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这是河南大学文学院博士生导师刘思谦和她的几名博士生一组有关“女性新历史小说”的研究论文。女性新历史小说自 2 0世纪 80年代末 90年代初加盟以男性为主体的新历史小说创作以来 ,其发展一直呈上升势头。到 2 1世纪初 ,一套以女作家观照演绎女性历史人物生命故事的“花非花·历史小说系列”出版问世 ,标志着女性新历史小说创作走向成熟 ,可以与男性新历史小说比肩而立了。这组论文第一次提出“女性新历史小说”这一命名 ,并对其发生发展的合理性依据与代表性文本运用性别视角进行了较深入的分析论述。刘思谦教授的文章从两个层次 ,即女性新历史小说相对于传统历史小说和相对于男性新历史小说的比较中确立了其在历史观、时间结构与性别内涵、写作方式上的独特性 ,认为女性新历史小说个体生命本位的历史观与时间结构 ,写作方式是在熟悉和辨析史料基础上将心比心地、设身处地地合理想象与虚构。张兵娟的文章以性别视角分析了赵玫的三部女性历史小说《高阳公主》、《武则天》、《上官婉儿》 ;沈红芳的文章通过《英雄无语》、《叔叔的故事》、《你是一条河》、《羽蛇》等文本分析 ,发现了被男性新历史小说遮蔽的“英雄和母亲的另一面。”李仰智、付建舟两位男性加盟此组笔谈 ,通过女性与男性新历史小说代  相似文献   

Although there are a variety of definitions of test bias, none has provided a basis to support claims of bias, especially with respect to those tests that predict school performance. The fact that validity coefficients for such tests are consistently high suggests that what bias there is derives from the nature of the criteria; i.e., the cultural bias of schooling. And because schooling reflects social values, the resolution of the problem lies through social-political action and not psychological or psychometric advances.  相似文献   

"颓废"的美:城市的另一面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中国现代化建设的迅猛发展,城市经济、文化也随之崛起,以城市人的审美经验为研究对象,建立城市美学,是美学研究的新任务与新方向.中国现代美学的建构,应当由对乡村的审美经验把握转向对城市的审美经验的总结,这样才能实现中国美学的现代性.  相似文献   

This essay rethinks the constitutive formation of publics by foregrounding the desirability of publics themselves. This project begins by theoretically resituating publics as a series of irrevocably lost objects. Specifically, I contend publics are composed of a montage of desires (oral, anal, phallic, scopic, and superego) modeled on Jacques Lacan’s stages of the object in obsessional neurosis. To explicate, I use this schema to parse the symbolic dimensions of the “people” aligned with Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Lacan’s schema of the object is adapted into a theory of publicity exemplified in the (astonishing) resilience of the “Trump voter,” the imaginary “people” routinely invoked throughout his emergence as a political figure. Lacan’s schema, I argue, helps explain the symbolic staging of the “Trump voter” as something more than just another potent social imaginary: an object of desire.  相似文献   

随着社会的文明和进步,越来越多的人们开始关心与人类的紧密相关的动物的状况。动物福利概念也传播开来。最近《中华人民共和国反虐待动物法》(专家建议稿)已经面向社会公众征集意见,提交全国人民代表大会常务委员会。本文就我国的动物保护现状、原因进行分析,并提出相应的完善建议。  相似文献   

In this paper, I consider a social movement for animal rights as a site of learning about a particular form of ethics. I use a multiliteracies framework, which emphasizes critical consumption and creation across a range of media forms, to consider how learning unfolds using a different kind of medium: the affective body. Activists in this study learned to read the signs of their embodied encounters with nonhuman animals as a privileged mode for understanding their ethical truth. Then they used other forms of digital mediation to produce and spread the feelings of being present with animals for others. I discuss social media memes and virtual reality as two examples. I employ the term “im-mediacy” to emphasize both the affects of feeling present and the sense-making involved in mediation and its ideologies. This approach considers affect and semiosis as mutually constitutive processes in learning. The findings also suggest the need to consider the affects produced in learning environments that bring bodies in proximity to one another, or that use technology to mediate feelings of proximity, as well as what I describe as embodied literacies for sensing the needs of others and responding with care.  相似文献   

佚名  张莉 《高中生》2011,(25):7
结交朋友的权利我们可以根据个人爱好来选择朋友。我们不必因为别人都喜欢某人而喜欢他,也不必因为某些人不属于我们的"小团体"就不喜欢他们。我们都有权利要求我们的朋友是值得信赖的人。如果我们和朋友分享某事并要求他们保密,我们希望  相似文献   

关于目标公司反收购决策权的归属和制度设计,主要有如下两种模式“:股东大会决定模式”和“董事会决定模式”。通过对比上述两种模式的比较,并结合公司治理的发展趋势和我国的具体国情,我们应采纳“董事会决定模式”,将反收购决策权归诸董事会,并对其反收购决策权的行使进行适当的规范,加强目标公司董事的义务,以达到在反收购活动中股东实现利润最大化的同时各方利益最大化的目标。  相似文献   

This homological analysis argues that the right to life and animal rights movements share a number of rhetorical commonalities, despite their overtly ideological differences. Specifically, the movements employ the ideograph of “rights” that takes on the meaning of being, and unites the two movements through the common frameworks of personhood, voice, and sanctity of life. In turn, this connection demonstrates that opposing groups can mesh individual means into a joint rhetoric calling for the rights of the marginalized, sensate other. The essay concludes by exploring the ways in which such disparate movements might form a union to oppose a collective, anthropocentric establishment.  相似文献   


This paper explores the interactive quality of memories and how they lived on in the dataset of a two-year study conducted several years ago, in which a group of women engaged in close reading and memoir-writing practices, unpacking their personal memories to gain insight into their lived experiences. In the process of analysing the data from the study, the researcher realised that the data resisted reductive interpretation and categorisation. Despite the differences between the researcher and the participants in relation to socio-cultural backgrounds and life experiences, the data from the seemingly distant worlds, was both ‘alive’ and interacted with her across time. The researcher found that she shared memories with the participants which evoked a strong reaction within her. These shared memories set her on a path of becoming.  相似文献   

Near the end of his life,Pablo Picasso predicted to a friend he would be remembered as a "Spanish poet who dabbled in painting, drawing,and sculpture. "The most famous artist of the 20th century was certainly joking.Picasso (1881-1973) knew he would be forever identified as the figure who rejected Renaissance traditions, ushering in a complex new relationship of the artist to the visible world and the audience. Pablo Picasso' s writing-done in the raw,unpunctuated style of the Surrealists-receives its first major translation into English in a new volume of poetry.  相似文献   

The dark side of mentoring   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

浅谈人权入宪后的人权保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在全国人大十届二次会议上通过的宪法修正案中增加了“国家尊重和保障人权”,使我国的人权保障有了宪法依据,但仅仅有宪法保障是不够的,只有通过推进宪法司法化、构建完备的人权法律体系、设立人权监督和协调机构、加大人权宣传教育力度才能使人权得到切实、充分的保障。  相似文献   

权利起源于原始社会。原始社会既存在着广泛的个人权利,又存在着广泛的公共权利,原始习俗权利构成了原始社会的制度基础。原始社会存在着一定的普遍程式化的权利机制,包含了现代权利概念的若干基本要素:具有一定资格的权利主体提出正当利益要求、相关人基于某种资源追求利益的行为、权力的运作、利益要求的实现等。这些要素自然而然地形成了一个有机整体。原始社会还存在着一定的权利转化机制。  相似文献   

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