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In the past few decades, great damage has been done to the earth.The earth is suffering. It's high time that we should save it.  相似文献   


Internationally, over the last 20–30 years, changing the procedures and processes of assessment has come to be seen, by many educators as well as policy-makers, as a way to frame the curriculum and drive the reform of schooling. Such developments have often been manifested in large scale, high stakes testing programmes. At the same time educational arguments have been made about the need to provide students with good quality formative feedback, and informative reports about what they have achieved. The chimera of a perfectly integrated and functioning curriculum and assessment system has been pursued, but such ambition far outstretches systemic capacity; it is neither feasible nor desirable. The national testing and examination system in England is an exemplar case. As national results have improved, much evidence suggests that, if anything, actual standards of achievement are falling, and grade inflation is undermining public confidence in the whole system. The paper will review these issues and tensions, and argue that a different model for developing curriculum and assessment is urgently needed.  相似文献   

非典这场瘟疫使中国旅游业遭受重创;但非典过后,新的旅游高潮已悄然而至。  相似文献   

For a teenager who has just started high school,the next three years of life may seem no better than hell.  相似文献   

张庆 《中学文科》2004,(3):29-29
On one of his lecture trips, Mark Twain arrived at a small town.Before dinner he went to a barber shop(理发店)to have a shave(修面).  相似文献   

The Reason of Being Late Teacher;Johnny,why aye you late for schoolevery morning? Johnny:Every time I come to the cornel,aguidepost(路标)says,‘School-GoSlow’.  相似文献   

Mick was seen leaving the theatre at the interval(幕间休息)during anew play. “Excuse me,sir”,said the doorman,“Isn’t the play to your liking?”“It’s not that at all,”said Mick. “It’s just that the programme saysthat the second act takes place two weeks later,and my mother told me to be  相似文献   

This article examines the constraints of modern temporality which are antithetical to the careful consideration that working with diverse learners requires for the development of inclusive, democratic education. We take up the conceptual construct of time to explore how it mediates systemic practices that impact policy positions of inclusion in initial teacher education and schooling. Our analysis demonstrates that temporality shapes the possibilities of inclusive practice within which a dominant agenda of compliance frames classroom complexities – both in schooling and higher education environments – into fragmented and preconceived responses to challenging situations. Education systems position educators in risk discourses concentrated on compliance and performance, in part through an emphasis that is placed on the diagnosis of learner differences and subsequent compartmentalised responses. Through schisms in modern time, we demonstrate the ways in which inclusion, like other educational demands, may be supported through a diffraction in time rather than subjugated to it.  相似文献   

I‘m from a poor family and it‘s not easy for my parents to give me money for school, which I know very well.I think I am old enough to share their burden(负担).Last summer vacation I found a job at a building site(建筑工地)in order to make some money to pay school tuition(学费)。  相似文献   

Adaptive progressive download based on the MPEG-4 file format   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we describe how progressive download and adaptive streaming can be combined into a simple and efficient streaming framework. Based on the MPEG-4 file format (MP4) we use HTTP for transport and argue that these two components are sufficient for specifying an open streaming architecture. The client selects appropriate chunks from the MP4 file to be transferred based on (1) the header information (i.e. the "moov" box) in the first part of the file and (2) his observation of network throughput. The framework is completely client driven which allows for better server scalability and reduces signalling overhead. We discuss architecture and implementation issues such as complexity, interoperability and scalability and compare to 3GPP PSS Re1-6 adaptive streaming when appropriate. Measurements from a simple MP4/HTTP streaming client are presented showing that appropriate chunks are selected such that increased reliability is achieved.  相似文献   

May I go to the restroom?Sure,you mayI can flush the toilet.  相似文献   

What Time Is It?     
Story: It’S a Sunny morning.The Sun iS Shining and the birds are Singing.Judy'S mom goes into Judy’S room and tries to wake her up for breakfast。“Wake up,baby,”says Judy’S mom and gives her a good morning kiss.”Huhhhh,what time iS it now?”asks Judy's while she rubs her sleepy eyes.Her mom answers,“It’s seven O'clock.Time to get up.”“Yes.Mom,”says Judy and yawns.It seems that little Judy is still very sleepy.  相似文献   

What Time Is It?     
我想大家都知道这样的一首小诗:明日复明日,明日何其多。我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。它告诉我们时光飞逝,一去不复返,所以我们要珍惜时间,今日事今日毕,抓紧每一分每一秒来学习。我们今天就学学关于时间的表达方式吧。  相似文献   

一、when用来询问任何时间。例:1)-When were you born?你什么时候生的? -I was born in1991,我生于1991年。2),-When do you usually go out for a walk?你通常什么时候出去散步?  相似文献   

适用对象: 小学英语教师三角式学习,学生寄快乐于学习,老师也获得收益,两者相得益彰。  相似文献   

The use of circle time is becoming increasingly widespread in this country, but what exactly it involves and should achieve is subject to a wide range of interpretations. Such a situation can make the identification of what should count as good or appropriate practice very hard to undertake. This paper describes three examples of the development of circle time in other countries. These models are used as a means of critically reflecting on practice here. Some key points raised are the importance of the relationship between theory and practice and between specific processes and their outcomes. Lack of evaluative research and adequate training are also identified as significant issues.  相似文献   

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