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本文论述了布达佩斯学派著名的哲学家、社会哲学家、伦理学家与美学家阿格妮丝.赫勒的现代性想象制度理论,阐发了历史想象制度与技术想象制度的复杂的结构关系及其与现代性的三种逻辑构成的束缚与张力,藉此可以进一步认识和理解现代性的异质性特征与赫勒的文化现代性理论。  相似文献   

“现代性”是一个含意丰富的概念。我们可以按照马克思的社会结构两分法,从社会存在和社会意识两个路径首先将现代性分成社会现代性和文化现代性.文化现代性在最初主要体现为启蒙现代性。启蒙现代性是社会现代性在哲学上文化上的代言,其核心与基础是理性主义。随着从鼓吹启蒙到反思启蒙,文化现代性又裂变出审美现代性,从而形成审美现代性与启蒙现代性(或社会现代性)的对抗,这就是学界所谓的“两种现代性之争”。  相似文献   

追求教育现代化目前已经是世界性的潮流,教育现代化进程离不开教育技术的应用与推广。后现代性是现代社会中与现代性相生相伴甚至对立的另一大思想观念,它同样影响着教育技术的应用与发展。理解并把握好现代性、后现代性与教育技术的关系对现  相似文献   

理性和现代性形同孪生姐妹,自启蒙以来,理性的自我确认机制否定了神,解放了人,并以现代性作为现代社会的规定。随着现代社会现代化进程的加深,当代社会的种种弊端逐一暴露,享受现代化成果同时就意味着对自然和他者的侵害与剥夺,现代性危机凸现。仔细分析理性与现代性发展的轨迹,理性机制分裂及悖论是导致现代性危机的核心因素。  相似文献   

近年来有关现代性的术语不断涌现,如启蒙现代性、审美现代性、文学现代性、思想现代性等,如何理解和区分这些现代性?这些现代性有何共同特点?现代性与现代主义之间关系如何?由于现代性肇始于西方,本文在西方文化历史框架下,将现代性视为由社会现代化(又称社会现代性)和文化现代主义(又称审美现代性)两股力量组成的一个集合体,剖析社会现代化的源起、特点,以及文化现代主义对社会现代化的审美反思及其流变,旨在指出社会现代化与文化现代主义二者之间的动态运作机制。  相似文献   

周宪一直致力于现代性与审美现代性的研究,通过梳理和解读周宪审美现代性理论的渊源,笔者认为周宪审美现代性的理论建立在宗教失效的基础上,他过度强调了审美现代性的救赎作用,而社会发展的根本动力是生产力,更应强调审美现代性与启蒙现代性的相互依赖关系。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化阶段的时代特征明显地表现为现代化、全球化、多元化与信息化。"人"的现代性与技术、制度的现代性并不必然地同步发展,人类社会的现代化必须依靠"人"的现代性发展,高校公民教育正是社会现代化与人的现代性发展的必需。全球化的重要特点就是"一体化"与"解民族化",应该用全球的视角理解公民教育,正确对待自己的民族与国家;在多元化社会里,高校公民教育的旨归在于培养未来公民的宽容、聆听、对话与分享的人格特质;面对信息化社会,高校公民教育必须突破大学的有形之墙,借助信息技术,让网络文化有效地促进公民教育,并防范其可能产生的负面效应。  相似文献   

当代中国处于农业社会向工业社会、工业社会向后工业社会的转型期,同时也是一个现代性建构的新时期,前现代价值体系、现代价值体系和后现代价值体系互相杂陈,如何建构现代性?人文奥运与现代性契合,现代性发展过程中伴随着一种人文精神,它们都体现了"以人为本"的内涵。我国传统道德缺乏个人主体精神和公平、公正的理念致使现代性建构出现困惑。我们应以"北京奥运"为契机,建构现代性的公平、公正理念,促进和谐社会建设。  相似文献   

资本与雇佣劳动的关系是全部现代社会体系围绕旋转的枢轴。马克思的劳动现代性批判紧紧围绕资本与劳动的关系展开。现代性的开启表现为资本臣服雇佣劳动和重构劳动空间的过程。现代性的时空布展体现在现代社会的生产、分配、交换和消费等环节。马克思通过创新劳动价值论、剩余价值论、资本积累论和资本再生产论等,深刻剖析了资本和雇佣劳动的交换关系、生产关系、分配关系和消费关系,对劳动现代性给予了系统批判。马克思通过对劳动现代性的系统批判,揭示资本之于现代性的决定作用和劳动之于现代性的基础地位,论证了共产主义现代性取代资本主义现代性的历史必然趋势。  相似文献   

卡尔维诺短篇小说集《马科瓦尔多》是一组城市小说,其现实主义的表面下隐藏着深刻的现代性价值关怀。本文着重分析其中的一篇《弄错了的车站》,认为卡尔维诺城市短篇探讨的是后工业时代人与自然,人与城市以及人与人的关系等现代性命题。  相似文献   

To examine whether state child care subsidy policies can combine goals of increasing maternal employment and increasing access to quality child care for children in low-income families, we studied one state's comprehensive policy, through a cross-sectional survey of 665 randomly selected families using centers, Head Starts, family child care homes, public school preschools or informal care, including a sample of families on the waitlist for child care subsidies. We found that, in Massachusetts, families receiving child care subsidies report greater access to child care, more affordable child care, and higher quality child care, than do similar families not receiving subsidies. Lower-income families not receiving subsidies can sometimes access affordable, quality child care through Head Start programs and public preschools, but, when they have to pay for care, they pay a significantly greater proportion of their income than do families receiving subsidies. We also found that families on the subsidy waitlist are at a particular disadvantage. Waitlist families have the greatest difficulty paying for care, the least access, and the poorest quality child care. While the child care subsidy policies benefited those families receiving subsidies, families outside the system still struggled to find and afford child care.  相似文献   

Young children's experiences outside of both home and school are important for their development. As women have entered the labor force, child care has become an increasingly important context for child development. Child care experiences prior to school entry have been well-documented as important influences on children's academic and socioemotional development. However, less is known about the importance of non-parental, out-of-school care for young school-age children's development. Using a nationally representative sample of kindergartners (n = 16,888), this study examined the relationship between child care experiences during the kindergarten year and children's academic and socioemotional skills. Given that the amount of time available for child care is by definition related to the type of kindergarten a child attends, differences in the relationship between child care and child development were explored separately by full- and part-day kindergarten. Results showed that across both types of kindergarten, more hours of center care during the kindergarten year were associated with small improvements in math test scores for all children. Any center child care during the kindergarten year was associated with increased problem behavior and decreased prosocial skills, even after accounting for a large number of confounding factors. Differences by family income and child gender were also investigated. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

临终关怀是社会卫生保健体系的基本组成部分。我国目前实施的临终关怀主要倚重医护尤其是护理力量,缺乏医务社会工作者;而临终关怀的哲学体系来源于社会工作的基本原则,其特点决定了医务社会工作的重要性。医务社会工作教育应注重社会学知识和技能、心理学知识和死亡教育,并加强临床实践。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There have recently been many debates in the UK about how to provide good care for children placed away from home. Professionals have realized that the level of child abuse in foster care and children's homes is high. This research examines the characteristics of physical and sexual abuse of children in foster and residential care in a city in England. The number of cases of abuse reported by pediatricians in this group was compared to the number reported by the same pediatricians for the population of Leeds as a whole. METHOD: This is a retrospective study of 158 children, fostered or in residential care who were involved in 191 episodes of alleged physical and/or sexual abuse assessed and reported by pediatricians over a 6 year period from 1990 to 1995 in Leeds, England. Details of the child including the reason for placement in care, their physical and mental health, abuse characteristics, including perpetrator and case management were studied. RESULTS (see Table 1): 158 incidents of abuse in 133 children in foster/residential care are described. In foster care, 42 children were physically abused, 76 were sexually abused, and 15 experienced both forms of abuse. In residential care, 12 children were physically abused, 6 were sexually abused, and 6 experienced both forms of abuse. In foster care 60% of sexual abuse involved girls and 60% of physical abuse involved boys. In residential care almost twice as many boys as girls were reported to be abused. Foster carers perpetrated the abuse for 41%, natural parents on contact for 23%, and children 20% of incidents. A significant proportion of abuse was severe with 1 death, 8 children with burns, 18 with genital, and 34 with anal penetration. Long-standing emotional, behavioral and learning difficulties were common. Most children (80%) had been abused prior to entry into care. Foster children were 7-8 times and children in residential care 6 times more likely to be assessed by a pediatrician for abuse than a child in the general population. CONCLUSIONS: Children in foster or residential care form an at risk group for maltreatment. Their special needs include additional measures to protect them from abuse.  相似文献   

Given the relatively large body of literature documenting the adverse impacts of institutionalization on children’s developmental outcomes and well-being, it is essential that countries work towards reducing the number of children in alternative care (particularly institutional care), and, when possible, reunite children with their families. In order to do so, reliable estimates of the numbers of children living in such settings are essential. However, many countries still lack functional administrative systems for enumerating children living outside of family care.The purpose of this paper is to provide a snapshot of the availability and coverage of data on children living in residential and foster care from some 142 countries covering more than 80 per cent of the world’s children. Utilizing these country-level figures, it is estimated that approximately 2.7 million children between the ages of 0 and 17 years could be living in institutional care worldwide. Where possible, the article also presents regional estimates of the number of children living in residential and foster care.This work represents an important step to systematically identify and compile sources of data on children in alternative care and provides updated global and regional estimates on the magnitude of the issue. Its findings contribute to raising awareness of the urgent need to strengthen the capacity of countries to improve national systems for counting, monitoring and reporting on these vulnerable children.  相似文献   

Child care subsidies help low-income families pay for child care while parents work or study. Few studies have examined the effects of child care subsidy use on child development, and no studies have done so controlling for prior cognitive skills. We use rich, longitudinal data from the ECLS-B data set to estimate the relationship between child care subsidy use and school readiness, using value-added regression models as well as parametric and non-parametric models with propensity score matching. Compared to a diverse group of subsidy non-recipients in various types of non-parental care as well as parental care only, we find that child care subsidy use during preschool is negatively associated with children's math skills at kindergarten entry. However, sensitivity analysis suggests that these findings could be easily overturned if unobserved factors affect selection into subsidy receipt.  相似文献   

Nearly one quarter of Australian children under the age of 5 experience multiple non-parental child care arrangements. Research focused on the relationship between multiple child care arrangements and child socioemotional development is limited, particularly in Australia. Evidence from the United States and Europe has linked multiple child care arrangements to increases in children's problem behaviors (0065 and 0155), but there is little corresponding evidence on Australian children's child care experiences. Using a nationally representative sample of Australian children, we examined the associations between concurrent multiple child care arrangements and child socioemotional and behavioral development at age 4.5. We found suggestive evidence that child care multiplicity at age 4.5 is related to higher levels of behavior problems. However, this relationship is moderated by prior child care experiences. We found that prior care multiplicity mitigates the relationship between concurrent multiplicity and children's prosocial skills and conduct problems. In contrast, moving from a single arrangement or no non-parental child care to multiple arrangements appears to be negatively associated with children's concurrent socioemotional skills. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

只有有了爱,教育才能开展下去,爱是教育中的核心。在教学过程中,教师应施以学生爱的教育,只有有了爱,才能促进后进生的良好转化。后进生更加需要教师的理解与关心,教师应耐心、细致地跟他们沟通、交流,用爱点亮他们的心灯。只有有了爱,才会有希望,希望是人前进的动力源泉。  相似文献   

《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称“(《标准》”),在“总目标”中要求“在发展语言能力的同时,发展思维能力,激发想象力和创造潜能。”对于想象作文教学,《标准》提出“鼓励学生写想象中的事物,激发他们展开想象和幻想”的实施建议,并要求在小学一二年级的写话和三四年级的习作教学中,学生能写想象中的事物,  相似文献   

This paper deals with the development of a paediatric team approach to the care of children in the 70 bed paediatric unit in the Royal Hobart Hospital in Tasmania, Australia, and describes the measures used to help children and their parents adapt to life in hospital with a limited budget. The staff includes paediatricians and pediatric surgeon, resident staff, nurses, teachers, social worker, physiotherapist and pharmacist. There are no visiting hours but the wards are open to parents and relatives at any time. Parents are encouraged to stay in hospital and their accommodation is either in flats at the end of wards or in single or double bed wards using foldup beds. Each young child has a personal details form completed and placed on the end of the cot allowing a nurse to discover likes, dislikes, methods of feeding and sleeping, etc. Parents are asked to complete questionnaires at the time of the child's discharge, asking for their assessment of the standards of care their child received. Playleaders are rostered for evenings and weekends and they work with, and direct Red Cross volunteer ladies. Two full-time teachers cooperate with the child's school in maintaining the child's educational progress. Volunteer visitors entertain children whose relatives are unable to visit or stay in hospital. The methods used to raise the standards of paediatric nursing are also described. Community groups, particularly kindergarten and primary school children, are encouraged to visit the paediatric unit and each group is usually given a brief health education talk by a member of staff.  相似文献   

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