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From the biographical perspective of his own career as a history teacher and trainer, the author explores how the ideological ferment of the last 30 years has shaped the values and principles that have informed classroom practice in the period. The paper contrasts the tolerant, progressive humanism of the post-war era with the intense political controversies of the 1970s and explains how history teachers who recognised the post-modern dilemma and responded with new approaches and methods found themselves blamed for moral decline and falling standards. The arguments of Thomas Greenfield and Alasdair MacIntyre, with their frank acknowledgement of the contested nature of truth and knowledge, are compared with the certainties of Rhodes Boyson, Sheila Lawlor and Melanie Phillips. The History National Curriculum, with its apparatus of objectives and levels, is criticised as an incoherent set of bureaucratic procedures designed to close down classroom debate that appeared to threaten the established order. Research from Texas is cited as evidence that this standardised method may hinder teaching and learning, inducing compliance rather than understanding. In conclusion, a visit to the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre provides an example of how effective history teaching engages with inescapable controversy and is trivialised by an excessive concern with objectives, tests and examinations.  相似文献   

浅谈高校图书馆考研信息服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着“考研热”的持续升温,考研信息服务已成为高校图书馆工作的一项创新服务。结合目前高校图书馆信息服务的现状,有针对性地提出若干服务对策。  相似文献   

文章提出:在“少数民族(硕士研究生)基础培训班”的英语教学中应体现以人为本、因材施教的原则;针对学习者不同的语言能力、认知风格、动机、态度和性格等个别差异制定不同的教学要求,实施不同的教学方法和教学模式。同时,介绍了英语课程体系的基本框架及其教学实施效果。  相似文献   

将基于项目驱动的学习(PBL)引入博士生国际会议交流英语课程,采用质性数据分析项目驱动教学模式在非英语专业博士研究生英语教学中应用的可行性和教学效果.研究结果表明,项目驱动教学模式在项目设计内容、安排和实施等方面适用于非英语专业博士研究生国际会议交流英语课程教学.学生通过完成“英释中国文化”、“模拟导游”和“模拟国际学术会议”三个项目有效提高了英语语言能力、跨文化学术交流能力和获取信息能力,并增加了参加国际学术会议的自信心和团队合作精神.  相似文献   

Programs of professional development for preservice teachers of young children in the United States attempt to align their program goals and candidate performances to The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Association of Childhood Education International (ACEI), and their particular state standards. In addition they attempt to teach candidates to be knowledgeable and reflective practitioners who use the best practices in their field. This article will address one university’s attempt to adopt this process and utilize electronic portfolios. The article will include examples of course objectives, standards, rubrics, and candidate performances interwoven through program matrices in order to insure the proper delivery of instruction while maintaining flexibility and creativity. It is hoped that the article will foster discussion about the strengths and challenges of accountability and academic freedom in preparing candidates in early childhood education.  相似文献   

Over the 10-year period studied, a total of 96 children under 15 years of age were killed in Sweden. This number constituted an average annual rate of 0.6 per 100,000 children. The violence, most frequently involving strangulation, shooting, and stabbing, was largely directed at young children. The pattern of child homicide was mainly characterized by intrafamilial violence, especially in connection with the suicide of a parent-perpetrator. Extrafamilial homicides were rare and only committed by male perpetrators. Cases of child abuse by a parent and cases of sexual abuse were infrequent. By psychiatric examination after the crime, only 10 perpetrators out of 47 examined were found not mentally ill.  相似文献   

研究生入学考试复试改革试探   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
2003年以来研究生入学考试制度发生较大的变化,在复试环节有较为明显的特征转变,但改革后,依然存在许多缺陷。要解决这些问题复试过程必须透明化,必须建立招生自主权制衡机制,强化复试内容,建立复试监控系统,规范调剂复试等。  相似文献   

为满足国家对高层次高质量创新人才的需求,介绍了南京大学以促进博士研究生成长成才、全面提高培养质量为主旨,以配置优质资源为抓手,通过顶层设计、系统谋划、突出核心环节、激发内生动力,建立了切实可行、特色鲜明的南京大学博士研究生资格考核机制。  相似文献   

关于我国硕士研究生的培养模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对我国硕士研究生培养模式进行了历史回顾和中外比较分析,认为使用和完善我国原有培养模式,符合我国国情和研究生培养规律。  相似文献   

创新品质是博士生培养的根本.博士生的培养是建立在科学研究的基础之上的,本文通过分析科学研究的内在规律,指出了学校、导师、学生作为统一的整体,需要在博士培养过程中尊重科学研究规律,各负其责,形成利于创新型科技人才成长的环境.具体结合科学研究的内在需求.有针对性的分析了学校在学术氛围、科研条件、科学管理等方面的责任,导师在学术品德、学术指导、学术交往等方面的责任,学生在责任感、创新意识、自身知识结构等方面的责任.  相似文献   

当前,我国硕士研究生入学考试制度中存在着诸多矛盾与弊端:全国统一划线与各校自主命题之间的矛盾、考生诚信缺失而导致的公平问题、复试过程形式化、不透明以及重专业理论轻综合素质等。可通过实行两段制考试、建立规范诚信系统、规范复试程序、强化复试效果以及全面考核,了解考生综合素质等方式逐步消除入学考试过程中存在的弊端。  相似文献   

从博士生导师的角度,介绍选题前沿化、培养过程精细化以及导师自身素质国际化的博士生培养实践,通过“三位一体”的培养方式分析和总结了国际化视野下优秀博士生培养过程,以对我国博士生培养工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

面向博士生培养的“供给侧”改革,提出了以出口为牵引,招生–培养–毕业–就业一体化的全链条育人模式,具体包括招生环节的从严把关和师生相互适应;培养阶段从多个角度全面锻炼博士生的思维创新能力,并不断提升其综合素质;而毕业阶段则重点指导博士生为下一阶段做好充分准备,并提早规划以更好地应对在工作岗位上可能面临的困难。多年的实践经验表明:招生–培养–毕业–就业一体化全链条育人模式可以很好地确保博士生的培养质量。  相似文献   

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