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Ⅰ.单项选择 1. My teacher is very young. He ____ short, straight hair. A. with B. have C. has D. having 2. ——Can you cut my hair short and straight? ——Sorry, your hair is so ____ and ____ that I can!t. A. long, curly B. short, curly C. long, short D.  相似文献   

Unif7令一What does your fdend look like?一She 15 medium build,and she has long hair. 1 .Han Mei 15 her mother. she—reading,too.(ilJ东省) A .likes:likes B.like:like C .like:likes D.likes:like 2.一Please tell me what U Ming looks like.一_.(山东烟台市) A.He 15 sad B.He’5 all right C .He’5 tall D.He’8 high令一She never stoPs talking. 3 .At last the ehild stopPed_and listened to the musie·(重庆市) A .toe叮B.erying C .ery D.eried 4.We have worked肠r three hours.Now let’5 stop—a r…  相似文献   

Unit 7 What does he look like?hair用作名词,意为”头发“。例如:She is medium build,and she has long hair.(P41)她中等身材,长着长头发。  相似文献   

卜单项选择(共巧分) ()1.一What does he_?一He 15 tall with short hair·A.look likes B.looks like C.look like ()2.Sandy_dark hair·A.has B.15 C.have ()3._15 this dietion呵?It’5 ten yuan·A.How old B.How mueh C.How many ()4.eome down to Huaxing and see_yourseif. A .in B.for C.on ()5 .They haveT一shirts_red,歹een,and white. A .in B.for C.on ()6·You ean buy shoes A.for only 15 dollars B .at only 15 dollars C .of only 15 dollars ()7·They have_art festival_each year. A.an:in B.a:/C.an…  相似文献   

1.——What does your friend look like?你的朋友长得什么样?——She is medium build,and she has long hair.她中等身材,留着长发。  相似文献   

I have a happy family.There are three people in my family: My mother, my father and I. Let me tell you about my family’s looks: My father has short straight hair and bright black eyes. He is medium build and he is very tall. He is such a good teacher tha…  相似文献   

1. It’s too cold here in winter. People have to wear ____ clothes. A. warm B. new C. beautiful D. expensive 2. ——Do you like the two skirts? ——The yellow one is good but the green one looks ____. A. nicer B. nice C. best 3. ——What are you going to  相似文献   

1.词汇俱乐部A.词图匹配。请看图画,根据图画提示完成句子。1 .Mrs Kin二has蛋h‘r.*_乙·Uur乙n邵isn teacner 15 Ivlr Omitn·ne nas—才贷砚and—妻鉴黔,姗口口{tor luncn·3一What did you do yesterday,Jim?一1 studied for moriling·1 0.Yesterd盯I_(打排球).1 had ag以司time.川.单项选择请从A、B、C、三个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。1 .What he? A.do,look like B.does,look like C .does,looks like 2.The poP sin罗r_long eurly hair 15 Johnny Dean。A .has B.wear C.with 3 .She never stoPs_·A…  相似文献   

Hello! I am a student in a middle school. I like my school and my teachers. Do you want to know what my teachers look like? My Chinese teacher is fun. He is medium height and a bit heavy, and he has straight short black hair and he wears glasses. He al- ways wears suit. My math teacher is popular. She is tall and medium build, and she has long curly hair but she doesn’t wear glasses. She always wears long skirt. My English teacher speaks English very well. She is tall and thin, she has long straight black h...  相似文献   

Hello! I am a student in a middle school. I like my school and my teachers. Do you want to know what my teachers look like? My Chinese teacher is fun. He is medium height and a bit heavy, and he has straight short black hair and he wears glasses. He al- ways wears suit. My math teacher is popular. She is tall and medium build, and she has long curly hair but she doesn’t wear glasses. She always wears long skirt. My English teacher speaks English very well. She is tall and thin, she has lo…  相似文献   

[初一英语Units 25-27综合听力训练题录音稿]I.1.What does he do?2.Do you come from NewYork?3.Do you like working inWuhan?4.What do you like doing,Jim?5.My father is a doctor.What about yours?Keys:1.B 2.A 3.C  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(15分)1.I have a small house an interesting garden.A.at B.in C.of D.with2.Can you see the big supermarket Speed Market?A.call B.called C.calling D.calls3.—do you like monkeys?—Because they are cute.A.What B.Who C.Where D.Why4.Here some news about the beach.A.is B.are C.have D.has5.—Which animal can only live in China?—.ASchoolGardenOfEnglish中学英语园地2007.4A.An elephant B.A giraffeC.A lion D.A panda6.Steel Roses,please,bring the gold medal to China.A.go on B.g…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.My sister____like bananas.A.doesn%t B.do C.does D.not2.I have____fruit in the case.A.lot of B.a lot of C.a lots of D.a lot3.——Let%s____bread.——No.I don%t like it.A.has B.have C.to have D.having4.——Do you like apple salad?——____.A.Ye  相似文献   

1.-Where’s my watch,mum? -__.Is it on your desk? A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn’t C.I don’t know D.It’s here 2.-__his keys? -They are on the dresser.A.What is B.Where is C.What are D.Where are 3.-__in the bag? -Oh,apples.A.Where’s B.What’s C.Where are D.What are 4.They__many clubs at school.A.are B.has C.have D.does have 5.I don’t,have a basketball,but my brother  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择根据句意,从A、B、C、D中选择正确答案。1.What kind of movies Jack like?A.do B.don8t C.does D.is2.—Does the boy have a great sports collection?—.A.Yes,he is B.No,he don8tC.Yes,he does D.No,he isn8t3.I think it is interesting story.A.×B.a C.an D.the4.—you play chess?—Yes,I.A.Can;do B.Do;can C.Can;can D.Can;read5.The little girl can8t.A.play the piano B.play pianoC.play a piano D.play pianos6.Can you help me my music?A.to B.for C.on D.with7.The little boy is only fou…  相似文献   

1.—What does your friend looklike3你的朋友长得什么样?—She is medium build and shehas long hair.她中等身材,留着长发。【解码1】look like意为“看起来像”,后接名词或代词。例如:The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看上去像她妈妈。【提醒】What does he look like1和What’s he like1是固定句型,其中what不能用how替换。【解码2】句中build是名词,意为“体格;体形”。build作动词时,意为“建造;修建”。例如:He is a man of strong build.他是个体格健壮的人。2.She always wears...她总穿着……【解码1】always是副词,意…  相似文献   

Unit 7 1.What does he look like?他看上去什么样子?(1)这句话是用来询问人的长相的,回答时用He has a medium build.(他是中等体格),或者是He!s tall and thin with brown hair.(他高而瘦,长着棕色头发),或者是He!s short,heavy and he has bald hair.(他又矮又胖,长着稀疏的头发)等。  相似文献   

句法复习,常考话题 I. 历年真题 1. — There is some soup on the table, isn’t ______? — No, I think that’s water. (2006 武汉市) A. there B. it C. that D. one 2. — When can I find Jack? — He ______ the post office. (2006 孝感市) A. has been to B. had been to C. has gone to D. had gone to 3. — How about going for a walk outside? — ______. (2006 江西) A. I would be B. I like C. I do D. I’d like to 4. — What does the lady look like? — ______(. 2006 浙江) A. She’s fine and well B.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.Don’t late school nexttime.A.be4for B.×4toC.are4in D.is4at2.you go to school every day>A.How long do B.What areC.What do D.What time do3.do you usually go school>A.How4for B.What4atC.What4in D.How4to4.—?—Yes,I have a lot to do.A.Are you busy this eveningB.Are you free this eveningC.Will you come to supper this eveningD.What are you going to do this evening5.—What time do the Greens have supper>—.A.He has it…  相似文献   

1.词汇 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示,拼写单词。1 .This ruler 15 too short.1 need a 1 one.2 .My aunt 15 ac~一一一-.She works in a bank (银行)near。ur Sehool.3.一Thank you ve巧mueh. 一You arew4 Do you like these new_(毛衣)?5.1 ean’t_(相信)娜eyes that the litile boy ean eari了that heavy box.且.单项选择,选择最佳答案1._,汕ere 15 the elothing store? A.Exeuse me B.I’m 50卿 C .Hi D.Hello2 .Can you_any flowers in the pieture? A.look B.look at C .have a look D.see3 .My brother doesn’t like_eolor of the hat. A .a B./C.the D.this4.一1 want that bag. A .Here are you B.He...  相似文献   

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