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The Global News VILLAGE (Virtual Information Literacy Learning and Growing Environment) is an online tutorial developed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to help undergraduates learn how to use the library to find current information about global events and issues. Supporting the interdisciplinary Global Studies curriculum, the tutorial invites the learner to think critically about the products and practices of journalism. Through an introduction to concepts central to media literacy and information literacy, learners are provided with frameworks for understanding some of the political and economic factors that shape the news and are guided through the process of dissecting news stories to understand the perspective from which the stories frame events and issues.  相似文献   



Inaccurate references and citations cause confusion, distrust in the accuracy of a report, waste of time and unnecessary financial charges for libraries, information centres and researchers.


The aim of the study was to establish the accuracy of article references in PhD theses from the Tehran and Tabriz Universities of Medical Sciences and their compliance with the Vancouver style.


We analysed 357 article references in the Tehran and 347 in the Tabriz. Six bibliographic elements were assessed: authors' names, article title, journal title, publication year, volume and page range. Referencing errors were divided into major and minor.


Sixty two percent of references in the Tehran and 53% of those in the Tabriz were erroneous. In total, 164 references in the Tehran and 136 in the Tabriz were complete without error. Of 357 reference articles in the Tehran, 34 (9.8%) were in complete accordance with the Vancouver style, compared with none in the Tabriz. Accuracy of referencing did not differ significantly between the two groups, but compliance with the Vancouver style was significantly better in the Tehran.


The accuracy of referencing was not satisfactory in both groups, and students need to gain adequate instruction in appropriate referencing methods.  相似文献   

从《农业机械》在媒体融合背景下的实践出发,着重分析行业科技期刊对促进行业发展应起到的作用,如行业指导作用、桥梁纽带作用、科普宣传作用以及服务支持作用,提出行业科技期刊应持续提升媒体传播能力、行业研究能力和数据服务能力.  相似文献   

This article summarises a case study on the information needs of Masters level Occupational Therapy 5 (OT) students at one English university. A mixed methods questionnaire was used to explore motivators for information‐seeking, preferred information resources and barriers inhibiting the satisfaction of information needs. Thirteen recommendations for practice were formulated, focusing on how information professionals can best facilitate OT students’ learning and evidence‐based research skills in preparation for clinical practice. The study was completed by Jane Morgan‐Daniel, who received a Distinction for her work from Aberystwyth University, where she graduated with an MSC in Information and Library Studies in December 2016. She has written this article together with her dissertation supervisor, Hugh Preston. A. M.  相似文献   

Students turn to a variety of sources when searching for information for their academic assignments. This study uses findings from a survey given to 151 Israeli students attending a university in Israel. A questionnaire comprising 12 questions was administered regarding their information needs, information behavior, and difficulties in searching and writing an academic assignment. A special emphasis of the study was on the multicultural environment of the Israeli students and its effect on their information behavior. Results show that there is a significant difference between native language groups with regard to the use of search engines, the use of library services, and in the patterns of conducting their academic assignment.  相似文献   

娱乐节目与快乐哲学——韩国电视娱乐节目分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐国源 《国际新闻界》2009,(3):28-30,40
本文通过对韩国电视娱乐节目的分析,探讨娱乐节目在韩国公共文化生活中的意义。韩国娱乐节目以快乐主义为价值取向,以娱乐为本位,显示了后现代文化的某些美学旨趣。作为在传播中生产的文本形式,娱乐节目的价值应置于传播情景中理解。  相似文献   

阿根廷新闻传播事业发展演变的教训与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成美  孙聚成 《国际新闻界》2005,(3):15-19,76
新闻新自由主义议程主张新闻媒体私有化,在外资引进和市场竞争中放松政府管制。阿根廷经历了政府对新闻媒体绝对控制到完全采用新闻新自由主义议程的彻底转变。这种转型给阿根廷社会发展造成了负面影响,也是导致国家危机的因素之一。第三世界国家应该建立符合自己国情的新闻事业发展模式,规避全球化的发展陷阱。  相似文献   

The need for information literacy continues to increase as colleges and universities begin to globalize their curricula and include global readiness in institutional missions. This article reports pretest and posttest data collected during a librarian–faculty collaboration to determine the effect of information literacy instruction on students participating in an anthropology class focused on global understanding. The results suggest emphasis on teaching specific skills can produce an increase in students’ information literacy levels. Also, emerging global curricula may provide an avenue for librarians to pursue the promotion of information literacy. Changes in students’ information literacy skills, successful teaching strategies, and their connection to global readiness are discussed.  相似文献   

The article examines academics attitude towards e-journal use. A well structured questionnaire was designed to elicit the opinions of the users. Responses were gathered from 542 faculty members of five universities. The results of the study showed that the characteristics that affect the choice of e-format over print in order of preference are ‘faster access’, ‘available from desktop’, ‘convenience’, ‘remote access’, ‘timeliness’, ‘available at all times’, ‘hyperlinks’, ‘multi-user access’, ‘currency of information’, ‘inclusion of audio–video material’, ‘interactivity’ and ‘animation of graphics’. The characteristics that affect the choice of print format over electronic in order of priority are ‘physical comfort’, ‘portability’, ‘ability to underline’, ‘familiarity with format’ and ‘ability to browse’. A majority of the teachers use e-journals for ‘research’, ‘teaching’, ‘writing reports’, ‘current awareness’, ‘background research’ and ‘internal/external presentations’. The problems faced in accessing e-journals are ‘access difficulties’, ‘discomfort of reading from computer screen’, ‘lack of IT knowledge/skill’, ‘information overload’ etc. A majority of the teachers want future e-journals to have features such as ‘full text index of every article’, ‘searching capability across a wide range of journal articles’, ‘searching capability within an article, display relationship between a wide range of works’ and ‘links to multimedia files’, etc. On the basis of the findings, some suggestions are made for maximizing the use of e-journals.  相似文献   

地方文献涵盖一个地区(乃至地域)数百年,甚至数千年来政治、文化、军事、经济、地理沿革诸方面文明记录.在当今全球文化变革过程中,本土文化不可避免地受到挑战.论述了在全球文化变革中地方文献所具有的极其重要的价值.  相似文献   

This study examines theoretical connections among three variables, each in its own way engendering profound political implications for the Chinese society today: news use, national pride, and political trust. We focused on the impact of ‘positivity bias in news’ and advanced a theoretical model on the basis of framing theory to address the dynamics of propaganda and its persuasive effects. Using data from the World Value Survey, we found: (1) news use in general, television news viewing in particular, was positively associated with political trust and national pride; (2) impact of news use on political trust disappeared once national pride was statistically controlled; and (3) intensity of national pride moderated the bivariate relationship between news use and political trust. The effect of party propaganda intended to consolidate political trust in China was contingent upon both one's affective ties to the state and the form of news media regularly consumed.  相似文献   

本文以《自然资源学报》为例,系统介绍2019年1月1日至2021年10月25日在服务国家重大战略需求方面的实践以及取得的成效,以期为其他中文科技期刊的发展提供借鉴与参考。2年多来,《自然资源学报》紧密结合国家重大战略需求打造精品栏目,主动策划并主办专题会议推出专辑/专栏,凝练战略咨询报告提升社会服务能力,量身定制专题论文推出笔谈或访谈丰富刊文格式的实践,在来稿数量增加和来稿质量改善、期刊综合影响实力提升和人才培养等方面取得了一些成效,并得到良好的社会和学界反响。中文科技期刊要想提高期刊学术影响力,维持期刊竞争优势,必须紧密结合国家重大战略需求,找到适合个刊的有效方法,从而实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

彭晓娟  彭熙  曹阳 《编辑学报》2022,(5):548-551
数字技术的发展为高校学术期刊出版提出了新的挑战,高校学术期刊融合发展势在必行。以重庆理工大学期刊社为例,探寻高校学术期刊的融合发展之路:强化出版融合发展内容建设、创新出版融合发展传播方式、打造出版融合发展品牌、建设出版融合发展人才队伍,以期为高校学术期刊在数字时代下的发展提供可资借鉴的思路和举措。  相似文献   

杨旺平 《编辑学报》2018,30(4):401-403
全媒体技术会越来越多地出现在出版实践中。以《深圳大学学报(理工版)》为例,探索了科技期刊基于全媒体技术发展的多种出版模式:“网”模式、“移动”模式和“刊”延伸模式。实践证明,多方位的出版模式可以推动期刊的多元发展,增加期刊的影响力。指出科技期刊多样化出版模式必须遵循“多样联动、以刊为主、内容为王”的原则。  相似文献   

As libraries increase their electronic journal collections, would dependence on interlibrary loan decrease? This paper reports a case study at the University of Nevada, Reno, University Libraries (UNR) focusing on the usage of the Elsevier online journal package and interlibrary loan (ILL) borrowing activities. It analyzes four-years' worth of UNR usage and ILL statistics, gathered between July 1999 and June 2003. It also provides observations and explanations from a perspective beyond statistics, at the level of library services and the campus demographic and research environments.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate research scholars’ perceptions of the information sources, services and infrastructures in university libraries in Kerala. A survey questionnaire was sent to research scholars working in four universities. The study revealed that the organization of resources and services in university libraries is not fully oriented towards supporting the process of research, and scholars were not satisfied with existing primary resources and personalized services. The study provides recommendations to enhance research-oriented library resources and services.  相似文献   

以《暖通空调》为例,结合广告经营实践经验,介绍手机短信、网站、微博等新媒体形式在科技期刊广告经营中的运用。  相似文献   

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