Methodologically, this is an instructive study using a repeated-measures design and combining teacher assessments with test results to alleviate floor and ceiling effects.  相似文献   

Prior research on the Success for All (SFA) program has produced consistent evidence showing higher reading performance for program participants compared to matched control students. This study extended this research by examining student performance across 3 grades on both individually administered reading tests and state-mandated standardized tests. Of particular interest were longitudinal outcomes over a 3-year period for minority students versus nonminority students. Findings from a quasi-experimental design consisting of 2 SFA schools and 2 matched control schools indicated (a) overall positive effects for SFA on reading performance, (b) relatively stronger effects on the standardized tests than on the individually administered tests, (c) differential program effectiveness in the 2 SFA schools, (d) some decline in program effects over time, and (e) relatively stronger effects for minority than for nonminority students. The implications of the findings for SFA implementation, particularly in helping the most disadvantaged students, and school restructuring are discussed.  相似文献   


The teaching of Chinese in Australian primary and secondary schools has a history of more than 40 years, but it has only been in the past two decades that it has become widespread. Nonetheless, until the last year, of the six most taught languages in schools, Chinese has had by far the smallest number of students. Several factors contribute to maintaining this situation, key among which are the greater time it takes students to master Chinese compared to other languages; the still underdeveloped pedagogy and resources for making learning Chinese an intellectually stimulating educational experience; and the impossibility of achieving good exam results due to the overwhelming number of students of Chinese background already proficient in the language. The result has been a uniform 95% drop out rate from early on. The factors involved in creating this situation are explained and concrete proposals made for improving the situation which take account of newly created gains and advocate collaborative work between those involved in teaching Chinese as an international language inside and outside China in helping to close the gaps.  相似文献   

本文通过对"动物生物学"期末考试成绩的统计分析,得出学生平时学习态度和学风、民族学生语言水平、教师水平和任课教师的不同、课程建设等问题对学习效果具有重要影响的结论,为提高学习效果和精品课程建设发挥了指导的作用。  相似文献   

An analysis of 295 male and 194 female examinations from introductory atmospheric and oceanic science courses is conducted to determine whether or not there exists gender differences in the performance on multiple choice versus constructed response sections of the exams. The difference in the mean performance of males and females on constructed response relative to multiple choice sections of final exams, even in years where the females performed better than or worse than the males on both sections, is on average 5% that is significant at the 0.1% level. Gender differences on time-limited midterm exams are not significant. It is further shown that final exam performance is not significantly related to whether or not the exam starts with a multiple choice versus constructed response set of questions. While our analysis is unable to differentiate between the possibilities that multiple choice questions favor male students and the competing hypothesis that constructed response questions favor female students, existing literature is reviewed to suggest that a combination of both is possible. Nevertheless, from the analysis of our examination results, we can conclude that an exam of introductory atmospheric or oceanic science curricula, which is made up of 60% multiple choice questions and 40% constructed response questions, would not be skewed to favor any particular gender.  相似文献   

作为中学第二外语的日语教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中学开设英语并选修日语 ,是大连市外语教学改革的一项成功尝试。在中学实行第二外语教学体现了与时俱进、改革创新、面向未来的课改理念 ,它将为我国培养全面发展的外语人才提供条件。  相似文献   

Because language minority students, including immigrants and the U.S.-born children of immigrants, may have to contend with a mismatch between the language and culture of their schools and those of their communities, as well as the schools' difficulty in addressing their academic needs appropriately, some schools have been partnering with community-based organizations (CBOs) to broaden the base of support for these students. This article outlines findings from a study of school-CBO partnerships that promote the academic achievement of language minority students. It describes the types of CBOs that partner with schools, the ways partners work together, and the work that they do. Crucial elements in program success are discussed, as well as challenges that partnerships may face.  相似文献   

Schools serving large populations of students placed at risk have been the focus of reform for over a decade, with the assumption that school reform leads to classroom reform, resulting in improved student achievement. Student achievement data at the school level are typically used to judge the effectiveness of the reform. This practice assumes uniformity of implementation within the school. This study of classrooms within 4 Accelerated Schools Project (ASP) schools operationalizes the ASP principles, values, and concepts of powerful learning at the classroom level. Together, they form what is called a powerful learning environment (PLE). In addition, the study examines the extent to which PLE is implemented similarly in different classrooms and different schools, and analyzes the relation between degree of implementation and differences in student achievement. Data collection involved structured observations in 40 classrooms during English and language arts or mathematics instruction. Analysis of data indicates that more variation in implementation of PLE occurred within schools than between schools. The study also finds a correlation between degree of implementation and higher student achievement.  相似文献   

This special issue of Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal contains nine papers by researchers who presented at the Language and Reading Comprehension for Immigrant Children (LARCIC) conference, which took place at OISE/University of Toronto in 2009. The first set of five papers focuses on the contribution of cognitive factors to reading comprehension in language minority children, and the second set of four papers focuses on the joint effects of cognitive and socio-cultural factors on literacy development in these children. Three common themes emerge in the first set of papers. The first theme compares the cognitive processes that contribute to reading comprehension between language minority children and their peers who speak the societal language as the first language. In particular, the application of the Simple View of Reading model in language minority children is discussed. The second theme compares the reading performance of language minority children to their peers. The third theme explores the nature of reading constructs in language minority children. Two common themes underlie the second set of papers. The first theme addresses the mediating role of socio-cultural factors in vocabulary development in language minority children. The second theme explores the joint effects of cognitive and socio-cultural factors on cross-language transfer of literacy skills. Taken together, the papers presented in this special issue point to the importance of considering both cognitive and socio-cultural factors in literacy research involving language minority children.  相似文献   

根据民族汉考作文题的特点,按照第二语言教学规律,少数民族作文教学应该让学生把握写作规律,掌握写作技巧,有的放矢地进行写作-;Jij练。  相似文献   

新疆双语教学改革已经取得了显著的成绩,形成了双语授课实验班、双语实验学校、小学一年级、学前班以及幼儿园开设汉语课等多种双语教学改革实验共同发展的新格局.大力推进喀什地区少数民族双语教学,努力培养“民汉兼通”的高素质人才,培养出适应新疆知识经济发展需要的新型人才是每一位教育工作者的责任.  相似文献   

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