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Two studies were conducted to investigate how 14- to 16-month-old infants select actions to imitate from the stream of events. In each study, an experimenter demonstrated two actions leading to an interesting effect. Aspects of the first action were manipulated and whether infants performed this action when given the objects was observed. In both studies, infants were more likely to imitate the first action when it was physically necessary to generate the effect, and in Study 2 they were also more likely to imitate the action when it was socially cued. It seems that infants' own knowledge of space and causality as well as their sensitivity to others' social signals both contribute to their tendency to imitate actions.  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study, infants 6-18 months of age were observed in their homes playing with their mothers and with peers. Of primary concern was how they coordinated their attention to people and objects. Observations were coded using a state-based scheme that included a state of coordinated joint engagement as well as states of person engagement, object engagement, onlooking, and passive joint engagement. All developmental trends observed were similar regardless of partner: person engagement declined with age, while coordinated joint engagement increased. Passive joint engagement, object engagement, and onlooking did not change with age. However, the absolute amount of some engagement states was affected by partner: both passive and coordinated joint engagement were much more likely when infants played with mothers. We conclude that mothers may indeed support or "scaffold" their infants' early attempts to embed objects in social interaction, but that as attentional capabilities develop even quite unskilled peers may be appropriate partners for the exercise of these capacities.  相似文献   

Locomotion alters the spatial structure of an observer's perspective, that is, the network of observer to environment distances and directions. The purpose of the present 6 experiments was to investigate the sensitivity of 12-48-month-olds to changes in perspective that are occluded from view by walls and by darkness. To assess sensitivity, children were shown a target object in one room, walked into an adjacent room and asked to point in the straight-line direction at the target. In Experiment 1, 42 12-48-month-olds were tested and results indicated that children older than 36 months responded by pointing straight at the occluded target, whereas younger children tended to point in the direction of their route away from the target. In Experiments 2-4, 24- and 48-month-olds were tested and results demonstrated that 48-month-olds were sensitive to the proprioceptive and to the visual-environmental cues for the changes in perspective structure. The 24-month-olds, however, responded by pointing straight toward the target when visual-environmental cues were absent, whereas they pointed in the direction of their route when they were present. In Experiments 5 and 6 additional 24-month-olds were tested to assess the effects of short-term training and of a continuous view of the target on responding in the presence of visual-environmental cues. The results indicated relatively early sensitivity to proprioceptive cues for changes in perspective and somewhat later sensitivity to appropriate visual-environmental cues under these conditions.  相似文献   

鸦片战争后,道光帝君臣为找不到既能免开边畔,又可维护“天朝”国体的“驭夷”之策而忧心忡忡。广东民众反对外国人入城的运动却让他们看到了希望。最终,清政府走上“以民制夷”的道路。  相似文献   

传统认识论认为在教育过程中师生关系是一种主客体关系.伴随着社会的进步和教育的发展,这种传统的认识论已日益显示出其局限性.如何重新理解教育?如何重新界定师生关系?如何实现教育方式的理性转变?本文认为,从主体性教育向主体间性教育的转向是解决当前教育所面临危机的一剂良药.  相似文献   

Children's emotions and behaviors in response to infants' cries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Infant crying can elicit in others both a range of emotions and contrasting behavioral reactions, such as altruistic caregiving versus aggression. Variations in reactions to young infants' cries were examined in 60 children ranging in age from late preschool to preadolescence. Each child over-heard either a preterm or a full-term tape-recorded cry from an adjacent room. Then a mother, carrying her infant, came looking for her (previously) "crying" infant's bottle. Later each child was interviewed after hearing a tape recording of a preterm and a full-term cry. Children's emotions and behaviors thus were assessed in response to simulated, real distresses and hypothetical representations of distress. Children's self-reports of empathy, their verbalized intentions to help, their actual helping responses, and observers' ratings of negative emotion were common responses to cries at all ages. In addition there were significant increases with age in prosocial, behavioral interventions. Expressions of negative emotion were inversely related to subsequent forms of prosocial behavior that required direct interaction with the infant. The emotions and behaviors of most children were not influenced by whether they heard preterm or full-term cries. They were, however, able to discriminate between such cries and some articulated "theories" about the impact of the cries on the listener.  相似文献   

This paper examines transition scenarios to adult and active life in Spain from an inclusive viewpoint. For people with learning disabilities, the transition to adult life is a particularly complex process worldwide, and this is especially true in Spain. The multitude of services and professionals involved, the diversity of views regarding what represents integration, the difficult coordination between school and post-school services, these are just some of the situations that pose obstacles in constructing paths towards transition. An overall understanding of the relationships existing between the different scenarios in which these processes take place is fundamental if the necessary actions for improvement are to be established. This article aims to analyse this situation, presenting the main discrepancies observed in and between Spanish schools and the post-school services that condition the fulfilment of objectives relating to inclusion in society and the workplace. The article concludes by proposing actions for fostering the transition to adult life from an inclusive perspective.  相似文献   

Since the war a good deal of attention has been focussed in Great Britain on the problem of transition from school to industry and further education. The writer has found himself in recent years in the position of having to conduct study groups and advise on practical approaches to these transition problems. This paper is designed to report on a number of researches and experiments which have been conducted in this field in this country. It is not meant to be exhaustive nor are the events necessarily recorded chronologically. They are reported to show the development of a policy and at the same time the writer wishes to pay tribute to a great deal of work which has been done especially in the field of social adjustment to industry and commerce.
Der Übergang von der Schule zur Industrie und zur Weiterbildung

Passage de L'ecole a L'industrie et a L'education Complementaire

从传统教育走向创新教育--评郭汉民教授研讨式教学法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
创新教育是培养创造型人才的关键,研讨式教学法是探索从传统教育向创新教育转变的成功范例。其创新性主要表现有三:变静态教学模式为动态教学模式;变记忆学习为发现学习,变外部与近景动机为内部与远景动机。  相似文献   

This study explores the opportunities and dilemmas that have been encountered by researchers seeking the views of young people with autism. Twelve researchers were interviewed about their experiences in this field. Through exploration of the complex methodological and ethical issues that they encountered, this study aims to better understand how researchers can improve the way they listen to, and engage with, the views of children and young people with autism. This article discusses four themes that emerged from the interviews: power dynamics; building rapport; communication; and meaningful processes and outputs.  相似文献   

4-month-old infants were tested for sensitivity to kinetic and binocular information for 3-dimensional-object shape. The study included 2 tests: a test for sensitivity to binocular disparity and a shape perception test. The disparity sensitivity test used a preferential looking procedure developed by Held, Birch, and Gwiazda. On the basis of the results of this test, infants were assigned to disparity-sensitive and disparity-insensitive groups. In the shape perception test, a "transfer-across-depth-cues" method was employed. Infants were habituated to a rotating object whose shape was specified by kinetic information and were then presented with stationary stereograms specifying the same object and a novel-shaped object. The disparity-sensitive infants looked significantly longer at the novel object than at the familiar object, whereas the disparity-insensitive infants showed no difference in looking time to the novel and the familiar objects. The results indicate that disparity-sensitive 4-month-old infants can perceive 3-dimensional-object shape from kinetic and binocular depth information.  相似文献   

近年来,很多研究者开始关注泛在学习,并从实践层面进行了一些尝试。然而,到底什么是泛在学习,如何使泛在学习的理念成为现实,即如何根据学习者所处情境和学习者的学习风格等具体情况,激发学习者的学习动机,使学习真正发生,并让不同的学习者有着相适应的学习体验,这些都是值得我们在研究和实践中关注的话题。随着经济、社会和信息通信技术的发展,很多国家重视终身教育体系的构建和学习型社会的形成,让更多的民众更容易、更有趣、更深入地进行学习。作为未来终身学习的理想模式之一,泛在学习可以为学习者提供随时、随地、随意获取信息、开展交流和进行学习的理想环境。本期,金书轲(Kinshuk)教授以泛在学习在加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学的研究和实践应用为例,介绍和分析了泛在学习的现状及未来发展。金书轲现为加拿大阿萨巴斯卡大学(Athabasca University)科学与技术学院全职教授、副院长,北京师范大学客座教授,NSERC/iCORE/Xerox/Markin自适应和个性化信息工业研究会主席。金书轲在英国德蒙福特大学(De Montfort University)获得博士学位,目前的研究兴趣包括学习技术、移动学习、泛在学习、移动和位置感知学习系统、认知分析以及交互技术等。金书轲教授在国际知名刊物、国际会议和书籍著作中发表了300多篇学术论文,经常被邀请作大会主题报告,且是多所大学的客座教授。2008年,金书轲教授被日本学术振兴会(JapanSociety for the Promotion of Science)授予杰出奖。在过去的五年中,他被邀请作为多家国际知名期刊之专刊的特邀编辑,还担任国际知名期刊的编委和国际会议的程序委员。目前,他还担任欧盟、奥地利、加拿大、中国香港、以色列、意大利、荷兰、卡塔尔、中国台湾和美国等许多国家或地区政府资助项目的评审专家。此外,金书轲是国际电气电子工程师协会(IEEE)学习技术专业委员会(Technical Committee on Learning Technologies)的创始人和主席,SSCI索引源期刊《教育技术与社会》(Educational Technology&Society Joumal,2010年影响因子为1.066)的创刊人和主编,美国计算机协会ACM SIG新西兰分会人机交互技术领域的创始人和主席,还曾经担任新西兰远程教育协会主席。  相似文献   

12-month-old infants were familiarized either tactually or visually with objects and then tested for visual recognition memory using either (1) the familiar and a novel object, (2) colored pictures of the objects, or (3) outline drawings of them. In Study 1, infants showed recognition memory on all 3 visual intramodal problems but showed cross-modal transfer only when objects were used as test stimuli. With increased familiarization times in Study 2, transfer from tactually presented samples to both pictorial displays was achieved, indicating that after feeling an object the infants were able to recognize it visually solely on the basis of its contour. With reduced familiarization times in Study 3, there was no evidence for transfer from visually presented samples to the 2 pictorial displays, replicating the pattern of results observed cross-modally in Study 1 and suggesting that, at least in certain respects, cross-modal and intramodal perception follow similar principles.  相似文献   

高职公共英语与专业英语的教学衔接一直是英语教育界探究的领域。目前高职公共英语与专业英语的衔接存在着一定的脱钩现象,阻碍了学生英语技能适应就业岗位的需要。该文主要就高职公共英语与专业英语的教学关系、公共英语与专业英语衔接过程中出现的问题进行了分析,同时在教学衔接过程中的市场调研、师资培养、教材选择和教学模式改革上作了进一步的探究,从而有利于我们顺利完成过渡,达到提高学生综合英语素质的目的。  相似文献   

Infants can imitate a novel action sequence from television and picture books, yet there has been no direct comparison of infants' imitation from the 2 types of media. Varying the narrative cues available during the demonstration and test, the current experiments measured 18- and 24-month-olds' imitation from television and picture books. Infants imitated from both media types when full narrative cues (Experiment 1; N = 76) or empty, meaningless narration (Experiment 2; N = 135) accompanied the demonstrations, but they imitated more from television than books. In Experiment 3 (N = 27), infants imitated from a book based on narration alone, without the presence of pictures. These results are discussed in relation to age-related changes in cognitive flexibility and infants' emerging symbolic understanding.  相似文献   

This paper is the result of collaboration among early childhood education researchers from different cultures on opposite sides of the globe. The project sought to identify what practitioners in both preschool and primary school settings in Iceland and Australia regarded as successful transition to school practices. Independently developed surveys of these practitioners, both based on earlier work in the USA, gathered data on what the practitioners identified as ‘good ideas’ in transition practices. There were similarities across the countries: popular practices included children visiting primary schools prior to the start of the school year and informational meetings for parents. There were also differences: Icelandic primary school teachers were, for instance, more likely than Australian teachers to write to their prospective students before they started school.  相似文献   


This research note presents a conceptual model for understanding how students embrace technology, briefly presents results of a pilot study supporting this conceptualization, and makes suggestions for web-assisted teaching and research. The conceptual framework helps the reader understand how instructors' “Marketing strategies” may need to change over the course of the semester to generate maximum acceptance of, and satisfaction with, high-tech classrooms. The conceptual framework is illustrated with data collected during a pilot study involving two web-assisted graduate foundation research courses at the Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville. Students enrolled for two web-assisted research courses without knowing that web-assisted technology would be used in the course. The students' attitudes towards computers, their ability to access computers, as well as their skill levels in using computers were assessed. Suggestions and challenges for web-assisted teaching and research are provided based on the conceptual framework and results from the pilot study.  相似文献   

通过对《白鹿原》与《秦腔》两部小说进行深入的剖析和比较,以新的视点解读了两部作品内在的文化学意义,探讨了当代乡土小说从人文性到现实性,从文化守望到文化凭吊的发展路径,给予新时期文学理论批评以更新的思考。  相似文献   

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