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This article explores the British and West German public service radio’s abilities to reflect on and to address the specific needs and expectations of migrant groups in their programmes between the 1960s and 1980s. Mechanisms of social inclusion and exclusion alike can be investigated here. Empirically, it is based on comparisons of radio broadcasts on and for different immigrant communities, produced by BBC Radio Leicester on/for the post-war Asian migrants in England and by West German public service broadcasting on/for ‘Gastarbeiter’ (foreign workers) as well as for ‘Spätaussiedler’ (German repatriates from East Europe). Radio is studied as an agent of identity management and citizenship education. Not only did radio talk about migrants and migration to introduce these topics and the newcomers to the local population. It also offered airtime to selected migrant communities to cater for their needs and interests as well as to facilitate their difficulties of adjusting to an unfamiliar environment.  相似文献   

Marconi proposes     

In the early 1960s, the BBC was given the opportunity to demonstrate that it had the skills and resources to create localized broadcasting, by organizing a series of experimental stations across the UK. Although the output was not heard publicly, the results were played to the Pilkington Committee on Broadcasting, who were deliberating about the future direction of radio and television. Using archival research, featuring contemporary BBC documents, this paper argues that these experimental stations helped senior managers at the BBC to harness technological innovation with changing attitudes in society and culture, thus enabling them to formulate a strategy that put the BBC in the leading position to launch local radio a few years later in 1967.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to demonstrate and analyse how two public broadcasters with cultural and technical mandates to foster identity formation, the BBC in Britain and the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commission (CRBC) in Canada, came to terms with the fact that the British and Canadian identities were different, and growing more so, in the 1930s. The focus is on how two BBC officials, Malcolm Frost and Felix Greene, assessed the public broadcasting experiment in Canada and gradually came to understand that the CRBC, while a Dominion broadcaster and potential distributor of the Empire Service, was also a North American broadcaster striving to gain legitimacy and credibility with Canadian listeners accustomed to the popular commercial programming of the large American networks. It concludes with a discussion of Greene's role in the creation of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) and the appointment of Canadian-born BBC official Gladstone Murray as its first general manager.  相似文献   

In the beginning of the German occupation of Poland in 1939, press censorship and a strict ban on radio listening were imposed. Poles and ghettos-imprisoned Jews could obtain international information by reading German-controlled newspapers or, alternatively, by reading the clandestine press or listen to rumours. This article stresses the significance of information distributed by activists of Hashomer Hatzair, Zionist, leftist youth movement, who conducted radio monitoring and prepared daily news bulletins distributed in Warsaw ghetto. The article describes their monitoring practices and shows how news extracted from broadcasts was later used in the press. It also engages with the question as to why foreign news was so important to Jews struggling to survive in terrible conditions of the ghetto. It also identifies motivations for conducting radio monitoring during the Holocaust and compares it with those of people listening to foreign radio stations in other contexts and with different intentions.  相似文献   

Allan Jones 《Media History》2013,19(4):436-449
In 1949, physicist Mark Oliphant criticised the BBC's handling of science in a letter to the Director General William Haley. It initiated a chain of events which led to the experimental appointment of a science adviser, Henry Dale, to improve the ‘coordination’ of science broadcasts. The experiment failed, but the episode revealed conflicting views of the BBC's responsibility towards science held by scientists and BBC staff. For the scientists, science had a special status, both as knowledge and as an activity, which in their view obligated the BBC to make special arrangements for it. BBC staff, however, had their own professional procedures which they were unwilling to abandon. The events unfolded within a few years of the end of the Second World War, when social attitudes to science had been coloured by the recent conflict, and when the BBC itself was under scrutiny from the William Beveridge's Committee. The BBC was also embarking on new initiatives, notably the revival of adult education. These contextual factors bear on the story, which is about the relationship between a public service broadcaster and the external constituencies it relies on, but must appear to remain independent from. The article therefore extends earlier studies showing how external bodies have attempted to manipulate the inner workings of the BBC to their own advantage (e.g. those by Doctor and Karpf) by looking at the little-researched area of science broadcasting. The article is largely based on unpublished archive documents.  相似文献   

王波 《图书馆》2015,(2):10-16
在新兴的基于图像的社会科学研究方法的启发下,建议以《中国历代画目大典》和《中国美术全集》作为资料基础,梳理中国古代传世画作中的读书图,以开辟阅读学、图书馆学研究的新领域,为读书图的专题收藏和利用提供线索,以弘扬中华民族耕读传家的优良传统,为阅读史、图书史上很多问题的研究带来富有趣味的图像证据。  相似文献   

Comrades at War     
Peter Busch 《Media History》2019,25(4):479-492


The Spanish Service was established in June 1939, two months after the end of the civil war in Spain and shortly before the start of the Second World War. Its implementation was strongly affected by these conflicts in the context of new international relations. Therefore, this study of the Spanish Service during 1939–1945 allows not only a better understanding of the communicational strategies developed by the BBC, but also of the complex Anglo-Spanish relations and the important role played by the Spanish-language broadcasts therein. The study is mainly based on archival documents from the National Archives in London and memoirs.  相似文献   

Kay Chadwick 《Media History》2015,21(4):426-442
This article focuses on representations of Britain to occupied France by the BBC French Service via its flagship programme Les Français parlent aux Français [The French speak to the French]. It first examines the establishment of the service and the formulation of a British propaganda strategy on occupied France. It then explores the service's efforts to foster French belief in Britain as France's friend and ally, and to rationalise key issues and incidents which challenged that narrative. Simultaneously, it positions French Service endeavours alongside the propaganda delivered on French national radio, known as Radio Vichy, in order to explore the exchanges about Britain between French propagandists who spoke on behalf of different Frances. In so doing, the article provides a close reading of the original French Service broadcasts which covers a larger corpus of material than has hitherto been documented in published collections, and which extends existing knowledge on the topic.  相似文献   

本文考述了民国时期的几个鲜为人知的图书馆学会,评价了它们的历史成就,并建议重视我国当代的图书馆学会建设。  相似文献   

Social bonds are necessary for human survival and affectionate communication is paramount for their formation and maintenance. Consequently, affection deprivation—the condition of receiving less affectionate communication than desired—is associated with social pain, and contemporary research indicates that social pain has substantial neurological overlap with physical pain. Thus, it was proposed that affection deprivation would be associated with the sensation of physical pain as well as with poor-quality sleep. Three studies involving a total of 1,368 adults from nearly all U.S. states and several foreign countries revealed significant associations between affection deprivation, physical pain, and multiple facets of disturbed sleep.  相似文献   

20世纪初期,在晚清的两种刊物上先后连载了两部图书馆学著述,一部是王国维翻译的《世界图书馆小史》,另一部是孙毓修著述的《图书馆》,但是这两部著述的学术价值并未得到充分的揭示。《世界图书馆小史》对外国图书馆历史进行了最早的系统介绍,把中国学习国外图书馆制度的历史提早了一个阶段,是"中国图书馆学术书籍之滥觞"。《图书馆》被视为一部具有完整体系结构的著述,被定位为"中国第一部系统的图书馆学著述"。  相似文献   

图书馆学教育是国家文化软实力的重要组成部分。文化软实力的构成要素包括文化凝聚力、文化吸引力、文化创新力、文化整合力和文化辐射力,图书馆学教育与这五个要素关联密切。无论从历史还是现实的角度来看,图书馆学教育在这五个方面都有良好的表现,但也存在诸如学科价值认同出现偏差、专业吸引力不强、学科创新力和整合力较为薄弱、学科影响力有限等问题。文化软实力视角下中国图书馆学教育的发展,要通过强化以社会主义核心价值观为内涵的理想、使命、职业精神教育,增强图书馆学教育的文化凝聚力;通过扩大图书馆学专业人才培养的规模,提升图书馆学教育的质量,推动图书馆学知识创新成果的社会应用,加强对图书馆学科和学科教育的宣传,提高图书馆学教育的文化吸引力;通过知识原始创新、研究方法创新、话语体系创新等途径,提升图书馆学教育的文化创新力;通过促进图书馆学与信息管理学科群及其他相关学科的交叉融合,提升图书馆学教育的学科整合力;通过利用各种对外交流的机会和平台,讲好图书馆学教育的“中国故事”,扩大图书馆学教育的文化辐射力。图1。参考文献30。  相似文献   

Paul Rixon 《Media History》2020,26(2):153-166
This article analyses how British newspapers in the 1930s created a particular frame or view of radio as an international medium. This frame was created around the idea of a duality, of radio being defined by both national and foreign broadcasts. By analysing coverage provided by the main national newspapers at this time, in relation to their specific radio coverage, such as programme listing and highlights, this paper delineates the form the frame took, what was included and was absent. Such a frame provides an understanding of how the newspapers viewed and valued radio in a period when international broadcasts were seen as an important part of what radio could offer.  相似文献   

郑玲 《图书馆论坛》2011,31(1):41-42
着眼图书馆馆史的历史科学属性,论述中国图书馆馆史研究方法之创新。  相似文献   

图书馆学史研究与学术传承   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
图书馆学史研究对于学术发展和学者自身修养有着重要意义,而目前对于民国时期图书馆学史研究尚嫌不足。本文论述了学术史研究的具体内容;列出了40位20世纪重要图书馆学家,并作一简要分析。  相似文献   

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