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校本评核是指在学校进行,由同一学校任课的教师评核学生在指定项目中的表现,并将评核成绩纳入高考成绩。香港考试及评核局对校本评核的分数比重、评审方法、评分准则、评审范围等做出明确规定,教师在评审过程中也有据可循。香港考试及评核局还采取措施保证校本评核的公平、公正。香港高考校本评核的成功运用对大陆高考改革有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着香港高中学制改变,考评制度亦由以往依赖公开纸笔考试,变为结合公开试和校本评核以评估学生的成绩。本文介绍香港公开考试制度内校本评核的发展背景,说明有关的宗旨和理念。同时,亦详细讨论推行校本评核遇到的问题,以及香港考试及评核局采用什么策略和措施推行校本评核。文中还就如何保证校本评核的素质、信度及公平性探讨了校本评核的具体操作。  相似文献   

自2012年起,香港将实施新的高中教育评核制度--中学文凭考试,同时辅以非强制、非正式的学生学习概览.其中中学文凭考试分公开考试和校本评核两部分,前者由香港考试及评核局组织和举办,后者由学校自行实施;学生学习概览则由学校鼓励并帮助学生建立.与现行评核制度相比,新评核制度更加注重与国际接轨,并考虑了学生的多元化出路,而且...  相似文献   

本文从香港中学会考及高级程度会考美术科考试及评核模式演变为主干,探讨中学毕业美术公开考试及评核模式演变与社会发展的影响。论文亦从近年西方学校艺术教育理念与发展,探究后现代社会学校视觉艺术教育的演变,以及如何影响关术考试及评核的模式。近年香港学校课程的改革,显然受西方国家学校课程改革理念的影响。考试及评核作为课程的重要部分,课程的改革必然会促使考试及评核的相应改革。考试及评核形式的改变,正反映我们社会期望的改变,学校教育培育的学生是否有自信?是否愉快学习?是否具备新世纪时代的共通能力?是否能够在新时代具有竞争力?学生是否具备改进社会的态度和适应新时代的生活技能?这些都是值得我们反省和探究的。  相似文献   

香港新高中通识教育科的评核设计包括权重为80%的公开考试和权重为20%的校本评核。由于涉及因素众多,其实际评核面临诸多困难。香港考试及评核局的经验是,建立考务人员团队,加强教师的考评培训,通过充分研究回应社会上利益相关者的关注。  相似文献   

校本评核制度是香港考试及评核局对香港中学文凭考试所采取的一种评估方式,它将作为高考各科成绩的一部分.而中国语文课程也将在2012年的香港中学文凭考试中采用这一评估方式.采用校本评核一方面是为了提高评核的信度,同时,也是为了更好的评估学生的学习过程;另一方面,校本评核可以更好的促进日常的学习和教学.总之,在中国语文课程中采用校本评核的评估方式,可以提高学生学习的积极性,更好的体现课程的宗旨,从而促进学生学习能力的发展.  相似文献   

香港实施新高中学制后,高中语文课程的评价以"促进学习的评估"为指引,在公开评核中引进了"校本评核",评价范围涉及必修课程及选修课程。培训教师先行、更新理念与指引在前等措施,保证了"校本评核"成为中学文凭考试的有机组成部分,其实践及经验非常值得内地高中语文课程评价改革借鉴。  相似文献   

去年年底,有机会去香港考察研究高等教育管理,对香港大学生参与校政问题甚感兴趣,亦颇有启发。今就此略谈考察见闻,并简述己见。香港的大学生对于参预校政表现出了极高的热情。许多情况表明,他们的参与意识很强,并已达到一个较高的层次。香港大学生可以直接对教师进行“教学评核”。1986年,香港大学历史系进行了一次“教学评核”,它是由该系学生会与历史系讲师合作组织的。这是香港大学首次允许学生参与筹备工作及公开分析结果的课程评核。此后,香港大学学生会在全校范围内进行了有系统的课程评核——“最佳教学奖选举”,对各门课后的  相似文献   

香港于2009年9月实施的三三四新学制,它不单只是修业年期的变更,更是高中课程教与学模式及评核方法的转变。与内地一样,在香港,评核方法一直有如一盏引导教师设定教学重点和策略的指路“明灯”,与学生成绩及前途亦有着千丝万缕的联系。在《高中及高等教育新学制——投资香港未来的行动方案》报告书中,教统局提出“为了提高对考生最终评核的效度和信度,长远目标应是令校本评核成为所有科目评核的一部分”(教育统筹局,2005)。  相似文献   

香港考试及评核局(Hong Kong Examinationsand Assessment Authority)2003年首次在互联网上发放高级程度会考和中级会考考试成绩,16万名应届考生可于成绩发放日在香港考试及评核局网页查阅成绩。该成绩查阅系统可同时容纳8万人登录。香港考试及评核局前称香港考试局,成立于1977年5月,是一所行政、财政独立的法定考试机构。  相似文献   

评核过程包括设计规划以收集资料、预备考生课业、报告考生的学习成绩这三个主要步骤。在公开考试中,考生透过他们课业表现,显示自己在个别学科中的学术水平,包括对内容认识的宽广度和难易度。课业要求往往在考试题目中反映出来。编制试题是一项专业的工作。命题时,拟题员须发掘新的题材、寻找新颖的情景、设计合适的题目;草拟答案时,亦须配合时代发展不断创新。本文旨在提供一些有关香港命题工作经验。  相似文献   

This paper describes Hong Kong’s borrowing, primarily from the UK, of the assessment for learning policy, in the context of prolonged use of formal summative public examinations. The narrative review and analysis are guided by a social positivist critique of the assessment for learning policy in the Hong Kong context. This paper concludes that Hong Kong’s attempts to implement assessment for learning are ambitious but somewhat futile because of persistent use of public examinations for important decision-making. Change in Hong Kong may only happen through a gradual implementation of assessment for learning practices that takes into account cultural, societal, and historic norms. Critical issues are identified and recommendations are proposed for further implementation of assessment for learning in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

朱贺玲 《考试研究》2013,(3):16-22,8
香港兼具高考功能的中学文凭考试综合运用公开考试及校本评核,力求评价方式的客观化与标准化,强调考试实践层面的标准制定,力图以教育测量理论与技术的科学性保证考试的公平性,对内地的高考改革有着较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Access arrangements are the way in which awarding bodies for public examinations in England, such as the General Certificate of Secondary Education, make reasonable adjustments for students with special educational needs and disabilities. SENCos have expressed concerns about the onerous nature of managing requirements for access arrangements, both administratively and practically, but there has been little explanation of why an apparently straightforward process proves so challenging. In this study, the development of a whole-school system to improve the administrative and practical management of access arrangements is used to seek to understand how the requirements set (and re-set) annually interact with school systems and processes to render the administration of access arrangements potentially complex, time-consuming and unpredictable. Scotland's flexible, school-led framework of requirements for the management of public examination assessment arrangements is highlighted as potentially more fit-for-purpose for the organisation of statutory reasonable adjustments for educational assessment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of multimodal representations to assess biological understanding in the final senior secondary school public examination in New South Wales, Australia. The investigation emanates from a larger Australian study concerned with the impact of disciplinary and technological innovations on science pedagogy, particularly in molecular genetics where much knowledge is represented in modalities other than, or in conjunction with, language and traditional print-based texts and visuals. The availability of digital technologies and their affordances for the learning and teaching of senior high school Biology now makes it realistic for examiners to include multimodal representations in assessment tasks. A qualitative analysis of final-year Biology examination papers from 2001 to 2013 identified and classified the multimodal representations included in this written external examination. Findings indicate that despite the ready availability of multimodal, multimedia representations in classroom learning and curriculum materials, and evidence of students’ engagement with ICT, the high-stakes examinations make little use of such resources. A consequence of this mismatch between curriculum outcomes and assessment tools is that students may be disadvantaged because their in-depth knowledge and understanding of biological concepts is not effectively demonstrated through traditional pen-and-paper tests. A move towards a range of alternative assessment formats is one way to ensure that assessment aligns with multimodal learning in the classroom.  相似文献   


This article draws on three assessment paradigms – psychometrics, outcomes-based and curriculum-based assessment – to discuss paradigmatic changes in senior school assessment and achievement standard-setting in Queensland, Australia, over the last 50 years. These include radical reforms in 1970 from university-controlled examinations to school-based assessments applying normative standard-setting, to subsequent reforms in 1978 introducing competence(curriculum)-based assessment and standards. From 2019, a new reform introduces a combination of school-based and external assessment with procedures for establishing standards still in progress.

Changes to Queensland assessment and standard-setting are discussed in terms of three preconditions for paradigm change – dissatisfaction, an alternative acceptable paradigm, and majority acceptance of change. Influence of paradigmatic origins of reformers is discussed. The amalgam of curriculum-based assessment and psychometric paradigms in the new Queensland system is considered in terms of theoretical compatibility and potential impact on the new standards.  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationship of the global and the local assessment discourses as expressed by Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test items and school-based examinations, respectively. To this end, the paper compares PISA test items related to living systems and the context of life, health, and environment, with Greek school–based biology examinations' test items in terms of the nature of their textual construction. This nature is determined by the interplay of the notions of classification (content specialisation) and formality (code specialisation) modulated by both the linguistic and the visual expressive modes. The results of the analysis reveal disparities between assessment discourses promoted at the global and the local level. In particular, while PISA test items convey their scientific message (specialised content and code) principally through their visual mode, the specialised scientific meaning of school-based examinations test is mainly conveyed through their linguistic mode. On the other hand, the linguistic mode of PISA test items is mainly compatible with textual practices of the public domain (non-specialised content and code). Such a mismatch between assessment discourses at local and global level is expected to place Greek students at different discursive positions, promoting different types of knowledge. The expected shift from the epistemic positioning promoted in Greece to the one promoted by PISA could significantly restrict Greek students' ability to infer the PISA discursive context and produce appropriate responses. This factor could provide a meaningful contribution in the discussion of the relatively low achievement of Greek students in PISA scientific literacy assessment.  相似文献   

Aligning curriculum change and assessment reforms has been a topic of great concern in Namibia for over the past 23 years. This is because during the pre-colonial period and continuing in post-independence Namibia, national examinations have been used mainly for the certification and selection of learners at Junior and Senior secondary school phases. Despite this, there is great need to align curriculum changes, standards and assessment in Namibia, since this is viewed as critical for the effectiveness of any education system. Hence, this paper attempts to cross-examine the challenges associated with curriculum alignment issues, changes and assessment reforms in Namibia. This was done by reviewing and analysing relevant documents such as curriculum, policies and examination results among others. Particular attention is paid to the Junior and Senior secondary school levels due to the fact that at these phases there are two major national terminal examinations.  相似文献   

This profile describes traditional assessment practices in Armenia – many of which are typical of those formerly practised throughout the Soviet Union – and the ongoing efforts to reform formal examinations and school‐based evaluation techniques. The extraordinarily high stakes associated with the examination currently used to select applicants for university places are discussed, as are the consequences for teaching and learning of having entrance tests based on published, rather than unseen, item banks. Progress towards introducing a new, dual‐purpose school‐leaving/university selection examination is outlined and the remaining hurdles described.  相似文献   

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