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The main stages of the evolution of biology teaching in Africa, after the independence of the countries, have been a better adaptation of the curriculum contents to the natural and socio‐cultural environment of each country, i.e. to go beyond a simple formal adaptation and to conceive curricula closer to the needs of African societies, in line with their specific values, and fitting with the cultural level of the pupils and with the preoccupations associated with a peculiar economic and social environment; an improvement of the teaching conditions, which remain difficult due to the lack of teaching aids of all kinds; a promotion of educational research, thanks to the creation and the development of administrative bodies responsible for the training of teachers and for the supervision of their activities. African countries have universities, faculties or schools of education and teacher‐training institutes, which are in charge of the training of biology teachers for secondary schools; they also have adapted their programmes to their needs; but such in‐depth adaptation must continue, so that biology teaching responds better to social evolution, to the new conditions of economic and social change and to new ethical situations.

There remains a lot to be done in the area of elaboration and evaluation of teaching methods and techniques, bearing in mind the great difficulties of the teachers who lack the necessary minimum educational aids, specially in rural areas.

The UNESCO pilot project for the improvement of biology teaching in Africa (1966‐1972) is part of a series of projects dealing with the improvement of school programmes and sponsored by UNESCO. The teaching aids produced for the English‐speaking countries of Africa were a handbook and a teacher's guide concerning an initiation course of biology for the junior level of high schools, as well as a series of loop films for the classroom. The aids produced for the French‐speaking countries of Africa were for the senior level and included booklets and colour slides, for the teachers’ use and not the pupils'; the topics involved African ecology, plants and soils, introduction to human biology, conservation and preservation of biological resources.

As a contribution to the national endeavours of educational reform, UNESCO published in 1974 and 1975 the English, French and Spanish versions, adapted to Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean, of a Teacher's guide on the biology of human populations. This meant to emphasize the necessary adaptation of biology teaching to its social and cultural environment, while presenting the human populations and their relations with their environments. This is a contemporary subject, which also allows the examination of the role of biology and biology teachers’ in the general awareness of environmental problems; a subject which does not need sophisticated equipment or teaching aids, but, rather, appeals to the observation skills of teachers and pupils.

It is true that the African experience has, to some extent, followed a trend which European countries acknowledged several years ago. Adaptation of curriculum content is a long‐term task and is pursued in both kinds of countries. The African experience could certainly be beneficial to European curriculum designers. The production of all kinds of teaching aids, of various degree of complexity, in the national language, as well as the evaluation of relevant teaching methods and techniques, are areas of acute shortage, where bilateral as well as multilateral assistance could be most fruitful.  相似文献   

Le but principal de cet article est de comparer à partir des textes législatifs, des enquêtes ministérielles et européennes, et des revues spécialisées en France et en Espagne les propriétés de deux organisations scolaires singulières nommées «éducation prioritaire» ainsi que les mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique. En nous appuyant sur l'approche de la construction sociale, nous présentons comment ces deux pays européens organisent cet enseignement dans les milieux défavorisés. Une analyse des aspects visibles du système éducatif à l'aide d'indicateurs généralistes (organisation des études, formation des enseignants, dépenses publiques) aurait laissé envisager d'importantes différences. Cependant, la comparaison à l'aide d'indicateurs «plus fins» des mises en ?uvre de l'éducation physique dans les écoles traditionnelles (poids de l'éducation physique, préoccupations gouvernementales et celles des enseignants, programmes d'enseignement) puis dans les milieux difficiles ZEP et CAEP (choix didactiques et pédagogiques) indique de fortes similitudes. Ces différences de résultats soulignent l'intérêt des analyses comparatives secondaires et la nécessité de considérer des analyses détaillées.

The main aim of this study is to compare two particular school organisations labelled ‘priority education’ in France and Spain, in relation to physical education using laws, ministerial and European surveys, and specialised journals. The social constructivist approach has been used to describe how both these European countries organise the teaching of physical education in under‐privileged environments. The analysis of the visible aspects of these educational systems with general indicators (organisation of studies, teacher education, public expenses) seems to imply differences. However, the comparison using more detailed data in the implementation of physical education in traditional schools (weight of the physical education in the system, governmental and teachers concerns, teaching programmes) indicates strong similarities. In addition, didactic and pedagogic choices in physical education in under‐privileged schools appear to be quite similar. These results underline the interest of secondary comparative studies and the necessity of taking into account detailed analyses.  相似文献   

Since the end of the 1980s, Brazilian histoty of education bas been redefined by new historiographical currents. The process of redefinition has taken on particular characteristics because of theoretical and institutional factors involved in the evolution of the discipline as afield of research. The new trends run counter to the historiographical model that dominated the post‐graduate programmes in education of the main Brazilian universities since the 1970s. This model originated in the 1930s and 1940s with the publication of reference works for educational history research. The present essay examines the process of reconfiguration of the discipline with a view to evaluating the restrictions that were imposed upon it.  相似文献   

The struggle against illiteracy is a problem of great importance in Turkey as in many other countries. In Turkey the democratisation and secularisation of education have been a difficult process. Despite strong educational efforts in recent years, the country still presents various forms of inequality, such as considerable disparities between women and men, between town and country and between different regions. Unequal socio-economic, cultural and educational development, and attachment to cultural traditions are some of the factors that influence these inequalities. At the same time, Turkey is confronted by the sore problem of the education of linguistic minorities (especially the Kurds), who are not officially recognised as the cultural policy of Turkey aims to assimilate them. Thus, in the 1920s the Kurdish language was forbidden along with all languages other than Turkish, the official national language.  相似文献   

Resumé Le présent article est d'abord une analyse d'un enseignement dans lequel des élèves de douze ans ont traité des problèmes de pavages polygonaux et progressé à cette occasion dans leur apprentissage de la géométrie plane. L'analyse, qui a porté principalement sur les processus de pensée des élèves, aboutit à rassembler ces processus en deux catégories principales: ceux qui relèvent d'une pensée dite instantanée et qui se manifestent surtout par des constats ou des conjectures rapides, et ceux qui sont plutôt discursifs et apparaissent principalement dans les activités de dessin et l'argumentation des preuves.Cet article contient aussi une comparaison de l'enseignement mentionné ci-dessus avec celui réalisé par D. van Hiele sur le même thème et analysé dans sa thèse de doctorat (1957).
Forms of mathematical thought of twelve years old students at tiling problems
The main part of this paper consists in an analysis of the activities of twelve years old students solving problems of polygonal tilings and improving on this occasion their knowledge of plane geometry. The analysis, bearing principally on the thinking processes of the students, results in a presentation of these processes in two principal categories: those which belong to what may be called the instantaneous thinking and result mainly in the perception of some simple structures or in some swift conjectures, and those which are of a more discursive nature and appear mainly in the drawing activities and in the argumentation of the proofs.This paper contains also a comparison of the above mentioned teaching with the analogous one organized on the same theme (tilings of the plane) by D. van Hiele, and analysed in her Ph.D. (1957).

At the beginning of the 18th century, M. de Vallange proposed a wide‐ranging programme to reform education in France. He intended to introduce teaching methods based on John Locke's works and to create a full‐scale system of new educational institutions. The royal institutions called “collèges” were to be abolished and a secular body of academics in charge of the new ones was to be appointed. The new curriculum proposed by M. de Vallange responded better than the former to the requirements of society, the children's capacity for work, and the new intellectual attainments brought about by the scientific progress of the 17th century.

This project formed part of a larger educational trend that, between 1710 and 1740, brought the notion of education closer to the concept of society.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose to give some results about research done from 1989 to 1993 concerning a written assessment situation in math class (les devoirs surveillés) with high school students (16–17 years old) who are following a science oriented curriculum. In particular, we would like to determine if and how the students are sure of the answers they give and if they verify them.Our research methodology consisted of collecting both test papers and scratch pads from all the students in one class, then of interviewing some of them using the explicatory interviewing technique developed by P. Vermersch.In order to study this specific assessment situation, we use a theoretical framework developed by Y. Chevallard concerning an anthropological approach. Then, we introduce the notions of students' private work, meant to remain unseen and during which the verifications (if any) are done, and of a public trace (the test paper) meant to be shown to the teacher and to be evaluated. From a cognitive and didactic point of view, we want to show the importance of taking into account these two components for the analysis of the students' work in problem solving.  相似文献   

On aura donc à résoudre, par divers moyens, cette difficulté centrale qui consiste à parler d’une discipline qui n’existe pas encore, mais qui va exister, et pour laquelle il faut bien qu’il y ait, dans les temps de sa genèse, des éléments qui soient en train d’en préparer le surgissement. (Pierre Favre, Naissances de la science politique en France, 1870–1914 (Paris, 1989), p. 14)  相似文献   

This article aims to present an analysis of the change over long periods in school attendance figures in France in the 19th and 20th centuries. The interest of the approach is twofold. Firstly it is of immediate practical interest insofar as it is an original reconstruction of the French educational system. It is also of theoretical interest, as it provides better knowledge of the mechanism regulating the development of the system over a long period. In this respect, reflection is in three parts. First, the chronological series compiled are presented to prepare the statistical analysis. The trends observed are then described and finally a preliminary analysis of the causes of the change is provided, with stress laid on the institutional aspects.  相似文献   

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