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本文通过对目前人才培养模式改革过程、现状等进行分析,指出了教学模式改革后存在的一些问题,并提出了只有进行相应的管理模式改革,才是解决问题最根本的办法。文中具体阐述了“以课程为单元”的教学管理体制改革方法。  相似文献   

在介绍ISO9000族标准基本理念的基础上,就目前我国航海院校强制建立船员教育和培训质量体系与基本ISO9000族标准的质量体系的联系与区别,从船员教育和培训质量体系实施的成效谈我国高校建立ISO9000质量体系的可行性。  相似文献   

The Laboratory School of the University of Chicago founded by John Dewey in 1896 is considered as one of the most innovative schools of progressive education. Its history, and specifically its sudden end, is still of general interest. In sympathy with Dewey, most historians tend to put the main blame for the tragedy on University President William R. Harper who—by refusing financial and organizational support—seemingly harassed Dewey out of office. A new look at archival sources reveals a different picture. The main point of contention was not bureaucratic matters between Dewey and Harper but irreconcilable differences between Dewey’s wife Alice and the faculty of the school who complained bitterly about her social and administrative incompetence as principal pushing the school on to the brink of disaster. Because of the extreme pressure exerted by trustees, colleagues and faculties, Harper could not help but ask Alice Dewey for her resignation. Given his own inability to manage business affairs, Dewey quit his job, too, in April 1904. Without his wife as principal, he saw no chance of realizing his educational ideas and left Chicago with a sigh of relief, freeing him forever from the unloved burden of administrative duties.  相似文献   

The one-minute preceptor (OMP) is a time-efficient technique used for teaching in busy clinical settings. It consists of five microskills: (1) get a commitment from the student, (2) probe for supporting evidence, (3) reinforce what was done right, (4) correct errors and fill in omissions, and (5) teach a general rule. It can also be used to address structure-identification questions in gross anatomy laboratory small-group settings. The OMP is an active learner-centered teaching approach that prepares students for a style of learning that they need to master in clinical settings, provides novice anatomy teachers with an efficient and effective teaching strategy, and moves anatomy learning beyond mere name tagging to active knowledge construction.  相似文献   

Students in a large one-semester nonmajors college biology course were classified into one of three groups (intuitive—I, transitional—T, reflective—R) based upon a pretest of scientific reasoning ability. Laboratory teams of two students each then were formed, such that all possible combinations of reasoning abilities were represented (i.e., I-I, I-T, I-R, T-T, T-R, R-R). Students worked with their assigned partners during each of the course's 14 laboratory sessions. Gains in reasoning ability, laboratory achievement, and course achievement, as well as changes in students' opinions of their motivation, enjoyment of the laboratory, and their own and their partner's reasoning abilities were assessed at the end of the semester. Significant pre- to posttest gains in reasoning ability by the intuitive and transitional students were found, but these gains were not significantly related to the laboratory partner's reasoning ability. Also, course achievement was not significantly related to the laboratory partner's reasoning ability. Students were perceptive of others' reasoning ability; the more able reasoners were generally viewed as being more motivated, having better ideas, and being better at doing science. Additional results also indicated that course enjoyment and motivation was significantly decreased for the transitional students when they were paired with intuitive students. Apparently, for students in transition (i.e., not at an equilibrium state with regard to reasoning level), it is frustrating to work with a less able reasoner. However, some evidence was found to suggest that reflective students may benefit from working with a less able partner.  相似文献   

An analysis of the literature supporting the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and a sample of its key products suggests that it failed to acknowledge or challenge neoliberalism as a hegemonic force blocking transitions towards genuine sustainability. The authors argue that the rationale for the Decade was idealistic and that global education for sustainability citizenship provides a more realistic focus for such an initiative. They anchor such education in appropriate social theory, outline its four dimensions and use these to review four key products from the Decade, before suggesting remedial measures to render ESD a more effective vehicle for promoting democratic global governance and sustainability.  相似文献   

Major surveys of the objectives of laboratory courses which aim to develop experimental skills have identified the objectives of critical awareness and developing confidence as central concerns in course design. This study reports the outcomes of a course in experimental engineering at the University of New South Wales with respect to the achievement of these two objectives. Findings indicate that for a significant number of students the objective of developing confidence was not achieved. Further, the approaches employed to develop critical awareness often came into conflict with the objective of developing confidence.A review of these results, together with other studies, indicated that insufficient attention has been given to the successful articulation of these two objectives within course design. The article concludes with a set of recommendations for meeting the objective of developing confidence in conducting experimentation whilst maintaining requirements which necessitate the exercise of students' critical faculties in resolving methodological problems in experimentation.  相似文献   

以人为本,提升高校综合实验室管理水平   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以人为本,是现代高校实验室工作的核心理念,它对于促进实验室健康、和谐地发展具有重要意义.建立开放式综合实验室,实现了设备的最大利用率,充分满足了师生的需求;开放管理办法的建立,实现了实验室管理的人性化;各项管理制度的细化、强化,把对师生的关怀落实到了实处;健全设备维护、使用制度,更好地实现了人的价值;通过构建和谐的实验室文化,提升了实验室的内涵与功能.  相似文献   

构建我国三审终审制的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
上诉制度是司法体系的重要构成部分,担负着多样化的司法功能,并且需要在不同的价值目标之间进行平衡与取舍。由于现代社会的急剧变迁,许多国家的民事上诉制度无论是在制度设计还是实际运作上均面临着种种问题,并进而影响到整个司法制度的有效运行。我国现行两审终审制存在诸多缺陷,已经不能适应社会经济发展的需要,必须进行全面的变革。本提出改革我国民事上诉制度的基本思路,论述三审终审制对审理范围、提起条件、程序规则等方面的限制。  相似文献   

To cope with the rapidly changing higher education climate, teachers need agency to act proactively in initiating and steering changes in practice. This paper describes an academic development activity in the form of a Change Laboratory, an intervention method based on Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, to facilitate agency among teachers. The results of the study indicate that transformative agency emerges when teachers are given the opportunity to analyse, envision, and redesign their practice collaboratively. This has implications for academic development, suggesting that activities facilitating discussion, analysis, and criticism of current practices are needed to support the development of agency.  相似文献   

素质教育是党和国家的重大决策,也是改革开放30年所产生的中国特色的教育思想与模式。教育的根本任务是提高国民素质,教育的本质就是素质教育。素质教育、文化素质教育是继承与弘扬我国优秀的教育理念与传统,学习与吸收国外先进的教育思想与经验,在我国教育教学的改革实践中不断探索、总结、发展的产物。文化素质教育是中国高等教育的本土化创新,已成为我国高等学校人才培养工作的有机组成部分,华中科技大学开展的文化素质教育工作即是一例。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来大学生价值观变迁的轨迹及其规律研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
大学生价值观的变迁是社会变迁的晴雨表,对社会主导价值观有重要影响。改革开放以来,大学生价值观先后经历了反思与觉醒期、多元分化与价值冲突期、理性与世俗化时期、多元整合与回归超越期。社会变迁特别是阶层结构和利益关系的变化是大学生价值观变迁的原动力,多维价值冲突以及社会主导价值整合是其变迁的次生动力和外在表现形式,外来文化的辐射和高校校园文化的浸润是大学生价值观变迁的催化剂。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国的高等教育由精英教育阶段逐步过渡到大众化阶段,专转本招生规模不断扩大,随着"专转本"在校生人数的不断增加,"专转本"学生培养过程中的问题也日益显现。由于"专转本"学生求学的特殊经历,他们在转入本科之后大多出现了不适应本科学习的情况。文章在深入分析独立学院专转本学生具体特征的基础上,分析了专转本学生在学习中存在的问题,提出了学风建设的几点措施,以提高学生管理的质量。  相似文献   


Life is ever-changing and unpredictable. Because of drastic changes in our society, numerous people are under pressure from various sources at school, in the workplace, or in their families. People need a therapeutic pedagogy to develop the capacity to heal from their traumas. Conventionally, education is assumed to enhance learners’ self-realisation. This article proposes another viewpoint of self-realisation, or rather its reverse, from the spiritual aspect as a manner of self-realisation without the self, called no-self realisation. The idea is developed from both the Buddhist and Daoist perspectives on the wisdom of the no-self. This article suggests that no-self realisation is a therapeutic approach that supports one to turn direction from seeking for extrinsic value to exploring inner wisdom while meeting with misfortune. It can be applied as a manner of self-education for equipping positive attitude to cope with human trauma. No-self realisation can be attained by achieving freedom from releasing self-consciousness. It deconstructs the narrow idea of the ego-self. When the ego is out of mind, the capacity of the human self is able to broaden its scope. This creates a realisation—a no-self realisation—for completing a mature life with a no-self mind that opens up the capacity for unlimited tolerance. One is thus able to embrace this world and the harm caused in the world.  相似文献   

自从我国语言学家王德春教授引入并诠释了国俗语义学,这门新的语言学分科越来越引起各位学者的重视,并逐渐的被广大教育者应用到外语教学和跨文化交际中。语言和文化是相互交融不可分割的,只有在文化的沃土中才能开出语言这朵艳丽夺目的花朵。本文以动物词"猫头鹰"为例,探讨其中的国俗语义并解析其蕴藏的文化内涵。  相似文献   

社区是群众活动的中心区域,社区和谐是社会和谐的基础。经过调查,渭南市临渭区的部分社区在社会治安、青少年教育管理、老年人服务保障、两劳释放人员回归社会、假释和管制等人员的社会矫正、社区工作者队伍建设等方面还存在不少的问题,为此,课题组围绕问题提出了有针对性的建议或对策。  相似文献   

毛泽东在西柏坡时期倡导并践行艰苦奋斗、谦虚谨慎、集体领导、民主决策、关爱人民、秉公执法。这些优良作风是中国共产党取得全国政权的保证,也是党执政后永葆本色,“不当李自成”的保证。  相似文献   

文章分析了少数民族贫困地区中学化学教师承担基础教育、职业教育和成人文化技术教育的三大任务 ,进一步提出了以“三教统筹”为指导思想的少数民族贫困地区中学化学教师再培养方案  相似文献   

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