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儒家文化经过2000多年的演化,有儒学现代化的趋势,如何对待传统伦理道德文化就变得不可回避.儒家的“克己复札““以理制欲“思想,对于当前我国党风廉政建设有着重大的借鉴作用;其“内圣外王“思想对官员的道德品质提出了道义的要求,发挥儒家伦理的教化作用,对于各级干部廉洁自律有着重大的内化作用.  相似文献   

金代大理寺官员的民族构成十分复杂,不仅有女真和汉族这样的主体民族,还有渤海、契丹、奚等少数民族官员。而且北方各族人民经过近千年的民族融合之后,到了金代已经不能简单的通过姓氏来确定一个人的民族成分,这也给深入研究金代大理寺各族官员比重带来了一些困难。此次通过梳理大理寺各级官员的民族情况,就是想进一步了解金代民族政策对大理寺官员群体带来的影响。  相似文献   

晚清财政窘迫,文官俸禄遭到大幅削减,俸制体系名存实亡,以致陋规盛行,严重腐蚀清统治基础。清末"新政",对文官俸制进行改革,但囿于财政困难,官僚集团内部政令不一,俸制改革走向失败。但是俸制改革中体现的高薪养廉、晋级加俸、实行激励机制等原则和措施,体现出清末俸制体系向近代俸制的初步转型。  相似文献   

A study of Indonesian graduate officials shows pervasive differences between the holders of the Sarjana Muda, or Bachelor, degree, and those with the Sarjana, or Master's and other higher degrees (in what follows referred to as Bachelors and Highers), also between men and women holders of either level of degree.The Bachelors were younger than the Highers, and the women younger than the men, the youngest group therefore being the women Bachelors. Most Bachelors had graduated from academies and institutes; most Highers from the universities. The five leading state universities were responsible for a smaller proportion of women than of men Highers. Few of these institutions at either Bachelor of Higher level were in the private sector; these were favoured more by men than by women, and by Highers rather than Bachelors.Most graduates had been trained in secular, not religious, institutions (these were mostly Islamic). There were unimportant differences between the genders in this regard at Bachelor level; at Higher, a larger proportion of men had graduated from religious colleges.Relatively more women than men were graduates of the I.K.I.P., or teacher training colleges, while the reverse applied in the case of the academies and institutes, often offering other vocational qualifications. Bachelor graduates from the IKIP had lower salaries than those from the universities and academies; higher graduates from the universities were better paid than those from the other institutions.The most popular degree subjects, at Bachelor level, were those useful for teaching and administration; and also economics (which includes accountancy). There were slight differences between the genders, the women tending to favour teaching subjects, the men those useful for other occupations. At Higher level, while the Social Sciences and Economics remained popular, Medicine and Law assumed greater importance. There were more pronounced differences between the genders in certain subjects. The Behavioural and Social Sciences, Economics, Agriculture, and Engineering were relatively more popular with the men; the reverse applied for Education and Medicine; choices perhaps in part reflecting traditional conceptions of professions open to men and to women.Among Bachelors, vocational subjects were associated with better chances of promotion to the upper salary grades. Higher degree subjects which performed a similar function were those more closely connected with government administration and tertiary teaching. In either case these subjects had been studied by only a minority of the sample.Over half the sample of Bachelors was engaged in either teaching or educational administration, with a further three in ten occupied with government. Nearly seven out of 10 women were employed in the former occupations; their other preference was for Medicine. At higher degree level there were relatively more men than women in general administration. While there was a higher proportion of women in education as a whole, this was not true for the tertiary level, where the proportions of the genders was very similar. Also, in contrast with the situation among Bachelors, there was a much higher proportion of men in Medicine and in the Judiciary. In passing, we note that the distribution of jobs held by graduates from Islamic institutions does not differ significantly from that of the general body of graduate officials.More than 50% of the Bachelors were employed by the Departments of Education and of Religion, with over a fifth in the major administrative departments of government. However, the differences between the genders were important. Three fifths of the women were employed by Education, as against two fifths of the men, and only one tenth of the women were to be found in government administration, against a quarter of the men.At Higher level, two fifths of the graduates were in either Education or Religion, but otherwise much more evenly distributed across departments. If anything, there was a higher proportion of women than of men to be found in all departments with the major exception of Health, and the minor one of Education, where the reverse applied.  相似文献   

宋代林业职官,中央由属政令部门的工部,和属职事部门的将作监、都水监、太府寺以及司农寺等机构的官员组成,负责从林业税收、林材运用与管理到林木栽植等方面的各项事务。在地方,围绕农桑林的栽植,由路、州官员的监督和县级官员具体负责的林业经济管理系统也十分完善。其中,县丞为基层林业建设与管理的主要负责官员。而国家应用林方面,堤道、军事防御林的建设,则主要由中央与地方官员配合完成。  相似文献   

贪官的忏悔录表明:腐败发展过程一般经历错误酝酿期、初犯错误期、犯罪渐变期、罪行加重期和罪恶惩办期五个阶段;与此相应,贪官的犯罪心理也经过一个逐步发展演变的过程;厌学、贪财、好色、傍款、纵亲是导致腐败的五大病灶。据此,我们应准确地把握腐败心理和腐败行为的规律,确定不同阶段的工作原则和斗争策略,有针对性地开展有效的反腐败斗争。  相似文献   

强化干部法律意识教育,是建立和发展社会主义市场经济的需要,是改革政治体制、建设民主法制和反腐倡廉的必然要求,也是对外开放,走向世界的大趋势所决定的。只要强化舆论宣传,充分发挥干部的内外因作用,发挥司法部门的监督管理职能,加强各项干训工作,广大干部的法律意识就一定能得到强化提高。  相似文献   

“白衣领职”是流行于两晋南北朝时期的一种独特的官吏处罚制度,它主要适用于中央中、高级官员的轻微职务犯罪,重点处罚官员的失职行为,是强化皇权和整饬吏治的一种手段,同时还有激励罪吏“戴罪立功”的积极作用。但在操作过程中,该制度也有一定的随意性。  相似文献   

在中国传统社会,地方官学的建立与发展同政治统治力的强弱与国运的盛衰密切相关,并随之而生兴衰之变。清统治者随着统治的日益稳固,在新纳入版图的地域和边疆地区也开始逐渐建立地方官学,推行儒家化政治统治。这使得该地在文化上同原有统治区域的差距逐渐缩小,促进了各地在文化上的一体性,对于在该地实行有效的政治统治起了积极作用。同时,清统治者在经济发达地区及具有特殊政治地位的地区亦根据其具体情况调整和增设了一批地方官学,进一步促进了该地文化的发展,加强了政治统治。  相似文献   

伴随网络技术的迅猛发展,以手机为代表的新媒体正深刻改变着人们的生活方式。微信作为使用频率最高的手机软件,已成为高校学生群体获取信息、拓展人际、沟通交流的重要平台。为此,众多高校注册开通官方微信公众平台,作为高校新闻宣传的新型载体。如何建设高校官方微信平台,使其更好的服务学生健康成长,这是当下亟需思考和着手解决的问题。  相似文献   

宋代环卫官从唐代十六卫官承袭而来,在名称和编制上无太大变化,但由于宋朝历代都遵从"崇文抑武"的"祖宗家法",环卫官的职能范围越来越小,以致两宋以来环卫官多不除人。从现存的宋代史料中可以发现,宋代环卫官经历了三个阶段的演变,在《宋史》的"合班之制"和宋代的官品令中尤其可以发现这些变化。这也反映了宋代在中国古代历史上处于从中央集权专制到皇权专制主义的转型期。研究宋代集权的就为角度之一。  相似文献   

出土资料中载有大量汉代农官的内容,其中有军事屯田机构中的农官护田校尉、戊校尉、己校尉、将兵护民田官;有地方政府机构中民屯的农官使领护敦煌、酒泉、张掖、武威、金城农田官,力农丞,司禾;军屯、民屯机构中皆有的农令、农长、农丞、代田长、屯田丞、别田令史;有地方政府机构中由诸曹直接统属的农官农司马、渔监、田典、左田、劝田史、劝农史;有中央派驻地方的农官漆官、橘官、都田啬夫、都田佐。这些出土资料所见而文献所遗的汉代农官,补了文献记载内容的缺失,具有重要的学术价值。  相似文献   

通过检索先秦史料,探讨这一历史时期世官制向职官制演进的历史特征。  相似文献   

潜邸旧臣是宋真宗朝的重要政治力量,它由真宗任开封府尹、亲王、太子时的官员随从组成.这些人文化素质较高,文官数量较多.但武将官大而无功,文臣无为而因循,没有趁和平的有利形势,改革政治,发展生产;而是和真宗一起延续、因循太宗后期的保守政治,给之后的宋朝带来不利的影响.  相似文献   

以《论语》中的信息为依据,分析孔子设学授徒同弟子从政的关系及孔子荐才之道,进而对“学而优则仕”命题加以分辨。  相似文献   

朱元璋的“重典治吏”政策是。刑乱世用重典”思想的具体体现,对稳定明初的社会环境,整顿吏治,巩固明朝的统治有着重要意义,并对明清硬代的法律制度有着深远影响。本文考察了朱元璋“重典治吏”政策的具体措施,分析了朱元璋“重典治吏”政策产生的原因及其影响、启示与局限性。  相似文献   

汉武帝时代错综复杂的矛盾.提供了酷吏盛行的社会条件。强化、巩固皇权需要酷吏.皇帝欣赏、重用酷吏。酷吏参与律令的编次论定.为维护皇权提供法律依据。酷吏搏击宗室贵族、豪强兼并之家.镇压吏民反抗.铲除强化、维护皇权统治的障碍。酷吏是皇帝得心应手的鹰犬,皇帝是酷吏至高无上的靠山.当酷吏违背皇帝的旨意.人生也就走到了终点。  相似文献   

依据《明代徽州方氏亲友手札七百通考释》,结合其他史料,探讨明代士大夫间以书为礼现象,发现:第一,以书为礼是明代士大夫日常交往的普遍行为:赠书者多为中上层士人;所赠书以家刻本和官书为主;以书为礼是双向的,体现了礼尚往来的原则。第二,明代士大夫普遍以书为礼的主要原因有:受传统上诗文、图书赠送的影响;明代中期以后出版业发达,刻印图书更方便;书是雅礼之一,符合士大夫对礼物的期待;明代历日颁发制度导致赠送历日成为特权阶层联络感情甚至贿赂的普遍选择。第三,明代中期以后以书为礼现象产生了异化:一方面,代表雅礼的书帕徒有其名,书帕仪(金)才是礼物的真正内容;另一方面,官场上赠送的书帕本往往是些校勘不精、质量低劣的图书。考察明代以书为礼现象,有助于拓展和加深对传统文献学的认识。  相似文献   

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