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In Colleges of Further Education communication between tutors and students or tutors and the parents of students is not generally a problem. However, when the students have severe learning difficulties communication between tutors and parents takes on a different meaning and significance. This paper begins by examining models which describe this relationship before reporting a qualitative study of tutor/parent communication. The study found that the college rhetoric of client centredness was not matched by practice, and more importantly, identified unaddressed issues relating to the status of the student. In order to resolve these difficulties an alternative model is outlined.  相似文献   

This article is based on the dissertation for the degree of B.Ed. (Honours) awarded by Birmingham University in July 1986 to the author when she was a student at Westhill College, Birmingham. Karen Giles is now teaching at Rosemary School, Islington, in the Inner London Education Authority.  相似文献   

Over the last 20 years, research has taken an increasing interest in the roles of parents in the education of children with severe learning difficulties. Aspects of these findings which portray the relationships between parents and the children's schools are taken from a review of different aspects of parental roles by Ian Wells, senior research officer with the Northern Ireland Council for Educational Research, Belfast.  相似文献   

吴增强 《中学教育》2011,8(2):106-109,128
学习困难学生的行为问题是与其学习问题相伴而生的,他们的认知障碍、动机障碍是与其行为障碍密切联系的。本文讨论三类课堂行为问题干预策略:(1)学习退避行为,学习退避行为实质上是习得性无能的表现,干预重点是改善其不良的自我概念,增强其自信心,引导其正确对待失败,克服自卑,同时要改变其消极的归因倾向。(2)注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD),相当部分的学习困难学生伴有注意缺陷多动障碍。对注意缺陷多动障碍的干预策略,一般有药物干预和心理社会干预。医院主要采取药物干预,而学校和家庭主要采用心理社会干预。心理社会干预包括:认知行为干预、父母训练、感觉统合训练等。(3)攻击性行为干预可以采用认知行为干预和内观训练。  相似文献   

民族地区学困生的语文德育存在一些问题,需要发挥民族地区学困生的语文德育功能来解决.切实把民族地区的学困生当成语文德育的内源性课程资源,当成民族文化传承的有机载体,能为我们提供问题解决的路径.  相似文献   

木桶效用告诉我们,只有补上了短板才能改变水桶的容量。在学校教育教学中,因情感、智力、行为习惯等方面的原因,会出现一些学困生,我们只有认真分析这些学困生产生的原因,研究策略,对症下药,才能全面提高教育教学质量,使全体学生得到全面的发展,实现素质教育。  相似文献   

本文在分析学生高中物理学习困难的各种因素的基础上,探讨提高学生物理学习能力的教学对策和学习对策.  相似文献   

David Banes, Headteacher, and Richard Walter, IT co-ordinator, describe ways in which the Internet has been used by a group of pupils with complex needs at Meldreth Manor school. The rationale, some teaching techniques and methods of evaluating the experiment are discussed, and a range of issues requiring further investigation are identified.  相似文献   

高职学生间的英语水平差异较大,部分英语基础非常差的学生被称为"学困生","学困生"的英语教学内容及考核方式应进行改革,职业学院英语教学应努力实现"实用为主、够用为度"的目标,让"学困生"与其它学生一样能将所学知识运用到实际工作中。  相似文献   

随着教育教学研究的深入和发展,“学困生”问题已逐渐成为教育领域关注的焦点。如何提高“学困生”的英语水平,是英语教师贯彻全面发展观、全面提高英语教育水平必须解决的一个问题,也是素质教育对英语教学的要求。  相似文献   

This paper presents six principles designed to prevent writing difficulties as well as to build writing skills: (a) providing effective writing instruction, (b) tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs, (c) intervening early, (d) expecting that each child will learn to write, (e) identifying and addressing roadblocks to writing, and (f) employing technologies. Many students with LD experience difficulties mastering the process of writing. We examine how schools can help these children become skilled writers. Six principles designed to prevent as well as alleviate writing difficulties are presented. These include providing effective writing instruction, tailoring writing instruction to meet each child’s needs, intervening early to provide additional assistance, expecting that each child will learn to write, identifying and addressing academic and nonacademic roadblocks to writing, and deploying technological tools that improve writing performance. The mn was sneB[translation:“The man was scared.”[ I think theu shold no how to speek differint langwges. If theu go to like dutch countri sombodie might ask them something theu cold have two kinds of langage  相似文献   

Pupils with Severe Learning Difficulties as Personal Target Setters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Richard Rose, Senior Lecturer at University College, Northampton, and Will Fletcher and Gaynor Goodwin, Watling View School, St Albans, argue that although many schools have attempted to enable pupils with special educational needs to play an active part in their own planning procedures and assessment, few have identified and analysed the skills required by both pupils and teachers. Theydescribe a one-year small-scale action-research project, in a school for children with severe learning difficulties, which resulted in the development of procedures for the assessment of 'pupil readiness' for full involvement in the target-setting process.  相似文献   

尚静 《焦作大学学报》2010,24(2):125-126
大学生在英语词汇学习过程中,在词汇的读音、拼写、释义与应用等方面面临不同程度的困难,其成因主要是母语的负迁移作用以及在学习中忽视体验式学习模式的应用。  相似文献   

英语课程是我国各阶段学校都广泛开设的课程。然而英语学习困难学生的存在却是不争的事实。学困生产生的原因有很多,试从学生个人因素、学校与教师的影响两个方面分析学困生产生的原因,并根据以上原因提出促进学困生转化的策略。  相似文献   

Teachers interviewed in special schools 'did not feel they were provided with clear guidance on curriculum' and appeared to get little advice from other professionals except physiotherapists and speech therapists. Nigel Carden, teacher at Wedgewood School, Bradford, previously psychologist at Anson House Pre-school Project, and Professor Colin Robson, Huddersfield Polytechnic, report their findings  相似文献   

韩萍 《天津教育》2021,(7):86-87
在小学数学课堂教学中,需要教师与学生积极配合,才能使课堂气氛更加活跃,激发学生的学习热情,才有助于为学生创造一个良好的数学学习环境。本文主要以学生与教师之间的互动不足引发学困生问题进行分析,进而针对小学数学学困生成因提出解决策略以有效提高学生的数学成绩。  相似文献   

Dr Jean Ware, Department of Educational Psychology and Special Educational Needs, Institute of Education, London University, Maeve Sharman, Sue O'Connor and Mall Anderson describe four studies on the interaction between pupils with SLD and their mainstream peers.  相似文献   

汉语与维吾尔语属于不同语系.因母语的迁移作用,使汉语语音与汉字的学习成为维吾尔族学生学习汉语的最棘手问题.文章就存在问题,提出对策,旨在提高新疆预科少数民族汉语教学质量.  相似文献   

Ann Lewis 《教育心理学》1993,13(2):133-145
This paper reports two studies in which non‐handicapped (NH) children (7‐ and 11‐year‐olds) were interviewed about their understanding of severe learning difficulties (SLD). The NH children, 19 7‐year‐olds and 32 11‐year‐olds, had been involved in a year of fortnightly or weekly (respectively) link sessions with children with SLD. The NH children's understanding of SLD can be interpreted in terms of three conceptual changes, identified by Katz (1982) and Aboud (1988), occurring during the primary school years. These changes are: a shift in focus from concrete to abstract characteristics of children with SLD; increasing recognition of intra‐SLD group differences and inter (mainstream‐SLD) group similarities; and acknowledgement of the irrevocability of the key cues of SLD. These changes are discussed in the broader context of the development of social cognition.  相似文献   

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