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小组合作学习,是一种能够提升学习效率、培养学生自主学习能力、培养学生合作交流能力的学习方式。在以落实核心素养为特色的新课程改革背景下的课堂中,有效地采用小组合作学习的学习方式,确实是核心素养有效落实的途径之一。但是,不同的学科进行小组合作学习的侧重点应该是不同的,开展学习的方式也是不同的。因为工作关系,笔者有机会能够深入到不同学科的课堂中去听课。  相似文献   

正随着我国旅游业的迅猛发展,酒店业也得到快速发展,对旅游酒店管理的专业人才的市场需求量越来越大,旅游酒店管理专业也成了学生学习的热门专业。高职院校的教学是以培养学生的实践能力,方便学生就业为主要目的。因此,在高职院校的旅游酒店管理专业教学中,既要让学生掌握扎实的专业知识,具备较高的专业素养,又要具备较强的实践能力。那么,教师该如何搞好教学工作,以便培养符合社会需求的高素质人才呢?一、激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生对旅游与酒店管理专业的认同感  相似文献   

朱梅 《现代教学》2014,(11):20-20
作业既能及时巩固与完善课堂教学内容,促进学生知识迁移能力的提升,也能反馈教学效果,检验学生对基础知识、基本技能的掌握程度。长宁区初中英语分层作业的目标定位为:学生层面,提高课堂学习效率,实现减负增效;教师层面,提升教师专业素养,促进专业发展;学校层面,提供校际联动平台,优化整合资源。为了适应我校校情,激发学生的学习兴趣,我校对区分层作业选择性使用并及时将其完善与调整。以下就我校八年级备课组对我区初中英语分层作业(A层、B层、C层)的使用情况进行简单介绍。  相似文献   

作业既能及时巩固与完善课堂教学内容,促进学生知识迁移能力的提升,也能反馈教学效果,检验学生对基础知识、基本技能的掌握程度。长宁区初中英语分层作业的目标定位为:学生层面,提高课堂学习效率,实现减负增效;教师层面,提升教师专业素养,促进专业发展;学校层面,提供校际联动平台,优化整合资源。为了适应我校校情,激发学生的学习兴趣,我校对区分层作业选择性使用并及时将其完善与调整。以下就我校八年级备课组对我区初  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生就业心理误区分析及对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
一、高职院校大学生就业方面存在的心理误区1、就业期望值过高,离现实较远高职院校注重职业技能教育,培养的是生产第一线的技术应用型和管理人才,既具有一定理论知识,又具有很强的动手能力,能将工程图纸转化为实物的技术应用型人才与管理人才。高职教育的优势就是在日常教育教学过程中,理论学习的同时,强化学生的动手、操作能力。所以被社会称为“灰领人才”的高职院校毕业生受其专业特点的影响,毕业以后绝大部分将深入基层工作,但是大部分毕业生对自己定位不足,只想一毕业就做“白领”,走上领导、管理岗位,对生产第一线等基层岗位缺少兴趣,…  相似文献   

相信每一位心怀出国梦想的人,在看到这段背景资料的时候都不会无动于衷。尤其是对于家境一般,却对“外面”的世界怀有强烈向往的人来说,如此优厚的奖学金无疑是为心中的出国之梦点燃了希望之光。如果,此刻,你有一种被点燃的感觉,那么恭喜,本期的《涉外360度》就是为你准备的!被点燃的你脑海里一定充满了问号,所有的问号部直指向一个问题:我要怎样才能拿到这笔奖学金?Ok,take it easy,让我们在接下来的几页当中把你的问号逐个解决。  相似文献   

We may remember that when the Shah visited our country fourteen years ago, there were demonstrations and riots by the Iranian students for the purpose of calling attention to the political problems of their homeland. This was an example of the feedback effect of Western education on guest students who are encouraged in great numbers and supported with a lot of money. It is not merely scientific knowledge that is provided; the host country would also like to promote good will for its own cause. We must look more carefully at whether friends can be made in this way and how.  相似文献   

Efforts to improve school readiness call for improvements in the professional qualifications of the early childhood workforce. It is critically important that these efforts are inclusive of a diverse workforce. Providers from diverse ethnic and linguistic backgrounds make up a sizable portion of the early childhood workforce, yet diversity continues to be disproportionally concentrated among providers with lower qualifications. This study examines the effect of a state-wide scholarship program on increasing qualifications for nondegree-seeking providers from diverse groups caring for children in early childhood settings. Data from two components of Oregon’s Quality Rating and Improvement System for early care and education were linked with individual provider identification numbers (N = 1,783): the Oregon Child Care Professional Development Registry (PD Registry) and the state-wide Betty Gray Scholarship Program. Findings revealed that providers from ethnic and linguistic minority backgrounds had lower qualifications, on average, but also accessed scholarships at elevated rates. Scholarships were associated with modest increases in professional qualifications for all groups of providers but did not reduce the gap in qualifications between providers from minority and nonminority backgrounds. Implications for teacher educators who deliver training and/or education to providers are discussed. Directions for future research and programming related to qualifications of early childhood providers are also presented.  相似文献   

Concern about the increasing cost and questionable relevance of much overseas training, combined with the growth of home country training facilities, has in Africa raised questions about the extent to which scholarship provision has adapted to changing circumstances in recent years. It has pointed to the need for more systematic information than we now have about the pattern of scholarship provision and its relationship to training needs and job performance. At present we have a rather fragmentary basis for deciding which kinds of skills and knowledge can best be provided at home and which need to be sought elsewhere. Where overseas training seems advisable we need to know more about the kinds of training, institutions, programmes and time periods which relate to particular skill needs and how they can be integrated into national and regional programmes. As a step towards the provision of some relevant information this article examines the impact of one specific scholarship programme which has been concerned with the training of university staff for Kenya and Tanzania. The experience of this programme is used to suggest some conditions and identify some issues associated with effective overseas training. Effectiveness is examined from the standpoint of congruence between training content and occupational requirements and then in relation to features of the occupational and administrative culture which exist in the scholar's home country. Finally some suggestions are made for fruitful research areas and approaches.An earlier draft of this paper was presented at a Conference on the Impact of Overseas Scholarship on Development held at the University of Dar es Salaam, December 12–17, 1977.  相似文献   

高等学校奖学金评定工作是学生工作的一项重要内容,奖学金评定是否客观公正既关系到学生的切身利益,又能间接影响到到学校的学风校风。当前高等学校奖学金评定存在种类不丰富、方法不科学、程序不规范等问题,应该从源头上丰富奖学金种类,提高奖学金评定方法的可操作性,规范奖学金评定的程序。  相似文献   

针对贫困生和特困生认定标准难以把握,评定依据、程序和方式的不尽合理,部分受助学生表现与资助初衷背离等问题,提出了进一步深入领会国家有关大学生资助政策,建立健全奖助学金评定制度,规范评定程序的对策。  相似文献   

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