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This symbolic interaction study was designed to identify and discover key components about caring science teachers. Grounded theory was generated that emphasizes the notion that caring is important in today's schools and provides insight into what happens in science classrooms. A key pattern that emerged regarding science teachers who are perceived to be caring is that they build a variety of relationships. The kinds of relationships described as caring by the teachers in this study include teacher-student, student-student, and teacher-content. The interaction and integration of these three kinds of relationships results in teacher-student-content relationships. The emergence of relationships and illustrations of the importance of these relationships is described herein. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article aims to introduce Ernst Cassirer, and his philosophy of symbolic form, to education studies, and, in doing so, to challenge the widespread but deeply flawed views of knowledge and so-called knowledge-based education that have shaped recent education policy in England. After sketching the current educational landscape, and then some of the main lines of flight in Cassirer’s work, time is given to a comparison with Heidegger—a more familiar figure by far in Anglophone philosophy than Cassirer, and who contributed to the displacement of Cassirer—in order to illustrate more clearly Cassirer’s original contribution, in particular to the relationship between knowledge and time. Cassirer’s view of knowledge stands in marked and critical contrast to that which has shaped recent educational reform in England, as he sees knowledge as a productive and expressive matter, and repudiates what I call the ‘building-blocks’ picture of knowledge and the hierarchisation of subject areas.  相似文献   

在大众媒介的传播过程中,符号的生产和消费导致社会大众的客体化,这个视野中的大众的抵抗仅仅是对消费过程的抵抗,并不能让自己产生真正的主体性;由于虚拟的普遍化,在互联网上,个体与媒介环境分离的矛盾变为个体自身的矛盾,而大众文化对个体的影响可能更为深入;但是,作为任何个人都可以自由使用的认识工具和传媒手段,互联网提供了从实际生活出发、反映实践中的矛盾和探求解决方向的新的可能性,在这个基础上,能指和所指也才能实现真正的统一。  相似文献   

音乐是一种植根于文化中的艺术,不同的文化土壤会滋生和孕育出不同的具有地方特色的音乐文化,对于有着4000多年历史的文明古国印度来说,恒定的连续性、极大的包容性、强烈的宗教性和神秘的复杂性,使印度音乐与文化之间的交互作用更是鲜明而具有特色。  相似文献   

人类的生物多样性和文化多样性 ,与人类作为一个统一的智人种具有相似的遗传结构、生理性状和心智倾向之间 ,到底是一种什么关系 ?从现有的知识状况来看 ,人类群体的遗传变异和文化差异形成过程中二者的交互影响尚难以确定 ,但种族的地理分布和文化区域之间因生态适应而呈现出一定程度上的交叉重叠。因此 ,种族边界与文化边界之间的关联 ,既是地理隔离 ,也是人为强化的结果  相似文献   

万钧 《许昌学院学报》2012,31(3):138-141
民事调解制度是中国法治文化和长期司法实践经验的结晶,有着深刻的文化背景和社会背景。然而,民事调解制度在新的历史时期暴露出一些新的问题,必须针对这些问题,以民事调解制度的文化渊源为视角,探寻这项制度的社会基础和内在规律性,进而对其加以完善和改进,以使其能够适应发展着的社会环境。  相似文献   

The reduction of transaction costs is a commonly mentioned yet rarely elaborated goal for aid effectiveness in educational development. The casual use of the concept of transaction costs conceals which costs may be reduced, which costs are required and, indeed, what transaction costs actually are. Examining issues related to harmonizing the efforts of multiple donors in education development, this paper analyzes aid conditionality from a transaction-cost perspective. Using transaction-cost analysis, we expand on typical notions of policy conditionality to look at how organizational reforms may affect transaction costs and how aid contract relations may be influenced by conditionality.  相似文献   

象征的营构对于作家来说相当重要,象征派的创作者们大多数都从音乐中来实现象征的营构。对音乐的利用,在象征的营构中,以诗歌创造为多。象征性的叙事作品对于音乐的利用,在一些有意者的创造中也达到了极高的境地。于是,象征寓意得到升腾,让人从中谛听并感受到来自象征形象核心的那股意义的强劲震荡,领略到象征形象的深藏不露的精深内涵的微妙启示。  相似文献   

柯东林 《鄂州大学学报》2007,14(2):11-12,16
在数据库中使用事务功能,就可以把数据遭破坏的可能性降到最低。然而,事务处理需要耗费大量的计算机资源,它必然会引起系统性能的降低,甚至由于多个事务的不合理设计造成冲突而产生死锁现象,这是一名数据开发者所不愿意面对但却必须解决的重要问题,该文描述了通过优化事务的方法来避免死锁的发生。  相似文献   

试论自然手语和文法手语的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章通过对“自然手语”和“文法手语”概念的分析,指出了目前在聋教育界对“自然手语”概念理解的几种错误:目前聋教育界对“自然手语”有使用范围和理解过窄、评价过低;对“文法手语”有使用范围和理解过宽、评价过高。重申了在各级聋校使用“聋人手语”为教学语言建议。  相似文献   

地域文化和地方高校文化作为社会文化的两个子系统,分别以不同形式发挥着文化育人的功能。地域文化和地方高校文化建设在文化全球化趋势下面临新的挑战,二者的相互交融,良性互动将为各自的创新、发展,形成特色,增强竞争力创造新的动力。地方高校文化在物质文化、精神文化,学术文化,活动文化等方面受到地域文化的熏陶和影响;地域文化依托地方院校的人才、科研实力和大学文化的引领、服务和辐射功能得以传承、创新和弘扬。  相似文献   

在索绪尔那里,符号是施指和所指的结合体。考诸施指一词后来的实际用法,不难看到,人们仍然大致是在符号的意义上使用施指的。其中的缘由,有考察的必要。  相似文献   

Can presentations by an iconic system (pictures) and a linguistic system (print or audio) aid learning? Tests given fourth-to-sixth graders showed that they alternate between systems, using each to assimilate information. However, when content differed between the systems — and this information was presented simultaneously (visual + audio) — processing of the information was not as effective.  相似文献   

This article examines the perceptions of education in Turkey, which refer to a nebulous package of formal education and a cultured stance. Guided by the literature on symbolic violence, we argue that underprivileged groups misrecognize arbitrary hierarchies by considering them just and inevitable. Elite tastes have been internalized by other groups in a particular historical context of education and culture. We investigate the historical roots of this seemingly ahistorical constellation of power relations around education and then consider the implications for the neoliberal period. Then, we contextualize the responses to symbolic violence. Subordinate groups complicate the effects of symbolic violence by exhibiting diverse responses that range from outright submission to implicitly questioning cultural and moral boundaries, creating class and ethnic others in the process. This occurs by constructing cultural and moral boundaries, especially targeting the ‘vulgar’ culture of celebrities and Kurds.  相似文献   

Supporting undergraduate students with their academic literacies has recently been a major focus in higher education in the UK. This paper explores the value of tutor mediation in the context of academic writing development among undergraduate business studies students in open and distance learning, following the dynamic assessment (DA) approach that has been developed within Vygotskian sociocultural theory of learning (Vygotsky, 1978). DA is an assessment approach that blends instruction and assessment. The data, which came from a pilot study of a larger research project, consisted of text-based interaction between a tutor–researcher and two business studies students across various drafts of two assignments in line with the DA approach. This interaction was mediated by computers mainly through emails. The analyses of such interaction suggest that DA can help to identify and respond to the areas that students need the most support in (in this study, managing information flow). Finally, we argue that a learning theory-driven approach such as DA can contribute to undergraduate students’ academic writing development by responding to their individual needs.  相似文献   

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