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教育软件工程专业人才培养模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从教育软件工程专业方向的特点、社会需求等方面分析入手,结合作者单位几年来对教育软件工程专业建设的反思,对教育软件工程专业人才培养模式和课程体系进行了探讨,提出“课堂教学 教育应用实践”并重的人才培养模式和教育软件工程专业的课程体系结构。  相似文献   

《软件工程》课程是软件工程专业的重要专业必修课。软件开发环境和技术发展迅速,但传统教学方式显得比较空洞,并且大部分案例集中于软件开发案例库建设,不能适应新的社会应用和软件工程本身发展需求。根据《软件工程》课程及其发展特点,提出建设实践驱动的软件工程教学案例库,介绍了14种面向软件工程上实践的课程案例库,这些案例库可根据软件开发环境和技术变化进行相应的更新。部分案例库在教学综合平台实践,取得了一定效果。  相似文献   

国家宏观政策的调整、软件产业的发展和专业地位的提升为软件工程专业创造了良好的发展机遇,同时也对软件工程专业的师资队伍建设提出了严峻的挑战.从软件工程专业的学科教育属性和工程教育属性出发,提出了完善人才引进和评价机制;与软件产业的发展相结合,坚持走校企联合之路,建设出一支结构合理,能从事科学教育、工程教育和领域知识教育的"双师型"师资队伍,服务于人才培养、特色专业建设的需要.  相似文献   

就地方本科院校软件工程专业人才培养与社会实际需求脱节问题,紧扣社会实际,科学系统的构建软件工程专业应用型人才培养课程体系。提出了软件工程专业课程体系理论建设方案,设计了三层结构课程体系建设模型。  相似文献   

从企业需求的软件专业人才的培养目标出发,本文分析了现有的软件工程专业培养模式中存在的主要问题,针对我院软件工程专业课程体系建设、软件工程专业实践教学体系建设、校企合作提高学生实践能力及高水平"双师型"师资队伍的建设几方面进行软件工程专业人才培养模式改革与实践.为培养适合软件企业所需的工程实践人才,提出了一套具体的实施方案,提高学生理论知识储备、工程实践能力及就业竞争力.  相似文献   

C++程序设计是高职本科软件工程专业的一门重要的专业基础课。文章针对高职本科软件工程专业的培养目标,分析了课程的定位与作用,提出课程建设的目标和一系列改革措施,并在实践中进行了应用。  相似文献   

近两年,MOOC(大规模开放在线课程)给全球大学的传统教育带来了前所未有的冲击,计算机与软件工程专业教育又是首当其冲。如何应对MOOC挑战和借助MOOC促进我国高等教育改革、特别是计算机与软件工程专业教育改革的问题就摆在我们面前。本文从多个角度探讨了我国大学通过MOOC促进教育改革的途径,并着重从MOOC建设、利用、改革、联盟四个方面阐述了我国计算机与软件工程MOOC课程建设与教学方法改革的发展途径。文中还就教学方法改革、学习方法改革、学院教学改革等层次探讨了如何利用MOOC促进计算机与软件工程专业教与学方法的改革问题。最后,给出了关于计算机与软件工程MOOC课程建设的思考与建议。  相似文献   

面向对象的软件工程自主实验教学改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文在分析软件工程系列课程建设现状的基础上,针对计算机专业以及软件工程专业学生实际动手能力的不足,提出了开展面向对象的软件工程自主实验的教学改革,分析了进行该实验建设的立项背景、可行性,并对其研究内容、建设的分阶段实施和教学改革的结果形式进行了具体的介绍。该教学改革可以实现将自主学习的理念引进到实验建设中,体现了以技术应用能力为培养学生的教学改革重点。  相似文献   

软件工程专业实训体系的构建与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培养应用型人才是高等教育人才培养的重要任务,校企合作建立软件工程实训基地是培养实用型软件人才的的主要途径.本文通过对软件工程专业人才培养模式的研究,阐述了软件工程实训的必要性和重要性,提出了软件工程专业实训体系的实训基地建设、教学模式及教学知识体系的构建方案.  相似文献   

软件工程专业创新型人才培养途径初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
软件产业是国家产业发展格局的重要组成部分,它是知识与技术密集型产业,同时又兼具先进制造业和现代服务业的特点。通过对软件工程教育的特性和作用的分析,指出软件人才是软件企业最宝贵的财富,其工作特点是"创新"。在信息技术学院建设软件工程专业的实践基础上,提出了软件工程专业创新型人才培养途径,最后对软件工程教育改革做了展望。  相似文献   

Our catchy title is intended to be controversial, provoking thought upon the impact (or lack of any) that a programming language has on the curriculum for a software engineering course. Our view on the subject is from both directions, as indicated by the title. As educators, we argue that the language issues are secondary to the fundamental concern of understanding software engineering concepts, specifically object‐oriented concepts. However, we appreciate that expertise in a widely accepted object‐oriented language may be essential towards the more practical aspect of building a critical mass of software engineers versed in object‐oriented techniques. This reflects upon the maturing nature of computer science and engineering as a science, which is evolving its fundamental principles, while at the same time recognizing its impact as an engineering discipline sensitive to practical applications. The evolution of our primary software engineering course, CS250 Introduction to Software Engineering, has been influenced by our own reflections on the state of software engineering in the 1990s, industrial requirements for expertise by our graduates, and the needs of accreditation. We present the internal and external factors that have guided our course design. This process reflects our own experiences in academia and industry. We present this process as a representative model of a sound approach, but make no claims that it is the optimal approach.  相似文献   

基于对2011年增设的软件工程一级学科和《高等学校软件工程专业规范》的深入解读,结合SWEBOK、CCSE2004以及2011全国软件工程年会的最新成果,根据贵州省、黔南州和黔南民族师范学院的实际情况,围绕软件工程技术、软件服务工程两个方向进行理论课程和实践课程体系的构建与实现,实践证明该方案是切实可行并具有一定特色的。  相似文献   

随着计算机仿真技术的发展,很多工程设计可以通过计算机仿真来设计验证,目前各类学科都有自己的计算机仿真软件,且仿真结果与实际结果已非常接近,计算机仿真教学法就是把工程设计仿真软件应用于工科课程教学的基本方法。利用计算机仿真技术进行实验,可使学生获得感性知识,经历从实践到理论启蒙的认知过程,弥补常规的实验方法需要的实验条件较高、实验效率较低等缺陷。  相似文献   

This article reports an undergraduate software engineering project in which, over a period of 2 years, four student teams from different cohorts developed a note-taking app for four academic clients at the students’ own university. We investigated how projects involving internal clients can give students the benefits of engaging in real software development while also giving them experience of a student-staff collaboration that has its own benefits for students, academics, and the university more broadly. As the university involved is a Sino-Foreign university located in China, where most students are Chinese and most teaching staff are not, this ‘student as co-producer’ approach interacts with another feature of the project: cultural distance. Based on analysis of notes, reports, interviews, and focus groups, we recommend that students should be provided with communicative strategies for dealing with academics as clients; universities should develop policies on ownership of student-staff collaborations; and projects should include a formalised handover process. This article can serve as guidance for educators considering a ‘students as co-producers’ approach for software development projects.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the application of software engineering practices to the development of instructional web sites. The development of a web site, to support a distance or campus-based online course, is a very complex process that involves many instructional and technical aspects, including the instructional purpose of the course, its content, its structure, its interface, and its teaching–learning activities. The use of a method is essential for dealing with the complexity of this process. We describe, in this paper, a software engineering method that helps course designers and teachers to develop high quality instructional web sites. The design of the method was based on the integration of well-known principles, concepts and process models borrowed from instructional design, method engineering, and object-oriented software engineering. The method addresses the managerial processes required to plan, organize, and control the project, as well as the instructional and technical activities involved in the development of high quality course sites.  相似文献   

The rapid development in Internet technology and its big popularity has led some universities around the world to incorporate web-based learning in some of their programmes. The present paper introduces a comprehensive survey of the publications about using remote laboratories in electrical engineering education. Remote laboratories are web-based, real-time laboratories that enable students to measure and control the measurements remotely in their own time. The survey highlights the features of many recent remote laboratories and demonstrates the software and networking technologies used. The paper provides a comprehensive overview on several aspects related to remote laboratories development. The paper concentrates on the publications appearing during the last decade. The review is arranged according to the area of specialisation, then chronologically.  相似文献   

CAD/CAM技术的迅速发展,深刻影响着工程制图课程教改的内容与方向。本文结合自身工作实践并根据现代教育技术条件,探讨了利用Pro/E软件结合传统的教学方式对《工程制图》进行尝试性教学实践,效果良好。也为其他传统课程的教改提供了参考。  相似文献   

针对当前国内教学软件开发模式的缺陷,分析教学软件开发中的教学设计过程和软件工程成分,明确两者结合的基本关系,提出教学系统设计与软件工程结合的开发模式,阐述了它的要素和阶段。  相似文献   

相对于传统的工科人才而言,新工科人才更注重实践、创新能力培养。基于新工科理念,通过把握软件行业发展趋势和产业政策,结合软件工程人才培养目标,提出“三层递进式”实践教学体系,从顶层设计上推进实践教学模式创新。以合肥工业大学软件工程专业为例,介绍其实践教学体系整体构建过程,将新工科教育理念贯穿于软件工程师培养全过程,旨在培养适应经济结构调整和软件行业发展的工程人才。  相似文献   

One approach to the development of software, which has received considerable attention in the software engineering literature, is rapid prototyping. We describe the rapid prototyping methodology and discuss some of its advantages and disadvantages. We then focus on the use of rapid prototyping in the project component of the typical undergraduate software engineering course. Several approaches to prototyping are described, along with various automated tools that support prototyping. Our experiences with prototyping in our undergraduate software engineering course are described, and we draw a number of conclusions vis a vis the use of prototyping.  相似文献   

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