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分析了安康农业发展过程中各种农业模式提供的信息,总结出安康农业持续发展的制约因子和可持续农业模式的主要特征,以现有农业模式为基础,把生态目标纳入产业化项目建设范围,构建产业主导型生态农业模式,作为安康可持续农业主体模式.  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国农业生态环境保护面临着严峻的现实挑战和潜在的机遇。而农业资源环境立法价值理念基础的革命和经济体制的渐进发展要求现行农业生态环境保护立法在农业市场环境激变之后必须进行相应的制度创新,对政府在农业生态环境保护中的职能重新定位,强化法律责任的制度约束,并通过对资源权属市场化流转的法律规制,将利益机制引入到农业生态环境保护的整个过程,保护和改善我国本已相当脆弱的农业生态环境,实现农业的持续发展。  相似文献   

农业技术生态学是一门研究农业技术负效应的科学。它全方位深层次剖析农业技术负效应产生的原因、演变规律和控制途径,要求通过生态技术群、社会技术群的优化配套组合,使技术系统在一定的技术生态规范、决策和法规条件下运行,以农产品的环境标志为目标,最大限度地减少农业技术负效应对社会持续发展的危害。该学科是在一种新兴文化———生态文化的背景下提出的,为改革农业技术研究和丰富农业技术教育提供了一个新的知识领域。  相似文献   

中国“两高一优”农业持续发展的挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在正确认识“两高一优”(即高产、优质、高效农业的简称 )农业和持续农业内涵的基础上 ,针对中国农业面临来自生态、社会、经济三方面的非持续性挑战 ,认为“两高一优”农业和持续农业的结合是农业发展的方向 ,并提出了走节水改土化、林网化、规模化之路是促进“两高一优”农业持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

农业是我国国民经济非常重要的基础产业,为了建设新农村,改善生态环境,合理利用自然资源,发展农业经济,消除贫困,通过对我国农业资源的野外调查和室内资料分析,本文侧重于农业生态经济的角度,评述了我国农业经济发展进程中存在的主要矛盾及原因,指示了潜在的生态危机,最后,作者结合我国实际,提出了持续发展中国农业经济的对策。  相似文献   

傈僳族生态观及其现实意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从傈僳族村寨的农业生产、生活起居和民族文化三方面入手进行了详细分析研究 ,认为傈僳族生态观是在长期与自然环境相适应、改造自然环境过程中形成的对自然环境的认识和态度 ,主要体现在生产和生活两个方面 ,应该以辨证的、历史的眼光去看待和评价 ,并通过多种途径保护性地继承和发展傈僳族民族生态观 ,提出了民族生态持续发展的对策和措施。  相似文献   

在美国延绵百年的西部开发运动中,农业开发是比较成功的。但是,由于西部农业开发早期,政府对环境因素的忽视,使美国西部生态环境恶化,联邦政府通过一系列措施来治理日益恶化的生态环境,并针对农业现代化进程中出现的问题制定了相应的金融政策来解决.从而从生态和经营环境两方面改善了西部农民的经营条件.进而促进了西部农业经济的持续发展。这为我国西部开发中生态环境的保护以及更好地解决农民问题提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

论我国农业持续发展的环境及其保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
确保农业持续发展是确保农业支撑国民经济快速发展地位的唯一途径。目前,在农业持续发展的基础环境、政策环境、投入环境、市场环境和生态环境等方面,都存在着不利于农业持续发展的因素。因此,为保证农业的可持续发展,就必须有可行的对策以使农业持续发展的各方面环境得以保护和优化。  相似文献   

一、人地关系思想发展的历史演变 二、可持续发展复合系统示意图表达的四层含义 第一层含义表明该复合系统由生态、经济、社会三大子系统构成,生态持续发展是基础,经济持续发展是条件,社会持续发展是目的.  相似文献   

生态文化是针对困扰当代人类社会持续发展的生态危机提出的一种可持续发展文化,体现了以人类长远利益为崇高目标的价值观,是人类新的生存方式。生态文明是继农业文明,工业文明之后的第三种社会文明形态,是生态文化价值和目标的体现,是人类文化发展的新阶段。生态文化教育是树立全民生态意识,转化为全民的自觉行动的重要途径和方法。高校是直接或间接地推进全社会生态文化建设的重要力量;高等教育肩负着培养建设生态化社会合格人才的重任;高校应以生态文化的理念构建大学校园文化,着力建设生态校园;高校应把传统生态文化作为生态道德教育的重要内容和高校德育教育的新课题,努力提高大学生的心性修养,以增强学生抵御不良思潮的能力。  相似文献   

The three authors have, between them, extensive experience of teaching English, Drama and Media, as well as teaching teachers in these fields. The article explores the implications of the apparently straightforward proposition that these three related domains, whose histories are so closely entangled, should enjoy parity. The proposition is explored with reference to the historical constitution of these elements of what we currently know as ‘English’; and to three vignettes illustrating work in schools which productively confuses the three domains.  相似文献   

在这篇短文里,我将比较Huw Price([7])和我本人([9])关于否定的对称性处理的两种不同方式,并与Robert Brandom关于承诺、资格和不相容性的分析进行对比.这两种方式都可以归为Brandom所谓的规范语用学,是一种关于意义的语义学反实在论:语汇的含义是由人们的受规则支配(即规范的)的语用实践(语用学)予以明确的.这样的处理不同于直觉主义者的语义学反实在论,因为它提供了一种方式,使得我们可以区分"A"和"A得以保证"的推理意义.尽管"证明"具有某种中心地位,但"实证"并不是意义的首要承载者.而这种区分植根于对人们语用实践的细致分析.一方面,根据Price以及我本人的看法,人们既做断定也做否定:另一方面,Brandom则区分了自上而下的承诺与自下而上的资格,以及据此而定义的不相容性概念.本文考察这些不同进路之间的各种关联,并讨论从这些考察中浮现出的一种关于证明的看法.  相似文献   

Generalist Genes: Genetic Links Between Brain, Mind, and Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Genetics contributes importantly to learning abilities and disabilities—not just to reading, the target of most genetic research, but also to mathematics and other academic areas as well. One of the most important recent findings from quantitative genetic research such as twin studies is that the same set of genes is largely responsible for genetic influence across these domains. We call these "generalist genes" to highlight their pervasive influence. In other words, most genes found to be associated with a particular learning ability or disability (such as reading) will also be associated with other learning abilities and disabilities (such as mathematics). Moreover, some generalist genes for learning abilities and disabilities are even more general in their effect, encompassing other cognitive abilities such as memory and spatial ability. When these generalist genes are identified, they will greatly accelerate research on general mechanisms at all levels of analysis from genes to brain to behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract This article brings together some of the literature and research on young people and spirituality from Australia and elsewhere. Using Harris s (1998:109) seven-component approach to defining spirituality, the literature and research about young people and spirituality are grouped and described as such: personal\communal; concerned with justice and with the nonhuman universe; relating to age as well as the Age; concerned with experiences and the rituals that emerge from them; and containing new and refined understandings of the sacred. Within these categories, this article describes certain characteristics of the spirituality of the young, particularly in the Australian context. Some of the implications of these characteristics for those who work with the young in ministry and religious education are then drawn out.  相似文献   

Our research program studies the interaction between cognitive and motivational variables as they affect learning in college courses in biology, English, and psychology and as they are affected by these courses. Intrinsic motivation to learn correlates with self-reported use of elaborative and metacognitive strategies. The correlations of our self-reported motivation and learning strategies with grades were higher in biology than in English. Anxious students achieved better grades in classes that were relatively well organized and were rated high in teacher supportiveness, but interest in the subject matter increased most in less-structured classes.  相似文献   

Kaufman ( 2006a , 2011 ) defines Ideal Visions as measurable statements of the kind of world an organization, as well as its associates and external stakeholders, commits to help create for the future. This study investigated the relationships among several research‐supported variables regarding personality aspects and individual characteristics with indicators of individuals’ motivation to achieve goals aimed at adding value to external clients and society. Indicators of generative beliefs, values, individual differences, and commitment to an Ideal Vision were examined in this study. Generativity (the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation), membership and activity in a formal civic organization, and gender, each demonstrated a statistically significant relationship with commitment to an Ideal Vision. In addition, various values were ranked differentially by those with relatively high versus low commitment to an Ideal Vision. A discussion of how these variables warrant the ongoing investigation into these variables is provided.  相似文献   

Students majoring in criminal justice present an “embarrassment of riches” for academic programs, so little attention has been given to these students and their perspectives on criminal justice programs. However, the assessment movement in higher education and the ACJS encourage self‐examination and program improvement. Further, student satisfaction has been recognized as an important element in the discussion of school and program quality and effectiveness. The present paper presents data from an outcome survey of graduating seniors from a Midwestern public university, with a focus on the reasons why students chose the major, career plans upon graduation, and program satisfaction. The paper explores possible predictors of these variables and discusses the implications of these results for criminal justice faculty, students, and programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the risk of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts and school dropout among youth with poor reading in comparison to youth with typical reading (n = 188) recruited from public schools at the age of 15. In a prospective naturalistic study, youth and parents participated in repeated research assessments to obtain information about suicide ideation and attempts, psychiatric and sociodemographic variables, and school dropout. Youth with poor reading ability were more likely to experience suicidal ideation or attempts and more likely to drop out of school than youth with typical reading, even after controlling for sociodemographic and psychiatric variables. Suicidality and school dropout were strongly associated with each other. Prevention efforts should focus on better understanding the relationship between these outcomes, as well as on the developmental paths leading up to these behaviors among youth with reading difficulties.  相似文献   

We report on how fifty superintendents (chief executive officers of public school systems, each invited by a researcher to participate) from seven states in the US talked in eight focus groups of their perspectives on their influence as leaders, their efforts to communicate with stakeholders, and how they learn from these stakeholders. We maintain that our participants’ revelations suggest that three definitions must be expanded to fit their work. First, influence or authority must be seen not merely as vested in the superintendent; rather, these superintendents described their leadership in terms of working with and through others. Second, organizational communication for these superintendents is more than the district’s leader communicating his or her perceptions and wishes to others; it is more relational, in which a variety of actors communicate their perspectives to one another. Third, this type of inter‐professional leadership leads logically to relational mentoring, where learning does not pass merely from expert to novice; rather, superintendents described their roles in terms of various parties learning from and teaching one another. We discuss implications of these insights for practice, research, and preparation.  相似文献   

This article examines the Common Core State Standards as they apply to writing and students with learning disabilities (LD). We first consider why the implementation of these standards is advantageous to writing instruction for students with LD as well as the challenges in implementing them. Next, we make the following four recommendations in terms of their implementation: (1) increase general and special education teachers’ knowledge about writing development; (2) create a writing environment in which students with LD can thrive; (3) employ evidence‐based writing practices in general education classes (where most students with LD are taught); and (4) use evidence‐based writing practices effective with students with LD. We conclude by considering research that still needs to be undertaken to help educators maximize the probability that students with and without LD meet the writing benchmarks proposed in these Standards.  相似文献   

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