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讨论了正项级数的两种判别法:比值判别法和根值判别法,以及两者的关系,得出凡是可用比值判别法的正项级数必能用根值判别法,逆命题不成立,根据具体问题的特点采用不同的方法,解题得难以程度不同。  相似文献   

讨论了正项级数的两种判别法:比值判别法和根值判别法,以及两者的关系,得出凡是可用比值判别法的正项级数必能用根值判别法,逆命题不成立,根据具体问题的特点采用不同的方法,解题得难以程度不同。  相似文献   

新闻简述:今年5月.美国科学家宣布成功研制出了用于手机的“菠菜电池”。  相似文献   

菠菜含有大量的维生素和膳食纤维,能补充营养,促进人体新陈代谢,延缓衰老等,吃起来口感也不错,备受小伙伴们的青睐。如果你因此以为菠菜只是一种营养价值较高的蔬菜,那就错啦,菠菜的追求可不只是这些!在科学家的帮助下,它们在通信领域、电力领域大放异彩,我们可不能小瞧它们哦。  相似文献   

本文根据不同的随访资料类型,介绍两种寿命表法,即完全数据的队列寿命表法和不完全数据的队列寿命表法.由该两种方法估计的各项指标均数及标准误与传统的平均数法结果相同.而对于在随访期间发生失访或者终检的情况时,就必须采用不完全数据队列寿命表法.  相似文献   

由生物物理研究所主持,植物研究所参加完成的"菠菜主要捕光复合物的晶体结构"研究成果以Article的方式发表在2004年3月18日出版的Nature上,该晶体结构图被选作本期杂志的封面图案.本文介绍了该项成果的研究背景、意义、主要创新点及方法.  相似文献   

正巴甫洛夫是俄国生理学家、心理学家、医师,曾荣获诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。一次,一个年轻人问巴甫洛夫:“您是研究生理学的,请问人的一生共有几种行动方式?”巴甫洛夫说:“这个问题我想从生理学之外的角度来回答你。人的一生基本有两种行动方式,一种是向下滑溜,一种是向上攀登。”年轻人又问道:“您能详细说一下吗?”巴甫洛夫说:“一眼看上去,你会觉得向  相似文献   

张路 《百科知识》2004,(8):31-32
最近一些媒体上进行了科学主义与反科学主义,科学研究(支持科学)与反科学的讨论。随着讨论的深入和发展,又提出了历史上的索卡尔事件,事情好像是越闹越大了,也越来越热闹了。  相似文献   

正1.生菠菜91%都是水,只比黄瓜的含水量少了5%。2.如果拿100克菠菜和100克汉堡肉饼做比较,会发现菠菜中的含铁量比肉饼里的还要多。准确来说,100克菠菜里含有3.57毫克左右的铁,而100克肉饼中的铁只有约2.49毫克。3.全世界菠菜产量最高的国家是中国,每年的菠菜产量大约有2 600万吨,约占全球总产量的92%。  相似文献   

菠菜籽套种玉米这项高效栽培技术的示范、推广及应用。  相似文献   

建筑中时间和空间感是人们首先得到的感知,虽然袁观的都是静的感知,因建筑设计具体的表观手法不同,体现的意象也不完全相同,再加上所表达的意义不同,最后的建筑就会表现出各自的风格.  相似文献   

针对两种甲乙酮生产工艺的比较针行论述。  相似文献   

李光 《百科知识》2010,(2):53-54
低碳生活是指低能耗和低污染的生活方式,或者说是以降低温室气体排放为特点的生活方式。低碳生活中的低碳食物则不仅有利于保护环境,也有利于人的健康。但是,低碳食物有两种概念,一种是指粮食产品生产过程的低能耗和二气化碳排放量低,二是指含碳水化合物少的食物。这两种食物的相同点都有利于人的健康,但却有较大的差异。  相似文献   

一、果蔬保鲜剂 1.配方。亚氯酸钠(或氯酸钠)25%,硫酸亚铁15%,氧化锌10%,活性碳50%。 2.制法。将上述原料混合,加少量水充分搅拌,在110℃的高温条件下干燥后,制成直径2.5mm的小颗粒即成。 3.使用方法。将该保鲜剂分装成小袋,可用透气  相似文献   

 The fern genus Diplaziopsis C. Chr. of Index Filicum has long been considered as a monotypic one, with the sole species, D. javanica (B1.) C. Chr. from tropical Asia.  In 1906, H. Christ described a second species, Allantodia cavaleriana Christ (=D. cavale- riana C. Chr.) from Kweichow, West China, but this was since not fully recognized by fern students in general, being often considered as a variety of the first species.  This is certainly a mistake, as is shown by ample herbarium specimens today.  In the recent work on the genus, the writer has found among the herbarium material two additional new species from China, thus bringing the genus up to four species in Asia, mainly from China, where, as it is, the genus has its center of development from the long past.      Phylogenetically, Diplaziopsis C. Chr. represents one of the offshoots from the great stock of diplazioid ferns, of which the genus Diplazium Sw. constitutes the main body of the group and from which our genus differs chiefly in its leaves of a thin texture with reticulated venation, but not so much in its type of indusium as it has generally been emphasized by most botanists in the past, for, as it is, the type of indusium in Di- plaziopsis also prevails in many species of Diplazium, for which C. B. Clarke (Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Bot. I:495, 1880) created, but really superfluously, a subgenus Pseudal- lantodia, about which the writer will dwell in another paper in the near future.  Suffice it to say here that the indusium in Diplaziopsis as revealed by the species treated here is, indeed, typical of diplazioid ferns, only often, as it happens, with  its  adaxial  edge pressed so tight under the expanding sorus that it is unable to open freely along its upper free edge and, as a result, its thin vaulted back bursts open from the pressure of the ex- panding sorus underneath.      As a result of the present study, following four species of the genus have been re- cognized.      Diplaziopsis javanica (B1.) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. (1905) 227.      Wide spread in tropical Asia, northwardly to Bakbo and the southern part of Yun- nan, China.      D. cavaleriana (Christ) C. Chr. Ind. Fil. Suppl. I (1913) 25.      Ranges from West China through northern part of Fukien of East China to Japan.      D. intermedia Ching, sp. nov.      Endemic in West China:  Mt. Omei, Szechuan, and Kweichow.      D. hainanensis Ching, sp. nov.      In conclusion, it may be pointed out that with the modern plant taxonomy pursued in a more efficient manner than in the past, and especially by the introduction of the cytotaxonomic methods, the so-called “monotypic genera”, as conceived by the orthodox systematists, will continue to prove, to a great extent, to be lack of  enough  scientific ground.  The fact that the “monotypic genus” of Diplaziopsis C. Chr. is now found to be a genus of four well-defined species is once again an instance to illustrate the pointat issue.  相似文献   

吸湿排汗面料。世界各大权威纺织机构研究表明,吸湿排汗及相关功能性纺织品是未来消费市场的一大趋势。据预测,该类产品在2005年全球市场的销售额可达50-100亿美元,因此,吸湿排汗纺织品具有良好的发展前景。海外有实力的品牌商已扩大服装市场的应用。一些纺织公司将提供相应的产品咨询、技术服务、品质监测和服装吊牌等服务。  相似文献   

采用浸泡法、超声波法及微波辅助法提取菠菜中的色素,利用薄层色谱(TLC)和柱色谱相结合的方法对色素进行分离纯化,并用紫外-可见光谱对分离的酋带成分进了鉴定。  相似文献   

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