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目的:考察击剑运动员后腿膝、踝关节在向前弓步刺中的关节力矩、角度和角速度生物力学参数表现,寻找影响弓步速度的主要因素.方法:通过对12名击剑运动员后腿在测力台上进行原地向前弓步刺动作的三维捕捉,运用VISUAL 3D分析软件计算运动员动作过程中重心最大水平速度,后腿膝、踝关节峰值力矩及最大关节角速度,动作启动时的后腿膝、踝关节角度,并对影响重心最大水平速度的各因素进行关联度分析.结果:各个因素对运动员向前弓步刺重心最大水平速度的影响程度大小依次是:踝峰值力矩>膝角>膝峰值力矩>踝角>踝角速度>膝角速度.结论:在后腿的训练中优先发展肌肉力量对于提高击剑运动员弓步速度具有重要意义,在平时训练时要加强击剑运动员后腿股四头肌群力量、趾屈肌向心收缩力量、踝关节肌肉快速力量训练以及在实战中基本姿势的训练.  相似文献   

探讨击剑运动员双侧下肢膝、髋关节在弓步过程中,生物力学表现对弓步速度的影响。14名击剑运动员以最快速度完成原地弓步动作,同步 采集运动学数据和地面反作用力,运用Visual 3D软件计算运动员弓步速度及下肢膝、髋关节生物力学参数,对运动员弓步动作重心水平速度峰值和 其影响因素进行灰色关联分析。结果:弓步动作中各因素对重心水平速度峰值的影响程度依次为,后膝关节活动范围>后膝关节伸峰功率>后髋 关节活动范围>前髋关节活动范围>前膝关节活动范围>前髋关节屈峰功率>后髋关节伸峰功率>前膝关节伸峰功率。结论:后膝关节活动范围 及峰功率是弓步速度的主要影响因素,双侧髋关节和前膝关节的关节活动范围同样能够对弓步速度产生重要影响。  相似文献   

通过对国家击剑队4个剑种18名重点运动员持剑手上肢肩、肘、腕三关节肌群进行等动肌力测定,研究优秀击剑运动员持剑手上肢三关节肌群的等速力学表现,发现薄弱肌群.结果发现,持剑手肩关节伸肌在快速下较屈肌力量增加更多(P<0.05),伸肌更适合等张向心工作,屈/伸比在正常范围;持剑手肘关节,在60°/s、180°/s时屈肌均显著低于伸肌(P<0.05),伸肌更适合快速工作;持剑位下,腕关节内收肌群小于外展肌群(P<0.05),重剑运动员内收肌群在60°/s下显著高于花剑运动员(P<0.05),240°/s下男子花剑运动员外展肌群显著高于男子重剑运动员(P<0.05),但此时内收/外展比值重剑显著高于花剑(P<0.05).说明击剑运动员持剑手侧肩关节、肘关节肌力与击剑刺和回收动作关系密切;重剑与花剑运动员腕内收、外展肌群肌力差别显著,可能是击剑运动员重要专项特征.  相似文献   

影像测量数据在击剑弓步技术诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用影像测量法、数理统计法,对佩剑运动员弓步技术特征点数据进行研究,分析认为:利用人体重心在垂直方向的速度与位移曲线相结合的方法,可以更清楚地反映并较准确地划分弓步技术动作阶段,获得相关数据,掌握运动员各阶段的人体重心变化情况;利用前脚重心点位移与速度特征指标,可以分析"摆"、"伸"步法技术各个环节的问题;通过膝关节角度指标,能对运动员站位高低,人体重心偏移进行诊断,并利用膝关节角度值变化,分析脚步摆动腿幅度,支撑腿用力等情况,判断弓步结束姿势的稳定性.应用影像测量数据简单易行,有助于对击剑运动技术进行分析研究,解决技术诊断中的实际问题.  相似文献   

使用维也纳计算机辅助测试系统,研究不同水平飞碟运动员安静状态下若干认知心理指标,重点考察高水平飞碟运动员的认知特征;发现:手臂稳定性、眼手协调性、反应速度、时间判断和空间判断6个指标上,高水平运动员与中、低水平运动员之间存在不同程度的差异;认为:这6个指标是高水平飞碟运动员典型的认知心理指标,其中手臂稳定性、时间判断和空间判断3个指标尤为突出。  相似文献   

重剑运动员在运动情境中视觉搜索优势的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用眼动记录技术对重剑运动员和普通大学生在重剑运动情境中的视觉搜索过程进行研究分析,结果发现:(1)在运动情境中,运动员和普通大学生的视觉搜索过程可以依据首注视点的出现划分为视觉搜索前期和视觉搜索期两个阶段;(2)在视觉搜索前期,运动员不存在时间优势,但是已经体现出显著的空间优势;(3)在视觉搜索期中,运动员的在时间和空间方面都有显著优势.  相似文献   

不同刺激呈现方式对乒乓球运动员视觉搜索特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
采用10名乒乓球专业运动员和10名乒乓球初学者为被试,以乒乓球接发球为运动情境片段,对优秀乒乓球运动员的视觉搜索特征进行实验性研究,同时对静态和动态不同刺激呈现条件下运动员视觉搜索特征进行比较,探讨不同实验素材对于运动中视觉搜索特征的影响.研究结果表明,1)在不同的刺激呈现条件下,专家和新手乒乓球运动员的视觉搜索特征存在明显差异;2)运动水平在反应准确性和反应时均表现出一致的趋势,运动水平越高,反应时和反应准确性越好.在动态运动情境刺激下反应时和反应准确性优于静态情境;3)专业运动员采用了相对合理的搜索模式,注视时间越短、注视次数越少、眼跳距离越小,注视分配和注视轨迹比较简单、集中.动态情境下这种搜索模式表现更为明显.  相似文献   

运动员在运动情境中能够根据部分线索对完整信息进行加工,体现了高水平运动员的认知能力。以54 名不同水平男子体操运动员和非运 动员为被试,分为高水平运动员、中等水平运动员、低水平运动员和非运动员4 组,采用混合设计,在部分信息和完整信息条件下,让被试观看男 子跳马动作的录像,记录两个条件下判断的反应时、准确性、评分差异以及自信程度。结果表明,在部分信息条件下,不同水平的被试在反应时上 不存在显著差异,但准确性、评分差异以及自信程度上存在显著差异,说明自我引导运动项目的运动员专项认知能力上的特点与环境引导运动 项目的运动员存在不同。  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察影响重剑运动员决策速度和准确性的因素。用MANOVA考察了运动等级和信息量对重剑运动员决策速度和准确性的影响。结果表明:运动水平是影响重剑运动员决策速度的主要因素。顶尖组运动员在决策速度上具有绝对优势,不仅远远快于一般水平组,而且也明显快于普通高水平组。信息量是影响重剑运动员决策准确性的主要因素。信息量大,则决策准确性低。信息量的变化对重剑运动员的决策速度的影响不大,重剑运动员在决策速度与准确性权衡中倾向于快速,从而导致准确性下降。  相似文献   

目的:利用两关节之间连续相对相位作为评价协调性特征的指标,并通过对比运动员和普通人在常速跑和最大速度跑时协调性特征的差异,明确下肢关节协调性特征在不同跑速之间的变化,并确定运动水平对协调性特征的影响。方法:选取32名男性大学生(运动员和普通人各16名)为受试者。使用红外运动捕捉系统分别采集受试者在3 m/s,5 m/s和最大速度跑时的运动学数据,计算每名受试者在跑步支撑期同侧关节相对相位和双侧关节相对相位,使用重复测量方差分析的方法确定不同运动水平和速度跑步时协调性特征之间的差异。结果:随着跑速增加,同侧关节和双侧关节的相对相位均发生改变,同侧膝踝关节相对相位减小,髋膝关节相对相位在不同阶段有不同的变化;双侧髋关节相对相位增加,膝关节相对相位增加,而踝关节相对相位减小。运动水平对下肢关节相对相位的影响主要表现在最大速度跑,对常速跑的影响不大。结论:随着跑速的增加,动作控制策略表现为远端关节相对相位减小,提示在维持步态稳定性方面有重要作用,而近端环节则主要与动作速度增加有关。运动员在常速运动中的动作控制策略与普通人一致,但是在需要发挥最大能力的运动中显著提高。  相似文献   

目的:通过对重剑运动员赛前训练血乳酸的测试,评定不同训练手段对提高专项对抗能力的作用和效果,为教练员进行针对性训练、科学安排训练提供依据。方法:以安徽省击剑队重剑组8名运动员为研究对象,应用血乳酸指标对不同训练手段后的即刻、5min后的血乳酸值进行监测,并与全国比赛的有关测试结果进行比较分析。结果:1)个别课、条件对练、站桩练习、团体实战后即刻BLA与全国比赛后有非常显著差异(P<0.01);2)个人实战后即刻BLA与全国比赛后有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论:1)重剑运动员在发展ATP-CP系统供能能力基础上,应当重视糖酵解供能能力训练,尤其是一定量的最高乳酸训练;2)不同的训练手段重剑运动员所表现出的BLA结果各不相同;同一种训练手段,不同的运动员所表现出的BLA也有差异;3)个别课、条件对练、站桩练习、团体实战四种训练手段的运动强度较低,均不是提高重剑运动员赛前专项对抗能力的理想训练手段;4)个人实战训练手段中,在对手安排和比赛气氛的营造上,应使之更接近全国比赛,以满足比赛时对大强度负荷的要求。  相似文献   

重剑运动员的心理能力诊断及心理训练对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据击剑运动的特点和比赛对运动员心理能力的要求,采用运动心理能力诊断的方法,对运动员进行有针对性的心理咨询和心理训练。结果显示,这一方法能帮助运动员克服心理障碍,提高比赛时的心理稳定性。  相似文献   


One hundred and eighteen national collegiate fencers engaged in the first round competition in the 28th annual NCAA Fencing Championships held at the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle Campus. After the first day of competition, the field size was reduced to 72 fencers or 24 fencers per weapon. Through the use of a unique scoring device, response times and accuracy measurements were recorded for each fencer. The fencers then engaged in their respective round robin tournament according to class of weapon; epee, sabre, or foil. Two criterion measures of fencing success were then correlated with response times and accuracies. Correlation coefficients for sabre fencemen were slightly better than 0. Criterion measures for epee fencers showed a low relationship with response time and accuracies while those of foil showed a slight to fair relationship.  相似文献   


The aim of the present work is to examine the differences between two groups of fencers with different levels of competition, elite and medium level. The timing parameters of the response reaction have been compared together with the kinetic variables which determine the sequence of segmented participation used during the lunge with a change in target during movement. A total of 30 male sword fencers participated, 13 elite and 17 medium level. Two force platforms recorded the horizontal component of the force and the start of the movement. One system filmed the movement in 3D, recording the spatial positions of 11 markers, while another system projected a mobile target over a screen. For synchronisation, an electronic signal enabled all the systems to be started simultaneously. Among the timing parameters of the reaction response, the choice reaction time (CRT) to the target change during the lunge was measured. The results revealed differences between the groups regarding the flight time, horizontal velocity at the end of the acceleration phase, and the length of the lunge, these being higher for the elite group, as well as other variables related to the temporal sequence of movement. No significant differences have been found in the simple reaction time or in CRT. According to the literature, the CRT appears to improve with sports practice, although this factor did not differentiate the elite from medium-level fencers. The coordination of fencing movements, that is, the right technique, constitutes a factor that differentiates elite fencers from medium-level ones.  相似文献   

For fencing, speed of the lunge is considered critical to success. The aim of this study is to investigate determinants of lunge speed based on biomechanics. Ground reaction force (GRF) and three-dimensional kinematic data were collected from 7 elite fencers and 12 intermediate-level fencers performing maximum-effort lunges. The results showed that elite fencers acquired a higher horizontal peak velocity of the centre of gravity (HPV) and concomitantly a higher horizontal peak GRF exerted by rear leg (PGRF) than intermediate-level fencers (P?P?P?P?≤?.05). Our findings suggest that training aimed at enhancing strength and power of rear knee extensors is important for fencers to improve speed of the lunge. Also, increasing the extension of rear knee during the lunge, at the same time decreasing the flexion of the forward knee before extension are positive for lunge performance.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to test the effect that changing targets during a simple long lunge attack in fencing exerts on the temporal parameters of the reaction response, the execution speed, and the precision and the coordination of the movement pattern. Thirty fencers with more than 10 years of experience participated in this study. Two force platforms were used to record the horizontal components of the reaction forces and thereby to determine the beginning of the movement. A three-dimensional (3D) system recorded the spatial positions of the 9 markers situated on the fencer plus the epee, while a moving target was projected on a screen, enabling the control of the target change. The results indicated that when a target change is provoked the reaction time (RT), movement time (MT), and the time used in the acceleration phase of the centre of mass (CM) increases significantly with respect to the attack executed with a straight thrust. The speed and horizontal distance reached by the CM at the end of the acceleration phase (VX(CM) and SX(CM), respectively) significantly decreased, while the errors increased. However, the temporal sequence of the movement pattern did not appreciably change.  相似文献   

信息量与认知风格对击剑运动员决策速度和准确性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
付全 《体育科学》2005,25(8):33-38
研究了信息量与决策风格对不同水平和性别的击剑运动员的决策速度和准确性的影响。被试为国家击剑队、江苏省击剑队和江苏省体校的花剑和重剑运动员,以及江苏省现代五项队重剑运动员,共89名。用MANOVA等方法对实验结果进行分析,结果表明,运动水平和信息量是影响击剑运动员决策速度和准确性的主要因素;优秀组花剑和重剑运动员在决策速度上具有绝对优势,不仅远远快于一般水平组运动员,而且也显著快于普通高水平组运动员。信息量主要影响击剑运动员的决策准确性,但对花剑和重剑运动员的影响不一致。认知风格影响花剑运动员的决策准确性,认知风格和性别共同影响重剑运动员的决策速度。提示,决策速度可以作为高级击剑运动员选材的重要指标,也是普通高水平运动员在向优秀级迈进过程中的训练要点。  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact that mouth rinsing carbohydrate solution has on skill-specific performance and reaction time following a fatigue-inducing bout of fencing in epee fencers. Nine healthy, national-level epee fencers visited a laboratory on two occasions, separated by a minimum of five days, to complete a 1-minute lunge test and Stroop test pre- and post-fatigue. Heart rate and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded during completion of the fatiguing protocol. Between fights the participant’s mouth rinsed for 10?seconds, either 25?ml of 6.7% maltodextrin solution (MALT) or water (PLAC). Blood lactate and glucose were recorded at baseline, pre- and post-testing. Results showed an increase in heart rate and overall RPE over time in both conditions. There were no differences in blood glucose (F(1,8)?=?.63, P?=?.4, ηp?=?.07) or blood lactate levels (F(1,8)?=?.12, P?=?.70, ηp?=?.01) between conditions as a function of time. There was a significant improvement in lunge test accuracy during the MALT trial (F(1,8)?=?5.21, P?=?.05, ηp?=?.40) with an increase from pre (81.2?±?8.3%) to post (87.6?±?9.4%), whereas there was no significant change during the placebo (pre 82.1?±?8.8%, post 78.8?±?6.4%). There were no recorded differences between conditions in response time to congruent (F(1,8)?=?.33, P?=?.58, ηp?=?.04) or incongruent stimuli (F(1,8)?=?.19, P?=?.68, ηp?=?.02). The study indicates that when fatigued mouth rinsing MALT significantly improves accuracy of skill-specific fencing performance but no corresponding influence on reaction time was observed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of stimulus change timing on reaction response time parameters, horizontal velocity of the centre of mass (CM) and precision during offensive actions in fencing. Twelve fencers from the Spanish National Foil Team were included in the study. Two 500 Hz force plates were used to register the horizontal component of the reaction force while a 3D video camera set at 250 Hz recorded the spatial position of 11 body markers and a projector connected to a programmed stopwatch projected a moving target (stimulus) on a screen. When the circle (target) appeared in the centre of the plastron, fencers had to execute a step-forward-lunge as fast as possible, trying to touch the circle with the tip of the foil. During the lunge, the position of the target could randomly shift or not to three different positions. The stimulus change was performed randomly at four different times with a progressive delay. The results show that target changes did not have any effect when they occurred at the beginning of the movement sequence. However, when the target change was delayed, reaction and movement times increased and the technical execution of the lunge changed, leading to more errors.  相似文献   

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