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The main criterion for selecting journals for indexing in Index Medicus, and thereby largely in MEDLARS, is quality. Subject scope varies with the voiced needs of the biomedical community. The Index aims to cover the best journals in all relevant subject fields, but the percentage of journals on a subject indexed depends on the quality of each journal. Country and language coverage depends on quality, even in the case of the best journals of each, although American biases may affect such selection. While a number of guidelines exist for identifying quality journals, information necessary to apply them confidently is often difficult to obtain. The National Library of Medicine is advised by an Ad Hoc Panel on the Selection of Journals for Index Medicus, composed both of NLM officers and extramural members. Criticism has been voiced that too many titles are indexed, compared with titles actually used, but no meaningful statistics of use exist which can identify titles which should be excluded from indexing. Continuing suggestions from users regarding titles indexed would benefit everyone.  相似文献   

A user study of the Index Medicus done at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center included responses from a group of sixty researchers, clinicians, residents, and interns. An analysis of the questionnaire shows that, while all respondents use the Index Medicus, most use it to search for a specific subject or a specific author reference. Comments received were critical of the delay from the time of journal publication until the appearance of its citation in Index Medicus. Suggestions were offered concerning the type of publication most of the respondents would prefer.  相似文献   

Journal article overlap is defined as the same journal article being indexed by two or more services. Using journal references from seventy dissertations written in the preclinical sciences, the extent of journal article overlap among Index Medicus, Science Citation Index, Biological Abstracts, and Chemical Abstracts was examined. Of the 7,969 journal references cited, 92% were indexed by at least two of these services; 591 articles were covered by only one of the services, and 55 articles were not indexed. A discussion of the advantages and costs of journal article overlap is presented.  相似文献   

西太平洋地区医学索引设计与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析西太平洋地区生物医学期刊分布现状,制定生物医学期刊题录信息的采集策略,并采用基于概念的赋词方法为题录信息建立索引,利用空间向量模型设计基于MeSH的生物医学题录数据扩展检索算法。最后将该算法运用到WPRIM系统的设计与开发中,实验证明能够提高系统检索的召回率。  相似文献   

From the inception of the first Index Medicus, published in 1879, to the present, the National Library of Medicine has been concerned with the quality of journals in the Index. The Library has, therefore, sought advice repeatedly on how best to maintain currency of the Index without sacrificing quality and subject matter balance.Responding to suggestions, the Library decided in June 1964 to base its selection of journals on recommendations made by a panel consisting primarily of extramural consultants widely regarded as specialists in the totality of biomedical literature. Beginning with its first meeting in September 1964, this panel has been fortified in its reviews by advice from subject matter specialists. The panel, by its own wishes, which bear the endorsement of the Board of Regents of the Library, will continue to rely heavily on such expert advice in future evaluations of journals.  相似文献   

介绍了WPRIM (WHO西太平洋地区医学索引)的主要发展历程以及在期刊遴选、检索服务平台建设和数据采集等方面所取得的进展。用户日志分析表明,WPRIM已经初步具备了一定的国际影响力,但还不是一个相对成熟的区域性国际医学索引,并从宣传和推广、项目发展资金、期刊评审和数据采集方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

We compared Index Medicus and Drug Literature Index during a search concerning the toxicity of eight drugs used in treating tropical diseases. Indexes covering the years 1969, 1970, and 1971 were searched. Index Medicus produced 198 citations and Drug Literature Index 309. There were seventy citations that appeared in both indexes, a duplication of 16%. Highest percentage of duplication for any one drug was 38.9%. We concluded that Index Medicus and Drug Literature Index provide complementary coverage in the area of drug toxicity and that, therefore, both tools should be consulted in searches of this nature.  相似文献   

Citations selected from the bibliographies of recent texts, a specialized subject bibliography, and review articles were checked in both Cumulated Index Medicus (IM) and the Bibliography of Bioethics (BB) to compare coverage, publication delay, probable causes of indexing and retrieval failure, and the ease with which relevant citations were retrieved. The study also attempted to determine whether BB included appropriate articles from the MEDLINE database in a timely and systematic manner. While 98% of the IM citations appeared within a year of publication, 79% of the BB citations appeared two to three years after their publication dates. The average citation appeared twice as frequently in IM as in BB.  相似文献   

中国出版科学研究所是改革开放的大潮催生的."文革"结束后,特别是党的十一届三中全会以后,出版事业急剧复苏,出版科学研究的必要性、重要性日益凸显,建立出版科研机构被提上议事日程.1983年6月,中共中央、国务院在<关于加强出版工作的决定>中明确提出"要建立出版发行研究所",加强对出版发行业的研究.1985年2月,中宣部向中央报送关于建立中国出版发行科学研究所的报告,很快得到了中央领导同志的批示.同年3月21日,劳动人事部发出通知,正式同意设立中国出版发行科学研究所;1989年,经领导机关批准,更名为中国出版科学研究所.  相似文献   

基于世界卫生组织西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)开发建设过程中数据资源的现状和期刊元数据汇聚面临的问题,从期刊文献数据源遴选、元数据标签映射、内容著录规范化、非结构化数据转换4个维度设计多源数据汇聚方案。结果表明,面向WPRIM的多源期刊元数据汇聚框架能够较好地解决多源期刊数据汇聚问题,可为类似场景提供方案参考。  相似文献   

试论鲁迅对校勘学的贡献   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论文以鲁迅的学术著作《中国小说史略》、校勘《嵇康集》集等为基础,分析了鲁迅在搜集、整理、校勘文献上的成就,论证了鲁迅对校勘学的重要贡献。  相似文献   

  • As the number of authors on scientific publications increases, ordered lists of author names are proving inadequate for the purposes of attribution and credit.
  • A multi‐stakeholder group has produced a contributor role taxonomy for use in scientific publications.
  • Identifying specific contributions to published research will lead to appropriate credit, fewer author disputes, and fewer disincentives to collaboration and the sharing of data and code.


This article discusses different accounting treatments of investment expenditures as evidence of financial losses that justify a finding that a newspaper is failing under the Newspaper Preservation Act. It then analyzes the accounting practices used by the Detroit Free Press to show operating losses and the implications of those practices to public policy decisions.  相似文献   

科学技术活动的指标、数学模型等问题是一个讨论多年而未解决的问题,本文从科学技术活动的投入产出角度提出了相应的指标系列;并从科学技术投入产出的一因一果关系、多因一果关系、多因多果关系、线性与非线性关系等方面提出了相应的数学模型及定义定理;最后,根据这些定义定理,提出了科学技术发展在正常时期 (继承发展时期)和非常时期(转化、革命时期)的有关推论。  相似文献   

The First Edication of The Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms was published in 1974 by the American Psycholigical Association to answer the need for controlled vocabulary to represent precissely the literature of psychology and related disciplines contained in Psychological Abstracts and the PsychINFO database. As the field of psychology has grown and evolved, five subsequent editions of the Thesaurus have improved and extended the original vocabulary of 4000 postable and nonpostable terms. In addition, several featues have been added, including a rotated alphabetical terms section, scope notes, posting notes, and, in the new Sixth Edition (1991), an index term clusters option. In maintaining the Thesaurus, PsychINFO's indexing staff seeks to reflect the ever-changing field of psychology and the literature that describes it.  相似文献   

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