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众所周知.压缩光场态的量子涨落是紧密地依赖于场相位的.本文将单模光场的相位算符推广到多模光场中.用SW表示和PB表示的相位算符及其本征态.推导出相应的双模相位算符本征态失空间中的双模压缩光场的态函数.在此基础上,深入地研究了双模压缩光场的相位特性.  相似文献   

"THE LOVE OF J. ALFRED PRUFROCK" "THE LOVE SONG OF O.ALFRED PRUFROCK",one of the earlier poems that brought T.S. Eliot fame,is a voice from hell. In thispoem,the poet expressed his dissatisfaction with life, its dullness, its monotony its repetition and its decadence. The title itself captures the reader. It is a love song; but the name Prufrock is prosaic, awkward, with hints of prim ness or effeminacy, and with its suggestion of modern American business in the initial and first name form. The epigraph(from Dante's lnferno ⅩⅩⅤⅤ-ⅠⅠ,61-6)suggests that prufrockis in a kind of hell and that he is addressing some one who is there too; but his hell is the modern life. He might be revealing to his fellow sufferer----the reader----his secrecy and inner-most confli-  相似文献   

在汉语历史发展中,人体词语呈现出自己的特点,如系统性强,具有模糊性和多义性,可以连用,表示人体某一部分的词语可以表示该部分所在的整体等。  相似文献   

This study aimed to discover the usefulness of adapting the Otis Quick-Scoring Mental Ability Tests for the French culture. Beta Test (Forms EM and FM) were translated into French and administered to 635 students of grades four to eight. To correct invalid items or distractors, a revision followed the statistical analysis. Revised tests were then administered to 1,686 students of grades five to nine. From this and related studies, it is concluded that an intelligence test developed for a particular culture may be invalid when simply translated for another.  相似文献   

把实验中的充放电切换开关改手动为自动,采用自动重复的方法,把暂态过程曲线稳定的显示在示波管上,能在一定范围内省去照相环节,简化实验步骤.  相似文献   

本文使用2006年昆明市公办高中调查数据,采用多层线性模型(HLM)对高三学生的高考成绩的影响因素进行了教育生产函数实证研究。针对两个主要问题,即非均衡化教育资源配置背景下的基础教育生产效率及学生学业表现差异背后的学校的作用,研究发现:(1)学生高考成绩的最重要决定因素是学生的认知能力和高中前的学习基础(以中考成绩为代理变量);学校变量对学生高考成绩的影响作用相对较小;学生及其同伴的家庭社会经济背景对高考成绩没有重要影响。(2)教育生产单元对可控的教育资源的配置和使用在整体上是缺乏效率的(有体制性原因)。文章还探讨了主要研究发现的政策含义,并指出了本研究存在的问题和进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Tyson Lewis theorizes current lockdown practices, zero-tolerance policies, and No Child Left Behind initiatives in U.S. schooling by drawing on Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben's analysis of the concentration camp and the state of exception. Agamben's theory of the camp provides a challenging, critical vantage point for looking at the ambiguities that emerge from the complex field of disciplinary procedures now prevalent in inner-city, low-income, minority schools, and helps to clarify what exactly is at stake in the symbolic and sometimes physical violence of schooling. Key to understanding the primary relation between camp and classroom is Agamben's framework of the biopolitical, which paradoxically includes life as a political concern through its exclusion from the political sphere. Here Lewis appropriates Agamben's terminology in order to theorize the biopedagogical, wherein educational life is included in schooling through its abandonment. For Lewis, the theory of the camp is necessary to recognizing how schools function and, in turn, how they could function differently.  相似文献   

将化学工程学原理应用到药物释放这一多学科领域,研究了初始浓度分布为线性的平板混合药膜体系释放动力学模型,该模型可用来描述高装填量平板混合药膜的释放后期,并可简化为无限渗阱时的特定情况.根据该模型,计算了混合药膜内的浓度-距离分布和浓度-时间分布曲线,研究了释放介质体积对释放过程的影响.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to describe the sources of information on foreign education systems and credentials by means of which the various higher education institutions of the United States reach decisions as to the admission of foreign students and the granting of equivalences for degrees earned abroad. The information is derived from a number of sources, particularly from such national volunteer and professional associations as the American Association of Collegiate Registrars (AACRAO) including a linkage which it maintains with the Agency for International Development (AID), the National Council on the Evaluation of Foreign Educational Credentials (The Council), the National [Association of Foreign Student Affairs (NAFSA), the National Liaison Committee on Foreign Student Admissions (NLC), and the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). The article further explains how each of these organizations reaches decisions as to the value of given foreign credentials and makes its judgments and recommendations known to those who, in general, need this information, and to specific institutions which request specific information for specific purposes. In the final analysis, the organizations in question are purely advisory; the specific decisions with regard to specific students enrolled in specific higher education institutions are the sole purview of the institutions in question.  相似文献   

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