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The National Union of Teachers has recently undertaken a survey of the trends in the numbers of LEAs making cuts in specific LEA support services. The survey also examines the percentage of LEAs delegating provision for specific services in 1993/94 compared with previous years. John Bangs, principal officer – special educational needs, NUT, describes the survey.  相似文献   

隐喻构成的双域性体现在隐喻概念系统从"源域"向"目标域"的投射,这是多个心智空间相互映射并形成最忠实于语言语境和社会语境的表达和阐释的概念复合过程。这个过程以概念隐喻理论、相互作用理论、概念复合理论为依据,受认知主体的认知能力、文化背景、语言语境的影响。  相似文献   

精英主义与多元主义--政治社会学两种基本理论模式述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方政治社会中有两种主要的理论模式:精英主义和多元主义。精英主义的基本观点是精英占据着社会结构中顶层的位置。精英主义有保守主义、中庸主义、激进主义三种取向。而相反,多元主义模式将权力解释成分散的,有许多中心,国家并不由单一的精英统治,而是由众多专门的、竞争性的集团统治,这两种模式观点对立。它们的结合产生了多元精英的模式。  相似文献   

The 'Points from the SENCo–Forum' page, compiled by Klaus Wedell, is a regular feature in BJSE . These accounts reveal the lively and relevant nature of the discussions within the Forum itself. In this paper, Professor Ann Lewis and Martin Ogilvie, both from the School of Education at the University of Birmingham, summarise the findings of a project, funded by BECTA and the DfES, to look at the impact of the Forum on current users and to indicate opportunities for further development. It is clear that the SENCo–Forum has been a great success. It provides a highly valued service for its users and, suggest Ann Lewis and Martin Ogilvie, the model has real potential for application in other contexts with other groups of professionals.  相似文献   

This article claims that the radical potential inherent in the origins of inclusive education has been altered into a tool for protecting the status quo. Drawing on ideas from the essay ‘The Unfinished’ by Thomas Mathiesen (1971) Mathiesen, T. (1971). Det uferdige. Bidrag til politisk aksjonsteori. [The unfinished. A contribution to political action theory]. Oslo: Pax forlag. [Google Scholar], I discuss inclusion as a potential alternative to mainstream education and argue that the potential power of change in this alternative view of schooling is greatly reduced because the inclusion movement, as it is appears today, tends to offer finished solutions. To create a viable alternative to mainstream education requires an understanding of unfinished inclusion because this opens an uncertainty within education that may make the established system more open to change. The unfinished will in this way restore the disruptive potential of inclusive education.  相似文献   

Since last year's first full run of standard assessment tasks at Key Stage 1 was reviewed in the September 1991 issue of the journal some improvements have been made in the assessment arrangements for pupils with special educational needs but other problems remain. David Bartlett, assessment coordinator, Birmingham Education Department, who wrote last year's review and Nick Peacey, SENJIT coordinator, report the findings from a questionnaire survey and a series of conferences. They make proposals for changes.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,为应对少子化压力,日本基于福利多元主义的视角,对其传统的以国家提供为主、体现"家庭主义"特点的育儿支持体系进行了重大改革,逐步转为在政府引导下,由社区、市场、民间组织等多部门共同协作为家庭提供育儿支持,这有效地缓解了家庭育儿压力。当前我国家庭在育儿方面缺乏政府与社会的各方支持。借鉴日本的改革经验,我国应加强顶层设计,健全相关法律体系和机构部门;发挥市场作用,发展多样化托育服务,满足不同家庭的需求;推动社区及社会组织参与育儿服务,创建有利于育儿家庭的社会支持环境;重视家庭的不可替代作用,实现社会多元支持下的"再家庭化"。  相似文献   

论在综述了国外学对克孜尔石窟年代分期的观点的基础上,充分肯定了中国学宿白的研究成果,并在此基础上作了补充研究。  相似文献   

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