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This text is essentially based on works carried out for a research which was subsidized from 1997 to 2000 by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The goal of this study was to examine the general tendencies of education and research in archival science. First, a review of the literature published from 1985 to 1998 allowed us to establish a state of the art. Then, a survey was completed with a questionnaire which has been sent to educational institutions, national archives institutions and researchers. Answers were received from more than 70 different countries. With regards to the education program, the analysis of data shows that there have seen notable progresses. More than the growth of the number of programs, we must especially recognize the constant improvement of its contents, which is achieved in conformity with the propositions made in the literature. As for the research, it exists a community of ideas about fields and themes to be privileged even if there is an apparent division of the researchers into two groups. The first group distinguishes itself by its cohesion by unanimously recognizing a small number (nine) of priorities in research in archival science. The second group shows multiple interests which cover 30 research themes. The author conclude in saying that the development of education and research in archival science are on their way, but nothing has yet been won. It is important to accentuate the efforts to insure a durable life to education and research as pillars of the discipline. This text is an overview of a project which has been subsidized by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) from 1997 to 2000. It has been presented in September 2000 in Seville (Spain) at the 10th Symposium of the Section for Archival Education and Training of the International Council on Archives (CIA/SAE).  相似文献   

Archival science is to be regarded as a system. The properties of that system can be investigated and integrated. The methodology to do so has been tested in two research projects which are presented in this article as examples of the way in which the view of archival science as a system supports the development of new knowledge and as a demonstration of the stability of archival theory. This article presupposes that the archival discipline is also a “science”. Many have argued against the idea on the basis of a common perception that a science is a type of study entirely objective by virtue of the rigorous manner in which it is carried out and the restricted range of topics to which it applies. In fact, the activity of science is based upon a complex framework of assumptions that make it possible for the landscape of the scientific endeavour to be redrawn over time, and, while striving towards objectivity, considers it to be an unattainable ideal.  相似文献   

Archival science is to be regarded as a system. The properties of that system can be investigated and integrated. The methodology to do so has been tested in two research projects which are presented in this article as examples of the way in which the view of archival science as a system supports the development of new knowledge and as a demonstration of the stability of archival theory. This article presupposes that the archival discipline is also a “science”. Many have argued against the idea on the basis of a common perception that a science is a type of study entirely objective by virtue of the rigorous manner in which it is carried out and the restricted range of topics to which it applies. In fact, the activity of science is based upon a complex framework of assumptions that make it possible for the landscape of the scientific endeavour to be redrawn over time, and, while striving towards objectivity, considers it to be an unattainable ideal.  相似文献   

知识管理与图书馆学、情报学专业教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着知识社会的到来,图书馆学、情报学的研究呈现出知识化趋向,以知识为中心的图书馆学情报学学科体系正在形成.图书馆学情报学专业教育也将围绕知识和知识管理进行整合与调整。  相似文献   

中国档案学研究内容广博,外国档案学研究内容精深;中国档案学研究主体以高校档案专业教师为主,外国档案学研究主体以档案实际工作者为主;中国档案学研究方法以定性描述为主,外国档案学研究方法以实证研究为主。中外档案学研究的明显差异性不是偶然出现的,它与中外档案事业管理体制、教育体系和各国研究历史传统、档案职业专业化水平等诸多因素都有关系,在本文中,作者对产生这三个方面差异的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

在调查比较中英文献中日益增多的档案多元现象的基础上,归纳了国外档案多元论代表性作者的代表性学术观点,探究了档案多元论与档案中立说及文件连续体管理模式和文件管理信息学的关系,讨论了档案多元论对档案教育与研究的影响以及对档案实践应用的启示。  相似文献   

再论网络档案学及其学科构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过系统分析网络档案学研究现状并从认识论的角度阐释出网络档案学研究的重要性,且从战略、理论、实践三个视角分析如何构建网络档案学学科的实践路径,明确指出构建网络档案学是网络环境下档案学学科发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

The dominant paradigm in Archival Science, thehistorical-technicist paradigm, has its origins with the French Revolution and raised from the social, economic, political, ideological and cultural changes that occur during the 19th and 20th centuries. During this last one and due specially to the technological revolution Archival Science reinforced its technical component and became autonomous in face of History, but the consolidation of the model, based on a custodial, technicist and documentalist perspective, is associated to a knowledge essentially empirical. By effect of the new conditions generated by Information Society, the dominant paradigm entered into a crisis and developed inside itself the factors which, unavoidably, will produce the paradigm shift. The new paradigm — thescientific-informational paradigm — conceives Archival Science as an applied discipline into the scope of Information Science and defines unequivocally its object of study — the archive, understood as aninformation system — and its scientific method of research. The method tends to find consolidation through quadripolar research dynamics, which is operated and continuously repeated within the field of knowledge itself, which implies a permanent interaction on four poles — epistemological, theoretical, technical and morphological.  相似文献   

Archival science and changes in the paradigm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The dominant paradigm in Archival Science, thehistorical-technicist paradigm, has its origins with the French Revolution and raised from the social, economic, political, ideological and cultural changes that occur during the 19th and 20th centuries. During this last one and due specially to the technological revolution Archival Science reinforced its technical component and became autonomous in face of History, but the consolidation of the model, based on a custodial, technicist and documentalist perspective, is associated to a knowledge essentially empirical. By effect of the new conditions generated by Information Society, the dominant paradigm entered into a crisis and developed inside itself the factors which, unavoidably, will produce the paradigm shift. The new paradigm — thescientific-informational paradigm — conceives Archival Science as an applied discipline into the scope of Information Science and defines unequivocally its object of study — the archive, understood as aninformation system — and its scientific method of research. The method tends to find consolidation through quadripolar research dynamics, which is operated and continuously repeated within the field of knowledge itself, which implies a permanent interaction on four poles — epistemological, theoretical, technical and morphological.  相似文献   

以CSSCI数据库中来源于档案学的4269条文献为研究对象,利用CitespaceⅡ软件对相关引文数据和关键词数据进行分析和处理,以知识图谱的方式,梳理了我国档案学领域的研究力量分布、学术代表人物以及相关的重要学术文献,分析了近些年档案学研究的热点领域和前沿主题。  相似文献   

论模块教学理论在档案学专业素质教育中的实践与运用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出模块教学理论,论证了模块教学理论的科学性,并从课程的教学、专业课程体系的设置等方面探讨这一教学理论在档案学专业素质教育中的运用问题.  相似文献   

Operating of the laws on right to information is related to effective management of government records and information having social value. This article contains the relation of government records and records management considering the role of records management at institutions in execution of law on right to information in Turkey, and the evaluation of Turkish Law on the right to information that came into force in 2004 in view of records management and archival approaches.  相似文献   

Information seeking is part of information science, and its aim is to study how people seek and use information in their work, for what purpose the information is sought, how this information influences the effectiveness of the work and what barriers people perceive in their search for, and use of, necessary information. This study examines information seeking in pre-trial police investigation. There has been no previous attempt to examine information seeking in pre-trial police investigation, of the earlier studies in information seeking only those concerning lawyers represent a somewhat similar field. In both fields the work is subject to confidentiality, which is strictly regulated by law. This study was carried out partly in cooperation with another study, which examines documentation in pre-trial investigation. During the research project it became obvious that information seeking with its different components is something also to be taken into account in documentation and records management.  相似文献   

论图书馆信息营销的管理学特性   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
论述图书馆信息营销的管理学属性,认为图书馆信息营销是对图书馆管理核心价值的继承和发展,是对传统图书馆管理方式的变革和突破以及对传统图书馆管理文化的创新,指出充分认识图书馆信息营销的管理学特性,积极开展信息服务工作,对促进图书馆事业的发展具有一定的意义。  相似文献   


Many archivists regard the archival imagination evidenced in the writings of David Bearman as avant-garde. Archivist Linda Henry has sharply criticized Bearman for being irreverent toward the archival theory and practice outlined by classical American archivist T. R. Schellenberg. Although Bearman is sometimes credited-and sometimes berated-for establishing “a new paradigm” centered on the archival management of electronic records, his methods and strategies are intended to encompass all forms of record keeping. The essay provides general observations on Bearman's archival imagination, lists some of its components, and addresses elements of Henry's critique. Although the longlasting impact of Bearman's imagination upon the archival profession might be questioned, it nonetheless deserves continued consideration by archivists and inclusion as a component of graduate archival education.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]本文系统梳理了中国图书情报与档案管理学界在2019年的主要研究热点。[方法/过程]论文采用内容分析法,辅助以简单定量分析,全面而有重点地回顾了在新中国成立一级学科事业、研究和教育中的历史研究,数字人文研究,数据驱动下的核心知识、技术和服务变化研究成果;分别综述了图书馆学、情报学和档案学在2019年重点领域中的研究进展。[结果/结论]论文认为图书情报与档案管理学科坚持在贴近国家重大需求,延续学科内核和使命,主动将信息职业的实践、研究和教育三个领域融合到学术中取得突破。  相似文献   

This text is essentially based on works carriedout for a research which was subsidized from1997 to 2000 by the Social Sciences andHumanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).The goal of this study was to examine thegeneral tendencies of education and research inarchival science. First, a review of theliterature published from 1985 to 1998 allowedus to establish a state of the art. Then, asurvey was completed with a questionnaire whichhas been sent to educational institutions,national archives institutions and researchers.Answers were received from more than 70different countries. With regards to theeducation program, the analysis of data showsthat there have seen notable progresses. Morethan the growth of the number of programs, wemust especially recognize the constantimprovement of its contents, which is achievedin conformity with the propositions made in theliterature. As for the research, it exists acommunity of ideas about fields and themes tobe privileged even if there is an apparentdivision of the researchers into two groups.The first group distinguishes itself by itscohesion by unanimously recognizing a smallnumber (nine) of priorities in research inarchival science. The second group showsmultiple interests which cover 30 researchthemes. The author conclude in saying that thedevelopment of education and research inarchival science are on their way, but nothinghas yet been won. It is important to accentuatethe efforts to insure a durable life toeducation and research as pillars of thediscipline.  相似文献   

本文结合文献计量分析法和文献研读法,对2022年《档案学研究》和《档案学通讯》所刊发的207篇学术论文进行研究力量布局与研究主题分布分析,并与2021年分析结果相比较,发现高等院校仍是档案学研究的主体力量,来自业界的研究力量有所增强。2022年中国档案学研究依旧关注“档案学基础理论”“档案治理”“档案与数字人文”“电子文件”“中国古文书学”等主题,但也涌现了“红色档案”和“档案学科建设与发展”等新主题;研究特点上呈现显著的本土化和跨学科性,但在关注“人”的需求、跨学科的双向互动以及研究深度上仍有待加强。未来中国档案学研究仍需立足中国档案工作的实际和需求,对从西方移植的理论进行本土化、中国化的过滤和处理,对中国传统的档案思想进行创新性转化和发展,同时,基于档案工作、档案事业发展的新实践和新需求,提出新的思想和理论。  相似文献   

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