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Co-workers are an important source of information in organizations. Consequently, information managers seek to facilitate the use of such human information sources. Although various studies about what influences the use of human information sources in organizations exist, it is difficult for information managers to utilize insights from this research body. The studies have provided contradictory results regarding the role of accessibility and quality and suffer from various weaknesses. To address these weaknesses, several studies are employing other research methods. This study aims to contribute to the methodological development of this emerging new line of research by exploring the value of a think aloud approach to such studies. In addition, it aims to provide more insight into the role of accessibility and quality in the selection of human information sources in organizations. Fifty-six employees from four governmental organizations were asked to think aloud while selecting human information sources. The findings of this study corroborate those of studies taking a similar approach: source quality is the most dominant factor in the selection of human information sources. The think aloud approach seems a valuable contribution to available research methods to assess the role of accessibility and quality in human source selection in organizations.  相似文献   

The problem of results merging in distributed information retrieval environments has gained significant attention the last years. Two generic approaches have been introduced in research. The first approach aims at estimating the relevance of the documents returned from the remote collections through ad hoc methodologies (such as weighted score merging, regression etc.) while the other is based on downloading all the documents locally, completely or partially, in order to calculate their relevance. Both approaches have advantages and disadvantages. Download methodologies are more effective but they pose a significant overhead on the process in terms of time and bandwidth. Approaches that rely solely on estimation on the other hand, usually depend on document relevance scores being reported by the remote collections in order to achieve maximum performance. In addition to that, regression algorithms, which have proved to be more effective than weighted scores merging algorithms, need a significant number of overlap documents in order to function effectively, practically requiring multiple interactions with the remote collections. The new algorithm that is introduced is based on adaptively downloading a limited, selected number of documents from the remote collections and estimating the relevance of the rest through regression methodologies. Thus it reconciles the above two approaches, combining their strengths, while minimizing their drawbacks, achieving the limited time and bandwidth overhead of the estimation approaches and the increased effectiveness of the download. The proposed algorithm is tested in a variety of settings and its performance is found to be significantly better than the former, while approximating that of the latter.  相似文献   

Synchronous collaborative information retrieval (SCIR) is concerned with supporting two or more users who search together at the same time in order to satisfy a shared information need. SCIR systems represent a paradigmatic shift in the way we view information retrieval, moving from an individual to a group process and as such the development of novel IR techniques is needed to support this. In this article we present what we believe are two key concepts for the development of effective SCIR namely division of labour (DoL) and sharing of knowledge (SoK). Together these concepts enable coordinated SCIR such that redundancy across group members is reduced whilst enabling each group member to benefit from the discoveries of their collaborators. In this article we outline techniques from state-of-the-art SCIR systems which support these two concepts, primarily through the provision of awareness widgets. We then outline some of our own work into system-mediated techniques for division of labour and sharing of knowledge in SCIR. Finally we conclude with a discussion on some possible future trends for these two coordination techniques.  相似文献   

Recent developments have shown that entity-based models that rely on information from the knowledge graph can improve document retrieval performance. However, given the non-transitive nature of relatedness between entities on the knowledge graph, the use of semantic relatedness measures can lead to topic drift. To address this issue, we propose a relevance-based model for entity selection based on pseudo-relevance feedback, which is then used to systematically expand the input query leading to improved retrieval performance. We perform our experiments on the widely used TREC Web corpora and empirically show that our proposed approach to entity selection significantly improves ad hoc document retrieval compared to strong baselines. More concretely, the contributions of this work are as follows: (1) We introduce a graphical probability model that captures dependencies between entities within the query and documents. (2) We propose an unsupervised entity selection method based on the graphical model for query entity expansion and then for ad hoc retrieval. (3) We thoroughly evaluate our method and compare it with the state-of-the-art keyword and entity based retrieval methods. We demonstrate that the proposed retrieval model shows improved performance over all the other baselines on ClueWeb09B and ClueWeb12B, two widely used Web corpora, on the [email protected], and [email protected] metrics. We also show that the proposed method is most effective on the difficult queries. In addition, We compare our proposed entity selection with a state-of-the-art entity selection technique within the context of ad hoc retrieval using a basic query expansion method and illustrate that it provides more effective retrieval for all expansion weights and different number of expansion entities.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the design of a groupware framework, CIRLab, for experimenting with collaborative information retrieval (CIR) techniques in different search scenarios. This framework has been designed applying design patterns and an object-oriented middleware platform to maximize its reusability and adaptability in new contexts with a minimum of programming efforts. Our collaborative search application comprises three main modules: the Core, which supports various modern state-of-the-art CIR techniques that can be reused or extended in a distributed collaborative environment; the Facades Mediator, an event-driven notification service which allows easy integration between the Core and front-end applications; and finally, the Actions Tracker, which allows researchers to perform experiments on the different elements involved in the collaborative search sessions. The applying of this framework is illustrated through the analysis of the collaborative search-driven development case study.  相似文献   

How to merge and organise query results retrieved from different resources is one of the key issues in distributed information retrieval. Some previous research and experiments suggest that cluster-based document browsing is more effective than a single merged list. Cluster-based retrieval results presentation is based on the cluster hypothesis, which states that documents that cluster together have a similar relevance to a given query. However, while this hypothesis has been demonstrated to hold in classical information retrieval environments, it has never been fully tested in heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environments. Heterogeneous document representations, the presence of document duplicates, and disparate qualities of retrieval results, are major features of an heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environment that might disrupt the effectiveness of the cluster hypothesis. In this paper we report on an experimental investigation into the validity and effectiveness of the cluster hypothesis in highly heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environments. The results show that although clustering is affected by different retrieval results representations and quality, the cluster hypothesis still holds and that generating hierarchical clusters in highly heterogeneous distributed information retrieval environments is still a very effective way of presenting retrieval results to users.  相似文献   

In ad hoc querying of document collections, current approaches to ranking primarily rely on identifying the documents that contain the query terms. Methods such as query expansion, based on thesaural information or automatic feedback, are used to add further terms, and can yield significant though usually small gains in effectiveness. Another approach to adding terms, which we investigate in this paper, is to use natural language technology to annotate - and thus disambiguate - key terms by the concept they represent. Using biomedical research documents, we quantify the potential benefits of tagging users’ targeted concepts in queries and documents in domain-specific information retrieval. Our experiments, based on the TREC Genomics track data, both on passage and full-text retrieval, found no evidence that automatic concept recognition in general is of significant value for this task. Moreover, the issues raised by these results suggest that it is difficult for such disambiguation to be effective.  相似文献   

The increasing number of documents that have to be indexed in different environments, particularly on the Web, and the lack of scalability of a single centralised index lead to the use of distributed information retrieval systems to effectively search for and locate the required information. In this study, we present several improvements over the two main bottlenecks in a distributed information retrieval system (the network and the brokers). We extend a simulation network model in order to represent a switched network. The new simulation model is validated by comparing the estimated response times with those obtained using a real system. We show that the use of a switched network reduces the saturation of the interconnection network, especially in a replicated system, and some improvements may be achieved using multicast messages and faster connections with the brokers. We also demonstrate that reducing the partial results sets will improve the response time of a distributed system by 53%, with a negligible probability of changing the system’s precision and recall values. Finally, we present a simple hierarchical distributed broker model that will reduce the response times for a distributed system by 55%.  相似文献   

Users of search engines express their needs as queries, typically consisting of a small number of terms. The resulting search engine query logs are valuable resources that can be used to predict how people interact with the search system. In this paper, we introduce two novel applications of query logs, in the context of distributed information retrieval. First, we use query log terms to guide sampling from uncooperative distributed collections. We show that while our sampling strategy is at least as efficient as current methods, it consistently performs better. Second, we propose and evaluate a pruning strategy that uses query log information to eliminate terms. Our experiments show that our proposed pruning method maintains the accuracy achieved by complete indexes, while decreasing the index size by up to 60%. While such pruning may not always be desirable in practice, it provides a useful benchmark against which other pruning strategies can be measured.  相似文献   

Large-scale web search engines are composed of multiple data centers that are geographically distant to each other. Typically, a user query is processed in a data center that is geographically close to the origin of the query, over a replica of the entire web index. Compared to a centralized, single-center search engine, this architecture offers lower query response times as the network latencies between the users and data centers are reduced. However, it does not scale well with increasing index sizes and query traffic volumes because queries are evaluated on the entire web index, which has to be replicated and maintained in all data centers. As a remedy to this scalability problem, we propose a document replication framework in which documents are selectively replicated on data centers based on regional user interests. Within this framework, we propose three different document replication strategies, each optimizing a different objective: reducing the potential search quality loss, the average query response time, or the total query workload of the search system. For all three strategies, we consider two alternative types of capacity constraints on index sizes of data centers. Moreover, we investigate the performance impact of query forwarding and result caching. We evaluate our strategies via detailed simulations, using a large query log and a document collection obtained from the Yahoo! web search engine.  相似文献   

Engineering a multi-purpose test collection for Web retrieval experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past research into text retrieval methods for the Web has been restricted by the lack of a test collection capable of supporting experiments which are both realistic and reproducible. The 1.69 million document WT10g collection is proposed as a multi-purpose testbed for experiments with these attributes, in distributed IR, hyperlink algorithms and conventional ad hoc retrieval.WT10g was constructed by selecting from a superset of documents in such a way that desirable corpus properties were preserved or optimised. These properties include: a high degree of inter-server connectivity, integrity of server holdings, inclusion of documents related to a very wide spread of likely queries, and a realistic distribution of server holding sizes. We confirm that WT10g contains exploitable link information using a site (homepage) finding experiment. Our results show that, on this task, Okapi BM25 works better on propagated link anchor text than on full text.WT10g was used in TREC-9 and TREC-2000 and both topic relevance and homepage finding queries and judgments are available.  相似文献   

基于Linux和Myeclipse 8.6平台,应用Java语言和开源工具Lucene,采用流行框架Struts 2.2,Spring 3.0,Hibernate 3.6开发了合作检索引擎"天涯·比邻",该搜索引擎主要通过用户检索输入与检索历史及当前检索进程的语词相似度计算来识别潜在用户。从合作检索界面、合作检索实现过程和检索轨迹呈现3个方面对"天涯·比邻"搜索引擎进行详细说明,最后讨论本研究相对于一般搜索引擎后控词表机制的主要改进及进一步研究内容。  相似文献   

This study examines the facets and patterns of multiple Web query reformulations with a focus on reformulation sequences. Based on IR interaction models, it was presumed that query reformulation is the product of the interaction between the user and the IR system. Query reformulation also reflects the interplay between the surface and deeper levels of user interaction. Query logs were collected from a Web search engine through the selection of search sessions in which users submitted six or more unique queries per session. The final data set was composed of 313 search sessions. Three facets of query reformulation (content, format, and resource) as well as nine sub-facets were derived from the data. In addition, analysis of modification sequences identified eight distinct patterns: specified, generalized, parallel, building-block, dynamic, multitasking, recurrent, and format reformulation. Adapting Saracevic’s stratified model, the authors develop a model of Web query reformulation based on the results of the study. The implications for Web search engine design are finally discussed and the functions of an interactive reformulation tool are suggested.  相似文献   

There are a number of combinatorial optimisation problems in information retrieval in which the use of local search methods are worthwhile. The purpose of this paper is to show how local search can be used to solve some well known tasks in information retrieval (IR), how previous research in the field is piecemeal, bereft of a structure and methodologically flawed, and to suggest more rigorous ways of applying local search methods to solve IR problems. We provide a query based taxonomy for analysing the use of local search in IR tasks and an overview of issues such as fitness functions, statistical significance and test collections when conducting experiments on combinatorial optimisation problems. The paper gives a guide on the pitfalls and problems for IR practitioners who wish to use local search to solve their research issues, and gives practical advice on the use of such methods. The query based taxonomy is a novel structure which can be used by the IR practitioner in order to examine the use of local search in IR.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of relevance feedback in a cross-language information retrieval environment. We have performed an experiment in which Portuguese speakers are asked to judge the relevance of English documents; documents hand-translated to Portuguese and documents automatically translated to Portuguese. The goals of the experiment were to answer two questions (i) how well can native Portuguese searchers recognise relevant documents written in English, compared to documents that are hand translated and automatically translated to Portuguese; and (ii) what is the impact of misjudged documents on the performance improvement that can be achieved by relevance feedback. Surprisingly, the results show that machine translation is as effective as hand translation in aiding users to assess relevance in the experiment. In addition, the impact of misjudged documents on the performance of RF is overall just moderate, and varies greatly for different query topics.  相似文献   

王雅南 《中国科技信息》2011,(4):251-252,242
结合信息检索课程性质与高职院校课程改革实际,以信息资源类型为载体,设计了基于工作过程的高职信息检索课学习情境,分析研究学习情境的构建、具体的学习任务及其相互之间的逻辑联系,以及理→实一体化教学组织形式的学法指导与考核评价体系。  相似文献   

Experimental results of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) do not indicate why a model fails or how a model could be improved. One basic research question is thus whether it is possible to provide conditions by which one can evaluate any existing or new CLIR strategy analytically and one can improve the design of CLIR models. Inspired by the heuristics in monolingual IR, we introduce in this paper Dilution/Concentration (D/C) conditions to characterize good CLIR models based on direct intuitions under artificial settings. The conditions, derived from first principles in CLIR, generalize the idea of query structuring approach. Empirical results with state-of-the-art CLIR models show that when a condition is not satisfied, it often indicates non-optimality of the method. In general, we find that the empirical performance of a retrieval formula is tightly related to how well it satisfies the conditions. Lastly, we propose, by following the D/C conditions, several novel CLIR models based on the information-based models, which again shows that the D/C conditions are efficient to feature good CLIR models.  相似文献   

Searchers can face problems finding the information they seek. One reason for this is that they may have difficulty devising queries to express their information needs. In this article, we describe an approach that uses unobtrusive monitoring of interaction to proactively support searchers. The approach chooses terms to better represent information needs by monitoring searcher interaction with different representations of top-ranked documents. Information needs are dynamic and can change as a searcher views information. The approach we propose gathers evidence on potential changes in these needs and uses this evidence to choose new retrieval strategies. We present an evaluation of how well our technique estimates information needs, how well it estimates changes in these needs and the appropriateness of the interface support it offers. The results are presented and the avenues for future research identified.  相似文献   

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