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This article compares traditional college students' perceptions of effective teaching behaviors with nontraditional students' perceptions. A 15-item questionnaire was completed by undergraduates at a small Southeastern university. Nontraditional students viewed personality and interaction behaviors as more indicative of effective teaching, whereas traditional students focused on behaviors that potentially would enhance grades. The implications of the findings are discussed in light of techniques and approaches that facilitate the needs of both types of students.His major areas of interest include testing and counseling. Nina Mattie, M.A. is a recent graduate of the University of West Florida in the area of school psychology. Stephen J. Vodanovich, Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the psychology department at the University of West Florida. His major areas of interest are social psychology and industrial/organizational psychology. Chris Piotrowski, M.A. is a consultant in forensic psychology. His major areas of interest are personality assessment and online database searching.  相似文献   

This study aims to compare and evaluate the learning ability and performance differences between two groups of students undergoing project-based learning (PjBL), with one group having prior PjBL experience, while the other group is being freshly exposed to PjBL. More specifically, it examines if there are significant differences in knowledge score, problem-solving ability, and eventual project-deliverable outcomes between the two sets of students. Performances were compared via qualitative and quantitative analyses. Key findings have indicated a significant increase in fundamental formative knowledge; enhanced problem-solving abilities; and production of better performing artefacts with regard to the set of design skills between experienced and first-time PjBL groups. This study also highlighted that experienced PjBL students have less conflicts within their groups, and are more receptive to PjBL compared to first-time PjBL students. Results from this study provide a starting point for educators to seek new learning/facilitating strategies that are relevant based on the experience and learning styles of students.  相似文献   

Humanities programs that involve citizens in discovering the relevance of the humanities to contemporary American experience are supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities through its state affiliates. Potential benefits are enhanced through the incorporation of intended learners in the planning and evaluation stages. For a decade, state humanities agencies have been catalysts in the design and delivery of programs that reach adults who have not traditionally been students of the humanities.Ronald Benson is Executive Director of the Georgia Endowment for the Humanities. Before coming to Georgia, Ron was Professor of Philosophy at Ohio Northern University.  相似文献   

To stimulate a flexible lifelong learning system students can enter university via lateral entry. Unlike traditional first-year students, lateral entrance students are not well-studied. Therefore this study focuses on comparing first-year students with a specific group of lateral entrants, namely bridging students at the Faculty of Engineering Technology, KU Leuven. Using Astin’s Input-Environment-Outcome model resulted in (1) Input variables, namely prior education and initial learning and study strategies, (2) Environmental influence, measured with a questionnaire focussing on perceived transition to university, and (3) Outcome variables, namely dropout and academic achievement. Analyses resulted in similarities for the outcome variables, but differences in terms of secondary education. Regarding the input (LASSI) and environmental questionnaires, for only two of the 13 scales a moderate effect was found (perceived preparedness and test strategies). Consequently, research findings of first-year engineering students can be compared, taking into account their specific differences, to the context of bridging students.  相似文献   

数字图书馆与传统图书馆的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章从图书情报学角度出发,对传统图书馆与数字图书馆特点与功能,基本馆藏、资源共享等进行了比较研究,分析了二的区别和联系。  相似文献   

当前许多师范院校都开设了工科专业,一方面顺应了高校改革趋势和学校发展需要,强调多形式办学,进一步拓展新专业,逐渐向多科性、综合性方向发展。另一方面满足了发展现代产业体系和服务地方经济建设的需要,为社会培养具备现代化工程素质的,能适应社会需求、满足生产需要的,更具有社会竞争力的高级工程人才。因此师范院校工科人才的培养要认准目标,找准方向,扬长避短,在高起点提升工科专业学生人文素养,探索一条具有自己特色的道路。  相似文献   

本研究主要运用问卷调查法、统计分析法等研究方法,对民办高职女子院校和普通高职院校女大学生人际关系状况进行对比研究和分析。  相似文献   

中美高中生相异构想(电路部分)之比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
问卷测试表明,中美两国中学生在物理电路部分存在典型的误概念。对比研究中美学生在相应课题误概念的异同,将对两国中学物理教学改革提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

The quality of graduate students enrolled in nontraditional, field-based education was compared to that of graduate students in traditional, on-campus professional education degree programs through grade point average (GPA) and graduate record examination scores. The comparison of mean scores indicated that there is no statistically significant difference (P<.05) between the two groups of students. It was concluded that there is no difference in quality of students enrolled in the two types of graduate programs.  相似文献   

理工科女生教育中的开放式干预   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当理工科女生遭遇职业刻板印象困扰时 ,我们的大学教育能为她们做些什么 ?在男生人数占绝对优势的情况下 ,理工科女生的教育应当从何入手 ?我们能否找到一种有效而又便于操作的教育方式 ?本文作者对华中科技大学 4个理工科院系的 99级女生进行了为期 4年的跟踪研究 ,试图对上述问题做出回答  相似文献   

地理具有实践的特征。开展地理实践活动,有利于激发学生学习地理的兴趣和爱国主义情感,使学生确立正确的人口观、资源观、环境观以及可持续发展观念,增强保护环境的社会责任感和养成良好的行为习惯。本文从乡土实践、合作探究、科学行为等方面对培育学生的人文素养进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Project-based training in an industrial environment is considered for engineering students prior to their graduation. The relevance or effectiveness of such training is deliberated by correlating the training need assessment and its fulfilment as a case study. The need and effectiveness are studied as for the students' choices and preferences of project work, methods and inputs used and technical skills enhanced during training. Finally, the role of industry and faculty at the industry-institute interface is highlighted for its mutual gains.  相似文献   

大中学生英语听力元认知比较研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
采用Vandergrift等人的听力元认知意识调查问卷,对244名大学生和205名中学生进行调查,以探讨听力元认知和听力水平的关系.结果发现:1)大学生的总体英语听力元认知及其计划评价和个人知识维度均高于中学组,且存在显著差异;2)大学组与中学组在集中注意、问题解决和心译三维度不存在统计上的显著差异.研究结果对提高我国中学英语听力教学有启发意义.  相似文献   

在日本教育史上,女子学校的发展离不开女教育家。女教育家们参与或独立创办许多初等、中等和高等女子学校,实施各具特色的教育方针,提升了整个日本社会女性的知识和教养,并鲜明地提出了自己的教育思想和理念,在近代日本的女子教育史上写下了重要的篇章。同样在近代,中国也产生了不少女教育家,她们积极创办各种女子学校,致力于中国妇女的解放运动,但是由于中日两国迥异的社会状况以及文化背景等因素,中日两国女教育家们参与或独立创办的女子学校的发展状况以及产生的社会影响存在着很大的差距。  相似文献   

In recent years, a new population of nontraditional students has emerged in American higher education. That population is made up of foreign nationals and immigrants, refugees, and other aliens. Many of these students have other than traditional credentials. Some have unverifiable credentials, and still others have no credentials at all. Many lack adequate language proficiency, and many are inadequately prepared for success in the fields they have chosen, or been sent, to study. This article presents a glimpse of who these students are, where some are from, and how they are classified. It identifies some of their needs, and states briefly what steps institutions are being urged to take in order to help meet those needs.Professor Hansen is a recipient of the Amoco Foundation-Horace T. Morse Award for Outstanding contributions to Undergraduate Education.  相似文献   

软式排球这一新兴的体育运动项目,以极强的健身性、趣味性已纳入我国中小学体育与健康教材.在高师女生中进行软式排球的教学实验,有娱乐、健身、竞赛等方面的功能.通过在教学中试用两种排球的对比教学,得出了在高师女生中宜于开设软式排球课的结论.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the history interests between American and Chinese college students. Research studies have consistently shown that American students have very limited knowledge on their country's history. American college students usually do better than K-12 students, but their scores are still low. To address the issue, it is important to understand their history interest. By conducting a cross-nation comparison between American and Chinese college students, the authors found that American students had lower history interest than their Chinese cotmterparts, but the difference only existed on their positive feeling toward history. Suggestions have been made on how to increase American students' involvement in the history subject.  相似文献   

高职学生具有一定的民主法制意识,但本科生的民主法制意识更强;高职学生的信仰不是真正意义上的信仰,充其量只是一种"兴趣",本科生的信仰倾向则比较明确和清晰,且政治面貌和信仰相对一致;高职学生和本科生的公德意识要好于公德行为,意识和行为没有特别突出的差异,但高职生在某些方面的公德意识和公德行为确实不如本科生;高职学生在课余时间的支配上,自我学习能力要比本科生弱。  相似文献   

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