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Question answering (QA) aims at finding exact answers to a user’s question from a large collection of documents. Most QA systems combine information retrieval with extraction techniques to identify a set of likely candidates and then utilize some ranking strategy to generate the final answers. This ranking process can be challenging, as it entails identifying the relevant answers amongst many irrelevant ones. This is more challenging in multi-strategy QA, in which multiple answering agents are used to extract answer candidates. As answer candidates come from different agents with different score distributions, how to merge answer candidates plays an important role in answer ranking. In this paper, we propose a unified probabilistic framework which combines multiple evidence to address challenges in answer ranking and answer merging. The hypotheses of the paper are that: (1) the framework effectively combines multiple evidence for identifying answer relevance and their correlation in answer ranking, (2) the framework supports answer merging on answer candidates returned by multiple extraction techniques, (3) the framework can support list questions as well as factoid questions, (4) the framework can be easily applied to a different QA system, and (5) the framework significantly improves performance of a QA system. An extensive set of experiments was done to support our hypotheses and demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework. All of the work substantially extends the preliminary research in Ko et al. (2007a). A probabilistic framework for answer selection in question answering. In: Proceedings of NAACL/HLT.  相似文献   

With the advances in natural language processing (NLP) techniques and the need to deliver more fine-grained information or answers than a set of documents, various QA techniques have been developed corresponding to different question and answer types. A comprehensive QA system must be able to incorporate individual QA techniques as they are developed and integrate their functionality to maximize the system’s overall capability in handling increasingly diverse types of questions. To this end, a new QA method was developed to learn strategies for determining module invocation sequences and boosting answer weights for different types of questions. In this article, we examine the roles and effects of the answer verification and weight boosting method, which is the main core of the automatically generated strategy-driven QA framework, in comparison with a strategy-less, straightforward answer-merging approach and a strategy-driven but with manually constructed strategies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a generative model, the Topic-based User Interest (TUI) model, to capture the user interest in the User-Interactive Question Answering (UIQA) systems. Specifically, our method aims to model the user interest in the UIQA systems with latent topic method, and extract interests for users by mining the questions they asked, the categories they participated in and relevant answer providers. We apply the TUI model to the application of question recommendation, which automatically recommends to certain user appropriate questions he might be interested in. Data collection from Yahoo! Answers is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model in question recommendation, and the experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed model.  相似文献   

Many existing biomedical extractive question answering methods are based on pre-trained models, which do not take full advantage of the hidden layer knowledge of pretrained models and do not consider span overlap between answers when predicting. To address these issues, we propose a new question answering model, called ALBERT with Dynamic Routing and Answer Voting (ADRAV). The ADRAV can reasonably utilize hidden layer knowledge through dynamic routing, and consider span similarity between answers through answer voting. To improve the performance of the model, we also carry out pre-fine-tuning, and add a dynamic parameter adjustment mechanism in the process of pre-fine-tuning. Experimental results show that our model achieves significant performance improvement with fewer parameters on BioASQ 4b, 5b, 6b, 9b, and outperforms SOTA baselines on BioASQ 4b, 6b.  相似文献   

Question categorization, which suggests one of a set of predefined categories to a user’s question according to the question’s topic or content, is a useful technique in user-interactive question answering systems. In this paper, we propose an automatic method for question categorization in a user-interactive question answering system. This method includes four steps: feature space construction, topic-wise words identification and weighting, semantic mapping, and similarity calculation. We firstly construct the feature space based on all accumulated questions and calculate the feature vector of each predefined category which contains certain accumulated questions. When a new question is posted, the semantic pattern of the question is used to identify and weigh the important words of the question. After that, the question is semantically mapped into the constructed feature space to enrich its representation. Finally, the similarity between the question and each category is calculated based on their feature vectors. The category with the highest similarity is assigned to the question. The experimental results show that our proposed method achieves good categorization precision and outperforms the traditional categorization methods on the selected test questions.  相似文献   

This paper describes how questions can be characterized for question answering (QA) along different facets and focuses on questions that cannot be answered directly but can be divided into simpler ones so that they can be answered directly using existing QA capabilities. Since individual answers are composed to generate the final answer, we call this process as compositional QA. The goal of the proposed QA method is to answer a composite question by dividing it into atomic ones, instead of developing an entirely new method tailored for the new question type. A question is analyzed automatically to determine its class, and its sub-questions are sent to the relevant QA modules. Answers returned from the individual QA modules are composed based on the predetermined plan corresponding to the question type. The experimental results based on 615 questions show that the compositional QA approach outperforms the simple routing method by about 17%. Considering 115 composite questions only, the F-score was almost tripled from the baseline.  相似文献   

This paper presents QACID an ontology-based Question Answering system applied to the CInema Domain. This system allows users to retrieve information from formal ontologies by using as input queries formulated in natural language. The original characteristic of QACID is the strategy used to fill the gap between users’ expressiveness and formal knowledge representation. This approach is based on collections of user queries and offers a simple adaptability to deal with multilingual capabilities, inter-domain portability and changes in user information requirements. All these capabilities permit developing Question Answering applications for actual users. This system has been developed and tested on the Spanish language and using an ontology modelling the cinema domain. The performance level achieved enables the use of the system in real environments.  相似文献   

Recently, reinforcement learning (RL)-based methods have achieved remarkable progress in both effectiveness and interpretability for complex question answering over knowledge base (KBQA). However, existing RL-based methods share a common limitation: the agent is usually misled by aimless exploration, as well as sparse and delayed rewards, leading to a large number of spurious relation paths. To address this issue, a new adaptive reinforcement learning (ARL) framework is proposed to learn a better and interpretable model for complex KBQA. First, instead of using a random walk agent, an adaptive path generator is developed with three atomic operations to sequentially generate the relation paths until the agent reaches the target entity. Second, a semantic policy network is presented with both character-level and sentence-level information to better guide the agent. Finally, a new reward function is introduced by considering both the relation paths and the target entity to alleviate sparse and delayed rewards. The empirical results on five benchmark datasets show that our model is more effective than state-of-the-art approaches. Compared with the strong baseline model SRN, the proposed model achieves performance improvements of 23.7% on MetaQA-3 using the metric Hits@1.  相似文献   

Effective passage retrieval is crucial for conversation question answering (QA) but challenging due to the ambiguity of questions. Current methods rely on the dual-encoder architecture to embed contextualized vectors of questions in conversations. However, this architecture is limited in the embedding bottleneck and the dot-product operation. To alleviate these limitations, we propose generative retrieval for conversational QA (GCoQA). GCoQA assigns distinctive identifiers for passages and retrieves passages by generating their identifiers token-by-token via the encoder–decoder architecture. In this generative way, GCoQA eliminates the need for a vector-style index and could attend to crucial tokens of the conversation context at every decoding step. We conduct experiments on three public datasets over a corpus containing about twenty million passages. The results show GCoQA achieves relative improvements of +13.6% in passage retrieval and +42.9% in document retrieval. GCoQA is also efficient in terms of memory usage and inference speed, which only consumes 1/10 of the memory and takes in less than 33% of the time. The code and data are released at https://github.com/liyongqi67/GCoQA.  相似文献   

Recent studies point out that VQA models tend to rely on the language prior in the training data to answer the questions, which prevents the VQA model from generalization on the out-of-distribution test data. To address this problem, approaches are designed to reduce the language distribution prior effect by constructing negative image–question pairs, while they cannot provide the proper visual reason for answering the question. In this paper, we present a new debiasing framework for VQA by Learning to Sample paired image–question and Prompt for given question (LSP). Specifically, we construct the negative image–question pairs with certain sampling rate to prevent the model from overly relying on the visual shortcut content. Notably, question types provide a strong hint for answering the questions. We utilize question type to constrain the sampling process for negative question–image pairs, and further learn the question type-guided prompt for better question comprehension. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks, VQA-CP v2 and VQA v2, demonstrate that our model achieves new state-of-the-art results in overall accuracy, i.e., 61.95% and 65.26%.  相似文献   

Recently, question series have become one focus of research in question answering. These series are comprised of individual factoid, list, and “other” questions organized around a central topic, and represent abstractions of user–system dialogs. Existing evaluation methodologies have yet to catch up with this richer task model, as they fail to take into account contextual dependencies and different user behaviors. This paper presents a novel simulation-based methodology for evaluating answers to question series that addresses some of these shortcomings. Using this methodology, we examine two different behavior models: a “QA-styled” user and an “IR-styled” user. Results suggest that an off-the-shelf document retrieval system is competitive with state-of-the-art QA systems in this task. Advantages and limitations of evaluations based on user simulations are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article addresses the issue of extracting contexts and answers of questions from posts of online discussion forums. In previous work, general-purpose graphical models have been employed without any customization to this specific extraction problem. Instead, in this article, we propose a unified approach to context and answer extraction by customizing the structural support vector machine method. The customization enables our proposal to explore various relations among sentences of posts and complex structures of threads. We design new inference algorithms to find or approximate the most violated constraint by utilizing the specific structure of forum threads, which enables us to efficiently find the global optimum of the customized optimizing problem. We also optimize practical performance measures by varying loss functions. Experimental results show that our methods are both promising and flexible.  相似文献   

The task of answering complex questions requires inferencing and synthesizing information from multiple documents that can be seen as a kind of topic-oriented, informative multi-document summarization. In generic summarization the stochastic, graph-based random walk method to compute the relative importance of textual units (i.e. sentences) is proved to be very successful. However, the major limitation of the TF*IDF approach is that it only retains the frequency of the words and does not take into account the sequence, syntactic and semantic information. This paper presents the impact of syntactic and semantic information in the graph-based random walk method for answering complex questions. Initially, we apply tree kernel functions to perform the similarity measures between sentences in the random walk framework. Then, we extend our work further to incorporate the Extended String Subsequence Kernel (ESSK) to perform the task in a similar manner. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the use of kernels to include the syntactic and semantic information for this task.  相似文献   

Visual Question Answering (VQA) requires reasoning about the visually-grounded relations in the image and question context. A crucial aspect of solving complex questions is reliable multi-hop reasoning, i.e., dynamically learning the interplay between visual entities in each step. In this paper, we investigate the potential of the reasoning graph network on multi-hop reasoning questions, especially over 3 “hops.” We call this model QMRGT: A Question-Guided Multi-hop Reasoning Graph Network. It constructs a cross-modal interaction module (CIM) and a multi-hop reasoning graph network (MRGT) and infers an answer by dynamically updating the inter-associated instruction between two modalities. Our graph reasoning module can apply to any multi-modal model. The experiments on VQA 2.0 and GQA (in fully supervised and O.O.D settings) datasets show that both QMRGT and pre-training V&L models+MRGT lead to improvement on visual question answering tasks. Graph-based multi-hop reasoning provides an effective signal for the visual question answering challenge, both for the O.O.D and high-level reasoning questions.  相似文献   

本文系统地研究和评价了问答系统(QA)中一系列可能的布尔检索策略。我们首先给出了两个评价指标:覆盖率和答案冗余度,它们被广泛的用于评价QA系统一些标准的排序检索系统的性能。其次我们考虑QA系统中的一些布尔检索策略,也就是如何从用户问题中产生布尔查询式并把与此查询相关的回答结果集返回给用户,然后评价查询的效果。本文的目的是理解如何产生更好的QA查询策略以及那些方法能更有效的实现这种策略。  相似文献   

This paper presents a roadmap of current promising research tracks in question answering with a focus on knowledge acquisition and reasoning. We show that many current techniques developed in the frame of text mining and natural language processing are ready to be integrated in question answering search systems. Their integration opens new avenues of research for factual answer finding and for advanced question answering. Advanced question answering refers to a situation where an understanding of the meaning of the question and the information source together with techniques for answer fusion and generation are needed.  相似文献   

This study theorized and validated a model of knowledge sharing continuance in a special type of online community, the online question answering (Q&A) community, in which knowledge exchange is reflected mainly by asking and answering specific questions. We created a model that integrated knowledge sharing factors and knowledge self-efficacy into the expectation confirmation theory. The hypotheses derived from this model were empirically validated using an online survey conducted among users of a famous online Q&A community in China, “Yahoo! Answers China”. The results suggested that users’ intention to continue sharing knowledge (i.e., answering questions) was directly influenced by users’ ex-post feelings as consisting of two dimensions: satisfaction, and knowledge self-efficacy. Based on the obtained results, we also found that knowledge self-efficacy and confirmation mediated the relationship between benefits and satisfaction.  相似文献   

Community question answering (CQA) services that enable users to ask and answer questions have become popular on the internet. However, lots of new questions usually cannot be resolved by appropriate answerers effectively. To address this question routing task, in this paper, we treat it as a ranking problem and rank the potential answerers by the probability that they are able to solve the given new question. We utilize tensor model and topic model simultaneously to extract latent semantic relations among asker, question and answerer. Then, we propose a learning procedure based on the above models to get optimal ranking of answerers for new questions by optimizing the multi-class AUC (Area Under the ROC Curve). Experimental results on two real-world CQA datasets show that the proposed method is able to predict appropriate answerers for new questions and outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

Community question answering (CQA) services that enable users to ask and answer questions are popular on the internet. Each user can simultaneously play the roles of asker and answerer. Some work has aimed to model the roles of users for potential applications in CQA. However, the dynamic characteristics of user roles have not been addressed. User roles vary over time. This paper explores user representation by tracking user-role evolution, which could enable several potential applications in CQA, such as question recommendation. We believe this paper is the first to track user-role evolution and investigate its influence on the performance of question recommendation in CQA. Moreover, we propose a time-aware role model (TRM) to effectively track user-role evolution. With different independence assumptions, two variants of TRM are developed. Finally, we present the TRM-based approach to question recommendation, which provides a mechanism to naturally integrate the user-role evolution with content relevance between the answerer and the question into a unified probabilistic framework. Experiments using real-world data from Stack Overflow show that (1) the TRM is valid for tracking user-role evolution, and (2) compared with baselines utilizing role based methods, our TRM-based approach consistently and significantly improves the performance of question recommendation. Hence, our approach could enable several potential applications in CQA.  相似文献   

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