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社会的发展对英语教学提出了更高的要求,除了传统的教学目的外,英语教学应尽可能满足社会需求。英语教学中推进德育以及素质教育是构建和谐社会,弘扬民族文化的必然要求。为此英语教师应采取有效措施,提高英语教师德育素养,推动英语素质教育。  相似文献   

教师应对高师基础段学生的价值观教育做区别于他物的关注和研究。课堂教学中对高师基础段学生价值观引导应处理好三种关系:一是作为教师,处理好教育的社会性导向与教师个人价值取向的矛盾性关系;二是有关教材,处理好教材中范例与个例的比较性关系;三是面对学生,处理好学生众口一言与学生一家之言的实质性关系。  相似文献   

"生命课堂"的本质是以生为本,教育观念是人们对于教育现象及其本质的认识与看法。价值反映的是主客体之间需要是否被满足的一种关系。教育价值,是指作为客体的教育现象的属性与作为社会实践主体的人的需要之间的一种特殊的关系。以书本、课堂、教师为中心的传统教育价值观必须改革,树立以生为本、生命教育、人文质量等新的教育价值观。  相似文献   

后现代主义教学观认为,教学即生命生成、教学即即时创作、教学即特殊交往、教学即系统博弈。后现代主义教学观昭示我国高等教育课堂应是生态化、创新型的课堂,即它应从物化走向人文,从“录像式”走向“直播式”,从表象互动走向理性互动,从线性走向混沌。  相似文献   

本文介绍了微课堂的概念,对微课堂在培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的可行性进行了分析,最后提出了利用微课堂培育和践行社会主义核心价值观的途径,以期为大学生社会主义核心价值观的培育与践行提供理论依据。  相似文献   

This study uses the grounded theory approach (GTA) to investigate the value and characteristics of teacher observations, when used to understand student learning. Earlier studies have analysed the act of observation, defining it as a combination of joint observation and interpretation activities. By contrast, this analysis of 28 primary school teachers in remote areas of Vietnam reveals that the act of observation is mediated by underlying values. This study develops a discussion about the way in which the inherent ‘compliance-with-a-plan’ value restricts teachers’ ability to develop knowledge, as proposed in the literature, while the value of ‘exploration’ encourages teachers to develop a broader interpretation of classroom interactions. Figures and tables illustrate these GTA-based results.  相似文献   

How do we engage our students in their own learning process? In the second of a three‐part series, Laurie Schreiner shares practical, research‐based suggestions for fostering the curiosity and mindfulness of all of our students.  相似文献   

This paper considers the part played by teaching assistants in the implementation of the National Literacy and National Numeracy Strategies, two widespread UK government reforms. Evidence from two sources of evaluation (the Ontario Institute in Canada and OfSTED, the school inspectorate for England) indicates that assistants are providing ‘remedial’ support for up to 25% of children in English primary schools. However, although the evaluators note this, they fail to truly acknowledge the important contribution of assistants to the functioning of the Strategies. The paper argues that the lack of acknowledgement arises from the evaluators’ view of teaching assistants as ‘peripheral’ and teachers as ‘core’. This does assistants a great disservice, but also masks the shortcomings of the Strategies, particularly with regard to the way in which a required pedagogy, linked to targets and tests, has created an exclusionary pressure leading to the separation of teaching by teachers and assistants, respectively.  相似文献   

In 1965 the authors conducted an experiment in a public elementary school, telling teachers that certain children could be expected to be “growth spurters,” based on the students' results on the Harvard Test of Inflected Acquisition. In point of fact, the test was nonexistent and those children designated as “spurters” were chosen at random. What Rosenthal and Jacobson hoped to determine by this experiment was the degree (if any) to which changes in teacher expectation produce changes in student achievement. Robert Rosenthal is professor of social psychology at Harvard University. Lenore Jacobson is an elementary school principal in the South San Francisco Unified School District.  相似文献   

信息技术在当今高校教育中已经得到广泛应用,但是在构建师生互动课堂方面,中国高校教学方式没有太大改变。课堂应答系统作为在国外教学中应用比较成熟的一种教学手段,对于改进我国高校教学是一个很好的补充。主要介绍了什么是课堂应答系统,其应用环境及使用流程,介绍了两种基于课堂应答系统的最常用教学模式,并对此系统在应用过程中的优势与不足进行了分析。  相似文献   

Much progress has taken place to identify and provide services for the gifted and talented. Yet, the problems that existed ten years ago still prevail and require continuing efforts to find viable solutions.  相似文献   

Research is reviewed on nonverbal behavior, in particular that related to the glance, facial expression, bodily movements, and personal space. Some implications for communication between teacher and students are considered and some suggestions are presented to teachers for eliminating nonverbal cues by which they may unwittingly communicate favoritism or rejection to students.  相似文献   


Values, moral values and democratic values are attracting the attention of education researchers in general and mathematics education researchers in particular. Little research has studied pre-service teachers’ perceptions of values in the classroom, their perceptions of the relationship between the different variables of values in the classroom, as well as their relationship with the democratic society. The present research attempts to do so. Twenty-two graduate pre-service teachers who participated in ‘New trends in mathematics education’ course discussed how to cultivated values in the mathematics classroom. Moreover, they answered survey questions related to the cultivation of values in this classroom. We used a combination of deductive and inductive content analysis to characterize the pre-service teachers’ texts. The research results indicate that the pre-service teachers perceived values as encouraging students’ activity in the mathematics classroom. In addition, the pre-service teachers perceived values as encouraging specific categories of values needed as skills for the citizen in a democratic society, as creativity, critical thinking and metacognition.  相似文献   

This paper serves as a phenomenological reflection about the meaning of a co-teaching experience at the college level for two graduate teaching assistants. When two teachers combine planning and teaching efforts it is called co-teaching. As a pedagogical method for both instructors and students, co-teaching was beneficial because it modeled a collaborative teaching style required of the students in their curricular work. Utilizing the interpretivist discourse of phenomenology, the authors dialog about the meaning each makes of the coursework, the pedagogy, the students, and the teacher effectiveness through a co-teaching model. The dialog and reflection on the phenomenon of co-teaching contributes to more productive co-teaching instruction for pre-service teacher instructors.  相似文献   

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