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Comparing Research and Teaching in University Promotion Criteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article categorises the different criteria and weightings used to determine promotions in UK universities. The criteria were analysed to determine the extent to which they recognise research and teaching equally as evidence for promotion. The results show that universities have largely adopted formal parity in the criteria for senior and principal lecturers. However, for the higher and more prestigious ranks of reader and professor most universities exclusively require research excellence and do not allow similar applications based on teaching activities. Furthermore, there is a distinct and significant difference between promotion criteria in pre- and post-1992 universities, with the post-1992 universities much more likely to recognise research and teaching equally.  相似文献   

This study examined (a) the academic and nonacademic criteria used by admission personnel to determine the eligibility of undergraduate applicants with learning disabilities, (b) agreement of criteria used by institutions of varying competitiveness, and (c) the frequency with which admission personnel conduct validity studies on these criteria. A nonrandom sample consisting of 66 state universities and colleges in the Northeast was surveyed. The results suggest that the academic and nonacademic criteria employed are similar to those employed for applicants without learning disabilities, the criteria used by different types of institutions differ significantly, and admission personnel do not conduct validity studies. Further clarification and validation of admission criteria appears warranted.  相似文献   

Many college students receiving accommodations for specific learning disability (SLD) do not meet objective criteria for the disorder. Furthermore, whether students meet criteria depends on the diagnostic decision model used by their clinician. The authors examined whether the relationship between diagnostic model and likelihood of meeting objective criteria is moderated by students' postsecondary institution. They administered a comprehensive psychoeducational battery to 98 undergraduates receiving accommodations for SLD at 2-year public colleges, 4-year public universities, and 4-year private colleges. Most 4-year public university students failed to meet objective criteria for SLD. In contrast, most 4-year private college students met objective criteria based on significant ability-achievement discrepancies, and most 2-year public college students met objective criteria based on normative deficits in achievement and cognitive processing. Students who met objective criteria also differed significantly in degree of academic impairment. The authors' findings indicate qualitative differences in SLD across postsecondary settings and have implications for the identification and mitigation of SLD in college students.  相似文献   

First‐year students are still failing at an alarming rate. This is an international issue that universities face and there is currently no clear indication of the cause of the problem as universities move from being elite to providing mass education. This article examines the possible correlation between students’ high school performance and first‐year performance. The focus is primarily on the students’ performance in mathematics and English. National Senior Certificate results as well as academic and mathematics competency results are used to determine any correlations and therefore any predictors. The research is done to determine whether these results are a true reflection of a student’s performance and can be used as selection criteria. The results were disappointing since no correlation was found between students’ high school performance and first‐year performance. There is an indication, however, that the competency results might be an indicator. The results imply that more research is needed and that the current selection criteria are either not valid or need to be adjusted.  相似文献   

The investigation was conducted to determine who should evaluate the work of university department chairpersons and what criteria should be used in evaluating their competencies in their administrative and academic roles. To elicit that information, 46 of the 62 college deans in the seven universities in Saudi Arabia were asked to complete a survey instrument designed for this study. Four sources were identified to be used in evaluating department chairs' work. In addition, 17 criteria were specified, which respondents rated according to their importance for use in evaluating chairs' administrative roles, and 17 criteria were rated for use in evaluating chairs' academic roles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to propose a framework to evaluate the entrepreneurship intensity (EI) of Iranian state universities. In order to determine EI, a hybrid multi-method framework consisting of Delphi, Analytic Network Process (ANP), and VIKOR is proposed. The Delphi method is used to localize and reduce the number of criteria extracted from a deep literature review, according to the social and economic conditions of Iranian state universities by using an expert panel, including sixty-eight country-wide academicians and practitioners. After that, a group approach to ANP was utilized as an evaluation method to derive the weights of each criterion. Next, the evaluation data were gathered through a questionnaire, and, finally, the compromise ranking of universities was calculated using the VIKOR method. Moreover, this study applies weight-variance analysis (WVA) to suggest improvement actions. The paper proposes an evaluation framework for determining the performance of entrepreneurship development initiatives in universities. By using this framework, twenty-two Iranian state universities are evaluated in terms of their EI, and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

借鉴新制度主义理论,本文对美国大学教师评聘的“共识性”标准及其评价实践中的标准分化现象进行解释。研究发现,专业协会通过制定和传播被学术界广泛认可的学术理念和规则,促进了机构的规范性趋同。经费紧缩、问责强化以及大学排名的兴起使得研究导向的评价标准得到广泛应用,进而引发了机构的模仿性趋同。与此同时,历史传统、办学使命和发展目标的差异使得不同类型的大学通过对评价标准进行优先排序以及对具体指标进行差异化赋权,分别形成了各具特色、重点突出的评价标准体系。趋同与分化,构成美国大学教师评聘标准的“一体两面”。借鉴美国大学的经验,我国在深化高校教师分类评价改革的进程中,应进一步扩大和落实高校人事自主权,鼓励不同类型和层次的高校结合实际校情与本校特色,制定更加多元化与精细化的教师评聘标准体系。  相似文献   

在高校的学业成绩评定中,百分制的绝对评分模式以及60分的合格标准存在着受命题难度影响大、不能有效提高学生学习的积极性、不同类型学科成绩之间缺乏可比性等问题。采用标准T分数T:10z+k的相对评分模式和x^--1.65s的弹性合格线标准,是解决绝对评分模式以及60分合格标准弊端的根本举措。  相似文献   

This paper examines how affirmative action in Brazilian public universities has evolved from the start of the new millennium up to recent years. After an overview of the existing policies in public universities, we explain these patterns based on an analysis of the processes internal and external to the universities. Although these policies were initially thought of as racial quotas, class-based criteria have predominated, while the racial criteria became relatively circumscribed. Within the institutions, affirmative action brought new concerns about how to support and retain low-income students, as well as a discussion about racism, although the latter remains controversial.  相似文献   


A new college admission policy will be implemented in Taiwan in 2022. The purpose of this study was to understand the relationship between admission criteria and college success. Data was obtained from the Taiwan Higher Education Database; a sample size of 8443 students from 156 universities was used in this study. By using the structural equation model, this study tested a research model that included factors such as motivation, standardized test scores, high school achievements, and college success. The findings revealed that the General Scholastic Ability Test scores (in Chinese, English, Social Studies) and high school average academic grades are significantly associated with college success. A student’s motivation to complete a certain major can significantly predict the quality of student effort and influence college success. These findings highlight the importance of some admission criteria and provide practical implications for educational policy-makers, school administrators, students, and parents.  相似文献   

自主招生是否能一如初衷地招到真正的人才?不难看出,无论是单独自主招生,还是联合自主招生或是校长推荐制,都存在以下几大问题:自主招生实质是变质的降分录取,自主招生的评判标准不一,自主招生的公平与公正一直是最受关注的话题,自主招生引发全社会的利益追逐,把自主招生作为扩大学校知名度的宣传工具,自主招生法律责任的缺位和错位现象严重,纠纷无处申诉。建立科学的评价体系、有效的评价方法迫在眉睫,大力推进基础教育的均衡化发展,完善监督机制,改革自主招生选拔标准,健全法律法规制度,设置自主招生法律救济机构。  相似文献   

从教育学、心理学的角度探讨教师及学生在外语教学中的地位和作用,提出“以学生为中心”的教学模式并指出“以学生为中心的主题教学模式”是解决目前大学外语教学中诸多困惑的一条有效途径,又以某教材为例对模式进行诠释。  相似文献   

公共艺术教育具有艺术教育、艺术的表演和校外艺术教育等公共性特征。调查表明,高校公共艺术教育课程没有硬性指标,课程内容存在层次差异与类型导向,课程设置表现为非均衡与自主性。后现代课程观背景下的高校公共艺术教育应构建合理的修学机制与课程模块;关注识读课程与探究性实践课程的双向开发;整合新教育理念与技术的课程;构建开放的课程平台与网络资源课程;创设后现代课程观的新型评价模式。  相似文献   

基于对陕西省五所地方高师院校英语专业学生语言基础能力和综合能力培养中存在问题的抽样调查,参照《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》的培养目标,结合测试学理论,提出地方高师英语专业学生综合能力评价标准,评价指标涉及学生英语语言基础和综合能力,旨在为培养符合新课标要求的合格英语师资提供参考.  相似文献   

"985工程"与"双一流"建设均以创建世界一流大学为宗旨。以"985工程"和"双一流"政策文本为基础,利用文本分析法对我国世界一流大学建设政策进行的比较研究发现:我国世界一流大学建设政策的主导价值取向是为国家发展,政策阶段性目标呈高度稳定状态,人才培养、师资建设等7个领域是世界一流大学建设的着力点,权威工具则是最常用的政策工具。相较于"985工程"政策,"双一流"政策更凸显了为教育发展的价值取向,强调学科建设的基础性作用,重视世界一流大学建设中的社会参与机制构建,采用的政策工具箱也更为丰富。面对新形势,"双一流"建设仍存在重点建设身份固化、弱势学科边缘化、建设成效评价标准异化等风险,政府应通过赋予高校办学自主权,分离评估结果与资源配置关系,构建参照性评价标准等途径促进世界一流大学建设。  相似文献   

中国与俄罗斯高考的改革走向完全相反,俄罗斯长期以来一直进行高校自主招生,在试点的基础上将于2009年推行国家统一考试.俄罗斯试行的统一考试,其数学试题与我国雷同,但评价细则与我国有明显的差异.我国高考数学评价细则的制订应注意以下3点:(1)评价应着力体现学生解决数学问题的整体能力;(2)评价应更多关注学生的解决数学问题的过程;(3)评价应充分反映数学学习的内在价值。  相似文献   

While many universities have taken steps to recognise teaching in academic promotions, debate continues on the teaching criteria to be used and their evaluation. This article analyses the 10 criteria that inform the evaluation of teaching and eventual promotion decisions at a South African university: rationale for teaching, teaching methods, postgraduate supervision, assessment, student evaluations, peer evaluations, ongoing study of higher education, developing courses, sharing teaching experiences and special recognition of teaching. The study investigated which criteria, if any, were significant in the overall evaluation of teaching and in academic promotion outcomes for different rank levels. The unexpected key finding was that each of the criteria demonstrated statistically significant correlations and differences with both teaching evaluations and promotion outcomes. While all 10 teaching criteria mattered in the evaluation of teaching and academic promotion outcomes, postgraduate supervision and sharing teaching experiences were especially important for those who were successful at the rank of full professor. A multidimensional approach that rigorously assesses multiple criteria in evaluating teaching at all rank levels, including the professoriate, contributes to its credence and currency in academic promotions. Analyses of actual assessments of teaching criteria and their relation to promotion outcomes can contribute to consensus on evaluating teaching.  相似文献   

科学有效地评价教学质量对学校的教学工作有着十分重要的意义。建立了一个层次分析模型,针对高校教师教学质量,从政治思想、业务水平、工作态度和工作效果四个方面12项指标着手,给予教学质量评价体系相应的评价标准。  相似文献   

高校作为一个投入产出系统,其规模是影响教育投资利用效率的一个重要因素.根据76所教育部直属院校2006年的横截面数据,运用多产出固定成本模型进行实证分析,发现我国部属院校存在着单一规模的不经济现象,但各类型的院校均具有总体规模经济的特点.  相似文献   

基于对17所本科院校659名辅导员的抽样调查,详细分析了“985工程”高校、“211工程”高校和其他本科类院校辅导员队伍建设的差异性,发现主要的差异集中在高校辅导员专业化发展水平的评价标准、辅导员专业化发展的主观努力程度、辅导员工作满意度中的外在满意度等三个方面  相似文献   

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