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文化负迁移的产生与两种语言的文化内涵差异、不同思维方式、价值观和世界观等因素有关。在学习外语过程中,我们应该重视目标语背后的文化知识,使英语真正成为跨文化交流的工具。  相似文献   

此文研究了英语非母语学生,在美国某所公共大学网络课堂上学习时候所需要的帮助和支持。建立在网络教学文化差异研究的基础上,本研究关注这些学生在网络学习中可能面临的各种挑战(语言、文化、社交)等。研究揭示了这些挑战在这所大学网络课堂上的显现,并且建议了教学改进方法,比如教师应该更多地理解不同文化背景学生的学习方法和技能,从而改进教学设计和实施。  相似文献   

语用失误是异文化冲突的常见现象。从语用学的角度看,语用失误是语用人因缺乏准确了解或有效使用语言的能力而造成的表述和理解失误;从信息论的角度看,它是具有不同文化背景的交际双方进行信息传递时,产生的语义位移现象。认真分析语用失误案例,并对中西文化进行对比分析,可以减少和防范语用失误,避免异文化冲突。  相似文献   

自主学习是一种源自西方的教育理念,它的内涵决定了其既是学习模式也是教学策略的本质。追溯自主学习理念的文化渊源,分析其文化前提、文化支撑和理论框架有助于厘清大学英语自主学习涉及的中西文化差异,阐明其对中国英语学习者的影响。  相似文献   

The dramatic growth in student numbersassociated with the shift from elite to masssystems across virtually all developedcountries is central to current transformationsin terms of structure, purpose, social andeconomic role of higher education. As a part ofthis process of expansion and heterogenization,new groups of students who, for a complex rangeof social, economic and cultural reasons weretraditionally excluded from orunder-represented in higher education, mightbe expected to participate in increasingnumbers. The paper develops the concept ofnon-traditional learners and demonstrateshow an examination of ways in which highereducation systems respond to such learners canprovide a fruitful basis for a comparativeanalysis of change in higher education acrossten countries – Austria, Australia, Canada,Germany, Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Sweden,United Kingdom, and the United States. Theprimary emphasis in the study was on theinstitutional and policy issues which appearedto either inhibit or support participation bynon-traditional learners. On this basis sixfactors were identified which seemed to beparticularly influential with regard to theparticipation of non-traditional students andthe associated moves towards a lifelonglearning mode of higher education.The evidence suggests that, while progress canbe reported on a number of dimensions incomparison with a similar analysis ofparticipation by adults students in the samecountries undertaken just over a decadeearlier, high participation rates do notautomatically imply that the functions ofhigher education in social selection andreproduction are obsolete, or that issues ofaccess and equity can be regarded as featuresof the past.  相似文献   

英语报刊阅读是英语学习者提高英语阅读能力、了解英美国家主要信息和文化的重要手段.在进行英语报刊跨文化阅读的过程中,学习者不可避免地会感受到中西方文化间的碰撞。在当前国际社会畅行后现代批判教育的背景下,教师需要积极调动策略,帮助学习者批判地理解中西方文化的差异,化解其感受到的语言和文化冲突。提高跨文化批判阅读理解能力。从而提升英语综合素质。  相似文献   

从统一多民族国家的现实出发,根据“多元一体”的文化发展格局,以内蒙古“蒙汉双语”开放教育为例,运用个案研究方法,以尊重不同文化为出发点,从少数民族学员的文化背景、民族心理、使用语言、网络与多媒体学习环境等维度探究学习支持服务的差异性和有效性,廓清少数民族远程开放教育学习支持服务的构成要素;凝练民族性和地域性特征的学习支持服务的模式,使远程开放学习支持服务的内在价值得以更为充分地实现。  相似文献   

In this article, we analyze the production of learner-generated playgrids. Playgrids are produced when learners knit together social media tools to participate across settings and scales, accomplish their goals, pursue interests, and make their learning more enjoyable and personally meaningful. Through case study methodology we examine how two platforms - Slack and Hypothesis - enabled learners to curate and participate among their own digital resources and pathways for learning. We contend that both theoretical and pedagogical development is necessary to support adult learners as they curate tools and pathways based upon their contingent needs and goals, and that the concept of playgrids does so by usefully connecting less formal social media practice with more formal professional learning across various settings and scales. In the end, we demonstrate the importance of honoring learners’ desire to connect their completion of formal course activities with their less formal social media practices; both sets of practices need not be in conflict and may be complementary.  相似文献   

The study presents a framework for investigating the powerful resources within learners’ educational biographies, which, from their own accounts, appear to influence their engagement with teaching and learning practices. The research framework stresses the material, social and cultural influences on a learner’s biography and the need for recognition as well as the redistribution of resources. It assumes that both socio‐cultural influences as well as individual, affective and agentic phenomena play a role in shaping a student’s career. This framework is discussed in relation to a study undertaken at a South African university, at which 164 students, lecturers and academic support staff participated in semi‐structured interviews. The main focus of the interview was the individual’s educational biography as narrated by the individual. The findings support the socio‐cultural perspective and show that the relationship between identity, identification and feeling ‘at home’ with engagement in deep teaching and learning, is both complex and uneven.  相似文献   

开放与远程教育将来自不同国家或地区的学习者联系起来,通过Internet和学习管理系统(Learning Management System,简称LMS)的支持,学习者可以方便地进行网上交互和学习.学习者网上交互是学习者对所学知识的理解和深化的过程,因此交互成为提高学习质量的重要方式.然而,学习者网上交互受到多个因素的影响.本文以上海电视大学(Shanghai TV University,简称SHTVU)和马来西亚宏愿大学(Wawasan Open University,简称WOU)的学习者为研究对象,并对他们的网上交互进行了比较研究.研究发现了两国学习者网上交互行为的差异,并从国家文化差异、LMS的支持作用和教学模式的设计三个方面分析了差异产生的原因.针对这些原因,我们给出一些建议以帮助提高学习者网上学习的质量.  相似文献   

语言教学本质上是文化的教学,其目的是培养学习者跨文化交际的能力。跨文化交际是双向的,交际意味着吸纳和传播。以跨文化交际为视角,以实证调查研究为依据,分析中国大学英语教学的弊端,有助于大学英语教学改革和提高学习者跨文化交际的能力。  相似文献   

Substantially less is known about the motivations of indigenous heritage language learners than the motivations of learners of colonial languages. This study explores the motivations of Māori indigenous New Zealanders and the identity-related motivations they have for learning their heritage language. Interviews with 19 Māori language learners revealed that identity was a central motivation for both initiating the task of language learning and sustaining the behaviour. Rather than applying intrinsic/extrinsic dichotomies to understand Māori motivations, a relational framework was articulated. Māori, who are described as relationally oriented, were commonly motivated to learn the language as a means of building relationships with others in their cultural ingroup. There were also expectations that Māori were able to perform cultural roles using the language. This study confirmed that the pressures on indigenous learners to maintain a language for cultural continuation are quite separate from the motivations of learners of colonial languages.  相似文献   

Building on a pedagogical model designed to support the teaching and learning of the language of science investigation practices with middle school emergent bilingual learners, we developed a series of soccer and science investigations to promote interest and engagement in science learning. We used assemblage theory to study how students engaged in and acted within this bilingual curriculum situated in an afterschool soccer practice context. We found that soccer, a passion for several Latino students, can be used as a cultural tool for science teachers to support the emerging bilingual students’ learning process. Implications for educators and researchers considering ways of integrating diverse students’ cultural practices and passions with culturally sustaining pedagogies for science teaching and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

The study aimed to explore teachers’ attributions for learner difficulties in their schoolwork. In order to explore their attributions of controllability and stability, three groups of teachers, general mainstream class teachers (N = 39), mainstream learning support teachers (N = 35), and special school teachers (N = 25) were asked to rate vignettes about children’s difficulties. The results showed that the two groups of teachers working in the mainstream settings viewed learners with identified support needs as having less control over their performance than those with no specific support needs, while special school teachers viewed both learner groups similarly. Similar findings were found for teacher attributions of controllability in high‐ and low‐ability learners. Stability attributions across all conditions showed that special school teachers viewed children’s difficulties as more amenable to change than did the two groups of mainstream teachers. The implications of these findings for inclusion in mainstream schools are discussed.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     

This article proposes a content-orientated approach to teaching foreign languages in institution-wide language programmes. It posits that a separation of content and language in an entirely skills-based model of teaching non-specialist language learners is neither university-adequate nor in the interest of successful language learning. Arguing that content-driven curricula support collaborative and autonomous forms of learning, the paper proposes that general language modules should be based on a coherent, university-specific subject focus. The author suggests that language centres should draw on the cultural and disciplinary diversity of its students to create meaningful topics of cross-disciplinary communication. Making learners' cultural and academic experiences the subject of analysis aids the development of a group identity among non-specialist learners and thus the formation of authentic discourse communities even before contact with target language communities is established. The paper also addresses the role of networking technologies in establishing such multidisciplinary communities of non-specialist language learners.  相似文献   

红色在汉英两种语言中具有不同的文化内涵,在汉语中多带有褒义色彩,而在英语中多带有贬义色彩。本文通过分析汉英语言中带有红色的词汇不同的文化内涵,探究了引起这种差异的文化根源。  相似文献   

The effects of multiple instructional conditions on self-injury/aggression and on-task behaviours were assessed with a 9-year-old boy diagnosed with childhood disintegrative disorder. Behavioural responses were assessed as part of an educational evaluation to determine the occurrence of target behaviours in relation to varying degrees of educational support. Self-injury/aggression and task engagement were assessed across baseline conditions and instructional conditions involving pre-session access to preferred items, followed by systematic presentation of work tasks with contingent reinforcement and auditory cueing. Results indicated an increase in task engagement and a decrease in the target behaviours from baseline across subsequent conditions. This study lends support for directly assessing the efficacy of specific potential instructional support as a means of developing individualised treatment packages for learners with childhood disintegrative disorder.  相似文献   

面授辅导课在网络教育中被认为是支持学生自主学习的手段之一,在本质和功能上均有别于校园教育中的课堂教学。本研究以北京外国语大学网络教育学院开设的英语技能课程——“高级职业英语”和英语知识课程——“跨文化交际”为例,旨在调查建构主义所倡导的以学生为中心、基于学习任务的教学方法在网络教育面授辅导课中的实现程度、课程类型对实施此娄教学方法的影响及学生对它的反映和评价。研究方法包括调查问卷和统计学分析。研究结果表明:1.网络教育中学生对面授辅导课的需要和重视程度不容忽视;2.课程类型影响学生对面授辅导课的期望、教师的授课方法和学生评价面授辅导课的参考标准;3.作为自主学习的支特手段,面授辅导课在指导学习方法、培养学习能力、评估学习效果和提供情感支持等方面的功能还未得到师生两方面的充分认识和挖掘,研究者在此基础上为如何更好地发挥面授辅导课的助学功能提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

根据建构主义理论,文化教学应主要通过学习者对外来文化信息进行加工,能动建构意义。建立在建构主义理论基础之上的以交际为基础、以学生为中心、通过文化比较的方式、以目的语文化和母语文化双向互动的手段、广泛开展文化课堂教学体验活动的CSCTC文化教学模式旨在帮助学习者以吸收的文化知识为基础内化为对目的文化和本族文化的理解,并最终转化成"对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性",真正成为具备跨文化交际能力的人。  相似文献   

Student diversity within U.S. schools has steadily increased in recent years. This trend has driven significant interest, on the part of schools and school systems, in supporting students who are English learners (ELs) and who are culturally diverse. It has also highlighted, for those schools and school systems, the importance of professional development to prepare teachers to support those students effectively. Teacher experience and knowledge regarding this population is particularly important to the cause of inclusive education, as appropriate supports, instruction and inclusion for these learners are highly dependent on teachers’ knowledge and skills. This study surveyed teachers in three highly diverse elementary schools with high percentages of ELs, students of minority backgrounds, and students receiving free and reduced-price meals. Results indicated that, despite reporting significant previous professional development on cultural and language diversity, teachers lacked familiarity with basic concepts related to cultural and language diversity and to factors considered in the interventions process for diverse learners. These findings, if replicated, may call into question the efficacy of ongoing professional development efforts and underscore the need for more consistent design, delivery, and evaluation of professional development initiatives or programmes.  相似文献   

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