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进行职业生涯规划 促成个人和组织双赢   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
个人和组织进行有效的职业生涯规划,是企业经济运行和个人发展的重要保证。切合社会需要、组织实际和个人特点,进行职业生涯规划,可以使组织和个人都充满活力,在竞争中立于不败之地。  相似文献   


The willingness and ability of teachers to integrate information technology (IT) into their teaching is largely dependent on the professional development they receive. However, it is not clear which models of IT professional development result in transformative and effective practice. This article reports on interviews in three countries with ‘exemplary’ IT users who also have professional development roles. It identifies ideas such as the change of teacher role, home-grown experts, comfortable shoes approach, let them struggle and killer applications as part of the repertoire of successful approaches employed by these IT professional developers  相似文献   

1995年1月17日,日本发生阪神大地震。震级7.2级,5 466人遇难,遇难者中有平民,有富豪,有政府官员。地震之后不久,不知是纯属偶然还是有意安排,美国的《华盛顿邮报》和日本的《朝日新  相似文献   

当前企业的需求与职校的培养目标经常会发生错位,企业需要的人才无从寻找,职校毕业生又无处就业。如何解决这一矛盾,是企业与职校面临的共同问题,而加强校企间的沟通与合作,是解决上述矛盾,实现双赢的有效途径。加强校企合作,实现双赢目标 企业与职校能不能合作,关键要看合作以后,各自的需求能否满足,各  相似文献   

我校于2008年10月与广州市花都区新华第三小学在共同认真学习、策划、协商的基础上结成了基于网络环境下的校际联盟。本文从几个方面论述了本校与花都区新华第三小学开展的校际联盟项目活动:通过建立学习型团队,建立新型学习生活方式——博客,建立教师专业成长电子档案袋,使两校教师在专业素养、科研能力等方面得到了发展。  相似文献   


This paper discusses a 2-year study conducted in a professional development school involving Master of Arts in Teaching intern teachers and at-risk readers in Grades 2-6. A reading club for the at-risk readers provided the setting for intern teachers to conduct action research. The premise of the work was twofold: to develop intern teachers' action research skills, and to improve the reading skills of at-risk readers. Results indicate that intern teachers became more reflective and effective teachers through working with students in the club, and the students showed gains in reading skills and a more positive self-perception.  相似文献   

Children’s drawings are thought to be a mirror of a child’s representational development. Research suggests that with age children develop more complex and symbolic representational strategies and reference points become more differentiated by gender. We collected two drawings from 109 5–13‐year‐old children (three age groups). Each child drew their family and their school and participated in an independent recall task. The results indicated significant gender and age differences in the number of details depicted in the family drawings. There were also significant differences between boys’ and girls’ stereotyped drawings, usage of proportionality, and clothing. With age, children tended to draw more aerial views of their school. The results are discussed in terms of the contribution children’s drawings can make to the study of cognitive development and vice versa, as well as their importance for education.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamics of authority relationships and curriculum enactment in a lower-level, college-preparatory US History class. It explains how a teacher and his students construct a relaxed order shaped by uncertain educational goals, the use of entertainment, and students' wants. Ambiguity and entertainment in the teacher's practise signal tensions within the school's moral order, and reflect the values of egalitarianism, individualism, and anti-intellectualism. This approach wins compliance and popularity; it also perpetuates ambivalence towards schooling and low investment in educational aims.  相似文献   

诚实守信聚起干群创业的合力 靠诚信建设起团结战斗的领导班子。华丰煤矿坚持组织建设、思想建设、作风建设的同时,着重突出班子的道德建设,提出了"诚心是班子团结的根本"的建设思路,使班子建设得到了加强。一是密切了以诚信为基础的党政关系。我们从企业发展的高度来正确处理党与政之间的关系,调正关系,摆正位置,放正心态,为了企业的同一  相似文献   

文化产业是一个"以精神产品的生产、交换、消费为主要特征的产业"。文化产业对城市经济和社会发展有重要的贡献作用,它不仅能为城市发展提供动力支持,而且能为世界文化的多样性做出重要贡献。没有城市文化产业的发展,就没有城市经济和社会的快速发展。为此,本文对大连市如何发展文化产业提出了八条对策性建议。  相似文献   

College campuses in America have become buzzing media centers. Rozana Carducci and Robert Rhoads ponder the consequences for higher education's efforts to prepare an effective citizenry and offer recommendations for educating today's media‐saturated students.  相似文献   

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