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湖南的信息产业近年来取得了很大的成就,软件业发展态势良好,已具备了一定的规模和市场竞争力;电子信息制造业迅速发展;信息通信业和网络基础设施稳步提升;企业的信息技术不断创新和信息化程度不断提高,但是,也存在着信息产业总体规模偏小,产业关键核心技术较少,产业链不完善;高层次领军人才和创新型人才缺乏,自主创新不足;资金缺乏,对外资企业的依附性强,产业投入力度有待加大等一系列的问题,针对这些问题,提出推动湖南信息产业发展的主要措施,为大力发展湖南信息产业提供参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

我国移动通信业不对称管制的效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国移动通信业不对称管制的市场份额转移效应、效率增进效应和产品差异化效应分析,发现我国移动通信业通过市场机制达到有序竞争的目的作用有限,因此暂时还离不开政府的不对称管制作用.  相似文献   

我国高等职业教育的发展突飞猛进,取得了显著的成绩,但我国的高职教育仍处于摸索阶段,在发展过程中亦存在着办学理念不清,办学定位不准;国家投入太少,办学经费不足;双师型教师匮缺,师资力量不强;办学特色不鲜明,人才的培养与使用、供与求严重脱节等诸多问题。要保证高职教育持续、快速、健康发展,高职院校必须紧紧把握与社会需求相适应的基本原则,正确认识自身功能,进行科学定位;必须以“双师型”为核心,加强师资对伍建设;必须进一步建立、健全和巩田政府为主导,企业为依托,充分发挥企业、行业作用,争取社会力量积极参与,形成公办和民办共同发展的多元办学格局;必须创新高职教育的人才培养模式,坚持以就业为导向,以提高能力为本位,实行产教研结合,造就生产、服务和管理一线所需要的高素质的劳动者和技能型人才。  相似文献   

李凡达 《科协论坛》2007,(12):78-78
1我国建筑企业施工成本管理现状及存在问题我国施工企业由于施工设备、工艺技术陈旧落后,原材料存储管理力量不足,运输管理也存在各种各样的问题,而且施工过程中材料使用也浪费严重,直接导致我国多数建筑施工企业施工过程的成本居高不下。加上企业成本信息核算失真,许多项目成本核算基础工作薄弱导致项目施工成本不清。  相似文献   

<正> 信息业是指从事信息的收集、加工、变换、存储、传输、应用或销售的行业,如邮电通信业、广播电视业、图书情报业、统计调查业、各种信息中心、数据库、印刷出版业等都属于这一行业。本篇权指信息采集和加工业。咨询业是指利用专门知识、技术、经验、信息等,并通  相似文献   

通信业的普遍服务作为全球一种普遍的生活现象,它是出台的,与普通民众生活息息相关的公益性垄断的行业。比如我们熟知的电信、邮政等等。它的特点在于,它的服务既包含了用户的承受性、服务的普遍性以及平等的接入性。它是信息通信技术的高可用性的重要表现,既可以用于学校、家里也可以用于办公地点,因而较之中低收入的发展中国家,它更加适用于高收入和中上收入的国家。本文基于对通信业普遍服务的概念的理解,继而对我国通信业现状进行一定的分析,最后就我国的通信业普遍服务现状进行一定的探讨研究。  相似文献   

目前在我国证券市场快速发展的同时,市场上信息不对称的问题也日益需要得到我们的关注。本文描述了我国证券市场上信息不对称的大致情况,分析了其可能导致的严重问题,得出改进我国证券市场信息不对称的情况的途径,让我国的资本市场能够更加健康地发展,真正起到“经济的晴雨表”的作用。  相似文献   

刍议我国网络信息安全现状与改进措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛剑 《科技风》2011,(4):248
我国的信息化建设起步较晚,技术力量相对薄弱,相关信息监管体系不完善,法律法规不健全等诸多因素造成了我国网络信息安全不容乐观的现状,本文首先分析了我国网络信息安全存在的问题,在此基础上,提出了改进的一些具体措施。  相似文献   

本文基于中国的管理情境,对Webster-Wind模型进行了修正,并构建了中国企业购买决策模型.通过调查问卷对修正后的模型进行检验,结果显示,专家力量、信息力量和合法性力量对于购买决策导向有着显著的正向影响,并且专家力量>信息力量>合法性力量;信息力量和内部熟识性对专家力量的影响显著而二者对合法性力量的影响不显著,但专家力量却对合法性力量有显著影响;同时,信息力量受到内部熟识性显著的正向影响.  相似文献   

西藏通信业的发展现状与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在当前国际国内通信业迅速发展的大背景下,对西藏通信业的发展现状进行了调研,并根据调研结果对现状进行了分析,最后提出了今后我区通信业发展的思路和对策。  相似文献   

Economic policy in Hong Kong is frequently cited as a shining example of the laissez‐faire model for development, with minimal government intervention. However, the government has played a bigger role in the economy than is often recognized, responding to market failures, social problems, and the needs of the business community. Information technology (IT) policy in Hong Kong has mirrored the colony's laissez‐faire economic strategy, with little government effort to promote the production or use of IT products and services. Hong Kong has become an advanced user of IT in several economic sectors and an assembly site for personal computer hardware. However, like much of the manufacturing sector, the computer industry is moving much of its production to China, causing concern about the future of Hong Kong's economy. While some people feel that Hong Kong can flourish as a financial and business services center, others feel that this role will be diminished as the Chinese economy liberalizes and other centers develop in mainland China. They argue that Hong Kong needs to upgrade its technological capabilities and develop technology‐intensive activities such as R&D and software development to complement China's manufacturing activities. The government has begun to respond with limited measures to encourage R&D, train more scientists, engineers, and managers, and support technology start‐ups. Hong Kong has the potential to develop software and information services industries to serve the Chinese market. It also can apply IT to other sectors to maintain its leadership as a financial, business services, transportation, and communications center.  相似文献   

The legal regulatory regimes for communication technologies evolve with technological, economic, and social change. This article asserts that, in the United States, the evolution of the legal regulatory regimes for the communications sector is following a trajectory breathtakingly similar to that already traversed by the transportation sector. As both sectors provide infrastructures essential to the nation and share similar economic attributes of networks, technological evolution within each has generated many of the same core issues. By recognizing this historical reality, we can tap valuable experience in transportation policy to better inform prospective policy change in communications. In this way, future communications policy need not be radical—whether intentionally or unintentionally—nor totally untested, thereby enhancing its potential for sustainability.  相似文献   


Developed countries are rapidly evolving into information economies, and given the increasing internationalization of trade and interdependence, developing countries will also have to become information economies if they are to achieve higher economic growth rates. The essence of the information economy is that information is now the main capital input into manufacturing industry and as such is the key input to economic development. The activities of enquiring, communicating, evaluating, and deciding have become the activities absorbing the major proportion of national resources, with the need to know of the business decision‐maker as the main driving force. In developed information economies, industrial firms have become learning systems and a new division of labor in the economic productive system has evolved. The government‐controlled primary information sector is the source of much of the information input and the provider of the means of information transfer. Developing countries must develop their own primary information sectors as an integrated part of the agricultural and manufacturing sectors. The problems of developing countries are highlighted in the isolation on the one hand of their information generating sectors from the productive sector and on the other of the native small firm sector from all sectors of information. Telematics, as the integration of computing, communication, and information services offers the means to integrate national resources with international and supply the required inputs to local agricultural and industrial development.  相似文献   

The Internet segment of the information and communications technology industry has been forecast to reach nearly 1.5 billion users by 2007. Generally referred to as broadband, a number of alternative technologies are now deployed broadly across the United States. This article utilizes a unique data set of 9000 survey responses generated by the Pew Internet and American Life Project in 2004 to examine the impact of several spatial factors, including population size and economic structure, on the likelihood of broadband utilization, after controlling for a set of demographic characteristics. The utilization of broadband is found to be greater with larger cities and in cities with large telecommunications-intensive economic sectors. However, demographic characteristics are also found to be quite significant and relatively stronger than geographic factors in determining broadband utilization.  相似文献   


“At present, the majority of [radio] programs heard are from sources outside of Canada. It has been emphasized to us that the continued reception of these has a tendency to mold the minds of the young people in the home to ideals and opinions that are not Canadian. In a country of the vast geographical dimensions of Canada, braodcasting will undoubtedly become a great force in fostering national spirit and in interpreting national citizenship.”1

This statement, written fifty years ago, could just as well have been written today. But, while the basic issue has remained unchanged over time, the uses to which information and communications can be put have steadily grown. The scope of the issue has also therefore increased.

Included under the heading of communications and information today are such diverse but interconnected matters as broadcasting both by TV and radio, the newspaper, magazine, and book publishing industries, the film industry, advertising, computers and all computer communications, telephone and telecommunications, communications satellites, remote sensing, and, to a point, industrial know‐how and research and development.

In this paper, I shall examine how communications and information affect such issues as Canadian unity, Canadian cultural identity, and Canadian economic viability. I shall concentrate on how Canadian governments have seen this issue, and, to a lesser degree, will show where the views of individuals and other interest groups may differ from government policy.  相似文献   

冯居易  魏修建 《情报科学》2020,38(5):112-119
【目的/意义】为促进我国数字经济发展,提升信息服务业对经济社会发展的服务支撑能力。【方法/过程】利用2012年、2015年和2017年中国投入产出表,构建信息服务业与国民经济各部门的投入产出模型,实证研究信息服务业与各部门之间的依存关系及其对经济发展的作用。【结论/结果】信息服务业的产业关联范围广泛,与第三产业的直接联系较为紧密,而与第二产业具有较强的间接联系。信息服务业对经济发展的拉动力和推动力均低于各部门平均水平,属于弱辐射力弱制约力的部门。根据研究结论,提出优化供给结构、推动产业融合发展以及加强信息人才培养的政策建议。  相似文献   

姜东林 《科教文汇》2011,(31):195-196
组织机构代码信息是重要的政务信息资源。对组织机构代码数据库进行开发利用是政务信息资源开发利用的重要部分。本文以全省组织机构代码数据为分析对象,对数据库中2011年上半年新成立的组织机构从增长趋势、机构类型、经济行业、企业规模等方面进行统计分析,为各级政府管理部门进行经济管理提供决策支持,为各行业的经济组织制定发展战略提供信息服务。  相似文献   

In addressing persistent gaps in existing theories, recent advances in data-driven research approaches offer novel perspectives and exciting insights across a spectrum of scientific fields concerned with technological change and the socio-economic impact thereof. The present investigation suggests a novel approach to identify and analyze the evolution of technology sectors, in this case, information and communications technology (ICT), considering international collaboration patterns and knowledge flows and spillovers via information inputs derived from patent documents.The objective is to utilize and explore information regarding inventors’ geo-location, technology sector classifications, and patent citation records to construct various types of networks. This, in turn, will open up avenues to discover the nature of evolutionary pathways in ICT trajectories and will also provide evidence of how the overall ICT knowledge space, as well as directional knowledge flows within the ICT space, have evolved differently. It is expected that this data-driven inquiry will deliver intuitive results for decision makers seeking evidence for future resource allocation and who are interested in identifying well-suited collaborators for the development of potential next-generation technologies. Further, it will equip researchers in technology management, economic geography, or similar fields with a systematic approach to analyze evolutionary pathways of technological advancements and further enable exploitation and development of new theories regarding technological change and its socio-economic consequences.  相似文献   

基于Feder两部门模型分析框架,采用静态面板数据门槛模型,从人力资本、经济发展水平、金融发展水平、对外开放度、经济结构五类吸收能力角度分析外资对我国省域创新能力溢出效应的门限特征.结果表明,整体上外资部门对创新产出的影响主要依赖于边际要素生产率优势,且存在微弱的负向溢出效应.除人力资本及人均GDP外,其他四种吸收能力与外资科技创新溢出效应之间存在显著的门槛效应,门槛效应的发展轨迹可划分为"阻滞期"、"飞跃期"、"稳定期"三个阶段.人力资本与其他吸收能力的结合将对外资科技创新溢出效应及科技创新产出产生不同的影响.  相似文献   

移动浏览器已成为人们获取政府网站信息的新途径,政府网站对移动浏览器兼容性的好坏不仅影响用户的访问体验,还关系着政府机构职能是否有效发挥、官民沟通是否顺畅等问题.本文就政府网站首页对移动浏览器的兼容性进行研究,结果表明:兼容性与行政级别、经济发展水平成正相关,与信息化发展阶段成负相关关系,整体上对UC浏览器的兼容性高于Safari浏览器;其形成原因既与外部的软硬件发展变化相关,也与政府网站本身对标准的遵从程度不高相关,并给出了相关对策建议.  相似文献   

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