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罗马尼亚“布鲁肯撇尔”博物馆系布鲁肯撒尔男爵所创建。布鲁肯撤尔男爵生于原属奥匈帝国的特兰西瓦尼亚,该地1920年始为罗马尼亚领土。当年,男爵代表其地区常驻奥匈帝国首都维也纳并备受女王青睐与爱护,其仕途平顺且屡获赏赐;赏赐中许多为奥地利人喜爱的佛兰德尔画派的作品,由于男爵热哀艺术品的收藏,故其退休时的收藏在奥匈帝国内仅次于女王。  相似文献   

马琳琳 《世界文化》2012,(12):38-40
都柏林是一座有故事的城市。或许正是如此的文化底蕴和生活气息。造就出了一个个享誉全球的大文豪——威廉·巴特勒·叶芝、萧伯纳和塞缪尔·贝克特、奥斯卡.王尔德、乔纳森.斯威夫特,和最为有名的詹姆斯·乔伊斯。  相似文献   

吴旭涛 《大理文化》2013,(11):88-89
到了大理,且找个安静地方坐下,品品白族的“三道茶”,再听上三两个这里的故事,离开时方能无憾。  相似文献   

始建于12世纪末的卢浮宫曾是法国王宫,后成为享誉世界的艺术与文化殿堂。其悠久的历史、美轮美奂的建筑和重量级的收藏一直为人们所津津乐道。然而,真正使其成为世界博物馆之翘楚的,还是卢浮宫在文化记忆中的传承、传播和展示方面的卓越理念与追求。  相似文献   

"I have two more dreams fulfilled than others," said Madam Sun Danwei, president of Wuyutai Tea Co., Ltd., "One is Wuyutai managed to offer tea service in the Olympic Village and the other is t myself, as a representative of Wuyutai, was selected as an Olympic torch bearer!"  相似文献   

马剑 《世界文化》2011,(11):48-50
俗话说,流言止于智者。在今天这个提倡言论自由的互联网时代,智者的作用就显得更为重要。因为当今的一些流言,往往具有相当高的“科技含量”。  相似文献   

During 2006 China Culture Festival in Japan, the dassic drama production "Thunderstorm (third edition)" was presented by Beijing People's Art Theatre (BPAT) at Autumn Theatre of the renowned Shiki Theatre Company in Tokyo. This classic program, directed by Gu Wei and starred by such respected drama actors and actresses as Yang Lixin, Gong Lijun, Wang Ban and Bai Hui, attracted the audience with realistic stage design and original story plots. Despite the language barrier, it deeply touched the Japanese audience which almost filled the nearly- 1000-seat theatre.[第一段]  相似文献   

自明朝万历末年以来,梅、兰、竹、菊并称,以“花中四君子”而驰名天下。早在宋元时期,中国花鸟画即喜以竹、梅为题材,配之以松,人称“岁寒三友”。  相似文献   

"Tea quality control is implemented in every stage and every process of our tea making and our test standards are even more rigid than those issued by the state," said Sun Danwei, President of Wuyutai, a century-old tea brand name in Beijing. At the launching ceremony of "Green 100 Action" taking place in the end of last year, representatives from 140 chain shops signed "Green Alliance Contract" at Wuyutai's flagship shop, pledging to guarantee all the tea products Wuyutai sells are 100% up to the national standard. While food safety accidents happened time and again in China, Wuyutai, as a time-honored enterprise, demonstrates a strong sense of responsibility for the society.[第一段]  相似文献   

The results of "Most Beautlful Places in China" organized by Chinese National Geogrophy Magazine and other 34 local media institutions were unveiled recently. The voting, lasting for eight months, was conducted by experts, media organizations as well as netizens and mobile subscribers. The mast authoritative results, done by the expert panel consisting of a dozen of academicians and some one hundred specialists, were released In the magazine's October issue.  相似文献   

On the morning of May 4, 2008, the Beijing Olympic torch relay kicked off in Sanya, Hainan province, the first leg on Chinese mainland. At the Flaming Phoenix Square of the Phoenix Island, China's short track speed skater and Olympic champion Yang Yang became the first torchbearer. The huge bronze statue "Flaming Phoenix", the new landmark of Sanya, witnessed this historical moment.  相似文献   

Although countries have varied divisions of creative industry, generally throughout the world, people consider it includes fashion design, movie and video recording, interac- tive software, music, performing art, publishing, software and computer services, TV and broadcasting and so on. The emergence of creative economy around the globe transforms world economy from an era of focusing on producing functions to one of producing values.  相似文献   

Wang Xiaoshuai's Cannes prizewinning film Shanghai Dreams (Qing Hong) is rooted in first handed memories. In the late 60s, when China feared attack by the USSR, armament factories and other "front line" industries were relocated from cities on the eastern seaboard to remote inland areas, and idealistic young adults were persuaded to resettle in dirt-towns like Guiyang to staff them. Less than 15 years later, many were desperate to move back to the urban sophistication of such cities as Shanghai, disillusioned by life in the sticks and eager to taste the newFreedoms of the 80s. The Wu family is a case in point.  相似文献   

Donnu Guo ("Eastern State of Women") was an ancient kingdom governed by queens and existing during the Sui and Tang dynasties (approx. 6th-9th centuries AD). Few historical records have been ever found about this mysterious matriarchic society until it was rediscovered one thousand years later in Danba, a county in western Sichuan Province adjacent to Tibet. Ancient watchtowers, unique terrains in the shape of plum blossoms and in particular beautiful women that have been insulated within the depth of mountains for hundreds of years,all have gained it a reputation as the "valley of female beauty".  相似文献   

Exhibition of Calligraphic Couplets in Thailand
On January 18, the Chinese New Year Calligraphic Couplets Exhibition celebrated its grand opening in China Cultural Center in Bangkok, Thailand  相似文献   

巴蜀式化"入话"篇谭继和宋人"话本"在讲正文正话前,通常要先吟诵一些诗词,或者讲述几个小故事,叫做"入话"。这人话的诗词、故事和正文主题扣合相关,或从正面或从反面与正文主题互相引发。笔者心慕千年前"桑家瓦子"中那些民间艺人贴近群众文化心理和欣赏趣味的...  相似文献   

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