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淮北抗日根据地是新民主主义革命时期中国共产党领导的敌后抗日根据地之一。鉴于根据地初创期干部短缺的情况及动员群众全面抗日、坚持与维护统一战线的需要,干部教育成为根据地教育工作的核心。在中共中央和淮北区党委的领导下,根据地开展整风运动整顿干部思想、创建干部学校、融入具体项目等一系列行之有效的措施促进干部教育。通过以上实践,淮北抗日根据地干部教育取得明显成效:干部政治觉悟提高,根据地得到巩固;干部文化素养提升,根据地各项工作向纵深发展;迎合了抗战需要,培养出众多抗战人才。  相似文献   

鉴于高校学生干部社会责任意识淡漠的问题,提出突出高校学生干部社会责任意识的教育,是实现高校教育目的的要求之一;有利于高校实现学风的根本好转;提出了突出高校学生干部的社会责任意识教育的主要途径和措施。  相似文献   

教育行政干部素质状况的调查与估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育行政干部的良好素质是关系到教育事业顺利发展的重要条件之一。本研究调查了当前教育行政干部的素质状况。调查表明,较之于理论水平和工作能力方面的素质,教育行政干部更看重于敬业精神和工作作风这些品行方面的素质。调查还表明,教育行政干部当前做得较好的方面是勇于负责、实事求是;较为缺乏的是开拓精神、学习热情及教育科学理论水平。九五期间开展的教育行政干部培训有必要在其欠缺之处下功夫。  相似文献   

本文紧密结合党中央当前关于干部教育工作的重大战略决策,从干部教育的地位和作用、干部教育的内容、干部教育的基本原则、干部教育的主要方法与渠道等各方面深入研究和阐述了邓小平干部教育思想的丰富内容及其重大理论指导作用;深刻揭示了邓小平的干部教育思想是对毛泽东干部教育思想的伟大继承与最新发展,是邓小平建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的重要组成部分,是新时期党的干部教育工作的思想指南。  相似文献   

干部教育工作是党的工作的重要内容之一;党在抗战时期的干部教育工作从全面展开到制度建立,经历了逐步完善的过程;党在抗战时期的干部教育工作对中国革命的历程产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

现实生活中,形式主义林林总总,花样繁多,究其存在的原因,一是干部管理有弊端;二是干部的个人主义思想意识在作怪;三是干部的思想方法有问题。克服形式主义,必须完善干部的管理,考核制度,用制度铲除形式主义存在、滋生的土壤;克服形式主义的根本所在是加强对干部的宗旨观念教育,世界观、人生观、价值观的教育;克服形式主义的关键是从领导干部做起。  相似文献   

中国教育技术协会成立于1991年,是经教育部批准,民政部备案的国家一级社团组织。主要任务是:开展教育技术研究工作;举办各种学术活动,推广、交流教育技术理论及技术、设备研究的成果和经验;为教育行政部门的决策提供咨询服务;进行教育技术行业管理;培训教育技术有关管理干部、教师、理论研究人员和技术人员;编辑出版书刊和资料,  相似文献   

民族地区干部教育信息化的障碍性因素主要有思想障碍、人才障碍、资全障碍和信息资源障碍。排除上进障碍,一是要增强紧迫感,切实转换观念;二是用活用人机制和激励机制;三是抓好师资培训,不断提高干部教育的信息素养;四是拓宽资金投入渠道;五是拓展信息资源开发利用领域。  相似文献   

一个个贪污腐败分子的出现,把加强和如何加强干部的思想政治工作提到了议事日程上,干部也是人,教育干部从日常生活中找到爱,认识爱是灵魂的力量;进而奉献爱,坚信爱的奉献是干部的天职,是最宝贵的无形资产的投入;一个干部只要能奉献一颗爱心,就会永远立于不败之地,人民不会记忆他,历史不会忘记他,这将成为新时期干部思想政治工作的新视点。  相似文献   

斗转星移,转眼,我国设立教师节已经20年了。这20年,是我省各级各类教育事业开拓创新、蓬勃发展的20年;是省委、省政府审时度势、大力推进教育改革的20年;是省人大、省政协及社会各界鼎力支持、共同促进教育发展的20年;是全省教育系统80万干部教师锐意进取、奋发图强、艰苦创业的20年……  相似文献   

It is time to situate distributed leadership as a critical conceptualisation of school leadership; its popularisation has generally preceded conceptual and empirical development. Over the last 10 years distributed leadership has often been presented as a new construct of school leadership, though critique against education policy reforms and conceptual and historical links to the wider leadership field have generally been underemphasised. The theorisation and research of distributed leadership is currently situated at a critical point in its development; it is at the ‘crossroads’ of where it could dominantly be situated in the field of school leadership. A review of the literature and research suggests that distributed leadership is tending towards an uncritical position that is decoupled from critique of past and present education reforms and predominantly silent on how power relations at the local school level shape leadership activity.  相似文献   

This paper locates ‘leadingful leadership literacies’ as a lens for considering changing contexts for leadership and work in higher education management. It makes a contribution to higher education leadership studies by offering an empirical account of expanded notions of leadership. These extend the field beyond those unwilling to critique managerialist knowledge claims. I will argue that not only managerialist practices per se are of concern as we face discontinuous change in the sector – changes which move well beyond rationalist truth claims – but that these remain largely unchallenged and have moved into spaces that should be (re)claimed by leadership.  相似文献   

The need to develop assessment practices that are contextualised, meaningful for students and closely linked to real-world challenges has been increasingly recognised in higher education. This is particularly relevant for leadership development programmes that are assumed to have a work context embedded in their content and assessment components. Assessment practices currently used in higher education focus mostly on testing academic knowledge, rather than on enhancing leadership competencies. This research used an abductive approach to investigate how the application of authentic assessment can assist in developing authentic leadership competencies. Thematic analysis of written reflections of 24 students revealed that authentic assessment, accompanied by self-reflection, not only enhanced students’ comprehension of theories and improved their leadership skills but, more notably, helped students develop elements of self-concept, which is a key aspect of authentic leadership. Our findings demonstrate that authentic assessment combined with a reflective piece can assist students in the development of their self-understanding and authenticity as leaders.  相似文献   

School leadership as a key for school reforms has become a dominant theme in education, as demonstrated by a growing body of research during the last 15 years. Still, little attention has been paid to how changing international discourses on school leadership are translated into national public policy documents during the last decade. As such, this study provides additional insight into this field by analysing how Norwegian policy documents translate international discourses and re-contextualise national constructs of school leadership. Inspired by a critical approach, the authors address this issue by identifying discursive shifts in ideas about school leadership roles and practices. Based on an examination of four recent white papers on Norwegian education and school leadership, the authors argue that the policy documents constructed a tension between an international ‘explicit’ principal and a national ‘docile’ principal in 2003–2004, while recent documents construct a consensus-oriented, distributed leadership role for principals through the term ‘facilitating school leaders’. This may lead to contested interpretations as to how to perform school leadership in practice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review the models of sustainable leadership which are currently available in the compulsory sector to establish whether the models are appropriate for post‐compulsory education, and in particular for general further education colleges. Due to the complexities of the environment in which further education colleges operate, models of sustainable leadership have not been applied to this sector. In order to achieve this, leadership challenges for further education will be explored and the sector's responses to these will be considered. Many of these challenges are based on government pressure for efficiency and effectiveness savings, and so will be contextualised in a new managerial framework. The article then goes on to examine current models of sustainable leadership, looking at whether they are applicable for general further education colleges. Should they not be appropriate, then a suggested model will be put forward which draws on the transferable components for existing models with additions which are appropriate to the post‐compulsory sector.  相似文献   

This reflective essay presents a personal account of experiences and models that have shaped the development of the author as a leader in tertiary education. It is presented from the perspective of a practitioner whose career has led her through academic and administrative roles in Australian and UK institutions into her current position as academic registrar of a large, global university. The author concludes that, in learning to lead, the ideas that have been influential and which she has integrated into her practice are those that resonate with her own understanding of leadership and which are consistent with her values.  相似文献   

Middle leadership roles in higher education have been identified as important for institutional effectiveness yet fraught with tensions, and those in middle leadership roles often feel unprepared and unsupported. This study of the responsibilities, skills and competencies, and support required for heads of school in a New Zealand university, drew on a survey and interviews with heads and focus groups or interviews with a range of stakeholders. The research found that while heads found satisfaction in their role, they also faced challenges associated with people management, workload and impact on their research careers. There was widespread agreement among stakeholders about the capabilities needed for the role and an awareness of the barriers to effectiveness. Suggestions for making the role more appealing include reducing workload, providing learning and development programs, clarifying the balance of professional and personal competencies required, and encouraging the distribution of leadership.  相似文献   

Modes of organisation and control within educational organisations have tended to accord with those of the workplace. Bureaucracy has endured in both. Of late, it has been loosened. This has opened up a new conceptual space within educational management and leadership. Its underlying theme is collaboration. The analysis here extends the space associated with concepts such as distributed leadership and system leadership. It draws upon the recent social theory of the firm proposed by Paul Adler and Charles Heckscher, and introduces their concept of collaborative community, a concept which when applied to educational administration re‐instates both trust and community as contributing to education, economy and society.  相似文献   

中国自20世纪90年代开始推行素质教育改革,改革的重点逐步由宏观教育体制落实到学校层面。素质教育改革客观上要求学校改变传统组织文化和结构,注重人的全面发展。变革型领导理论已被证实为推动学校变革和发展的主要模式。这一领导模式通过促进教师的专业发展,实现学校文化的重塑和教育质量的提升。本文对变革领导理论的核心内容和研究进展进行了阐述,旨在了解并掌握西方“学校领导引领变革”的知识基础,以期对中国学校改革有所助益。  相似文献   

Recently, many educational institutions across the globe have implemented engineering leadership programmes either as a part of a formal engineering curriculum or where leadership development is embedded into separate in-house programmes. This shows the clear intent of these educational institutions to prepare their engineering students for solving real-world problems, recognising that both technical and leadership skills are valuable for tomorrow's engineers. Leadership programmes in engineering education have been implemented in various formats with varying degrees of success. It has already been identified in research studies that 80–90% of engineering leadership programmes offered explicitly across the globe were based in the United States of America. However, in Europe and Australia, there is a noticeable lack of engineering leadership programmes, particularly in undergraduate curricula. The programmes that are offered across Australia and Europe have distinct design and delivery styles but there are certain key features that are common to most of the programmes, including professional partnerships, mentoring, engineering design and project-based approaches.  相似文献   

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