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This article takes up Arendt's ‘aporetic’ framing of human rights as well as Rancière's critique and suggests that reading them together may offer a way to re‐envision human rights and human rights education (HRE)—not only because they make visible the perplexities of human rights, but also in that they call for an agonistic understanding of rights; namely, the possibility to make new and plural political and ethical claims about human rights as practices that can be evaluated critically rather than taken on faith. The paper contributes to ongoing discussions about the need for a renewal of HRE by suggesting that the paradoxes of human rights—such as the disparity between the reality of the human condition and the abstract ideal of human rights—can be politically and pedagogically invigorating by rethinking human rights in agonistic terms and formulating more robust practices of HRE.  相似文献   

Human rights education is meant to make people capable of understanding human rights and to enable them to take a stand for their own rights as well as those of others, so that in the long term ahuman rights culture may develop. Human rights education is understood as a comprehensive task which, apart from communicating knowledge, is meant to stimulate the debate on values and attitudes and to support competencies for action, which are called learning about, by way of and for human rights. From a psychological point of view, the article analyzes in how far human rights education may be implemented as a three-dimensional support of knowledge, values and skills and where, in this respect, it comes to its limits, also regarding the question of the feasibility of an attempted human rights culture. The high expectations connected with human rights education are questioned in order to get a more realistic idea of what human rights education may actually achieve.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是一个全球性的社会问题和人权问题,我国关于家庭暴力的心理辅导及其相关理论研究起步较晚。研究结果表明:家庭暴力严重影响了妇女的心理健康水平、受虐妇女社会支持总水平较低、社会支持水平的缺乏损害了受虐妇女的心理健康、小组辅导提高了妇女的心理健康水平,具有较显著的治疗功效。  相似文献   

试析三种心理辅导理论的人性观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的认识和理解在心理辅导过程中起着重要的影响和作用。不同的心理辅导理论,对人的认识和理解有所不同,并形成各自不同的人性观,指导和影响各自的辅导过程。现分别探讨行为学派、心理分析学派和人本主义学派对人性的不同看法,以求较直观地比较三种心理辅导理论的不同人性观。  相似文献   

黎尔平 《教学与研究》2006,10(11):57-62
人权与民主关系密切,二者在内容上有相同之处,民主政体有利于人权保护,但二者是两个轨迹不同的运动。认为人权的实现必须以民主制度为支撑,人权运动有可能陷入如建立民主政体一样复杂的境地。无论何种社会制度,保护人权是无条件的。对于民主程度不高或非民主的政体,人权保护与民主制度可以相对分离。  相似文献   

Although human rights are often expressed as universal tenets, the concept was conceived in a particular socio-political and historical context. Conceptualisations and practice of human rights vary across societies, and face numerous challenges. After providing an historical account of the conceptualisation of human rights in Japanese society, this paper examines human rights education in Japan, focusing on implementation of the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education. Whilst the Decade’s Action Plan advocates a comprehensive approach, Japanese human rights education focuses far less attention on imparting knowledge and developing learners’ attitudes, placing strong emphasis on aspects of responsibility and harmonious human relations understood in the historical context of Japanese moral education. Pedagogical proposals are made to promote a comprehensive approach, including focus on the role of empowering learners, enabling them to protect themselves by invoking human rights.  相似文献   

主权和人权是当今国际关系中的两个重要概念。二者的关系是,没有主权就没有人权,主权是保护人权的,人权的国内管辖、国际保护和国际合作是三位一体的,都必须以“主权”和“主权平等”为基础,都是为了维护国际和平与安全,促进全人类的人权的基本自由。中国在人权与主权关系上的立场是,维护人权,尊重主权,反对霸权。  相似文献   

与前代同类题材的作品相比,元代婚恋杂剧中的女性自我意识普遍增强。剧作中的女性大都自尊自重,不卑不亢,向往人格自由,争取平等做人的权利,渴望具有情感内核的合理婚姻。蒸腾在她们身上的人格魅力,对封建社会后期文学的演进,乃至女性为争取人权独立的斗争,都起到了不容忽视的昭示作用。  相似文献   

Over the past 25 years, there has been growing investment in concepts of rights in the areas of HIV prevention, care and treatment, including HIV- and AIDS-related education delivered in schools. Despite this increasing commitment to the notion of rights, few efforts appear to have been made to understand the varying conceptions of rights that underpin different kinds of initiatives. Engaging with a multi-disciplinary body of literature on the issue of rights, and through a focus on three rights-informed HIV- and AIDS-related initiatives, this paper seeks to address this gap in the current literature. In so doing, it also examines a central tension within human rights discourse, namely between the construal of rights as shared and universally applicable to all human beings, while being created in and limited by the location in which they were elaborated, as well as by the language used to formulate them. More explicit engagement with the diversity of approaches made possible through a commitment to human rights may facilitate forms of HIV- and AIDS-related education that are more meaningful to young people.  相似文献   

This article surveys five manuals on human rights education, examining and comparing them according to a set of basic categories such as the educational level of the target audience, the learning objectives and the educational content. This approach is used to establish the overall curricular orientation of the manuals. In addition, one teaching unit from each manual is selected for special analysis. Based on the results of this survey, the author argues that the tradition of moral education elaborated by Lawrence Kohlberg should be integrated into our concept of human rights teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This article surveys five manuals on human rights education, examining and comparing them according to a set of basic categories such as the educational level of the target audience, the learning objectives and the educational content. This approach is used to establish the overall curricular orientation of the manuals. In addition, one teaching unit from each manual is selected for special analysis. Based on the results of this survey, the author argues that the tradition of moral education elaborated by Lawrence Kohlberg should be integrated into our concept of human rights teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This paper identifies and addresses some dilemmas to be faced in promoting educational projects concerned with human rights. Part of the difficulty that human rights education initiatives must cope with is the way in which value has been historically conferred upon particular notions such as freedom and justice. I argue here that a just education must grapple head‐on with the conceptual dilemmas that have been inherited and refuse to shy away from the implications of those dilemmas. To do this I address the fundamental fictions upon which rights are based and view those fictions as nonetheless useful for opening up the ethical terms of human rights education. With reference to the work of Arendt, Lyotard and Levinas, I conclude that the real potential of human rights education lies in its capacity to provoke insights that help youth live with ambiguity and dilemma, where freedom, justice, and responsibility cannot be dictated to them, but rather involve tough decisions that must be made in everyday life.  相似文献   

通过对机械主义动物观、间接责任论、人道待遇原则到不被作为物来对待的基本权利等一系列西方历史上不同学者关于动物权利的著名理论进行梳理、概括,中国动物权利保护应采取的立场是:应该把动物看作是一个生命主体,而不是人的财产,动物与人一样能够感受到痛苦,所以,我们应该善待和爱护动物。同时,在我国现阶段,应该加强保护动物权利意识的宣传,并制定中国的动物福利法。  相似文献   

The Globalisation of (Educational) Language rights   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Languages are today being murdered faster than ever before in human history: 90% of the world's oral languages may be dead or moribund (no longer learned by children) in a hundred years' time. The media and the educational systems are the most important direct agents in language murder. Behind them are the real culprits, the global economic, military and political systems. Linguistic human rights might be one way of promoting conflict prevention and self-determination, preventing linguistic genocide, and maintaining linguistic diversity and biodiversity (which are correlationally and also causally related). The most basic linguistic human rights for maintenance of linguistic diversity, specifically the right to mother tongue medium education, are not protected by the present provisions in human rights law. Linguistically, formal education is today often 'forcibly transferring children of one group to another group' (one of the definitions of genocide in the UN Genocide Convention). Human rights are supposed to act as correctives to the 'free market'. Despite good intentions, forces behind economic globalisation have instead given brutal market forces free range.  相似文献   

Languages are today being murdered faster than ever before in human history: 90% of the world's oral languages may be dead or moribund (no longer learned by children) in a hundred years' time. The media and the educational systems are the most important direct agents in language murder. Behind them are the real culprits, the global economic, military and political systems. Linguistic human rights might be one way of promoting conflict prevention and self-determination, preventing linguistic genocide, and maintaining linguistic diversity and biodiversity (which are correlationally and also causally related). The most basic linguistic human rights for maintenance of linguistic diversity, specifically the right to mother tongue medium education, are not protected by the present provisions in human rights law. Linguistically, formal education is today often 'forcibly transferring children of one group to another group' (one of the definitions of genocide in the UN Genocide Convention). Human rights are supposed to act as correctives to the 'free market'. Despite good intentions, forces behind economic globalisation have instead given brutal market forces free range.  相似文献   

法律程序依据其对司法正义的保障可以划分为正当程序与不当程序.在诉讼进程中,正当程序与不当程序亦因程序自身的设置目的的不同而呈现不同样式.基于刑事诉讼法的人权保障目的论,借由不当程序有害性等概念整合多样化刑事诉讼程序,以此推进研究进路的深化,最终达到阐释不当程序与人权的目的,进而从反面来揭示、论证正当程序对人权的重要性,据以保障刑事诉讼正义的趣旨.  相似文献   

宪政的本质就是有限政府,宪政的主要目的是保障公民的权利。公民权利与国家权力之间是对立和统一的关系,二者永存的矛盾说明公民权利将会受到国家权力的侵犯,为此,必须对国家权力进行限制。我国虽然缺乏宪政与人权保障的传统文化资源,但只要我们继承历史传统中一切具有人民性和民主性的文化精神,必将建立起具有中国特色的宪政制度。  相似文献   

作为中国共产党早期的主要领导人、伟大的马克思主义理论家,瞿秋白较早地关注中国人权,并且对于人权问题发表了许多真知灼见。他认为,捍卫生存权利是保障其他一切权利的前提,处于半殖民地半封建社会的中国人民的当务之急是御外侮,求生存;在军阀、豪绅、地主和官僚资产阶级的统治异乎寻常的黑暗,民众一点人权也没有的情况下,瞿秋白提倡反封建,争民主;更难能可贵的是,瞿秋白站在时代的高度,主张把争取人权斗争与国家的发展战略结合起来,适应世界潮流,借鉴西方文化的合理内核,力戒盲目排外,力求打起精神,振兴实业,建设富强的国家。  相似文献   

少数人权利的国际保护相对于普遍人权保护而言,进程相对缓慢,但是它一直都是国际人权保护领域的一个重要组成部分。普遍性人权保护的国际文件和国际公约中涉及到的一些保护少数人权利的条款措辞比较模糊,多为原则性、宣言性的规定。大量有关少数人权利保护的专门性国际文件是通过联大决议的形式做出的,但联合国大会所作决议除涉及内部事项外都没有法律约束力。尽管如此,这种努力有助于提请各国对本国以及世界范围内存在的少数人群体的权利应予以关注并加强保护。其他一些专门领域的国际公约中一些涉及保护土著居民等少数人群体的条款,可以为这类群体提供一定程度的保障。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,我国的人权状况有了非常大的改观,然而,在看到进步的同时,我们不能忽略我国人权问题上的不足.我国人权依然存在立法上的不足,以及行政、司法过程中实现不力的问题.本文试图从人的权利的来源,人的权利与国家权力的关系出发,重申人权与国家权力的正确逻辑方向,从而为"以人为本"探求法理支撑.  相似文献   

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