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程豪  张峥 《教育技术导刊》2019,18(10):186-190
为了综合比较国内外协同创新领域的研究现状与热点,运用信息可视化软件CiteSpace V,以CSSCI数据库中1 186篇文献与Web of Science核心合集中1 502篇文献为数据池,绘制国内外协同创新研究领域知识图谱。通过文献年度分析、核心作者及重要机构合作网络分析、关键性共现分析,对国内外协同创新进行评价与比较研究。研究结果表明,创新绩效与技术创新是国内外共同关注的焦点,高等院校是国内外协同创新研究的主要阵地;国内协同创新侧重于对战略性新兴产业与学科建设的探索研究,而国外协同创新偏向于系统与模式研究及绩效研究。  相似文献   

京津冀协同发展上升为重大国家战略以来,京津冀协同创新、京津冀协同创新共同体的研究成为学术界关注的焦点。围绕京津冀协同创新、京津冀协同创新共同体研究主题,选取2013—2022年的346篇CSSCI期刊论文为样本,运用文献计量分析方法并通过citespace软件从时区分布、研究机构、热点议题等角度深入分析文献的研究进展、特征及视角,并提出了未来应从深化研究体系、建设合作体系、与实践深度结合三个方面进行深入研究。  相似文献   

党的二十大报告指出,要“统筹职业教育、高等教育、继续教育协同创新”。作为“三教”协同创新的交汇点,开放大学在学习型社会建设过程中,应该瞄准办学定位,办人民满意的教育,在推进中国式现代化建设中贡献开放大学力量。本文通过对2010-2023年国内核心期刊论文文献进行可视化分析,绘制了关键词共现知识图谱,确定突变词和趋势演变分析,并对突发性关键词进行二次分析,探究国内高校继续教育研究的总体情况和研究趋势,力求为开放大学推进“三教”协同创新提供可视化的数据参考。  相似文献   

产学研协同创新将是国家实施创新驱动发展战略,实现科技强国的重要措施和必经之路。以"产学研协同创新"为研究主题,根据2010年至2016年的相关研究资料,从"概念内涵""生态视角""知识视角""机制视角""绩效评价"五个角度对产学研协同创新的相关文献进行梳理、分析,可为未来产学研协同创新发展提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   

以高校协同创新为主要研究对象,在梳理国内有关文献的基础上,从创新模式、影响因素、创新模型、运行与评价机制、实现路径及发达国家或地区的经验借鉴等方面进行较为全面的文献综述,提出高校协同创新研究的不足与展望,以期为高校协同创新的深入研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

文章针对当前高校产学研协同创新生态系统研究的不足,借鉴模糊数学理论,结合高校产学研协同创新生态系统的特征,从创新主体、创新资源、创新生态环境3个维度着手,采用层次分析法为各指标赋值,通过调研问卷收集数据,采用多层次模糊综合评价,构建高校产学研协同创新生态系统模糊综合评价模型,将定量与定性结合起来对高校产学研协同创新生态系统进行评价。以浙江省高校为研究样本进行实证研究,结果表明该模型具有较好的适用性,可以为优化高校产学研协同创新生态系统结构提供指导与借鉴,促进高校产学研协同创新系统的稳定健康发展。  相似文献   

随着中国特色社会主义步入新时代,高校协同创新不仅是顺应科技发展的迫切要求,而且是加速创新型国家建设的应有之义。为了更加全面、客观地了解高校协同创新领域的发展现状,文章利用Cooc与CiteSpace这两款可视化工具,从研究的热点、前沿、发展趋势及文献结构特征四个维度,对该领域的发展现状进行分析与总结。结果表明:当前高校协同创新领域研究处于快速发展阶段,但研究主体之间合作力度较弱,学科交叉性研究不足;研究热点主要集中在高校协同创新的内容与主体这两个方面;研究前沿主要集中在政府支持、生态系统与“双一流”相关内容;发展趋势分为初步探索期、持续发展期与深化研究期三个阶段。基于以上结果分析,文章从7个方面为我国高校协同创新领域的发展提供建议,希冀为该领域的发展提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

文章运用文献计量和知识图谱方法,发现2000—2014年间我国高校协同创新的研究内容主要聚焦于"协同创新、人才培养、产学研合作"等热点问题。文章对以上三大聚类的协同创新研究做了相对集中的分析,同时认为,已有研究偏重于定性分析,对高校协同创新的运行机制、影响因素以及政策协同性的研究缺乏系统性和实证性研究,为此提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

协同创新已成为时代主题。然而,多元普世性的逻辑因素严重影响了大学与产业科研协同创新的实体化组建。近年来,国外大量关于影响大学与产业科研协同创新逻辑因素的实证研究文献,主要探讨了大学与产业科研协同创新的动机因素、制约因素和决定因素,取得了富有规律性的研究结论,对我国当前加强高校协同创新具有重要启发意义。  相似文献   

以中国知网CSSCI数据库和Web of Science数据库中发表的创新创业教育文献为研究对象,进行文献计量分析和社会网络分析,梳理发展脉络,对比研究差异。结果显示,我国在该领域研究发文数量少,质量不高,专业期刊级别较低。缺乏顶尖院校、研究院和行业龙头企业参与,尚未形成核心作者集群。与国情相关的实证研究少而不精,对社会迫切问题的研究不够深入。近两年,国内的研究热点开始发生变化,如结合了大数据、“互联网+”等。未来创新创业教育领域将更多强调协同创新和交叉融合,这将极大丰富我国创新创业教育的理论基础,并为该领域指明新的方向。  相似文献   

电子商务的快速发展以及其在企业运营中的广泛应用,为充分发挥竞争情报的巨大作用提供了基础条件。从竞争情报的影响和电子商务的需求入手,着重探讨了竞争情报运用中所涉及的问题及相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

Complex Instruction (CI) is a cooperative learning approach, which aims at improving the equal status interaction among students working in groups who may be at different academic and social levels. Based on an ethnographic research, the article examines how a group of Italian primary school teachers understand the status problem and how the finding from this research demonstrates a change in their expectations of competence through using CI. This research analyses to what extent these teachers meet the original goal of achieving greater equity, as well as discussing implications for teachers' professional development.  相似文献   

Concept Inventories (CIs) are assessments designed to measure student learning of core concepts. CIs have become well known for their major impact on pedagogical techniques in other sciences, especially physics. Presently, there are no widely used, validated CIs for computer science. However, considerable groundwork has been performed in the form of identifying core concepts, analyzing student misconceptions, and developing CI assessment questions. Although much of the work has been focused on CS1 and a CI has been developed for digital logic, some preliminary work on CIs is underway for other courses. This literature review examines CI work in other STEM disciplines, discusses the preliminary development of CIs in computer science, and outlines related research in computer science education that contributes to CI development.  相似文献   

There has been much research conducted demonstrating the positive benefits of cochlear implantation (CI) in children who are deaf. Research on CI in children who are both deaf and blind, however, is lacking. The purpose of this article is to present a study of five congenitally deafblind children who received cochlear implants between 2.2 and 4.2 years of age. Ratings of video observations were used to measure the children's early communication development with and without the use of their cochlear implants. In addition, parental interviews were used to assess the benefits parents perceived regarding their children's cochlear implants. Two examples are included in this article to illustrate the parents' perspectives about CI in their deafblind children. Benefits of CI in this cohort of children included improved attention and emotional response as well as greater use of objects in interaction with adults. The best overall outcome of CI is not spoken language but better communication.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of a cochlear implant (CI) on the motor development of deaf children. The study involved 36 mainstreamed deaf children (15 boys, 21 girls; 4- to 12-years old) without any developmental problems. Of these children, 20 had been implanted. Forty-three hearing children constituted a comparison group. Motor development was assessed by three standardized tests: the Movement Assessment Battery for Children, the K?rperkoordinationstest für Kinder, and the One-leg standing test. Results showed that the hearing children performed on average significantly better than the deaf children (whether or not using a CI). Regarding the use of a CI, there was only a significant difference on one subtest between both groups, although there was a nonsignificant trend for the deaf +CI group to score somewhat worse on average than the deaf -CI group. This led to some significant differences between the hearing group and the deaf +CI group on measures requiring balance that did not hold for the hearing/deaf -CI comparison. Although this study could demonstrate neither a positive nor a negative impact of CI on balance and motor skills, the data raise the need for further, preferably longitudinal, research.  相似文献   

文学批评中,对待性范畴指两个范畴意义相对,但是这种对立不是绝对对立,而是相互为济,相互补充的。词学中对待性范畴非常多,词人和批评家对词体认识的矛盾和困惑性,也体现在词学对待性范畴两个端点间的游离中。利用对待性范畴可以认识词体提供一个新的视角,词学对待性范畴研究非常重要。  相似文献   

The scattered, little-known literature on classroom disturbances depicts their aversive nature and growing costs, but rarely in higher education. Here I summarize a five-year study of classroom incivilities (CI) at a large research university. In systematic observations of large survey courses, I ranked the most problematic CI as (1) teachers displaying aloof, distancing mannerisms; (2) teachers discouraging student involvement with fast-paced lectures; (3) students' noisiness and indifference; (4) students coming late and leaving early; (5) students' sarcastic remarks/gestures; and so on. High levels of CI corresponded to low levels of student attentiveness and note-taking—and to low levels of teacher enthusiasm, clarity/organization, and immediacies (i.e., expressions of warmth and approachability). High CI meant fastpaced lectures, student confusion/annoyance, and perceptions of teachers as uncaring and incompetent. The key initiator of CI may be teachers' deficits in immediacies, particularly during the first few days of classes. Immediacy was coached here with demonstrable reductions in CI.  相似文献   

The paper aims to demonstrate the value of cognitive interviewing (CI) as a survey pretesting method in comparative education research. Although rarely used by education researchers, CI has been successfully applied in different disciplines to evaluate and improve question performance. The method assumes that observing people’s thought processes when they answer survey questions can detect response problems and point to possible solutions. To illustrate the merits of CI, we present the findings from eight cognitive interviews, which informed the development of a bilingual English/Georgian online questionnaire. The main objectives of our CI study were to (a) examine cognitive validity of survey questions, (b) determine semantic equivalence of the source (English) and translated (Georgian) versions of the questionnaire and (c) establish conceptual equivalence of survey measures across two cultures. We conducted two rounds of cognitive interviews, one in each language, using a combination of think-aloud and verbal probing techniques. Our analysis suggests that CI can help to identify causes of response difficulties and develop more accurate and comparable survey measures for cross-cultural education research.  相似文献   

The number of children who have received cochlear implants (CIs) has increased dramatically in the past two decades. In view of potential concerns about their psychosocial adjustment, our aim was to assess the effect of implants on the adolescents' psychosocial functioning among a group of 57 deaf adolescents with and without CIs, using published and validated measures completed by the adolescents themselves, their parents, and teachers. Adolescents with CI tended to be more hearing acculturated, whereas those without CI tended to be more Deaf acculturated. Despite some differences in background characteristics between the two groups, there were no differences between them on the psychosocial variables assessed in this study, regardless of the reporting sources. Rather than having a direct effect on the psychosocial outcomes assessed in this study, it is through the mediating effect of acculturation and school setting that CI status exerts an influence over many of this study's outcomes. Recommendations for future research are made in light of our findings.  相似文献   

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