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To question power means also to ask what makes us governable and enables us to govern. This paper addresses this issue by rephrasing the question ‘what is power?’ into the question: ‘to what problem can power be seen as a response?’. This transformation allows us to keep the ‘power of power’ in sight. It then elucidates the ‘how’ of power through some conceptual explorations and theoretical clarifications as well as through an explicitly anthropological problematisation of power, as the way in which power is understood depends always also on the way in which people understand themselves. Reassessing Foucault's rejection of anthropological reflections, the paper sketches a structural matrix of human self‐conceptions through which power and also critique can be reconstructed systematically.  相似文献   

《福柯的政治哲学》是马克·凯利基于自身的博士论文而成稿的。马克·凯利认为关于该书的所有观点已经隐含在标题之中:福柯产生的政治哲学思想是连贯一致的。马克·凯利同时认为该书包含了对于福柯的知识论、权力、抵抗和主体性概念最全面的理解。安蒂·莎灯马博士以章节为序,对马克·凯利完整地“将福柯的思想作为一个连贯的政治哲学来呈现”这一宏大体系做出了精妙的评论。  相似文献   

与我国教育语境或现代中心论意义上的主体性概念不同,后现代主义者如福柯认为,主体性是历史地建构起来的,是话语论述、社会实践以及自我创造的产物,具有多样性、流动性和异质性的特点。从福柯之眼透视儿童主体性,我们更容易把握儿童的教育过程以及教育过程中儿童的处境,进而为思考儿童的教育之道以及儿童自身获得实践自由的可能性和现实路径,提供重要的思维工具与行动方向。  相似文献   

教育研究范式转换:从主体性到主体间性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
康伟 《教育科学》2006,22(6):1-4
20世纪80年代以来,我国教育对主体性教育研究的重视,既是教育研究的一大理论收获,也对教育实践起到了积极指导作用。但是,主体性教育研究背后的主客二元对立哲学基础,使主体性教育面临着自身难以克服的矛盾和局限,即用“学生是主体”的理论指导“学生是客体”的实践。笔者明确提出对象的二分法(对象包括主体与客体两部分)、主体性二分法(主体性包括客-主体性与主-主体性两部分),对主体性教育理论进行分析扬弃,确立主体间性教育在主体教育研究中的本体地位,认为主体间性教育就是主体间主体性和理解性平等共在的指导性学习。  相似文献   

对高等学校学生权力的探讨——学生主体地位的政治学视角   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
在高等教育改革发展过程中,学生权力不断演化和制度化确认,为教育教学及其管理中学生主体性的实现提供思想、价值基础和政治学支持。在教育体制改革深化、教育教学及其管理中矛盾日益突出的情境下,我国传统的"二元权力论"已经失去滋生的土壤,教师因为学术而享有压倒性权力值得怀疑,管理者行政权力的无限放大、泛化必须遏制。因此,学生权力必将成为高校权力结构的重要构成,我们在大学组织设计和基本制度安排过程中,要注意把学生权力置于重要的地位。  相似文献   

德国教育哲学近期出现了一些思潮,以法兰克福学派哲学家霍耐特所提出的承认理论和法国哲学家福柯提出的权力理论为指导论述教育学问题.本文试图针对这样的思潮重新论述教育语境中的承认和权力问题.文章第一部分回顾了当代教育哲学中被遗忘的强调教育自身逻辑的欧洲教育学传统,并提出,论述教育中的权力和承认问题不能脱离教育自身逻辑.第二部...  相似文献   

The teaching of foundations courses, and in particular philosophy of education, is frequently under siege in teacher education programs across Canada, as these programs struggle to meet other demands on student teachers. This article results from a panel discussion addressing the context of a variety of undergraduate philosophy of education courses across the country, and the principles and practices instructors take in teaching their discipline. The result of the discussion is a strong argument in favour of teaching philosophy of education as an important means of achieving many of the other aims Faculties of Education and teacher education programs have for their teacher education students, in an atmosphere of reflective thought about the profession and its challenges.  相似文献   

也谈“教育理论指导实践”——兼与彭泽平同志商榷   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“教育理论指导实践”这一命题自身所蕴含的存在域境保证了这一命题的合理性。教育理论指导实践具有多结构性、多层次性和复杂性。教育哲学指导实践是指道实践,是一种运思。教育哲学通过超越实践,从而达到指导实践,实现实践和自身的超越。  相似文献   

高等教育权力理论的形成和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学是权力组织,存在着复杂的权力现象和权力关系。新的权力理论——权力—目的理论认为,"目的"是外化权力的本质内核,是各种权力要素外化作用形成的某种权力格局的内在规定要素。大学的权力是在与政府、市场相互关系中表现出来的独立性和自主性,大学处于三角形的任一位置都是大学与其他要素"牵拉"作用的结果,从某种意义上说,就是大学的自治程度。大学的自治程度高,则权力大,反之,则权力小。而自治与大学的目的是密切相关的。  相似文献   

Despite its ideological saturation, recent neo-liberal education policy has been deeply depoliticising in the sense of reducing properly political concerns to matters of technical efficiency. This depoliticisation is reflected in the hegemony of a managerial discourse and the decontestation of terms like ‘quality’ and ‘effectiveness’, as well as in the apparent consensus around the necessity of particular practices, such as the adoption of ‘standards’ and the implementation of high-stakes testing regimes. The reduction of the political to the technical is not only anti-political but also anti-democratic, with violence often unrecognised behind appeals to consensus, commonsense and ‘rationality’. This study draws on the work of political theorists like Mouffe and Rancière to critique the depoliticisation reflected in recent Australian federal government recent education policy, particularly its notion of an ‘education revolution’ that pre-empts politics through a utopian harmonisation of difference and a reduction of the political to the merely technical and instrumental. This article concludes with some potential starting points for crossing, or traversing, fantasies in education which, along with a recognition of the inescapability of social and political antagonisms, could serve as a basis for a renewed emphasis on the importance of the political in education policy.  相似文献   

教师惩戒权在惩戒过度的极端下走向另一个极端:惩戒流失。在本文中,笔者针对教师惩戒权这一现象从教育法学的角度提出并思考了三个问题:教师惩戒权源自何方?教师惩戒权为何错用?教师惩戒权去向何方?  相似文献   

福柯是法国后现代思潮的重要代表人物之一。他的科学知识权力观对后现代科学产生了重要影响。他指出,权力是一种关系,是一种相互交错的网络,是无主体性的,非中心化的。他特别关注权力的技术、策略和机制等问题。他的科学知识权力观是后现代科学史和科学哲学理论研究的直接理论来源之一。  相似文献   

Key ideas in the work of Michel Foucault are explored and applied to the organized pursuit of knowledge in higher education. His association of power and knowledge accounts for deeply rooted practices in higher education that would need to be mediated or overcome for there to be a revolution in inquiry to occur, such as the one advanced by Nicholas Maxwell. Foucault’s concepts of disciplinary power and bio-power, and how they act to manage the behavior of free citizens, are described. These concepts are then applied to free inquiry, to show how the activity of individual inquirers is managed and how critical inquiry is controlled. The management of inquiry involving four norms, two of them intrinsic to inquiry and the other two extrinsic, is explained. The potential of Foucault’s concept of discursive formations is introduced as a means of reconceiving inquiry to overcome these impediments to a revolution in inquiry.  相似文献   

This article considers the underachievement of RPL in the Australian vocational education and training (VET) system, in terms of its apparent failure to reach and achieve outcomes for marginalised groups. It notes a range of analyses that are currently used to address this concern and draws on doctoral research in progress to highlight ontological questions that are brought to the process by RPL candidates. Axel Honneth's theory of recognition is then introduced as a means to shed light on these issues. Viewing RPL through the lens of a philosophy of recognition and the concept of ontological security the article asks questions about the nature and effects of the assessor–candidate relationship, inviting consideration of this relationship as an intersubjective exchange within a wider, more fundamental ‘struggle for recognition’. It is argued that a more ontological perspective could provide a framework for increasing access to and successful completion of RPL by non-traditional learners.  相似文献   

黑格尔的"恶动力说"受到了种种质疑,其中存在着诸多误解.原因是他们没有从历史的哲学的角度来认真考察这一理论其一,他们不能理解作为"自然存在物"的人具有无法摆脱的"动物性",从而否定了恶的起源及存在的合理性;其二,不能科学地考察"恶动力说"的理论来源及在历史发展中的积极作用;其三,不能站在本体论的高度来认识恶这一历史发展中的"必然".  相似文献   

教育本体是指导学习,则教育主体(指导者)和学习主体(学习者)之间的关系是两主体之间的教学交往关系。在本体论意义下正常的教学交往促使有意识的主体(人)获得并发展主体间性、个人主体性。马克思的异化理论说明交往会发生异化,则教学交往随之发生异化:指导者主体把学习者当做客体对待,这一过程中的两主体逐渐丧失主体间性与个人主体性。因此,主体性教育的出发点是非异化的教学交往,激发教育主体的主体间性,从而促进教育中涉及到的两类主体(针对教育目的,主要是学习主体)的主体间性、个人主体性的发展。  相似文献   

论受教育权   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
每个人都有受教育的权利,中国法律和国际法对此都作了明确的规定。一些西方法学家对有关法律的实施问题进行了研究.但国内外学术界对受教育权的合理性还缺乏深入的探讨。本文根据中国的情况,讨论法律对受教育权的规定,着重研究这一权利的伦理基础,目的是填补一些理论空白,并解决中国学术界十多年来一直争论的关于“教育产业化”的难题。  相似文献   

教育软实力是一国教育发展所形成的对内凝聚力和对外辐射力,它是构筑国家对内发展与对外交往格局的重要力量。在全球竞争时代,中国教育软实力传播面临着全球性教育难题涌现、教育保护主义抬头与教育声音世界表达不畅等挑战。我们应以推进全球教育治理解决世界性教育议题为指引,以扩大教育对外开放深挖国际教育资源为基础,以提炼中国教育经验构建中国教育话语体系为抓手,以推动教育产业升级实现教育创新发展为保障,助推教育软实力走向世界。  相似文献   

对教育行政执法的界定模糊,加剧了权力运行的强弱两极化格局:在狭义层面,执法主体单一、行为种类有限、执法范畴狭隘导致教育法律的实施效果相对有限;而在广义层面,管制任务宽泛、程序制约粗疏、裁量空间扩张又使得执法权行使的自主性有所彰显。欲消解这种强弱两极化的表象,既要坚持广义的教育行政执法概念,更要将多元执法主体和行为纳入行政法规体系,与行政法治的基本理念、原则、制度相衔接,还应当兼顾法律实施的一般性与教育法调整对象的特殊性,实现刚性执法与柔性执法、协同执法与相对集中执法权、硬法规范与软法规范的结合,充分发挥不同执法体制机制在教育治理中的制度价值。  相似文献   

近代哲学是以主体为中心的哲学。康德哲学和黑格尔哲学都是主体中心性的哲学。然面而,康德的主体中心性学和如果离开了交互主体性理解,就是不可思议的。但康德的交互主体性思想被束缚于他的主体性原则的视域内。黑格尔哲学力图跳出康德哲学的纯粹思辩的、主观性的局限,但他由于最终始有发展出一个交互主体性的视域,同样没有超出这种内在局限性。  相似文献   

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