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We adopted a dual-process model within a self-determination theory framework to investigate why students sometimes veer toward a longitudinal trajectory of rising classroom engagement during the semester and why they other times tend toward a trajectory of rising disengagement. Measures of perceived autonomy support, perceived teacher control, need satisfaction, need frustration, engagement, and disengagement were collected from 366 (174 females, 192 males) Korean high-school students using a three-wave longitudinal research design. Multi-level structural equation modeling analyses found that perceived autonomy support predicted longitudinal changes need satisfaction which predicted changes in engagement and also that perceived teacher control predicted longitudinal changes need frustration which predicted changes disengagement. Reciprocal effects also emerged in that extent of disengagement predicted both longitudinal increases in students' perceptions of teacher control and decreases in perceptions of teacher autonomy support. We conclude that students tend toward a semester-long trajectory of rising engagement when they perceive their teachers to be autonomy supportive and need satisfying while they tend toward a trajectory of rising disengagement when they perceive their teachers to be controlling and need frustrating.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the pastoral care systems of today need to be modernized and that, in particular, there is a need to adopt a more proactive approach to the management of challenging behaviour. The author argues that there is a need to anticipate and develop an approach to disruptive behaviour. He offers a framework for change and explores all aspects of this including interventions with students.  相似文献   

运用马斯洛需要层次理论,从缺失需要和成长需要满足的角度分析大学生网瘾产生的原因,认为大学生网瘾的形成同过度依赖网络来满足缺失需要与成长需要不无关系,要解决好网瘾问题,社会、家庭、学校三方面在为大学生缺失需要和成长需要的满足创造健康、良好环境的同时,还应运用外在被动力和内在促动力,引导大学生树立正确的上网理念和上网习惯。  相似文献   

基础教育改革的核心环节是课程改革,课程改革的核心环节是课堂教学改革,新课程课堂教学改革的健康发展必须处理好以下八对关系:一,从教学目标的角度讲,要处理好知识技能、过程方法与情感态度价值观的关系;二,从教学内容的角度讲,要处理好教科书与课程资源的关系;三,从教学关系的角度讲,要处理好学生自主学习与教师指导教学的关系;四,从学与学关系的角度讲,要处理好个体独立学习与小组合作学习的关系;五,从学生获得知识的角度讲,要处理好接受学习与探究学习的关系;六,从教学运行机制的角度讲,要处理好预设与生成的关系;七,从教学手段的角度讲,要处理好信息技术与学科教学的关系;八,从教学追求的角度讲,要处理好有效性与道德性的关系。  相似文献   

中学英语教学效益低下的原因之一是学生自学能力较弱。自学能力不仅是学生继续深造的需要,也是学生步入社会后生存与发展的需要,同时,学生自学能力的提高还可以达到“减负增效”的目的。学生的自学能力需要教师有步骤、有计划地培养才能逐步形成。  相似文献   

论农村职业教育的需求   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农村职业教育是农村大众性教育,由于多种因素的交错性制约使其目前的现实空间受到严重挤压,但潜在需求是巨大的,只要社会各方面共同采取措施和创造条件,它的潜在需求这一定能转化为现实需求,那么农村职业教育事业就会再度蓬勃发展起来。  相似文献   


Grounded in self-determination theory (SDT), this cross-sectional study tested relations of students’ perceptions of autonomy-supportive and controlling behaviour from teachers in physical education with students’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and the potential role of students’ perceived need satisfaction and need frustration as a mediator of these relationships. School students (N?=?1031) completed self-report measures of perceived autonomy support, perceived teachers’ controlling behaviour, students’ need satisfaction and need frustration, and HRQoL. Results indicated that students’ perceptions of autonomy support from teachers was positively associated with HRQoL through need satisfaction. Students’ perceptions of controlling behaviour from teachers was negatively related with HRQoL through need frustration. There was no significant association between autonomy support and need frustration, or between controlling behaviour and need satisfaction. Findings provide evidence that perceived autonomy support and controlling behaviour from the teacher in PE contributes to students’ HRQoL through unique pathways.  相似文献   

大学生就业心理培养机制的研究——以大学生村官为视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生村官制度是社会发展的需要,大学生做村官是当前大学生就业的一个新途径,但目前大学生村官制度中暴露出的一些缺陷表明:这一制度的推行和完善还急需高等教育建立相应的、有效的就业心理培养机制,大学生村官的社会适应能力还亟待提高。  相似文献   

The need for effective approaches for identifying English language learners with learning disabilities is great and growing. Meeting this need is complicated by recent developments in the field of learning disabilities that are unrelated to the English language learning status, and by limitations in existing knowledge specific to the identification of English language learners with learning disabilities. We review recent developments in the field of learning disabilities concerning the need for earlier identification, the need for a more appropriate conceptualization of learning disability, and the need for more effective assessments and treatments. We discuss challenges to assessment and identification of English language learners with learning disabilities, provide examples of two approaches to meeting these challenges, and describe some remaining challenges.  相似文献   

在高职英语教学过程中,怎样才能更好地培养学生英语学习的能力和学习兴趣,使高职英语教学适应社会发展对高职人才的需求,为解决这一问题,采用调查问卷及访谈的研究方法,进行英语教学中的需求分析。分析发现只有不断改进英语教学方法,提高英语课程课堂效果,以学生为中心,满足学生自身对英语课程的需求才是根本解决办法。  相似文献   

Current efforts to improve teacher quality are misguided by a misunderstanding of the education we need in the future. The efforts are rooted in an education paradigm that worked in the Industrial Age but is becoming obsolete due to revolutionary changes brought about by technology. To prepare our children for their future, we need to redirect our efforts toward shifting the education paradigm, which requires a different kind of teaching force equipped with a different set of abilities from the traditional set of content knowledge and pedagogical skills. This article outlines the reasons for the need of a paradigm shift and outlines a paradigm of teaching. It further suggests some elements of new qualities teachers will need for effective teaching in the new paradigm.  相似文献   

In this essay, Nancy Vansieleghem starts from the observation that parents nowadays are addressed as individuals in need of parental expertise and advice. She maintains that the notion that we are living in a permanently changing society has created a context in which parents feel that they no longer “know” what is good or bad for their children. On this view, parents need to learn how to manage their parenthood. Vansieleghem questions the need for expertise and advice that is characteristic of our new mode of understanding parenting. In developing her argument, she borrows from Michel Foucault the notion “figure”—in this case, the type of parents who understand themselves as in need of expertise in order to respond to their children—and she draws further on Giorgio Agamben's analysis of the state of exception. Vansieleghem concludes by detailing the figure of the residual self as one that understands parental care as something that can and should be managed beyond concepts such as “disciplinary power” and “normalization.”  相似文献   

Teachers’ support of basic psychological needs, self-efficacy, achievement goals, life satisfaction and academic achievement level was measured in a sample of 240 secondary school students (8th and 10th grades). Correlation analysis showed significant positive relations between all of the variables, except for the relation between need support of competence and performance goals. A subsequent path analysis showed that these variables could be accounted for by a structural model that described basic need support as predictors of self-efficacy and achievement goals, which in turn predicted academic achievement level and perceived life satisfaction. Analysis of intra-class correlation and design effect showed that need support of relatedness also was accounted for by class level responses. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed in terms of the importance of basic need support as a predictor of personal motives in educational settings as well as the students adjustment to school and life.  相似文献   

The greater involvement by adult education practitioners in research poses the need to locate and problematise research as an activity. By seeing research as a social practice rather than a process it becomes possible to highlight the vital and neglected dimension of reflexivity. The paper argues that there is a need to recognise the place of writing in adult education research. Research can then be understood as a textual practice where it is impossible to ignore the workings of reflexivity and the need for researchers to be reflexive. The different forms reflexivity can take are considered in order to show that reflexivity does not refer exclusively to the effects of the researcher's psychological make‐up or personal values. It is argued that there is a need for adult education researchers to become critical writers and readers of research texts and a framework is outlined which makes it possible to highlight the workings of reflexivity as a movement away from the purely personal to an awareness of the operation of language, discourses and power/knowledge formations in the assumptive structures and unconscious values of research.  相似文献   

Children (n = 133, aged 8–13) were interviewed about helping situations that systematically varied in recipient's need for help and the costs for the helper. In situations where helping a peer involved low costs, children perceived a moral obligation to help that was independent of peer norms, parental authority, and reciprocity considerations. When helping a peer involved high costs this overpowered the perceived obligation to help, but only in situations involving low need and when in line with reciprocity. When both need and costs were high, younger children expressed stronger moral indignation while older children were less negative and reasoned in terms of other solutions. Furthermore, stronger moral indignation was related to more advanced social perspective taking skills when need and costs were high.  相似文献   

道德需要是人们基于对道德的价值性认识而产生的遵守道德规范的心理倾向。道德需要不足表现在社会的道德需要和个体的道德需要不足,它们都有多方面的原因。增强道德需要必须解决人们的认识问题和社会的道德机制问题。  相似文献   

美国大学生资助需求公式及对中国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国大学生资助需求公式是上世纪中期发展起来的,用于判断一个大学生是否需要资助,需要资助的金额是多少。其理论基础是高等教育成本需要家庭和社会共同分担,维护高等教育公平。其基本结构是学生入学成本减去家庭预期贡献。公式的核心内容是计算大学生家庭可以用于高等教育的资金。美国大学生资助需求公式可以为建立中国大学生资助需求公式提供借鉴。  相似文献   

中共七大确立毛泽东思想为党的指导思想,是有多方面原因的:一是纠正党内长期存在的对待马克思主义错误态度的需要;二是消除共产国际和苏共影响的需要;三是打退国民党蒋介石集团反共嚣张气焰的需要。  相似文献   

美国心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛创立“马斯洛需要层次理论”,把人的需要归结为五大层次,顺序为:生理需要,安全需要,归属需要与爱情需要,自尊的需要,自我实现的需要。需求层次由低而高。作者认为人的第六层次需要是创新,是一切需要的顶峰。  相似文献   

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