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When learning swinging skills on a bar there has been conflicting advice in the research literature regarding whether to coach the “gold standard” technique to novices. The present study aimed to determine how technique (joint angle time histories) and (inter-limb) coordination changed as novice gymnasts learned a fundamental gymnastics skill (the upstart). It was hypothesised that both technique and coordination would become more like an expert as learning progressed. Eight novice gymnasts, unable to perform an upstart, underwent four months of training, with the number of successful upstarts out of 10 recorded at the start and then every month subsequently. In the first and last sessions motion capture was used to determine joint kinematics. Root mean squared differences for the joint angle time histories and continuous relative phase at the shoulder and hip were calculated between the novices and an expert gymnast. As training progressed technique and coordination became more like the expert gymnast. The more successful novices were better able to time their actions within the swing than the less successful novices. Gymnastics coaches teach towards a “gold standard” technique since being successful at the skill is not the only goal, as considerations for future skill development are made.  相似文献   

Alterations in joint mechanics have been associated with common overuse injuries. An increase in running cadence in healthy runners has been shown to improve several parameters that have been tied to injury, but the reorganisation of motion that produces these changes has not been examined. The purpose of this study was to determine if runners change their segment coordination and coordination variability with an acute increase in cadence. Data were collected as ten uninjured runners ran overground at their preferred cadence as well as a cadence 10% higher than preferred. Segment coordination and coordination variability were calculated for select thigh–shank and shank–foot couples and selected knee mechanics were also calculated. Paired t-tests were used to examine differences between the preferred and increased cadence conditions. With increased cadence, there was a decrease in peak knee flexion and a later occurrence of peak knee flexion and internal rotation and shank internal rotation. Segment coordination was altered with most changes occurring in mid-late stance. Coordination variability decreased with an increase in cadence across all couples and phases of gait. These results suggest examination of coordination and its variability could give insight into the risk of intervention-induced injury.  相似文献   

The need to identify information sources which facilitate a functional coupling of perception and action in representative practice contexts is an important challenge for sport scientists and coaches. The current study investigated the role of visual information in regulating athlete gait behaviours during a locomotor pointing task in cricket. Integration of experiential knowledge of elite coaches and theoretical understanding from previous empirical research led us to investigate whether the presence of an umpire would act as a vertical informational constraint that could constrain the emergent coordination tendencies of cricket bowlers’ run-up patterns. To test this idea, umpire presence was manipulated during run-ups of 10 elite medium-fast bowlers. As hypothesised, removal of the umpire from the performance environment did not result in an inability to regulate gait to intercept a target, however, the absence of this informational constraint resulted in the emergence of different movement patterns in participant run-ups. Significantly lower standard deviation values of heel-to-crease distances were observed in the umpire condition at multiple steps, compared to performance in the no-umpire condition. Manipulation of this informational constraint altered gait regulation of participants, offering a mechanism to understand how perception–action couplings can be varied during performance in locomotor pointing tasks in sport.  相似文献   

Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is a condition resulting from a lateral ankle sprain. Shank-rearfoot joint-coupling variability differences have been found in CAI patients; however, joint-coupling variability (VCV) of the ankle and proximal joints has not been explored. Our purpose was to analyse VCV in adults with and without CAI during gait. Four joint-coupling pairs were analysed: knee sagittal-ankle sagittal, knee sagittal-ankle frontal, hip frontal-ankle sagittal and hip frontal-ankle frontal. Twenty-seven adults participated (CAI:n = 13, Control:n = 14). Lower extremity kinematics were collected during walking (4.83 km/h) and jogging (9.66 km/h). Vector-coding was used to assess the stride-to-stride variability of four coupling pairs. During walking, CAI patients exhibited higher VCV than healthy controls for knee sagittal-ankle frontal in latter parts of stance thru mid-swing. When jogging, CAI patients demonstrated lower VCV with specific differences occurring across various intervals of gait. The increased knee sagittal-ankle frontal VCV in CAI patients during walking may indicate an adaptation to deal with the previously identified decrease in variability in transverse plane shank and frontal plane rearfoot coupling during walking; while the decreased ankle-knee and ankle-hip VCV identified in CAI patients during jogging may represent a more rigid, less adaptable sensorimotor system ambulating at a faster speed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of age on running mechanics separately for male and female runners and to quantify sex differences in running mechanics and coordination variability for older runners. Kinematics and kinetics were captured for 20 younger (10 male) and 20 older (10 male) adults running overground at 3.5 m · s?1. A modified vector coding technique was used to calculate segment coordination variability. Lower extremity joint angles, moments and segment coordination variability were compared between age and sex groups. Significant sex–age interaction effects were found for heel-strike hip flexion and ankle in/eversion angles and peak ankle dorsiflexion angle. In older adults, mid-stance knee flexion angle, ankle inversion and abduction moments and hip abduction and external rotation moments differed by sex. Older compared with younger females had reduced coordination variability in the thigh–shank transverse plane couple but greater coordination variability for the shank rotation–foot eversion couple in early stance. These results suggest there may be a non-equivalent aging process in the movement mechanics for males and females. The age and sex differences in running mechanics and coordination variability highlight the need for sex-based analyses for future studies examining injury risk with age.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in coordination variability in running gait between trained runners and non-runners using continuous relative phase (CRP) analysis. Lower extremity kinematic data were collected for 22 participants during the stance phase. The participants were assigned to either a runner or non-runner group based on running volume training. Segment coordination and coordination variability were calculated for selected hip–knee and knee–ankle couplings. Independent t-tests and magnitude-based inferences were used to compare the 2 groups. There were limited differences in the CRP and its variability among runners and non-runner groups. The runners group achieved moderately lower coordination compared with non-runners group in the phase angle for hip abduction/adduction and knee flexion/extension. The runners tended to show moderately lower coordination variability in the phase angle for knee flexion/extension and subtalar inversion/eversion in comparison to non-runners group. These results suggested that levels of experience as estimated from weekly training volume had little influence on coordination and its variability.  相似文献   


The maximal step length test has been proposed to evaluate the risk of falls among the elderly, although the test is confusing and prone to errors due to two types of test methods. The maximal double-step length test may be used to evaluate both leg function and the functional difference between the left and right legs, but its measurement and evaluation methods have not been studied extensively. The aims of the present study were to compare the maximal single- and double-step length tests, and to highlight differences between the sexes and between the dominant and non-dominant legs. Fifty healthy adults free from lower-limb disorders conducted the above step tests twice, once with the dominant and once with the non-dominant leg. The former test requires individuals to return the stepping leg to the original position or to draw the other leg to the step leg after stepping out maximally with either leg from a standing posture while maintaining body stability with the supporting leg. The latter test requires individuals to step forward with either leg maximally, after similarly stepping with the other leg and to draw the first stepping leg to the second stepping leg. The above tests are defined as the single- and double-step length test, respectively. Step lengths were measured in both tests, and these values were used for analysis. Correlations among step length tests conducted with the dominant and non-dominant legs were very high (r=0.82–0.97). Significant sex differences were found in all step length tests, and males were superior to females. No significant difference between legs was found in any test. In summary, the relationship between the maximal single- and double-step length tests was very high and step lengths showed a significant sex difference.  相似文献   


The force enhancement of muscle twitch contraction after a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) has been defined as post-activation potentiation. However, the effects of post-activation potentiation on ballistic movements have not been studied extensively, or the underlying neurophysiologycal mechanism. In the current study, we examined post-activation potentiation and spinal H-reflex excitability in the soleus muscle. Mechanical power during explosive ballistic plantar flexions was measured in 14 males before and after 5 s, 4 min, and 10 min of isometric conditioning (EPFpre, EPF5s, EPF4min, EPF10min, respectively). Four sessions corresponding to four different protocols of isometric conditioning were conducted. The protocols were different in the intensity (10% vs. 100% of MVC) and duration (7 vs. 10 s) of the isometric conditioning. The results showed a significant enhancement in mechanical power in EPF4min compared with EPFpre, only when the isometric conditioning was performed at 100% of MVC for 10 s. No significant changes were observed in the H-related parameters (e.g amplitude, threshold, H/M ratio) after the isometric conditioning. Our results show that to obtain a post-activation potentiation during explosive ballistic movements, the intensity and duration of the isometric conditioning must be controlled. Moreover, the improvement in mechanical power is not related to spinal H-reflex excitability.  相似文献   

Many important notions in Life Sciences are linked with the idea of cycles, periodicity, fluctuations and transitions. The aim of this paper is to use spectral analysis in a unique way to study and quantify whole body coordination during gait. A participant walked at 3 km/h and ran at 15 km/h on a treadmill for 2 minutes. Position of the approximate center of rotation of the toe, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow and wrist, heel, PSIS and head were collected (CODAmotion; 100 Hz). Fast Fourier Transform was performed on x-coordinate data of the 1) knee marker; 2) 4 markers attached to the free lower limb (toe, ankle, heel and knee); 3) left and right free lower limbs; 4) whole body (all markers). Gait is described by a largely harmonic and resonant oscillator that operates unilateral free limbs at the stride frequency, and axial regions at the step frequency. Running is described by a more harmonic and resonant oscillating structure than walking, with a 3 times higher Q factor and 47% lower Inharmonicity Index. This method is presented as a way to capture global dynamics of our complex multi-segment system, and presents a novel application of spectral analysis to study coordination.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in lower-limb coordination and coordination variability between experienced and novice runners during a prolonged run. Thirty-four participants were categorised as either experienced (n = 17) or novice runners (n = 17). All participants performed a 31-min treadmill run at their individual anaerobic threshold speed, and lower-limb kinematic data were acquired in the sagittal plane at the beginning, middle, and end of the run. Lower-limb coordination and variability during the stance phase were quantified using a vector coding technique for hip-knee, knee-ankle, pelvis-thigh, thigh-shank, and shank-foot couplings. Repeated-measure analysis of covariance revealed that running experience and time had significant interactions on the coordination patterns for hip-knee and pelvis-thigh couplings. During the midstance, experienced runners exhibited a higher percentage of in-phase motion for pelvis-thigh and knee-ankle couplings while novice runners displayed a higher percentage of distal motion for pelvis-thigh coupling and anti-phase motion for hip-knee coupling. Experienced runners displayed more variability in hip-knee and shank-foot couplings, and novice runners had more variability in hip, knee, and thigh motion. Experienced and novice runners adapted to progressive fatigue through different lower-limb coordination patterns. Throughout the prolonged run, experienced runners demonstrated greater coordination variability and novice runners displayed greater joint and segment variability.  相似文献   

Mentoring has been frequently cited as a valuable method of professional development for sports coaches. Nonetheless, there is an absence of scholarly work within the sports coaching field which explores the process of learning to become a coach mentor in detail. ‘Learning to Mentor in Sports Coaching: A Design Thinking Approach’ addresses this very issue with an innovative approach towards mentor training and preparation. The focus of the book is to highlight how design thinking, a systematic method to transform problems into creative solutions, can be adopted to analyse and rewrite mentoring conversations to optimise learning for both mentors and mentees. The central argument of the book maintains that sports coach mentors share similar characteristics and traits to design thinkers in the ways in which they attempt to facilitate and support coach learning and development. This review seeks to examine the focus of the book and consider its contribution to the broader body of literature in this field.  相似文献   

The study investigated the coordination and variability of posture and pistol motion for skilled pistol shooters and novices in a pistol-aiming task. The participants stood on a force platform and held a pistol with the preferred arm to aim for accuracy to a target on 30 s trials. The results revealed that the amount of the centre of pressure (COP) and pistol motion was lower for the expert than novice group. The time–varying structure of COP as indexed by multiscale entropy (MSE) and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) was also lower for the expert than the novice group. The relative phase between the COP in the anterior–posterior (AP) and pistol in the AP and between the COP in the medial–lateral (ML) and pistol in AP was close to inphase for the both groups. However, for the novice group the coordination patterns of posture and pistol motion were more variable with the pistol motion leading the posture motion while it was lagging in the skilled group. The findings show different qualitative and quantitative dynamics in pistol-aiming as a function of skill level with postural control foundational to supporting the reduced dispersion and complexity of the skilled arm-pistol motion.  相似文献   

After more than 20 years since the introduction of ecological and dynamical approaches in sports research, their promising opportunity for interdisciplinary research has not been fulfilled yet. The complexity of the research process and the theoretical and empirical difficulties associated with an integrated ecological-dynamical approach have been the major factors hindering the generalisation of interdisciplinary projects in sports sciences. To facilitate this generalisation, we integrate the major concepts from the ecological and dynamical approaches to study behaviour as a multi-scale process. Our integration gravitates around the distinction between functional (ecological) and execution (organic) scales, and their reciprocal intra- and inter-scale constraints. We propose an (epistemological) scale-based definition of constraints that accounts for the concept of synergies as emergent coordinative structures. To illustrate how we can operationalise the notion of multi-scale synergies we use an interdisciplinary model of locomotor pointing. To conclude, we show the value of this approach for interdisciplinary research in sport sciences, as we discuss two examples of task-specific dimensionality reduction techniques in the context of an ongoing project that aims to unveil the determinants of expertise in basketball free throw shooting. These techniques provide relevant empirical evidence to help bootstrap the challenging modelling efforts required in sport sciences.  相似文献   

The initial stance position (ISP) has been observed as a factor affecting the execution technique during taekwondo kicks. In the present study, authors aimed to analyse a roundhouse kick to the chest by measuring movement coordination and the variability of coordination and comparing this across the different ISP (0°, 45° and 90°). Eight experienced taekwondo athletes performed consecutive kicking trials in random order from every of the three relative positions. The execution was divided into three phases (stance, first swing and second swing phase). A motion capture system was used to measure athletes’ angular displacement of pelvis and thigh. A modified vector coding technique was used to quantify the coordination of the segments which contributed to the overall movement. The variability of this coordination (CV) for each ISP was also calculated. Comparative analysis showed that during the stance phase in the transverse plane, athletes coordinated movement of the trunk and thigh with a higher frequency of in-phase and lower frequency of exclusive thigh rotation in the 0° stance than the 90° stance position (< 0.05). CV was also influenced by the different ISP. During the first swing and the majority of the second swing phase, predominant in-phase coordination of the pelvis and thigh was observed. Including exercises that require in-phase movement could not only help athletes to acquire coordination stability but also efficiency. The existence of a constraint such as ISP implies an increase of the variability when the athletes have to kick from ISP they are not used to adopt (i.e., 0° and 90° ISP) as an evidence of adaptability in the athletes’ execution technique.  相似文献   

An appropriated level of motor competence is essential for children´s healthy growth and development and a key factor in the promotion of lifelong active lifestyles and health.

The purpose of this study was to examine associations between motor competence and different physical activity intensities (light, moderate, moderate-to-vigorous and vigorous physical activity), as well as total physical activity, over a two-year period, in adolescents. The sample comprised of 103 adolescents (13.49 ± 0.87 years, 53 girls), from the north of Portugal. Motor competence was evaluated with the body coordination test, Körperkoordination-Test-für-Kinder. Physical activity was objectively assessed with GT1M accelerometers (ActiGraph, Pensacola, FL, USA). Physical activity variables were expressed as proportions of accelerometer wear time. Regression analyses showed positive longitudinal associations between motor competence at baseline and moderate physical activity (B = 0.0033, p = 0.018), moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (B = 0.0052, p = 0.024) and total physical activity (B = 0.067, p = 0.040) at follow up, after adjustments for age, sex, the corresponding physical activity intensity at baseline, body mass index, pubertal stage and socioeconomic status. Our ?ndings highlight the importance of motor competence development to promote moderate-to-vigorous physical activity during adolescence.  相似文献   

In this invited response to a Letter to the Editor by Carson, Collins, and Toner (2015), I comment on various issues raised by the authors. I highlight the broad range of tasks and dependent measures used in studies comparing the effectiveness of external versus internal foci of attention. These studies – many of which involved sport skills – have consistently found performance or learning benefits when an external focus was adopted. There is no convincing evidence that performers’ preferences, or their familiarity with a certain focus, have a moderating effect. Anecdotal evidence reported by coaches who have compared the two types of foci is consistent with research findings. An external focus presumably promotes functional connectivity and contributes to goal-action coupling.  相似文献   


In this study, we examined how individuals controlled their gaze behaviour during execution of a far aiming task and whether the functional relationship between perception and action was disrupted by increased anxiety. Twenty participants were trained on a simulated archery task, using a joystick to aim and shoot arrows at the target, and then competed in two counterbalanced experimental conditions designed to manipulate the anxiety they experienced. The specific gaze behaviour measured was the duration of the quiet eye period. As predicted, accuracy was affected by the duration of the quiet eye period, with longer quiet eye periods being associated with better performance. The manipulation of anxiety resulted in reductions in the duration of quiet eye. Our results show that the quiet eye period is sensitive to increases in anxiety and may be a useful index of the efficiency of visual orientation in aiming tasks.  相似文献   

This study aims to develop profiles in children according to physical fitness, actual and perceived motor competence, and to examine the level of engagement in physical activity and weight status according to these profiles. In the study, 156 typically developing Spanish children (47.4% girls) of primary school age (5–11 years-old) participated voluntarily. Children’s perceived and actual motor competence, physical fitness, physical activity participation and weight status were assessed. A Self-Organising Map and K-means cluster analysis were used to classify and visualise the values. Four profiles were found: profile 2 was aligned – high capacity, high perception, profile 1 was partially aligned – medium capacity and perception, profile 3 and 4 were both non-aligned – low capacity, medium perception and medium capacity, low perception; respectively. Children in profile 2 were more active than children in profile 3 and 4 (P < .05). In profile 2 there was a lower frequency of overweight/obese children than normal-weight children. On the contrary, in profiles 1, 3 and 4 a similar distribution of normal-weight and overweight/obese children was found. High capable children with high perception exhibited higher physical activity participation and were more likely to be of normal-weight compared to those with low capacity and/or perception.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between perceptions of coach autonomy support, basic psychological need satisfaction and the frequency at which youth soccer players engage in additional soccer activity outside of team sessions. We employed structural equation modelling to test a two-wave (T1 and T2) half-longitudinal study to see if basic psychological need satisfaction mediated the relationship between coach autonomy support and additional soccer activity across a competitive season. The sample consisted of 527 youth soccer players, aged 10–15 years. Results revealed moderate to strong temporal stability for autonomy, competence, relatedness and frequency of additional soccer activity. Furthermore, no support is offered for mediation as T1 coach autonomy support was not related to any of the three basic needs at T2 when accounting for their T1 levels. However, a positive relationship between T1 autonomy and T2 additional soccer activity emerged. This suggests that those who experience high levels of autonomy in the team setting at the start of the season report an increased frequency of additional activity at the end of the season. Results are discussed in light of the Self-Determination Theory and the Trans-Contextual Model.  相似文献   

Ballerinas use their ankle joints more extremely and sustain injuries on the ankle joint more frequently than non-dancers. Therefore, the ankle movement of dancers is important and should be studied to prevent injuries. Measuring ankle joint range of motion (ROM) using radiographs could demonstrate the contribution to motion of each joint. The aim of this study was to analyse and compare ankle joint movements and the ratio of each joint’s contribution during movement between dancers and non-dancers, using radiographic images. Dancers have lower dorsiflexion (26.7 ± 6.2°), higher plantarflexion (74.3 ± 7.1°) and higher total (101.1 ± 10.8°) ROMs than non-dancers (33.9 ± 7.0°, 57.2 ± 6.8° and 91.1 ± 9.3°, respectively) (p < 0.05). Although the ROMs were different between the two groups, the ratios of each joint movement were similar between these two groups, in all movements. Regarding total movement, the movement ratio of the talocrural joint was almost 70% and other joints accounted for almost 30% of the movement role in both dancers and non-dancers. Therefore, the differences in ROM between dancers and non-dancers were not a result of a specific joint movement but of all the relevant joints’ collaborative movement.  相似文献   

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