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The paper outlines a new interpretation of informational privacy and of its moral value. The main theses defended are: (a) informational privacy is a function of the ontological friction in the infosphere, that is, of the forces that oppose the information flow within the space of information; (b) digital ICTs (information and communication technologies) affect the ontological friction by changing the nature of the infosphere (re-ontologization); (c) digital ICTs can therefore both decrease and protect informational privacy but, most importantly, they can also alter its nature and hence our understanding and appreciation of it; (d) a change in our ontological perspective, brought about by digital ICTs, suggests considering each person as being constituted by his or her information and hence regarding a breach of one’s informational privacy as a form of aggression towards one’s personal identity.  相似文献   

信息通讯技术(ICT)的迅速发展使得人们可以通过微博、即时通信软件(IM)、手机终端应用及社交网络(SNS)来发布个人真实信息,网络将以往零散的碎片信息整合成完整的个体信息,造成隐私泄露现象日益严重。本文总结了个体隐私泄露的渠道和类别,通过访谈研究,分析了个体隐私感知风险以及个体隐私保护行为特征:个体特征差异(受教育水平、网络经验)导致隐私关注差异;信息关联及商业价值在不同程度上与隐私关注的变化相关;隐私关注对感知隐私风险产生影响;个体隐私保护行为(常规保护、技术保护)因隐私风险感知不同而发生变化。在此基础上,构建了个体隐私感知与保护行为模型。  相似文献   

In this article, I summarise the ontological theory of informational privacy (an approach based on information ethics) and then discuss four types of interesting challenges confronting any theory of informational privacy: (1) parochial ontologies and non-Western approaches to informational privacy; (2) individualism and the anthropology of informational privacy; (3) the scope and limits of informational privacy; and (4) public, passive and active informational privacy. I argue that the ontological theory of informational privacy can cope with such challenges fairly successfully. In the conclusion, I discuss some of the work that lies ahead.  相似文献   

Recent anthropological analyses of Chinese attitudes towards privacy fail to pay adequate attention to more ordinary, but more widely shared ideas of privacy – ideas that, moreover, have changed dramatically since the 1980s as China has become more and more open to Western countries, cultures, and their network and computing technologies. I begin by reviewing these changes, in part to show how contemporary notions of privacy in China constitute a dialectical synthesis of both traditional Chinese emphases on the importance of the family and the state and more Western emphases on individual rights, including the right to privacy. This same synthesis can be seen in contemporary Chinese law and scholarship regarding privacy. A review of recent work in philosophical ethics demonstrates that information ethics in China is in its very early stages. In this work, privacy is justified as an instrumental good, rather than an intrinsic good. I argue by way of conclusion that privacy protections will continue to expand in China, in part under the pressures of globalization, increasing trade with and exposure to Western societies, and the increasing demands for Western-style individual privacy by young people. Even so, I argue that these emerging conceptions of privacy will remain distinctively Chinese – i.e., they will retain a basic consistency with traditional Chinese values and approaches.  相似文献   

祝阳  李欣恬 《情报杂志》2021,40(1):165-170
[目的/意义]大数据时代将人类社会带入了数据利用的黄金时代,与此相伴的个人隐私安全问题,成为数据价值开发及政府数据开放的瓶颈。文章旨在解决大数据时代的个人数据隐私安全问题,充分保障公民隐私权。[方法/过程]在已有研究基础上,梳理大数据发展对个人隐私的挑战并分析产生影响的原因;按个人信息敏感程度与数据生命周期两个维度,构建大数据时代个人数据隐私安全保护的分析框架;从技术、政府、信息业者、公民四个方面,分析各环节应当采取的针对性保护措施。[结果/结论]不同类型的个人数据的信息敏感度及信息价值不同,在数据生命周期的各个阶段,需要采取差异化的保护策略。  相似文献   

Web2.0时代网络信息资源管理隐私权保护已严重影响用户对网站的安全度和信任度。网络信息资源管理中的隐私权侵权行为主要有:对网络用户个人信息使用不当,个人活动隐私的侵犯,个人网络痕迹隐私的侵犯以及个人网络空间隐私权的侵犯;网络信息资源管理中的隐私权保护对策主要有:完善网络隐私权保护的立法,加强网络信息产业的行业自律,提高网络用户的自我保护意识,最大限度地利用信息安全技术、成立网络隐私权保护的专门机构以及融入国际网络隐私权保护体系等。  相似文献   

网络空间个人数据的权利保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
个人数据是指一切标识个人情况的数据资料。个人数据权利是个人隐私权在网络空间的重要表现,数据主体享有个人隐私不被侵犯和寻求法律保护的权利。网络空间个人数据隐私权的侵犯表现为非法收集、使用、泄露或者运用个人数据扰乱他人生活的安宁等,我国应加强个人数据权利的保护立法。  相似文献   


As federal agencies move toward more sophisticated e-govern- ment offerings, they must consider both policy and operational requirements for electronic authentication (e-authentication). One important consideration in designing and deploying e-authentica- tion solutions is the balance between access, security, authentication, and privacy. Public law and government-wide policy encourage e-government and e-authentication simultaneously with privacy protection, creating policy and operational tensions for e-government efforts. A review of the relevant laws and policies and analyses of the privacy implications of authentication technologies indicates that federal agencies have at least two analytic frameworks for balancing privacy concerns with e-authentication. A framework offered in the 2003 National Research Council report Who Goes There? and the privacy impact analysis requirements of the E-Government Act of 2002 provide e-government projects with the tools for navigating the path between privacy and openness, required by both e-government law and policy.  相似文献   

陈美  梁乙凯 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):169-175,168
[研究目的]从隐私风险防控的角度,调查荷兰政府开放数据的隐私保护实践,为我国政府开放数据和隐私保护提供参考。[研究方法]利用文献调研和案例分析的研究方法,以荷兰为例,获取一手资料阐述荷兰政府开放数据中隐私风险防控的经验,对政府开放数据中个人隐私保护政策法规、隐私风险应对的数据处理规范与机构进行分析和概括。[研究结论]荷兰开放政府数据的隐私风险控制的优势在于,注重数据存储安全、关注数据聚合、个人数据保护制度比较灵活、强化国际合作;劣势在于,隐私保护政策缺乏更新、政府数据收费政策模糊、没有任命国家首席数据官、内政和王国关系部承担的决策和咨询责任非常少。在此基础上,提出优化个人信息保护的政策法规,确定个人数据处理原则,完善个人数据处理机构。  相似文献   

The author chaired two Expert Groups of the OECD including that on privacy, whose guidelines form the basis of the legal regimes in Australia, New Zealand and many other countries. He reviews the success of those guidelines and the defects disclosed by time and by the remarkable advances in information technology since the guidelines were adopted in 1980. He then explores the revival of interest in the protection of privacy in the courts as a common law entitlement, instancing the recent decision of the Australian High Court in the Lenah Game Meats Case. The difficulty which the common law faces in responding to the challenge of informatics is then explored by reference to the decision in Dow Jones v Gutnik concerned with liability for defamation on the Internet. Finally, the author considers two contemporary problems: genetic privacy and terrorism. On the latter, he concludes with a reminder of the need to uphold civic rights, including privacy, so as to ensure that the terrorists, although losing, do not win.  相似文献   

网络隐私第三方认证机制初探   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
研究表明,由于担心个人信息得不到有效的保护,人们对使用基于互联网的各种服务心存疑虑,严重影响到电子商务的发展.旨在给电子商务的发展营造宽松的发展环境,在网络隐私法律框架之外,以美国为代表的国家产生了基于市场运作的网络隐私第三方认证.为了减少网络用户担心隐私遭到侵犯的不安全感,不少网站加入网络隐私认证计划.本文介绍了网络隐私第三方认证运行机制,以及在保护个人隐私方面存在的不足之处,并提出完善第三方认证机制的策略,以期对我国的个人信息保护提供新的思路.  相似文献   

个人数据是用来直接或间接识别自然人情况的数据资料,个人数据构成个人隐私的重要内容。政府机关必须通过法定程序与方式收集涉及个人隐私的信息,并注意保护当事人的隐私权利。我国应借鉴美国的立法保护模式,既要制定《政府信息公开法》,又要制定《隐私权法》。  相似文献   

张晓娟  徐建光 《现代情报》2019,39(7):133-142
[目的/意义]构建政务APP个人隐私信息保护评价指标体系,对我国政务APP个人隐私信息保护进行科学合理评价,为完善政务APP个人隐私信息保护提出建议。[方法/过程]从隐私政策视角,利用专家访谈法与层次分析法,从"用户知情同意、信息安全控制、个人权利保障"3个维度构建我国政务APP个人隐私信息保护评价指标体系;并选取我国直辖市、省会城市和计划单列市的36个政务APP进行实证分析。[结果/结论]构建的政务APP个人隐私信息保护评价指标体系具有一定的实用性和可操作性,实证分析发现我国政务APP个人隐私信息保护问题严峻,政府部门应着重关注和解决。  相似文献   

The accuracy principle is one of the key standards of informational privacy. It epitomises the obligation for those processing personal data to keep their records accurate and up-to-date, with the aim of protecting individuals from unfair decisions. Currently, however, different practices being put in place in order to enhance the protection of individuals appear to deliberately rely on the use of ‘inaccurate’ personal information. This article explores such practices and tries to assess their potential for privacy protection, giving particular attention to their legal implications and to related ethical issues. Ultimately, it suggests that the use of ‘inaccurate’ data can potentially play a useful role to preserve the informational autonomy of the individual, and that any understandings of privacy or personal data protection that would tend to unduly limit such potential should be critically questioned.  相似文献   

吕璐 《情报探索》2014,(12):22-25
从政府信息公开的视角探析隐私权的涵义、特征、内容及其与知情权的关系。认为政府信息公开中对隐私权管理具有行政性、公权和私权冲突交叉、需要多种法律协调等特点。从知政权与隐私权、社会信息知情权与隐私权、隐私权保护的统一与均衡、法定知情权与隐私权等4个方面,探讨如何平衡知情权与隐私权的关系,提出应根据社会政治及公共利益、利益衡量、宽容协调、人格尊严等4项原则来协调,以实现二者的和谐。  相似文献   

Individuals try to guard their right to privacy by exercising their right to informational self-determination. They thereby hope to retain control over their identity, which they construct over time by interpreting how their past relates to their present. In a similar vein, historians try to make sense of the past by way of interpreting past events. The theory of narrative identity helps to understand these processes. By an explorative discussion of narrative techniques, historiographical methods including the art of (auto)biography, and the role they play in identity construction, this article aims to give fresh insights into the theory of informational self-determination. An analysis is presented of three types of attempts by individuals to gain control of their digital double, in an effort to maintain their personal dignity. With the lessons learned, an indication is given of the viability of the principle of informational self-determination in the Internet era.  相似文献   

Although there is near consensus on the need for privacy, the reality is that people's attitude toward their personal information privacy is complex. For instance, even when people claim that they value their information privacy, they often trade their personal information for tangible or intangible benefits. In this article, the research on different ways in which people respond to risks to privacy is examined. They include information seeking to reduce uncertainty, the withholding of information, and the provision of fabricated information. The impact of trust and inducements on Internet users’ willingness to share personal information is also examined. Thereafter, important postulates from theories in communication, social psychology, and sociology are synthesized into a comprehensive theoretical framework for personal information-related behaviors in the online environment.  相似文献   

This paper deals with intercultural aspects of privacy, particularly with regard to differences between Japanese and Western conceptions. It starts with a reconstruction of the genealogy of Western subjectivity and human dignity as the basic assumptions underlying Western views on privacy. An analysis of the Western concept of informational privacy is presented. The Japanese topic of ‘‘denial of self” (Musi) as well as the concepts of Seken, Shakai and Ikai (as analyzed by the authors of the companion piece on privacy in Japan) give rise to intercultural comparisons. The paper addresses the question of privacy in cyberspace and mass media. Finally the question of freedom of speech is related to the Japanese concepts of Ohyake and Watakusi.  相似文献   

占南 《现代情报》2021,41(1):101-110
[目的/意义] 新冠疫情防控期间个人移动轨迹、关系图谱、电子健康码等个人信息在精准定位疫情传播、防止疫情扩散和推进复工复产等方面发挥了重要的作用,但由于缺乏一定的信息采集保护机制和共享安全规则面临着个人信息滥用和泄露的风险,突发公共卫生事件下如何平衡信息利用和个人信息保护意义重大。[方法/过程] 本文从疫情防控背景下个人信息保护涉及的个人信息主体、个人信息收集和处理者、数据治理监管者三方出发,构建面向隐私保护设计的个人信息全生命周期保护框架,通过对个人信息采集、存储组织、分享利用和处置归档等过程的有效控制,建立个人信息合法合规使用的良性生态。[结果/结论] 疫情防控背景下个人信息保护涉及多元利益主体,需要重视对个人隐私信息的收集和利用,兼顾经济、社会发展和个人隐私保护需求,更好地实现个人信息的社会价值。面向隐私保护设计的个人信息全生命周期保护框架的提出对于进一步规范疫情防控背景下个人信息采集、存储组织、分享利用和合理处置具有一定的指导性意义。未来还需要在实践中进行探索和完善个人信息安全治理体系,构建应急预防和社会救济为一体的保护体系,设置独立的个人隐私保护监管机构,完善国家应急管理情报体系建设。  相似文献   

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