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The article presents an approach to the gradual building of trust among enemies, who—even when they have an interest in making peace—are afraid to extend trust to each other lest it jeopardize their own existence. Efforts to resolve the conflict, therefore, confront a basic dilemma: Parties cannot enter into a peace process without some degree of mutual trust, but they cannot build trust without entering into a peace process. The article discusses the ways in which interactive problem solving—a form of unofficial diplomacy, which the author has applied most extensively to the Israeli–Palestinian case—attempts to deal with this dilemma. It describes five concepts that have proven useful to confronting this dilemma in problem-solving workshops with politically influential Israelis and Palestinians and that should also be relevant to trust building in the larger peace process: the view of movement toward peace as a process of successive approximations, in which the level of commitment gradually increases with the level of reassurance; the role of the third party as a repository of trust, particularly in the early stages of the process; the focus on “working trust” in the other's seriousness about peace based on their own interests (rather than interpersonal trust based on good will); the view of the relationship between participants in the peace process as an uneasy coalition; and the development of a systematic process of mutual reassurance, based on responsiveness and reciprocity.  相似文献   

朴尚春 《寻根》2010,(2):39-40
<正>朝鲜族妇女端午节打秋千的风俗由来已久,此风俗形成于朝鲜半岛,至少也有一千多年的历史了。清朝中后期,原居朝鲜半岛的一部分朝鲜族居民迁徙鸭绿江、图们江北岸的东北边陲时,把这一风俗也带到了中国。朝鲜族把端午节称为"天中佳节"。古时候,朝鲜族居民在端午节早晨首先要"供奉龙神"——往牛棚里撒饭粒,而后让"枣  相似文献   

The Joy Luck Club tells stories of four Chinese mothers and their Chinese-American daughters. The paper discusses culture conflict and culture respect revealed in this book.  相似文献   

仕女,封建社会泛指统治阶层的妇女,包括嫔妃、公主、贵妇等.仕女画是人物画的一种,是中国传统绘画中的专用名词,原指描绘封建社会上层妇女生活的图画,后引申为妇女题材的国画作品.<现代汉语词典>对仕女画的解释是"以美女为题材的中国画".  相似文献   

The moon-lit night, the dazzling classical- style buildings, the passionate dancers, all these elements contribute to present a gorgeous Night of Qujiang-a show club with cultural richness in the historic city of Xi’an. The Night of Qujiang is located in the heart of Qujiang New Area, a district well  相似文献   

Our challenge as teachers and as human beings is to begin the process of "changing our voices," facing who we are and what that means in a society based on power and oppression. We must learn to listen to others, so we can speak together with voices both united and unique. The journey described is personal, yet it is also generalizable. Changing one's voice may be the only real way in which a teacher can be a model of diversity and multiculturalism. If as a teacher I do nothing to change my own voice, I have accomplished little in terms of effective teaching. My attitudes, behaviors, words should reflect and embody humanity, not just those who "look" like me or are thought of as more capable learners. I must challenge my students' thinking in terms of diversity and multicultural issues and push them to think of the "other."  相似文献   

李全慎 《寻根》2004,(4):72-79
在宏村附近,有两处徽州古建筑的珍品,这便是位于宏村以西2公里处的卢村木雕楼和以东3公里处的塔川木雕楼,其木雕装饰规模在房屋中所占比例之大、雕刻工艺之精湛、文化内涵之丰富,实为皖南乃至全国古民居中所仅见。  相似文献   

At the end of the 1970s, discrimination against women as political participants continues, but it is being challenged and, in some countries, steadily eroded. There are only eight countries in the world today in which national law excludes women from political processes that are open to men. While in most countries that have elections, women lag behind men in exercising the franchise; the tendency is for the difference in men's and women's voting rates to narrow over time in stable electoral systems. However, there is an enormous disparity between women's attainment of formal political equality and their real exercise of political power. The numbers of women in public office remains low in most countries; in very few do women fill even 10% of such positions. Yet there are scattered signs of improvement, with slowly rising numbers of women in elective and appointive offices. The real centers of political power are still overwhelmingly dominated by men, but the fact that women in most countries can enter the political contest on a routine basis is a sign that exclusion based on sex roles is diminishing.  相似文献   

This study examines the ways single Black mothers contribute to the educational success of their 11th-grade sons, despite the fact that their sons are enrolled in “failing schools.” Data from five interviews and one focus group reveal common characteristics of how single-Black mothers help their sons beat the odds.  相似文献   


Refugees and other displaced people have been the object of much research related to how people are adapting. Few have focused specifically on women even though women and children are by far the majority of refugees in general and especially in Utah. One of the few focused on narratives of newly arrived women refugees. Narratives are an important method for hearing authentic lived experiences versus assuming researchers can know the answers. However, questions arose about how those narratives might change after being in the U.S. for a longer period of time. Eleven refugee women who had been in the U.S. longer than 10 years were interviewed for this study.

Narratives allowed us to present this scholarship in a way that is accessible to anyone. Five themes were found: language, education, family, assistance, and transition. These themes demonstrate both the resilience of the women and the difficulty and complexity of long-term adaptation.  相似文献   

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