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We report a modeling and experimental study of techniques to acoustically focus particles flowing through a microfluidic channel. Our theoretical model differs from prior works in that we solve an approximate 2-D wave transmission model that accounts for wave propagation in both the solid and fluid phases. Our simulations indicate that particles can be effectively focused at driving frequencies as high as 10% off of the resonant condition. This conclusion is supported by experiments on the acoustic focusing of particles in nearly square microchannels, which are studied for different flow rates, driving frequencies and placements of the lead zirconate titanate transducer, either underneath the microchannel or underneath a parallel trough. The relative acoustic potential energy and the resultant velocity fields for particles with positive acoustic contrast coefficients are estimated in the 2-D limit. Confocal microscopy was used to observe the spatial distribution of the flowing microparticles in three dimensions. Through these studies, we show that a single driving frequency from a single piezoelectric actuator can induce the 2-D concentration of particles in a microchannel with a nearly square cross section, and we correlate these behaviors with theoretical predictions. We also show that it is possible to control the extent of focusing of the microparticles, and that it is possible to decouple the focusing of microparticles in the vertical direction from the lateral direction in rectangular channels with anisotropic cross sections. This study provides guidelines to design and operate microchip-based acoustofluidic devices for precise control over the spatial arrangement of microparticles for applications such as flow cytometry and cellular sorting.  相似文献   

Dielectrophoresis (DEP) of biomolecules has large potential to serve as a novel selectivity parameter for bioanalytical methods such as (pre)concentration, fractionation, and separation. However, in contrast to well-characterized biological cells and (nano)particles, the mechanism of protein DEP is poorly understood, limiting bioanalytical applications for proteins. Here, we demonstrate a detailed investigation of factors influencing DEP of diagnostically relevant immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecules using insulator-based DEP (iDEP) under DC conditions. We found that the pH range in which concentration of IgG due to streaming iDEP occurs without aggregate formation matches the pH range suitable for immunoreactions. Numerical simulations of the electrokinetic factors pertaining to DEP streaming in this range further suggested that the protein charge and electroosmotic flow significantly influence iDEP streaming. These predictions are in accordance with the experimentally observed pH-dependent iDEP streaming profiles as well as the determined IgG molecular properties. Moreover, we observed a transition in the streaming behavior caused by a change from positive to negative DEP induced through micelle formation for the first time experimentally, which is in excellent qualitative agreement with numerical simulations. Our study thus relates molecular immunoglobulin properties to observed iDEP, which will be useful for the future development of protein (pre)concentration or separation methods based on DEP.  相似文献   

In this work the applicability of magnetic bubble memories for the processing of inverted files has been discussed. Four novel models of magnetic bubble memories are presented to demonstrate the storage structures and the data processing. The first model employs an organization of major-minor loops. On the basis of such organization a uniform ladder is formed so that the data can be rearranged by using four operations (global shift, detached shift, exchange and delta exchange). The second model makes use of the on-chip decoder (also known as self-contained magnetic bubble-domain memory chip). For this model a hashing scheme is relied upon to perform the required data operations. The third and fourth models are different combinations of the first two models. The latter two models may provide a relatively high-speed performance as well as a reasonable system complexity.For each model the algorithms of data retrieval, sorting, deletion, insertion and updating are given. Also, a comparison of the four models has been carried out in order to determine the most convenient magnetic bubble memory structure for the processing of inverted files.  相似文献   

The manipulation of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) extracted from E. coli cells by dielectrophoresis (DEP) has been demonstrated over the range of 3 kHz-50 MHz using interdigitated microelectrodes. Quantitative measurement using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy of the time dependent collection indicated a positive DEP response characterized by a plateau between 3 kHz and 1 MHz followed by a decrease in response at higher frequencies. Negative DEP was observed above 9 MHz. The positive DEP response below 1 MHz is described by the Clausius-Mossotti model and corresponds to an induced dipole moment of 3300 D with a polarizability of 7.8×10(-32) F m(2). The negative DEP response above 9 MHz indicates that the rRNA molecules exhibit a net moment of -250 D, to give an effective permittivity value of 78.5 ε(0), close to that of the aqueous suspending medium, and a relatively small surface conductance value of ~0.1 nS. This suggests that our rRNA samples have a fairly open structure accessible to the surrounding water molecules, with counterions strongly bound to the charged phosphate groups in the rRNA backbone. These results are the first demonstration of DEP for fast capture and release of rRNA units, opening new opportunities for rRNA-based biosensing devices.  相似文献   

he behavior of individual microscopic particles,such as an atom(or a photon),predicted using quantum mechanics,is dramatically diferent from the behavior of classical particles,such as a planet,determined using classical mechanics.How can the counter-intuitive behavior of the microscopic particle be veriied and manipulated experimentally?David Wineland and Serge Haroche,who were awarded the Nobel Priz in physics in 2012,developed a set of methods to isolate the ions and photons from their environment to create a genuine quantum system.Furthermore,they also developed methods to measure and manipulate these quantum systems,which open a path not only to explore the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics,but also to develop a much faster computer:a quantum computer.  相似文献   

Viewer gifting is an important business mode in live streaming industry, which closely relates to the income of the platforms and streamers. Previous studies on gifting prediction are often limited to cross-section data and consider the problem from the macro perspective of the whole live streaming. However, the multimodal information and the time accumulation effect of live streaming content on viewer gifting behavior are ignored. In this paper, we put forward a multimodal time-series method (MTM) for predicting real-time gifting. The core module of the method is the multimodal time-series analysis (MTA), which targets at effectively fusing multimodal information. Specifically, the proposed orthogonal projection (OP) model can promote cross-modal information interaction without introducing additional parameters. To achieve the interaction of multi-modal information at the same level, we also design a stackable joint representation layer, which makes each target modality's representation (visual, acoustic and textual modality) can benefit from all the other modalities. The residual connections are introduced as well to ensure the integration of low-level and high-level information. On our dataset, our model shows improved performance compared to other advanced models by at least 8% on F1. Meanwhile, the MTA is able to meet the real-time requirements of the live streaming setting, and has demonstrated its robustness and transferability in other tasks. Our research may offer some insights about how to efficiently fuse multimodal information, and contribute to the research on viewer gifting behavior prediction in the live streaming context.  相似文献   

This paper reports the use of a recent composite material, noted hereafter i-PDMS, made of carbonyl iron microparticles mixed in a PolyDiMethylSiloxane (PDMS) matrix, for magnetophoretic functions such as capture and separation of magnetic species. We demonstrated that this composite which combine the advantages of both components, can locally generate high gradients of magnetic field when placed between two permanent magnets. After evaluating the magnetic susceptibility of the material as a function of the doping ratio, we investigated the molding resolution offered by i-PDMS to obtain microstructures of various sizes and shapes. Then, we implemented 500 μm i-PDMS microstructures in a microfluidic channel and studied the influence of flow rate on the deviation and trapping of superparamagnetic beads flowing at the neighborhood of the composite material. We characterized the attraction of the magnetic composite by measuring the distance from the i-PDMS microstructure, at which the beads are either deviated or captured. Finally, we demonstrated the interest of i-PDMS to perform magnetophoretic functions in microsystems for biological applications by performing capture of magnetically labeled cells.  相似文献   

This paper reports the development of a scalable continuous microfluidic-based method for the preparation of multilayered biopolymer microcapsules and microparticles, with a size range of 1 to 100 μm, in a single-layered polydimethylsiloxane-based device. This new approach has been utilised to produce polyethylene oxide (PEO)-based microparticles, layered with subsequent stage wise coatings of polylactide-based block copolymers and polyvinylpyrrolidone. The production process was shown to allow for on-chip encapsulation of protein and vitamin molecules in the biopolymer micro particles, without any further handling after collection from the device. We have studied the release profiles in the case of model molecules of distinctive molecular weights, namely, vitronectin, horse radish peroxidase, and vitamin B(12). We compared the release properties of the microparticles to those from macro-gels of the same materials prepared off-chip. The results indicated that the microparticles have definitively different molecular weight cut-off characteristics, likely due to a denser microstructure within the microparticles compared to the bulk hydrogels. This difference suggests that significant benefits may exist in the use of this method to produce layered biopolymer microparticles in achieving improved controlled release and encapsulation.  相似文献   

提出一种利用DRX(discontinuous reception)降低UE(user equipment)功耗的视频流调度方法,该方法在保证数据包时延要求的同时,减少了InactivityTimer的开启次数,增加了UE的休眠时间.仿真结果表明,相比已有的DRX机制下的实时业务调度方法,该方法可以在丢包率相同的情况下,显著降低UE的功耗.  相似文献   

The T-shaped microchannel system is used to mix similar or different fluids, and the laminar flow nature makes the mixing at the entrance junction region a challenging task. Acoustic streaming is a steady vortical flow phenomenon that can be produced in the microchannel by oscillating acoustic transducer around the sharp edge tip structure. In this study, the acoustic streaming is produced using a triangular structure with tip angles of 22.62°, 33.4°, and 61.91°, which is placed at the entrance junction region and mixes the inlets flow from two directions. The acoustic streaming flow patterns were investigated using micro-particle image velocimetry (μPIV) in various tip edge angles, flow rate, oscillation frequency, and amplitude. The velocity and vorticity profiles show that a pair of counter-rotating streaming vortices were created around the sharp triangle structure and raised the Z vorticity up to 10 times more than the case without acoustic streaming. The mixing experiments were performed by using fluorescent green dye solution and de-ionized water and evaluated its performance with the degree of mixing (M) at different amplitudes, flow rates, frequencies, and tip edge angles using the grayscale value of pixel intensity. The degree of mixing characterized was found significantly improved to 0.769 with acoustic streaming from 0.4017 without acoustic streaming, in the case of 0.008 μl/min flow rate and 38 V oscillation amplitude at y = 2.15 mm. The results suggested that the creation of acoustic streaming around the entrance junction region promotes the mixing of two fluids inside the microchannel, which is restricted by the laminar flow conditions.  相似文献   

Video game streaming (VGS) has attracted hundreds of millions of viewers all over the world to not only watch but also participate in a variety of VGS activities, such as interacting with streamers and other co-viewers, gift-giving, and social sharing of the viewing experience. The success of the VGS paradigm depends on the active participation of the viewers, since it creates economic, hedonic, and social values. This study applied a mixed-methods approach to explore the critical environmental stimuli evoking viewers’ cognitive and emotional state and empirically tested a research model examining viewers’ participation. Using qualitative interviews, three environmental stimuli were identified (i.e., broadcaster appeal, medium appeal, and perceived co-viewer involvement), which were adopted in the quantitative research model. The research findings suggested that environmental stimuli were positively related to both cognitive and emotional organisms, namely cognitive involvement and arousal, which in turn impacted viewers’ participation.  相似文献   

In this article, the authors analyze the popular search queries used in Google and Yahoo! over a 24-month period, January 2004–December 2005. They develop and employ a new methodology and metrics to examine and assess the digital divide in information uses, looking at the extent of political searches and their accuracy and variety. The findings indicate that some countries, particularly Germany, Russia, and Ireland, display greater accuracy of search terms, diversity of information uses, and sociopolitical concern. Also, in many English-speaking and Western countries most popular searches were about entertainment, implying a certain gap within these countries between the few who search for economic and political information and the many who do not.  相似文献   

房地产具有的金融属性和政治属性推动了房地产价格的上涨,进而形成泡沫。房地产泡沫给经济发展和安居工程带来巨大隐患。采用历史分析的方法,在分析哈尔滨市2007——2013年房地产行业相关指标的基础上,剖析哈尔滨市房地产泡沫宏微观方面的成因,提出相应的防治措施,为政府调控哈尔滨市房地产市场提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Electrorotation is widely used for characterization of biological cells and materials using a rotating electric field. Generally, multiphase AC electric fields and quadrupolar electrode configuration are needed to create a rotating electric field for electrorotation. In this study, we demonstrate a simple method to rotate dielectrophoretically trapped microparticles using a stationary AC electric field. Coplanar interdigitated electrodes are used to create a linearly polarized nonuniform AC electric field. This nonuniform electric field is employed for dielectrophoretic trapping of microparticles as well as for generating electroosmotic flow in the vicinity of the electrodes resulting in rotation of microparticles in a microfluidic device. The rotation of barium titanate microparticles is observed in 2-propanol and methanol solvent at a frequency below 1 kHz. A particle rotation rate as high as 240 revolutions per minute is observed. It is demonstrated that precise manipulation (both rotation rate and equilibrium position) of the particles is possible by controlling the frequency of the applied electric field. At low frequency range, the equilibrium positions of the microparticles are observed between the electrode edge and electrode center. This method of particle manipulation is different from electrorotation as it uses induced AC electroosmosis instead of electric torque as in the case of electrorotation. Moreover, it has been shown that a microparticle can be rotated along its own axis without any translational motion.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the U.S. economy a technology flows matrix tracing 1974 industrial R&D expenditures from their industries of origin to industries in which the use of resulting products and processes was anticipated. The distinction between origin and using industries is crucial to understanding the links between R&D and productivity growth. A regression analysis reveals high social rates of return and substantial productivity impacts from R&D attributed to industries of use.  相似文献   

We present a straightforward and rapid surface acoustic wave (SAW) atomization-based technique for encapsulating proteins into 10 μm order particles composed of a biodegradable polymeric excipient, using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as an exemplar. Scans obtained from confocal microscopy provide qualitative proof of encapsulation and show the fluorescent conjugated protein to be distributed in a relatively uniform manner within the polymer shell. An ELISA assay of the collected particles demonstrates that the BSA survives the atomization, particle formation, and collection process with a yield of approximately 55%. The SAW atomization universally gave particles with a textured morphology, and increasing the frequency and polymer concentration generally gave smaller particles (to 3 μm average) with reduced porosity.  相似文献   

Developing carriers of active ingredients with pre-determined release kinetics is a main challenge in the field of controlled release. In this work, we fabricate designer microparticles as carriers of active ingredients using droplet microfluidics. We show that monodisperse droplet templates do not necessarily produce monodisperse particles. Magnetic stirring, which is often used to enhance the droplet solidification rate, can promote breakup of the resultant microparticles into fragments; with an increase in the stirring time, microparticles become smaller in average size and more irregular in shape. Thus, the droplet solidification conditions affect the size, size distribution and morphology of the fabricated particles, and these attributes of the microparticles strongly influence their release kinetics. The smaller the average size of the microparticles is, the higher the initial release rate is. The release kinetics of drug carriers is strongly related to their characteristics. The understanding of this relationship enables the fabrication of tailor-designed carriers with a specified release rate, and even programmed release to meet the needs of applications that require a complex release profile of the active ingredients.  相似文献   

A new microchannel with a series of symmetric sharp corner structures is reported for passive size-dependent particle separation. Micro particles of different sizes can be completely separated based on the combination of the inertial lift force and the centrifugal force induced by the sharp corner structures in the microchannel. At appropriate flow rate and Reynolds number, the centrifugal force effect on large particles, induced by the sharp corner structures, is stronger than that on small particles; hence after passing a series of symmetric sharp corner structures, large particles are focused to the center of the microchannel, while small particles are focused at two particle streams near the two side walls of the microchannel. Particles of different sizes can then be completely separated. Particle separation with this device was demonstrated using 7.32 μm and 15.5 μm micro particles. Experiments show that in comparison with the prior multi-orifice flow fractionation microchannel and multistage-multiorifice flow fractionation microchannel, this device can completely separate two-size particles with narrower particle stream band and larger separation distance between particle streams. In addition, it requires no sheath flow and complex multi-stage separation structures, avoiding the dilution of analyte sample and complex operations. The device has potentials to be used for continuous, complete particle separation in a variety of lab-on-a-chip and biomedical applications.  相似文献   

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