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The purpose of this article is to review published qualitative inquiries that examine the perspective of students with disabilities toward experiences in physical education. Keyword searches were used to identify articles from electronic databases published from 1995 to 2014. Thirteen articles met all inclusion criteria, and findings were extracted. The 13 located qualitative articles were subject to a narrative analysis, and study characteristics were tabulated. The findings of targeted studies were explored and 3 thematic clusters emerged: (a) perspectives toward typically developing peers, (b) perspectives toward physical educators, and (c) perspectives toward inclusion and exclusion. Findings from this review support the notion that positive attitudes of physical educators may be a critical feature in ensuring meaningful learning experiences for students with disabilities. Meaningful learning experiences can be constructed through modifications and accommodations during activities, creating a welcoming physical education environment and providing a choice between inclusive and segregated learning environments. Directions for future research in this area are discussed.  相似文献   

Graduate students regularly report high levels of stress and burnout. Many of those same students utilize social support networks, which can act as stress buffers. This study evaluated excessive negative talk about issues (co-rumination) and its effects on that social support-to-burnout (emotional exhaustion) relationship and predicted that co-rumination would act as a suppressor variable. Graduate student volunteers (N = 213) reported their levels of social support, co-rumination, and emotional exhaustion. Data indicated that co-rumination did mediate the social support-to-emotional exhaustion relationship on 2 dimensions. This project purports that, although social support is important, the content of socially supportive interactions may also be important when attempting to intervene in stressful situations, especially when those interactions involve co-ruminative messages.  相似文献   

Results from the present study indicate that a majority of Norwegian 8th grade students experience satisfactory support from teachers and relations with peers. However, about 6% of the sample reported being harassed on a weekly basis. Moreover, results indicate that there is room for improvement, especially regarding the teachers’ emotional support of students, as well as their ability to prevent students from being harassed. Twelve per cent of the sample reported more severe emotional complaints, whereas 10% of 8th grade students reported more severe musculoskeletal complaints. Results showed significant associations of teacher support and peer relations with emotional as well as musculoskeletal complaints (EM complaints). Exposure to harassment at school and a perceived lack of academic support from teachers showed the strongest associations with EM complaints. Associations were stronger for students reporting learning difficulties than for students not reporting learning difficulties. This was mainly due to stronger associations between exposure to harassment and EM complaints among students reporting learning difficulties.  相似文献   

This study adopted a caregiving perspective to analyze college students’ supportive relationships (N=266). With respect to the provision of care, female caregivers engaged in more difficult types of hands-on support than male caregivers, and data suggested that college caregivers are differently challenged by the life stage of the person for whom they provide care. With respect to students’ reception of social support, both main and interaction effects were found for sex, care giving status, and locus of control. Discussion focuses on the developmental nature of caregiving skills, social support reciprocity, and implications of these findings for public policy and human communication research.  相似文献   

个体的社会支持网可以为人们提供情感、经济、信息等多方面的支持。运用提名法对贫困大学生的社会支持网研究发现,贫困生的社会支持网与非贫困生的社会支持网存在一些共性,如经济支持网与信息支持网规模小于情感支持网和交往支持网。当前,同伴和亲属是社会支持网的主要构成。但与非贫困生比较,贫困生的社会支持网又有不同之处,如密度更小。在趋同性方面,农村籍大学生的支持网中农村籍成员比例显著大于城市籍大学生支持网中农村籍成员比例,贫困生的支持网中贫困者的比例也大于非贫困生支持网中贫困者的比例。各类贫困生在户籍与经济状况方面的异质性都大于其相对应的非贫困生。因而贫困生的社会支持网所能提供的支持也更为不足。应该鼓励师生更主动地为贫困生提供社会支持。  相似文献   

目的:利用社会支持评定量表和网络使用情况量表对220名大学生进行问卷调查,探讨大学生社会支持与网络成瘾之间的关系。结果:1、大学生网络成瘾情况在性别上存在差异(p=.002〈0.05);2、父母的受教育水平显著影响大学生社会支持度(p=0.029〈0.05);3、社会支持低的大学生更容易形成网络成瘾;二者呈负相关,并且社会支持对网络成瘾具有一定程度的预测作用。  相似文献   

为了研究大学生自尊、社会支持与孤独感的现状、特点及其关系,采用UCLA孤独量表、社会支持评定量表和Rosenberg自尊量表对商洛学院、西安文理学院、咸阳师范学院共300名大学生进行问卷调查。结果发现,大学生在自尊和社会支持方面呈正态分布,虽然有孤独感体验,但程度并不严重;在孤独感、自尊和社会支持三个维度上的得分存在性别、生源、学科性质、年级、是否是独生子女等变量上的差异,但差异的表现是复杂多样的;社会支持各维度与孤独感,自尊与孤独感均存在显著的负相关;各个社会支持维度和社会支持之间均存在显著正相关:自尊与社会支持各维度存在显著正相关。研究结果表明大学生的社会支持和自尊水平越高。被试的孤独感就越低。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对708名被试研究对象考察了应对方式的特点、性别和专业差异及其与社会支持的关系。结果发现:大专生多采用解决问题、求助等积极应对方式;男生多采用解决问题策略,女生多采用求助策略;文科学生多采用解决问题策略,理科生倾向于自责和退避;社会支持与积极应对方式呈显著正相关,与消极应对方式呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

对366名听障学生采用"情感平衡量表"、"青少年学生生活满意度量表"、"领悟社会支持量表"进行调查,以探讨听障学生主观幸福感与社会支持的状况。结果表明,听障学生满意度最高的是家庭和友谊满意度,最低的是自由和环境满意度;听障小学生的主观幸福感显著高于听障初中生和高中生;在主观幸福感和领悟社会支持上,听障学生均表现出家庭结构等方面的差异。  相似文献   

The authors in this consensual qualitative research study explored the dissertation experiences of 42 graduates (27 counselor educators, 13 counselors, 2 administrators) from 4 midwestern states. Identified domains included impact of environment, competing influences, personality traits, chair influence, committee function, and barriers to completion. An emergent theory reflected the interconnectedness of the dissertation process across internal, relational, and professional factors. Implications related to motivation, personal traits, and identification of barriers in the dissertation process are provided.  相似文献   

Research Findings: It is widely acknowledged that consistent, high-quality teacher–student interactions promote optimal developmental outcomes for children. Previous research on the quality of teacher–student interactions provides empirical support for this premise. Little research has been conducted on the consistency of teacher–student interactions. This study examines whether consistency in teachers' emotional support is related to better academic and social outcomes for children. Multiple observations were conducted in 694 prekindergarten classrooms. Mean levels of emotional support and consistency of emotional support were used as predictors in multilevel models. Results indicated that when mean levels of emotional support were controlled, within-day consistency of emotional support predicted several academic outcomes in prekindergarten as well as social competence in kindergarten. Practice or Policy: Results indicate that teachers' consistency of emotional support is a salient aspect of children's classroom environment. Findings suggest that consistency should be considered when evaluating teachers' emotionally supportive interactions.  相似文献   

Social skills are necessary for success in school as they facilitate peer acceptance and student-teacher relationships and promote academic achievement. One social skills intervention that has received significant attention from researchers and has been endorsed by special education teachers is Social Stories. However, the extant research on this intervention has methodological flaws that limit the conclusions about its effectiveness. Although several literature reviews and meta-analyses of the Social Stories literature have been conducted, the findings have been inconsistent and sometimes contradictory, and the bodies of literature reviewed have been varied. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to (a) review the existing Social Stories literature reviews and meta-analyses, and all of the studies they represent, (b) summarize the existing knowledge on the use of Social Stories for students with disabilities, and (c) propose guidelines for practitioners and for empirical research. Results from 16 literature reviews and meta-analyses representing 55 studies do not support the use of Social Stories to improve students’ social skills and behavior. Future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the sources of social support and self‐efficacy for college students 25 years and older (adult students), using a cross‐sectional mixed method approach. Differences in academic self‐efficacy were found between adult students nearing graduation and those at the beginning of their educational pursuits. Graduating adult students received less family support than did entry‐level adult students. Results suggested the need for counselors to bolster adult students' abilities to seek support.  相似文献   

本研究通过对上海市青浦区 1 89名担任随班就读工作教师进行的《随班就读学生在学校范围内获得社会支持现状的调查》问卷调查 ,旨在探讨现有的社会支持系统是否满足有效的随班就读工作的需要 ,以帮助这些孩子回归主流社会。本研究从学校行政领导、教师以及同伴等方面来调查随班就读学生学校范围内获得社会支持的现状。问卷结果表明 ,学校行政、教师以及同伴所提供的社会支持仍旧非常有限 ,还有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

目的:了解"90后"高职生的社会支持感现状,为教育管理提供依据。方法:对3375名2012级高职新生进行社会支持情况问卷调查。运用SPSS17.0对调查结果进行统计。结果:"90后"高职新生社会支持总均分为3.015,客观支持均分为3.228,主观支持均分为2.855。结论:"90后"高职新生社会支持情况良好,但客观支持远高于主观支持。女生、非独生子女、生活态度消极的学生、成长在农村的学生及少数民族学生主观支持较低。学校在教育与管理过程中,针对性地开展感恩教育等活动,引导他们有意识地体会来自他人的尊重、支持与帮助。  相似文献   

The present study was a qualitative study that sought to examine the experiences and perceptions of international counseling graduates (ICGs) who had returned to their home country to work, focusing on the effectiveness and relevance of the training they had received in the United States. Participants were also asked to outline the roles they played in the development of professional counseling in their own country. Eight themes emerged from in-depth interviews involving nine participants: (a) Pioneering and Leadership, (b) American-centric Training, (c) Sojourner and Returnee Adjustment Distress, (d) Personal Investment from Trainers, (e) Student-Centered Training, (f) Time and Financial Constraints, (g) Independent Learning, and (h) Research. The data indicated that participants’ perceptions of the effectiveness and relevance of their training were mixed. Implications for training international counseling students are considered.  相似文献   

在探究式教学中,情感教学法有助于激发学生的学习积极性。基于"虚拟仪器"课程的特点,在教学内容层次化和教学方法多样化的基础上,提出在探究式课程中实施情感教学的策略包括教师施加激励源动力和学生正确反应等几个部分。  相似文献   

Research Findings: In the past 20 years school districts have increasingly adopted classroom-based social and emotional development programs. The dissemination of these programs, however, has surpassed our understanding of and ability to assess factors that influence program implementation. The present study responded to this gap by developing a questionnaire that focuses on teacher perceptions of implementation support and teacher attitudes about social–emotional learning and by assessing its psychometric properties. One hundred forty-five Baltimore City Head Start preschool teachers completed the questionnaire. Factor analyses suggested 6 underlying constructs, which we termed administrative support, training, competence, program effectiveness, time constraints, and academic priority. Several of these scales predicted teacher reports of program implementation. Practice or Policy: The questionnaire holds significant promise as a tool for assessing readiness and barriers to social and emotional program implementation.  相似文献   

大学生人格特征、社会支持、应对方式间存在一定的相关性。不同年级大学生人格特征、不同性别大学生幻想应对方式差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),其余各组间差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。N(神经质)人格特征与解决问题应对方式呈负相关(P〈0.01);与自责、幻想、退避、合理化呈正相关(P〈0.01);与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。应对方式中解决问题与客观支持、主观支持、支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01);自责与主观支持呈负相关(P〈0.05)。求助与支持利用度和支持总分呈正相关(P〈0.01)。幻想与客观支持呈负相关(P〈0.01)。年级是大学生人格特征的影响因素、女性大学生更多运用幻想的应对方式。  相似文献   

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