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2010年全国高考理科综合I卷生物学试题主要考查了细胞(7.5分)、代谢(21分)、生命活动调节(18分)、遗传与进化(18分)、生态(7.5分)等主干和重点知识,其中代谢、调节、遗传部分的分值较大。不仅有基础知识和基本原理的考查,同时也考查了学生图文转换、知识迁移及分析综合能力。试题难度适中,其中31题难度较大,有一定区分度,有利于人才的选拔。  相似文献   

<正>一、2016年高考生物学科试卷分析生物试题考点的分布与历年一样必修部分主要集中在代谢、遗传和生态三大知识模块。现将2016年普通高考生物学科试题知识点覆盖面、难易度总结如下:1.知识点在教材中的分布及分值统计分析2.题型比例(必做题范围)3.试题难易程度分析(1)选择题:1、3、4题属于容易题(18分),2、5题属于中等难度题(12分),6题属于难题(6分)。选择题6道题,共计36分,知识点分布较为均匀,1、4题考查知识来源于必修一,2、6题考查知识来源  相似文献   

2014年安徽省高考理综生物试题难度适中,稳中有变,有效避开了题海战术、机械训练等应试模式.试题以能力立意为主导,突出考查主干知识,兼顾覆盖面,考查考生的理解能力、实验与探究能力、获取信息和综合运用等四项能力.必修部分考查的重点仍是细胞代谢、遗传的基本规律、动物生命活动调节、生物与环境四部分主干知识.2014年的高考生物试题在一定程度上保持了试题的稳定性和连续性,但是也有很多新变化,究竟“变”在何处呢?  相似文献   

宇文 《新高考》2007,(3):52-57
一、考点分析近五年遗传学试题的题型特点:(1)考查范围广,考查力度呈上升趋势。(2)加强了必、选修教材知识的融合,学科内综合明显。(3)对遗传基本定律的考查尤为突出,育种成为遗传试题考查热点。(4)侧重于能力考查,考试层次多在C以上,试题考查向多层次、多角度发展;难度较大,几  相似文献   

一、试题的主要特点生物部分试题有单项选择题和非选择题两种题型,其中单项选择题5个,非选择题共2个大题。总分为72分,其中选择题共30分,非选择题共42分。从总体上看,今年的生物学试题有以下特点:1.从考查内容上看,试题强调以教材为依据,突出了生物学科的主干知识。受题量及试卷篇幅的限制,高考理综试卷中,生物学部分不可能有很大的覆盖面。利用有限的试题考查中学生物学的主干知识,一直是高考理综生物试题设计的基本宗旨。今年的7道高考试题所涉及的主要是代谢、遗传变异、生命活动的调节(包括免疫)、现代生物技术、生物的稳态与环境等主要…  相似文献   

庞鹏飞 《科学教育》2007,13(6):50-52
1试题的总体评价(1)理科综合能力测试(北京卷)中的生物试题占72分,I卷有4道选择题,Ⅱ卷有3道大题,试卷结构和各题的分数设置与去年相同;在某种程度上,减轻了考生的心理压力。(2)注重实验能力和获取信息能力的考查,与《考试说明》(北京卷)和中学生物教材的要求基本一致。(3)重视对主干知识的考查,同时也兼顾了生物学科属于理科的综合素质的考查。(4)素材注重理论联系实际,考查学生运用所学知识解决现实生活中的有关生物学问题的能力。(5)试题文字叙述简捷,减少了学生的阅读时间。(6)试卷难度与去年相比略有升高。选修的内容比例较大,学生感…  相似文献   

高考试题中解析几何有2个选择题、1个填空题和1个解答题,共计27分左右,分值约占全卷的18%.其中选择题、填空题主要考查直线与圆、圆锥曲线的方程、几何性质或线性规划等基础性内容,试题难度不大:解答题则以圆锥曲线为载体,同平面向量、数列、导数、不等式等内容交汇,综合考查直线与圆锥曲线的位置关系,常处于压轴题的位置,试题难度较大.  相似文献   

2006年高考理科综合生物试卷做到了知识覆盖面较宽、主干知识重点突出、题型稳定、难度适中且有梯度等要求,更突出了以下两个特点:1.试题突出对基本知识、主干知识的考查。对学科主干知识的考察仍是重点,覆盖了遗传和变异、新陈代谢、生态学、生命活动调节及免疫等众多知识点。试卷中的绝大部分题目都是学生比较熟悉的,不少试题的背景更是直接来自于课本,旨在考查考生对课本中基本实质、概念、规律、原理等的掌握情况。如理综卷的第1题就考查了有关生命活动的调节和免疫知识。2.Ⅱ卷试题的能力层次要求较高。如第30题就要求考生根据已知图形…  相似文献   

蓝伟东 《广西教育》2013,(40):46-47
今年广西高考生物试题模式与往年相比基本保持稳定,试题的结构和总分值不变,试题的综合性和整体难度略有提高,大部分试题属于中等难度。一、试题特点分析1.紧扣考纲,突出主干知识的考查。从2011年至2013年,连续3年都出现的考点有新陈代谢(光合作用)、遗传的基本规律、生物与环境。2012年与2013年都出现了考核细胞工程、动物生命活动的调节、免疫、微生物的内容。这些内容  相似文献   

陈腊琴 《生物学教学》2014,39(10):73-76
2014年高考理科综合(北京卷)生物学试题仍沿用5(选择题)+3(非选择题)模式,总分80分。其中必修部分占74分,选修部分占6分。选择题着重考查学生对生物学主干知识的理解应用,难度适中,非选择题侧重对实验与探究能力、新知识的获取和信息处理能力以及分析解决问题能力的考查,其中30题信息量大、综合性强,有一定难度,有助于高校选拔人才。下面就部分试题进行解析。  相似文献   

Justification of testing practice involves moving from one state of knowledge about the test to another. Theories of test validity can (a) focus on the beginning of the process, (b) focus on the end or (c) encompass the entire process. Analyses of four case studies test and illustrate three claims: (a) restrictions on validity entail a supplement required to obtain justification from validity. (b) Rationales for restrictions assume particular contexts. (c) Claims can be translated between contrasting vocabularies. Implications for consumers of test validity theory include encouragement to focus on content instead of form and to write and read mindfully of the multiplicity of validity vocabularies. Implications for producers of test validity theory include encouragement to consider multiple reconstructions of a particular theory of test validity, clearly distinguish validity theories from validity definitions, and focus on contributing arguments that constrain possible theories rather than contributing definitions or broad frameworks.  相似文献   

考生在回答选择题时 ,对把握不透的题目进行猜测 ,在不同程度上影响考试结果的可信度。本文就猜测与校正问题进行讨论 ,并对鼓励猜测提出一些看法  相似文献   

The present study investigated whether fear appeals used prior to a test increased self-reported test anxiety and had a detrimental effect on test scores. Forty primary school pupils were instructed for one week under a low threat condition under which no fear appeals were made and another week under a high threat condition in which fear appeals were made salient. An end-of-week test was given in both conditions. Pupils reported an increase in test anxiety related worrisome thoughts and autonomic reactions under the high threat condition, but not in off-task behaviours. Test scores were lower under the high threat condition, but were not attributable to the increases in test anxiety related thoughts and autonomic reactions. This study adds weight to the argument that fear appeals are a damaging classroom strategy, but the mechanism by which fear appeals are reducing test scores is not yet clear.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the concurrent validity of the Peabody Individual Achievement Test (PIAT) and the Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT), product-moment correlations were computed for all subscores and total scores for 26 normal-range public school third-grade girls and boys. The reading comprehension subtests correlated.81, spelling.88, and PIAT Mathematics with MAT Total Math.64. Correlations were computed for the Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test and the PIAT General Information subtest as.77, and the Otis-Lennon and the PIAT Total Test scores as.79. Concurrent validity of the PIAT with both tests is tentatively considered adequate except in the area of mathematics, in which the PIAT, relative to the MAT, appears to be reflecting ability to handle math concepts (.68) more accurately than math computation (.41) or math problem solving (.56). Correlations with IQ partialed out suggest the PIAT Total Test, and PIAT and MAT reading and spelling measures, are relatively uninfluenced by IQ variations, whereas with IQ held constant, the weak positive correlations between the PIAT and MAT math subtests became essentially random relationships.  相似文献   

作为科学思维的核心要素,科学推理能力在生物学学科核心素养的培养与考查中具有重要地位。本文以试题中考查的科学推理能力为切入点,对2020年高考全国Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ卷以及浙江、天津、江苏、山东自主命题试卷中的生物学试题进行了定量分析。  相似文献   

The present study tested whether the paradoxical technique of positive reframing, presented in the form of test instructions, could be used to reduce the cognitive experience of worry and thereby improve the arithmetic test performance of highly test anxious third-and fourth-grade children. Thirty high test anxious and thirty low test anxious children were assigned randomly to receive one of three types of instructions prior to taking an arithmetic word problem test: neutral instructions, reassuring instructions, and positive-reframing instructions, which encouraged the children to view worry as a positive attribute. The results indicated that the type of instructions given had no significant effect upon subsequent test performance. However, both high and low test anxious children who received positive reframing scored significantly higher on a state anxiety measure given post test. These findings suggest that, although positive reframing may have an emotional impact, it is ineffective in improving the arithmetic test performance of highly test anxious children.  相似文献   

Learning the class test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
European Journal of Psychology of Education - The class test is one of the important school practices which construct and convey to the pupils the predominant conception of ability and the related...  相似文献   

本文采用定量研究来分析2006年到2013年近八年的英语专八短文改错题型的效度。统计表明专八短文改错题有一定的表面效度,但是因为它的题型大部分停留在语法词汇层面的考查上,而语义的辨识和语境理解考查还欠缺,因此,短文内容效度不高,没有充分发挥一篇完整短文的作用。  相似文献   

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